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political economy of development

The Political Economy of Development: A Critical Assessment of Balochistan, Pakistan

The Political Economy of Development: A Critical Assessment of Balochistan, Pakistan

... of development would be in a society that coexists with the primitive tribal ...the political economy of the ...actual political and economic powers always cling on to the centrist forces and ...


Political Economy of Tourism in Pakistan: The Role of Terrorism and Infrastructure Development

Political Economy of Tourism in Pakistan: The Role of Terrorism and Infrastructure Development

... and development of infrastructure and tourist ...is political economy of war against terrorism and development of infrastructure in ...


The political economy of the clean development mechanism (CDM) governance system

The political economy of the clean development mechanism (CDM) governance system

... Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) function in political economy terms? In order to analyse the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) system, this paper will utilise the overarching concept of ...


The political economy of tourism development: A critical review

The political economy of tourism development: A critical review

... of political economy analysis in tourism is the ‘kaleidoscopic character of tourism capitalism’ (Gibson, 2009: 529), and the concomitant difficulty of exerting ‘property rights over tourism experiences’ ...


The political economy of development in China : political agendas and economic realities

The political economy of development in China : political agendas and economic realities

... Asian Development Bank (ADB) terms ‘a basic level of survival’ (ADB, 2004: 4) based on an index linked basic standard of living survey taken in 1985, and are not widely considered to be internationally ...


Field Experiments and the Political Economy of Development

Field Experiments and the Political Economy of Development

... the political econ- omy of development, many field experiments go a step further and seek to study subject behavior in actual political processes, often im- plemented by someone other than the exper- ...


Essays on the political economy of development

Essays on the political economy of development

... Figure 2.2: ELF and Ethnic Salience By District, Country Means While I have thus far pointed to the clear need for including a 'salience' component of ethnicity in my measure of ethnic d[r] ...


Stepchildren of progress : the political economy of development in an Indonesian mining town

Stepchildren of progress : the political economy of development in an Indonesian mining town

... The shortages of consumer goods were felt as extreme hardship by the people of Soroako, attesting to the crucial role they had come to play in the local economy. The lack of salt, as well as patent medicines, was ...


The political economy of development

The political economy of development

... At the same time, Cliffe Leslie, another past member whom we are proud to claim3 stressed the importance of " the collective agency of the community, through its positive institutions as[r] ...


Essays on the political economy of development in Nigeria

Essays on the political economy of development in Nigeria

... The second condition relates to the exclusion restriction, i.e. oil price variations should not affect political variables through another channel than transfers. Given the importance of transfers in state budgets ...


Essays on the political economy of development in Colombia

Essays on the political economy of development in Colombia

... on Political Budget Cycles are extensive and have found dif- ferent evidence about the incidence of fiscal deficits, total expenditures and total revenues before ...of political budget cycles is much larger ...


Essays on the political economy of development

Essays on the political economy of development

... Economic conditions have been found to be important determinants of insurgent activity both internationally (Collier and Hoeffler, 2004; Miguel et al., 2004) and in Colombia (Dube and Vargas, 2013), so I turn next to the ...


Towards a political economy of incentives in managing for development results

Towards a political economy of incentives in managing for development results

... Foreign-sponsored bribery is considered by many observers in developing countries to be the most significant factor to corruption 60 , which is characteristic of a narrowing of interests. International bribery can ...


‘Smart development’  An essay on a new political economy of the environment

‘Smart development’ An essay on a new political economy of the environment

... Migrants bring broader economic benefits, including higher rates of innovation. Data from the United States show that between 1950 and 2000, skilled migrants boosted innovation: a 1.3 per cent increase in the share of ...


Review of "Industrial Policy and Development: The Political Economy of Capabilities Accumulation"

Review of "Industrial Policy and Development: The Political Economy of Capabilities Accumulation"

... of development and the critical role for industrial policy proposed by the various con- tributors in this volume could be summarized as ...an economy is able to go through radical structural shifts, such as ...




... In the past many tribal people protested against SEZs and industrial estates that extended to their own lands. For many decades the exploration of iron ore, magnesium, silica and bauxite deposits were found in various ...


Effects of political economy on development in Cote d’Ivoire

Effects of political economy on development in Cote d’Ivoire

... The armed forces are the other decisive set of Ivorian actors. The national army has remained factionalised based on ethnicity and partisanship, and its cohorts lack cohesion and discipline. Moreover, Ouattara has ...


Essays in Economic Development and Political Economy

Essays in Economic Development and Political Economy

... The multi-stage randomized assignment of polling station teams was employed state wide in Bihar beginning in 2004, and has since been adopted nation-wide, covering more than 814 million registered voters across 543 ...


Three essays on political economy and economic development

Three essays on political economy and economic development

... incomes on a large number of outcome variables, including clothing, housing, die- tary choices and education. Mazumder notes that "[t]he education of children was another investment soldiers willingly made" ...


The Political Economy of International Debt and Third World Development

The Political Economy of International Debt and Third World Development

... Once the Third World country's external debt had increased at rates from 20-30 percent over a period of ten years, and the levels of external debt had begun to approach 40-50 percent or [r] ...


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