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Preclinical and Clinical study.

Preclinical and clinical study of siddha drugs “Rajaelathy Chooranam” (Internal) and “Nathai Choori Ennai” (External) in the treatment of “Kumbavaatham” (Periarthritis)

Preclinical and clinical study of siddha drugs “Rajaelathy Chooranam” (Internal) and “Nathai Choori Ennai” (External) in the treatment of “Kumbavaatham” (Periarthritis)

... entitled Preclinical And Clinical Study Of Siddha Drug “Rajaelathy Chooranam” (Internal) and “Nathai choori Ennai” (External) in the treatment of “Kumbavaatham” (Periarthritis) is a bonafide and ...


Drugs under preclinical and clinical study for treatment of acute and chronic lymphoblastic leukemia

Drugs under preclinical and clinical study for treatment of acute and chronic lymphoblastic leukemia

... patients. Preclinical studies with various agents have resulted in positive outputs with Phase III trial drugs and monoclonal antibodies entering clinical ...under preclinical and clinical ...


Preclinical and Clinical Study on Ceganavatham

Preclinical and Clinical Study on Ceganavatham

... This study therefore, supports its use in folk medicine both as analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent and calls for further investigations to elucidate its mechanism of ...


Safety and Efficacy of Chandrakanthi Choornam in Oligospermia – A Preclinical and Clinical study.

Safety and Efficacy of Chandrakanthi Choornam in Oligospermia – A Preclinical and Clinical study.

... The study was conducted in accordance with the guidelines of the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) and GCP adapted from ICH and accepted by ...The study was conducted for one year in between April ...


Preclinical and Clinical Study on Padarthamarai  (படர் தாமரை) (Pundareega Kuttam)

Preclinical and Clinical Study on Padarthamarai (படர் தாமரை) (Pundareega Kuttam)

... Padarthamarai is one among the 18 types of kuttam.It principally affects the skin especially face, axilla, body, inguinal region and nails causing a severe itching and burning sensation. It is a highly contagious disease ...


Preclinical and Clinical Study on Azhal Keel Vaayu (அழல் கீல் வாயு)

Preclinical and Clinical Study on Azhal Keel Vaayu (அழல் கீல் வாயு)

... The trial drug Avuri Karpam, Internally and Vadha Noikku Ennai Externally are given continuously for 48 days. OP patients are requested to visit the hospital once in seven days. In each and every visit clinical ...


Preclinical and Clinical study on Vaayu Kunmam

Preclinical and Clinical study on Vaayu Kunmam

... Vaayu Kunmam is one among the eight types of Kunmam as mentioned by Siddhar Yugi in his ‘Yugi Vaithia chinthamani’ The signs and symptoms of Vaayu Kunmam are Indigestion, nausea or Vomiting, aversion to food, flatulence, ...


Preclinical and Clinical Study on Uthiravatha Suronitham (உதிரவாத சுரோணிதம்)

Preclinical and Clinical Study on Uthiravatha Suronitham (உதிரவாத சுரோணிதம்)

... I, Dr. S. Kumar, studying M.D(Siddha) at National Institute of Siddha, Tambaram Sanatorium is doing a trial on Uthiravatha Suronitham ( Rheumatoid Arthritis). Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a most common persistent ...


Preclinical and Clinical Study on Venpulli (வெண்புள்ளி)

Preclinical and Clinical Study on Venpulli (வெண்புள்ளி)

... The history of Siddha medicine is as old as history of Tamil culture and civilization. “Siddha system” is an unique system of medicine because it is both medically and spiritually enriched. Siddha heritage is invaluable ...


A Study on Thandaga Vatham (தண்டக  வாதம்)

A Study on Thandaga Vatham (தண்டக வாதம்)

... for preclinical and clinical study with “Akkini Chooranam” as Internal drug, is a classical siddha formulation mentioned in text ‘Agasthiyar Vaithiya Rathina Churukkam’, which is indicated for all ...


Preclinical and Comparative Clinical Study of Maruthampattai Kudineer and Yogam Therapy in the management of Madhumegam (Type II Diabetes)

Preclinical and Comparative Clinical Study of Maruthampattai Kudineer and Yogam Therapy in the management of Madhumegam (Type II Diabetes)

... Young adult wistar rats of 8-12 weeks old weighing 140-160 gms of both the sex was used for study. The body weight range should be within ± 20% of the mean body weight at the time of Randomization and grouping. ...


Medical students’ assessment preferences at King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia

Medical students’ assessment preferences at King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia

... their clinical phase, but most of the other courses are not well integrated horizontally or ...the clinical group preferred supporting ...increasing study load in the clinical ...increase ...


Students' perceptions about the transition to the clinical phase of a medical curriculum with preclinical patient contacts; a focus group study

Students' perceptions about the transition to the clinical phase of a medical curriculum with preclinical patient contacts; a focus group study

... of clinical reasoning skills, students noted that non-analytical reasoning became more prominent during clinical training and was facilitated by the rapid expansion of their 'reference data- base' as a ...


Polymeric nanoparticle-docetaxel for the treatment of advanced solid tumors: phase I clinical trial and preclinical data from an orthotopic pancreatic cancer model

Polymeric nanoparticle-docetaxel for the treatment of advanced solid tumors: phase I clinical trial and preclinical data from an orthotopic pancreatic cancer model

... I clinical trial that allowed us to determine the MTD, and evaluate the safety and pharmacokinetics of PNP-DTX in advanced solid ...the clinical trial were performed in accordance with clinical ...


Llovera Garcia, Gemma


	The choroid plexus in post-stroke neuroinflammation.

Dissertation, LMU München: Medizinische Fakultät

Llovera Garcia, Gemma (2019): The choroid plexus in post-stroke neuroinflammation. Dissertation, LMU München: Medizinische Fakultät

... 2 clinical trial was initiated recently to test the effect of natalizu- mab in patients with acute ischemic stroke [ACTION (Effect of Natalizumab on Infarct Volume in Acute Ischemic Stroke) trial, Clinical- ...


New cast for a new era: preclinical cancer drug development revisited

New cast for a new era: preclinical cancer drug development revisited

... under study is usually missing in preclinical trials, which could be another mechanism of mortality in mice rather than advanced tumor ...between preclinical and clinical ...


A Study on Madhumegam

A Study on Madhumegam

... Decreased enzymatic activity of hexokinase, glucokinase and substrate glucose-6- phospate has been reported in diabetic animals resulting in depletion of liver and muscle glycogen. [16] The present study also had ...


A Study on Valikanam

A Study on Valikanam

... Sathaveri kirudham at the dose 1.26ml/animal did not exhibit any mortality in mice. No behavior changes were noted for the first 4 hours and for the next 24 hours and throughout the study period of 14 days. No ...


A Study on Mandhara Kasam (Bronchial Asthma)

A Study on Mandhara Kasam (Bronchial Asthma)

... It was killed by stunning with a sharp blow on the head and cutting its throat to bleed to death. The abdomen was quickly opened and the viscera inspected and loops of intestine identified using the patch as a landmark. ...


Regulation of immunotherapeutic products for cancer and FDA’s role in product development and clinical evaluation

Regulation of immunotherapeutic products for cancer and FDA’s role in product development and clinical evaluation

... for clinical development of a chemotherapeutic agent involves initial testing in patients with advanced/metastatic diseases and different tumor types to determine the optimal dose, schedule, and ...of study ...


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