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Quercus leucotrichophora

Genetic Diversity in Quercus leucotrichophora Populations Through RAPD Markers

Genetic Diversity in Quercus leucotrichophora Populations Through RAPD Markers

... Quercus leucotrichophora is an evergreen tree which is usually twisted and has wiry ...Q. leucotrichophora were studied using RAPD ...of Quercus leucotrichophora ranged from ...


Screening of phytoconstituents and antibacterial activity of leaves and bark of Quercus leucotrichophora A. Camus from Uttarakhand Himalaya

Screening of phytoconstituents and antibacterial activity of leaves and bark of Quercus leucotrichophora A. Camus from Uttarakhand Himalaya

... percentages (area per cent) and the retention time (RT) of the components are listed in Tables 1 and 2. In leaves extract of QL, 62 components were identified, represent- ing 94.54% of the total plant extract, in which ...


Adsorption Behavior of Waste Leaves of Quercus Leucotrichophora for the Removal of Ni2+ and Cd2+ Ions from Waste Water

Adsorption Behavior of Waste Leaves of Quercus Leucotrichophora for the Removal of Ni2+ and Cd2+ Ions from Waste Water

... waste water under batch experiments using the waste leaves of Quercus leucotrichophora as low cost adsorbents. The adsorbent was characterized by FTIR and FESEM methods and the batch experiments included ...


Species richness, plant diversity and composition with respect to altitudinal variation in western nayar watershed, uttarakhand, india

Species richness, plant diversity and composition with respect to altitudinal variation in western nayar watershed, uttarakhand, india

... on the basis of their density values as compare to other species recorded. In the lower altitudinal range (700-900 m), Pinus roxburghii (1.50) was observed as most dominant tree species followed by Pyrus pashia (1.30), ...


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... Oak Quercus leucotrichophora (Fabaceae), which occurs in the moist temperate forest zone from the western to the central Himalaya (Table ...Q. leucotrichophora by Verma et ...


Altitudinal variation in soil organic carbon stock in coniferous subtropical and broadleaf temperate forests in Garhwal Himalaya

Altitudinal variation in soil organic carbon stock in coniferous subtropical and broadleaf temperate forests in Garhwal Himalaya

... The current global stock of soil organic carbon is esti- mated to be 1,500–1,550 Pg [1,17,18]. This constituent of the terrestrial carbon stock is twice that in the earth's atmosphere (720 Pg), and more than triple the ...


The total ash content in young Albanian oak trees   (Quercus cerris.L and Quercus frainetto Ten)

The total ash content in young Albanian oak trees (Quercus cerris.L and Quercus frainetto Ten)

... Turkey oak (Quercus Cerris L.) and Italian oak (Quercus Frainetto Ten ) are two wood species widely distributed in Albania .Oak forest are located near populated areas and they are often clear cut and ...


Winter grafting of oaks Quercus L

Winter grafting of oaks Quercus L

... ABSTRAKT: V letech 1999 až 2004 jsme výzkumně řešili technologii zimního a letního roubování dubů. V tech- nologických pokusech jsme pracovali s pěti taxony dubů: Quercus frainetto, Q. macranthera, Q. pubescens ...


Historic Forest Structure and Composition of the Dry Mesic Basic Oak-Hickory Forest and Xeric Hardpan Forest Community Types of the Picture Creek Diabase Barrens: Insights from Dendrochronology

Historic Forest Structure and Composition of the Dry Mesic Basic Oak-Hickory Forest and Xeric Hardpan Forest Community Types of the Picture Creek Diabase Barrens: Insights from Dendrochronology

... For individuals unsuitable for coring (e.g., with rotten centers), all other data described above were still recorded. Unsuitable individuals belonged primarily to Quercus rubra. Individuals of this species tend ...


Seasonal Variation in Flammability Characteristics of Quercus marilandica and Quercus stellata Leaf Litter Burned in the Laboratory

Seasonal Variation in Flammability Characteristics of Quercus marilandica and Quercus stellata Leaf Litter Burned in the Laboratory

... The objectives of this study were to deter- mine the flammability characteristics of Q. stellata and Q. marilandica leaf litter from ini- tial leaf fall to nearly 350 days after leaf fall. In a similar study, but only ...


Forest reclamation of dumpsites of coal combustion by products (CCB)

Forest reclamation of dumpsites of coal combustion by products (CCB)

... the extraction of slates. An experimental plot for the testing of coal combustion by-products for forest reclamation purposes was established on compacted stabilizate (reclamation variant “C”) using the tech- nology of ...


Oak (Quercus branti): An overview

Oak (Quercus branti): An overview

... Turkey. Quercus brantii (covering more than 50% of the Zagros forest area in Iran) is the most important tree species of the Zagros in ...name: Quercus branti) is the name of trees and their ...


Comparison of general tree characteristics of less known oak species Quercus dalechampii Ten  and Quercus polycarpa Schur

Comparison of general tree characteristics of less known oak species Quercus dalechampii Ten and Quercus polycarpa Schur

... ABSTRAKT: Studie se zabývá základními lesnickými charakteristikami dubů Quercus dalechampii Ten. a Quercus polycarpa Schur a rozdíly mezi nimi. Byla u nich měřena výčetní tloušťka, celková výška a výška ...


Attelabus Nitens (Scop.) – an Abundant but Biologically Little Known Species from the Family of Attelabidae (Coleoptera)

Attelabus Nitens (Scop.) – an Abundant but Biologically Little Known Species from the Family of Attelabidae (Coleoptera)

... According to literature, A. nitens occurs on woody plants of nine different genera. Most often it is reported on Quercus spp. and very often also on Castanea sativa Mill. Tree species considered as hosts sometimes ...


Microfluidic extraction of tannic acid from Quercus leaves

Microfluidic extraction of tannic acid from Quercus leaves

... may have a significant effect on the extract quality, the solvent used provides the most obvious means of influencing the extract qualitative composition. The preliminary experiments were conducted to select a suitable ...


Reconstruction of Inner Worm Passage of Quercus Mongolica Seeds

Reconstruction of Inner Worm Passage of Quercus Mongolica Seeds

... Second, the study also found that among all dimensions of Career Management assessed in the study, Basic, Formal, Active Planning and Active Management Activities signific[r] ...


Reconstruction of Inner Worm Passage of Quercus Mongolica Seeds

Reconstruction of Inner Worm Passage of Quercus Mongolica Seeds

... Through the comprehensive analysis of all aspects of LNG maritime transportation, this paper finds out the influencing factors affecting the safety of the whole process and c[r] ...


Reconstruction of Inner Worm Passage of Quercus Mongolica Seeds

Reconstruction of Inner Worm Passage of Quercus Mongolica Seeds

... Ramdev, yoga, health, natural, chemical free, herbal, ayurveda, swadeshi, traditional products have an edge over the multinational and foreign players who are operating in[r] ...


Reconstruction of Inner Worm Passage of Quercus Mongolica Seeds

Reconstruction of Inner Worm Passage of Quercus Mongolica Seeds

... The study confers that IT & ITES sector, BFSI sector, Healthcare & life sciences sector and manufacturing sector are the major sectors attracting venture capital[r] ...


Reconstruction of Inner Worm Passage of Quercus Mongolica Seeds

Reconstruction of Inner Worm Passage of Quercus Mongolica Seeds

... Thus the study focus on two objectives as To identify the impact of employee job rotation practices on job performances of Operational levels employees in banking indust[r] ...


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