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Rate of Profit

The rate of profit in the Greek economy 1988 1997  an input output analysis

The rate of profit in the Greek economy 1988 1997 an input output analysis

... Our results show that the rate of profit and the profit-wage ratio are robust to the type of price system used for their evaluation. These findings should not come as a surprise since in a study of ...


The labour theory of value, risk and the rate of profit

The labour theory of value, risk and the rate of profit

... money rate of profit is related to the underlying rate of surplus and can be positive only if the underlying surplus is also positive (Robinson, ...


A general refutation of Okishio’s theorem and a proof of the falling rate of profit

A general refutation of Okishio’s theorem and a proof of the falling rate of profit

... the rate of profit falls continuously unless capitalist consumption exceeds profit, as occurs in a ...the profit rate can be permanently offset only in such ...


Social Structures of disaccumulation: a 101 on the rate of profit and the cause of crisis

Social Structures of disaccumulation: a 101 on the rate of profit and the cause of crisis

... average rate of profit, accompanied by its tendency to equalise through competition, as the governing factor of the way that any capital – be it an industrial, landed, merchant or purely money capital – may ...


The historical transience of capital: the downward trend in the rate of profit since XIX century

The historical transience of capital: the downward trend in the rate of profit since XIX century

... weighted rate including this country, in relation with the weighted without this ...the rate of profit in China has a growing influence in the systemic ...the rate of ...


Falling Rate of Profit and Overaccumulation in Marx and Keynes

Falling Rate of Profit and Overaccumulation in Marx and Keynes

... expected profit rate net of interest payments, that is, in Marx’s analysis the current or past rate of profit of enterprise are crucial for the current capital ...expected rate of ...


Marxian debates on the falling rate of profit

Marxian debates on the falling rate of profit

... The profit rate in fact depends on the accounting unit; hence measured in labour hours, the rate of profit is different from the physicalist rate of profit and each of these in ...


Making Sense of the Rate of Profit

Making Sense of the Rate of Profit

... a rate of profit that is identical to the physical rate of profit, something very peculiar must be going on with the concept of value being ...


Price, target rate of profit and entry preventing

Price, target rate of profit and entry preventing

... Mr Harrod was rightly criticised in that there exists other factors which influence the degree of monopoly in the opposite direction. For instance, in the slump, cartels are created to save profits and this of course ...


Capital Accumulation and the Rate of Profit in a Two Class Economy with Optimization Behavior

Capital Accumulation and the Rate of Profit in a Two Class Economy with Optimization Behavior

... preference rate, the parameter of the production function, and the popula- tion growth rate, we obtain two kinds of long-run equilibria, the Pasinetti equilibrium and dual equilibrium `a la ...


The Course of the Profit Rate

The Course of the Profit Rate

... falls within these dates, which in turn depends on which year the given period falls, not to mention the religious proclivities of the state authorities and the resolution of any conflict between these proclivities and ...


Incentive compatible sukukmusharkah for private sector funding: Comment

Incentive compatible sukukmusharkah for private sector funding: Comment

... the profit sharing ratio σ for the bank at the macro level is likely to be the function of four variables – r the expected rate of profit on total capital employed, the ratio ƛ of bank finance to ...


Marx's theory of crisis in the context of financialization  analytical insights on the current crisis

Marx's theory of crisis in the context of financialization analytical insights on the current crisis

... the rate of profit. The lower the rate of profit the higher the leverage ...the rate of ...low profit rates, the objective was to create a positive profit of enterprise by ...


Confronting the Evidence: Marx's Historians on the Falling Profit Rate

Confronting the Evidence: Marx's Historians on the Falling Profit Rate

... a rate of profit that is identical to the physical rate of profit, something very peculiar must be going on with the concept of value being ...


The Profit Rate in the Presence of Financial Markets: a Necessary Correction

The Profit Rate in the Presence of Financial Markets: a Necessary Correction

... Two prefatory remarks are called for. First, these results are significant for non-Marxist theories in which the rate of profit also figures (see Toporowski 1999). However, I focus on Marx’s concept because ...


Public Debt and J S  Mill’s Conjecture: A Note

Public Debt and J S Mill’s Conjecture: A Note

... Classical economists (mainly Smith, Ricardo and J.S. Mill) saw in the rising public debt the growth of unproductive government expenditures and the crowding out of the private savings which diminish society’s investible ...


An endogenous profit rate cycle

An endogenous profit rate cycle

... the rate of profit as a determinant of investment behaviour has been either incidental or absent, and the adjustment process has focussed either on the interaction between investment and consumption or ...


Price, value and profit – a continuous, general, treatment

Price, value and profit – a continuous, general, treatment

... the profit rate, or perhaps some external or specific endogenous event – it is irrelevant what the immediate cause is – will bring to an end the period of generally rising ...underlying rate of ...


Industry rates of return in Korea and alternative theories of competition: equalising convergence versus tendential equalisation

Industry rates of return in Korea and alternative theories of competition: equalising convergence versus tendential equalisation

... average rate of profit were obtained from the OECD STAN Industrial Analysis database: the net capital stock at current replacement costs (CAPN code), compensation of employees (LABR code), net operating ...


What makes the US Profit Rate Fall?

What makes the US Profit Rate Fall?

... the rate of profit must fall for ever? This extreme form of Marx’s conception of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall has played a disproportionate role in Marxist discussions and has to ...


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