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semistructured interviews



... Allergic rhinitis is most common, often neglected and costly disorder that affects respiratory system. Different co-morbidities such as sinusitis, asthma, otitis media are associated with it. It also affects quality of ...


Parent views on the content and potential impact of respiratory tract infection surveillance information: semistructured interviews to inform future research

Parent views on the content and potential impact of respiratory tract infection surveillance information: semistructured interviews to inform future research

... The interviews then explored the perceived value and impact of receiving the surveillance information including its usefulness and poten- tial impact on perceptions of child illness and management practices such ...


The Rise of an Emerging Diplomatic Actor? Assessing the Role of the EU Delegation to the African Union  EU Diplomacy Paper 13 / 2017

The Rise of an Emerging Diplomatic Actor? Assessing the Role of the EU Delegation to the African Union EU Diplomacy Paper 13 / 2017

... I analysed the websites of the EUDEL to the AU and of the EU member states’ permanent missions to the AU between March and Mai 2017 and conducted ten semistructured interviews with offic[r] ...


Father-Son Communication About Consistent and Correct Condom Use

Father-Son Communication About Consistent and Correct Condom Use

... 1.5-hour semistructured interviews for fathers and sons were conducted and audio recorded in 2017 by bilingual (English and Spanish) interviewers in the participants’ homes or a location in the community ...


Semistructured interviewing in primary care research: a balance of relationship and rigour

Semistructured interviewing in primary care research: a balance of relationship and rigour

... advocacy, semistructured interviews are an attractive approach for family medicine researchers, even if working in a setting with limited research ...


"We are everything to everyone": a systematic review of factors influencing the accountability relationships of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workers (AHWs) in the Australian health system

"We are everything to everyone": a systematic review of factors influencing the accountability relationships of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workers (AHWs) in the Australian health system

... et al., 2006 [38] Journal/publication Title Author date Empirical: qualitative descriptive; semistructured interviews with 5 AMIC workers and 4 midwives Non-empirical: commentary with mi[r] ...


Strengthening participation by young women sex workers in HIV programs: reflections on a study from Bangkok, Thailand

Strengthening participation by young women sex workers in HIV programs: reflections on a study from Bangkok, Thailand

... used semistructured interviews to explore the participation reports of five young women sex workers, as well as the related views of two community support workers, who lived and worked in Bangkok, ...


Planting and Tending Digital nature Hybrids in a Walled Kitchen Garden

Planting and Tending Digital nature Hybrids in a Walled Kitchen Garden

... Audio Apple Developments In keeping with our methodological approach and theoretical grounding, we used open, semistructured interviews to gather data from visitors, volunteers, and gard[r] ...


A pilot randomised controlled trial of a preconsultation web based intervention to improve the care quality and clinical outcomes of diabetes outpatients (DIAT)

A pilot randomised controlled trial of a preconsultation web based intervention to improve the care quality and clinical outcomes of diabetes outpatients (DIAT)

... Semistructured interviews will also be conducted with a sample of 30 participants across trial arms and research sites, after participation in the trial has been completed and in order t[r] ...


Doing fence sitting: a discursive analysis of clinical psychologists' constructions of mental health

Doing fence sitting: a discursive analysis of clinical psychologists' constructions of mental health

... of semistructured interviews in discursive research is a contentious issue, and “naturally occurring talk” is frequently preferred (Potter & Hepburn, 2005); however, interviews enable researchers ...


Using Fiction to Reveal Truth: Challenges of Using Vignettes to Understand Participant Experiences Within Qualitative Research

Using Fiction to Reveal Truth: Challenges of Using Vignettes to Understand Participant Experiences Within Qualitative Research

... unstructured interviews, semistructured interviews and vignettes to collect data over a six-month ...unstructured interviews which involved unrestricted space for mothers to discuss the issues ...


The perceptions of cognitively impaired patients and their caregivers of a home telecare system

The perceptions of cognitively impaired patients and their caregivers of a home telecare system

... conducted semistructured interviews to elicit the perceptions of 30 patients with mild cognitive impairment, 32 patients with Alzheimer’s disease, and 30 caregivers, regarding the risks and advantages of ...


Second hand emotion?: exploring the contagion and impact
of trauma and distress in the asylum law context

Second hand emotion?: exploring the contagion and impact of trauma and distress in the asylum law context

... On the one hand, descriptions provided by NGOs, interpreters and clients' legal representatives frequently gave voice to the emotionality of the asylum context, as perceived by claimants. The application process was ...


Non-take-up of social support and the implications for social policies

Non-take-up of social support and the implications for social policies

... individual interviews the technique of time-location (space) sampling (TLS) was applied: different venues and establishments where individu- als from hidden groups are expected to congregate, were mapped and ...


Understanding the investigators: a qualitative study investigating the barriers and enablers to the implementation of local investigator-initiated clinical trials in Ethiopia

Understanding the investigators: a qualitative study investigating the barriers and enablers to the implementation of local investigator-initiated clinical trials in Ethiopia

... Participants were identi fi ed fi rst through trial registra- tion searches and subsequently by snowball sampling from these individuals. Health researchers with previous experiences of clinical trials or stakeholders with ...


Systematic methodological review : developing a framework for a qualitative semi structured interview guide

Systematic methodological review : developing a framework for a qualitative semi structured interview guide

... semi-structured interviews requires a certain level of previous study in the research topic area (Wengraf 2001, RWJF 2008, Kelly 2010) because the interview questions are based on previous ...the interviews ...


Great art for everyone? An examination of arts policy on participation and participatory decision making in England from 1997-2013

Great art for everyone? An examination of arts policy on participation and participatory decision making in England from 1997-2013

... the interviews that, despite the “duty to involve” (DCLG, 2008) and the “wider range of voices” (Hatzihrysidis and Bunting, 2009) report done within the Arts Council in response to this, both discussed in the ...


Interprofessional primary care in academic family medicine clinics

Interprofessional primary care in academic family medicine clinics

... conducted semistructured focus group interviews with physicians and other primary health care providers in 4 academic family medicine ...The interviews sought to understand the phenomenology 19 of an ...


Assessing Attitudes About Emergency Contraception Among Urban, Minority Adolescent Girls: An In-depth Interview Study

Assessing Attitudes About Emergency Contraception Among Urban, Minority Adolescent Girls: An In-depth Interview Study

... in-depth, semistructured interview study of healthy, urban-dwelling, English-speaking 15- to 19-year-old black adolescents seeking care in a children’s hospital emergency ...of semistructured questions ...


CSA interviews and survey

CSA interviews and survey

... Organic Farmers, Community Alliance with Family Farmers, Eat Well Guide, LocalHarvest, the Robyn Van En Center and Rodale Institute. Of the 276 CSAs that we found, 101 were in our study area. We contacted them by e-mail ...


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