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Sense of Coherence

Association of social support with gratitude and sense of coherence in Japanese young women: a cross-sectional study

Association of social support with gratitude and sense of coherence in Japanese young women: a cross-sectional study

... and sense of coherence, but evidence for this concept remains ...and sense of coherence, focusing on the construct of and source of social support among young ...


Sense of Coherence in Persons with Dementia and Their Next of Kin—A Mixed Method Study

Sense of Coherence in Persons with Dementia and Their Next of Kin—A Mixed Method Study

... that Sense of Coherence [16]-[18], primarily determines physical and mental health ...well-being. Sense of Coherence is defined as a global orientation that expresses the extent to which one ...


Burnout and job stress in a local government: The moderating effect of sense of coherence

Burnout and job stress in a local government: The moderating effect of sense of coherence

... Thirdly, the salary and promotion practices of the local government should be evaluated to determine whether they are appropriate to the local government’s current strategy. Current practices are probably outdated and ...


Perspectives of female leaders on sense of coherence and mental health in an engineering environment

Perspectives of female leaders on sense of coherence and mental health in an engineering environment

... and sense of coherence: Focusing on health and well-being, Antonovsky (1987) recognised the fact that individuals can remain healthy, despite the presence of overwhelming ...the sense of ...


Incremental validity of work-related sense of coherence in predicting work wellness

Incremental validity of work-related sense of coherence in predicting work wellness

... subscales, namely comprehensibility (four items), manageability (two items) and meaningfulness (three items). The work-related sense of coherence is scored on a 7-point frequency rating. Vogt et al. (2012) ...


The relation between the sense of coherence and future imagination: a mixed method approach

The relation between the sense of coherence and future imagination: a mixed method approach

... The sense of coherence [SOC] is a concept which arose from the salutogenic approach to mental health. It is regarded as a salutogenic disposition and exhibits the characteristics that are necessary for ...


Relations of mother’s sense of coherence and childrearing style with child’s social skills in preschoolers

Relations of mother’s sense of coherence and childrearing style with child’s social skills in preschoolers

... The short version of the sense of coherence scale (SOC- 13) [1, 52] was used. This is a short form of the original 29-item scale (SOC-29) and has demonstrated reliabil- ity and validity [53]. The scale has ...


Relationship between sense of coherence and lifestyle in middle aged workers in Japan

Relationship between sense of coherence and lifestyle in middle aged workers in Japan

... Metabolic syndrome has recently become a con- cern in Japan. It is commonly believed that life- style quality must be improved and maintained for optimum health. A cross-sectional survey of middle-aged workers was ...


Sense of coherence and employees’ perceptions of helping and restraining factors in an organisation

Sense of coherence and employees’ perceptions of helping and restraining factors in an organisation

... strong sense of ...a sense of meaningfulness from their ...strong sense of coherence compared to groups with weak of sense of ...strong sense of coherence experienced time ...


The role of socio-demographic variables and their interaction effect on sense of coherence

The role of socio-demographic variables and their interaction effect on sense of coherence

... The second and third study objectives focused on determining which combination of levels of demographic variables best defines the probability of a high or a low SOC. Through the CHAID analyses, various demographic ...


Sense of coherence over time for parents with a child diagnosed with cancer

Sense of coherence over time for parents with a child diagnosed with cancer

... The Swedish version of SOC, which appears in the Swedish edition of “Unravelling the mystery of health” [20], was used to measure the parents’ sense of coherence. The ques- tionnaire used comprises 29 ...


The sense of coherence and styles of success in the medical career: a longitudinal study

The sense of coherence and styles of success in the medical career: a longitudinal study

... We found that academic achievement explains only professional competence. Satisfaction with medicine as a career, the level of work stress and burnout related to performing this job, and the quality of life of these ...


Influence of sense of coherence on adolescents’ self-perceived dental aesthetics; a cross-sectional study

Influence of sense of coherence on adolescents’ self-perceived dental aesthetics; a cross-sectional study

... between sense of coherence and self- perceived dental aesthetics could help to explain why ad- olescents with no normative orthodontic treatment need perceive themselves to have a negative dental ...showing ...


Promoting sense of coherence: Salutogenesis among people with psoriasis undergoing patient education in climate therapy

Promoting sense of coherence: Salutogenesis among people with psoriasis undergoing patient education in climate therapy

... The Sense of Coherence Questionnaire (SOC-13) was developed by Antonovsky (Antonovsky 1987). This ques- tionnaire is based on self-report and has been tested for validity and reliability in several studies ...


Rasch analysis of the sense of coherence scale in a sample of people with morbid obesity – a cross-sectional study

Rasch analysis of the sense of coherence scale in a sample of people with morbid obesity – a cross-sectional study

... Methods: Data were collected cross-sectionally in Norway in 2009 from 142 patients attending a mandatory patient education course for patients with morbid obesity on a waiting list for treatment. Participants completed a ...


Psychosomatic complaints and sense of coherence among adolescents in a county in Sweden: a cross-sectional school survey

Psychosomatic complaints and sense of coherence among adolescents in a county in Sweden: a cross-sectional school survey

... According to Antonovsky, sense of coherence (SOC) is a way in which persons control their environment in order to make meaningful action [13]. SOC is a way of seeing the world, which facilitates successful ...


Sense of coherence in family caregivers of people living with dementia: a mixed-methods psychometric evaluation

Sense of coherence in family caregivers of people living with dementia: a mixed-methods psychometric evaluation

... The Sense of Coherence scale-13 [13] is a 13-item scale adapted from a longer 29-item scale [9]. This scale con- sists of three subscales: meaningfulness (four items), com- prehensibility (five items) and ...


The determinants of coping with pain  in chronically ill geriatric patients – the role of a sense of coherence

The determinants of coping with pain in chronically ill geriatric patients – the role of a sense of coherence

... Objectives: The aim of the research was to assess the relationship between a sense of coherence (SOC) and pain-coping strategies in chronically ill seniors. A total number of 188 individuals were included ...


Psychometric limitations of the 13-item Sense of Coherence Scale assessed by Rasch analysis

Psychometric limitations of the 13-item Sense of Coherence Scale assessed by Rasch analysis

... of sense of ...person’s sense of coherence, as well as a measure of challenge for each of the items along the same calibrated continuum (from a low sense of coherence [items rela- ...


Translation and Validation of the Japanese Version of the Family Sense of Coherence Scale Short Form in Nurses

Translation and Validation of the Japanese Version of the Family Sense of Coherence Scale Short Form in Nurses

... of coherence (SOC) reflects a person’s ability to cope with stressful situa- tions in ...Family Sense of Coherence (FSOC) is an adaptation of Antonovsky’s concept of SOC to ...the coherence of ...


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