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Theory of Money

On the Quantity Theory of Money, Credit, and Seigniorage

On the Quantity Theory of Money, Credit, and Seigniorage

... velocity, and financial crises, (see e.g. Werner, 1992, 1997, 2009, 2012). By breaking down Fisher’s (1911) equation of exchange into one part referring to the real sector of the economy, and into a second part regarding ...


The Excess Demand Theory of Money

The Excess Demand Theory of Money

... demand theory of money is compatible with the Keynesian, the neoclassical and the Post Keynesian interest ...preference theory with an adjusted interpretation of the liquidity demand with respect to ...


The fiscal theory of the price level and the backing theory of money

The fiscal theory of the price level and the backing theory of money

... The fiscal theory of the price level and the backing theory of money Sproul, Michael University of Southern California.[r] ...


The theory of money supply: a case study

The theory of money supply: a case study

... political theory of money supply may have stemmed from the confidence of economists that the central bank — and the state in general — was dedicated to the public ...control money supply because they ...


Testing quantity theory of money for the Turkish economy

Testing quantity theory of money for the Turkish economy

... quantity theory of money (QTM) constitutes one of the main corner-stones in the construction of economics ...of money goes back to the earlier analysis by David Hume (1970) relating the prolonged ...


Beyond the static money multiplier: in search of a dynamic theory of money

Beyond the static money multiplier: in search of a dynamic theory of money

... of money creation by randomly inject money on di¤erent ...the money multiplier depends, among other things, on the position where money is injected into the ...


General Theory of Money: A New Approach

General Theory of Money: A New Approach

... Holding money in the shape of monetary and financial assets (deposits, cash and securities) that would be registered in the liability side of the economy, have happened In the money ...of money to a ...


Clarifying Marx’s theory of money

Clarifying Marx’s theory of money

... Marx’s theory of (commodity) money as a remnant of the nineteenth century, but to use it for an interrogation of the nature of contemporary ...commodity money (the gold standard and convertibility) ...


Critique of digital money

Critique of digital money

... digital money that relied on the works of Searle and Simmel; combining an analytic account of money as a socially constructed phenomenon with a relational account that considers the phenomenological basis ...


Monetary thought of the sixteenth century muslim scholars

Monetary thought of the sixteenth century muslim scholars

... quantity theory of money in term of debasement as the reason for undue expansion of money and eventually a rise in prices (Islahi, 1988, ...of money – would solve the problem (al-Maqrizi, ...


Towards a new monetary paradigm: a quantity theorem of disaggregated credit, with evidence from Japan

Towards a new monetary paradigm: a quantity theorem of disaggregated credit, with evidence from Japan

... The new approach suggests 1 to replace the standard definition of the money supply as deposits with a definition based on credit creation ; 2 that the standard 'quantity theory of money'[r] ...


Disequilibrium as the origin, originality, and challenges of Clower's microfoundations of monetary theory

Disequilibrium as the origin, originality, and challenges of Clower's microfoundations of monetary theory

... quantity theory of ...the money supply held by individuals generated a positive variation of the demand for ...the money supply. Moreover, real choices were no longer affected by money supply ...


An exploration of money & interest in the theory of value

An exploration of money & interest in the theory of value

... is money in the system? A general equilibrium monetary theory in the true modern or non-classical sense has this biggest ...make money appear without making standard theory disappear? 64 – or ...


The difficult task of integrating money in the theory of production

The difficult task of integrating money in the theory of production

... of money supply in un singolo periodo di tempo, in un contesto di equilibrio e di stabilità finanziaria, in cui si assume come costante la preferenza per la liquidità (così da limitarsi a configurare a ...


The three faces of the coin : a socio economic approach to the institution of money

The three faces of the coin : a socio economic approach to the institution of money

... contrary, money in economic theory has been and still is the subject of heated controversies and has produced an enormous ...quantity theory of money rooted in the perfectly competitive ...


A note on excess money growth and inflation dynamics: evidence from threshold regression

A note on excess money growth and inflation dynamics: evidence from threshold regression

... between money supply growth and inflation theorized by the quantity theory of money captivated many empirical ...on money neutrality supported by empirical evidences both in time-series and ...


Velocity of Money Income and Economic Growth in Sudan: Cointegration and Error Correction Analysis

Velocity of Money Income and Economic Growth in Sudan: Cointegration and Error Correction Analysis

... of money against actual data seek to identify its determinants and its relations and causation with macroeconomic variables including economic growth rates and policy variables, monetary, fiscal and ...of ...


Volume 01  Issue 04: (2012) July-August  2012

Volume 01 Issue 04: (2012) July-August 2012

... Quantity theory of ...between Money growth and ...in Money growth cause to increase 72 percent in Inflation in Iran, which means Money is the most important variable that effect inflation in ...


Notes on Ricardo’s theory of value and taxation

Notes on Ricardo’s theory of value and taxation

... If we take into account the feedback effects it can be shown that in the next rounds, the owners of capital in trades I and II—with given the stage of technology and the level of the real wage—would have the same funds ...


Oil Prices and Money Neutrality

Oil Prices and Money Neutrality

... the money supply and that for the log returns of the dollar index, at very low marginal significance ...the money supply is ...the money stock has a higher growth rate but a lower standard deviation ...


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