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Customer perceived interaction quality

Chapter 5(a): Data Analysis Descriptive Findings

Subtotal 3: Customer perceived interaction quality

ST_cust_IQ= cust_RMAtt_friendly + cust_RMAtt_willingnessToHelp +

Cust_RMAtt_UndNeeds + cust_RMBeh_action_AddrNeeds +

cust_RMBeh_resNeeds+ cust_RmBeh_undNeeds + cust_RMExp_knwJob + cust_Rmexp_AnsQsQckly + cust_Rmexp_rmKnw

‘RM being friendly’ (cust_RMAtt_friendly) is significant at 0.000<0.05 for the two tailed test (Mean [M]=5.50; Standard Deviation [SD]=1.401). Also, the rxy 0.852>r table product moment for sample (N=200) of 0.117 (Table of critical values for Pearson correlation). Thus, the variable item cust_RMAtt_friendly is valid and can be used for future analysis.

‘RM’s willingness to help’ (cust_RMAtt_willingnessToHelp) is significant at 0.000<0.05 for the two tailed test (Mean [M]=5.83; Standard Deviation [SD]=1.102). Also, the rxy 0.796>r table product moment for sample (N=200) of 0.117 (Table of

critical values for Pearson correlation). Thus, the variable item

cust_RMAtt_willingnessToHelp is valid and can be used for future analysis.

‘RM understands needs’ (Cust_RMAtt_UndNeeds) is significant at 0.000<0.05 for the two tailed test (Mean [M]=5.50; Standard Deviation [SD]=0.937). Also, the rxy 0.73>r table product moment for sample (N=200) of 0.117 (Table of critical values for Pearson


correlation). Thus, the variable item Cust_RMAtt_UndNeeds is valid and can be used for future analysis.

‘RM takes action to address needs’ (cust_RMBeh_action_AddrNeeds) is significant at 0.000<0.05 for the two tailed test (Mean [M]=5.23; Standard Deviation [SD]=1.300). Also, the rxy 0.795>r table product moment for sample (N=200) of 0.117 (Table of

critical values for Pearson correlation). Thus, the variable item

cust_RMBeh_action_AddrNeeds is valid and can be used for future analysis.

‘RM responds to needs quickly’ (cust_RMBeh_resNeeds) is significant at 0.000<0.05 for the two tailed test (Mean [M]=5.50; Standard Deviation [SD]=1.177). Also, the rxy 0.761>r table product moment for sample (N=200) of 0.117 (Table of critical values for Pearson correlation). Thus, the variable item cust_RMBeh_resNeeds is valid and can be used for future analysis.

‘Behaviour of RM shows that he/she understands my needs’ (cust_RmBeh_undNeeds) is significant at 0.000<0.05 for the two tailed test (Mean [M]=5.31; Standard Deviation [SD]=1.162). Also, the rxy 0.787>r table product moment for sample (N=200) of 0.117 (Table of critical values for Pearson correlation). Thus, the variable item cust_RmBeh_undNeeds is valid and can be used for future analysis.

‘RM knows his/her job’ (cust_RMExp_knwJob) is significant at 0.000<0.05 for the two tailed test (Mean [M]=5.48; Standard Deviation [SD]=1.255). Also, the rxy 0.816>r table product moment for sample (N=200) of 0.117 (Table of critical values for Pearson correlation). Thus, the variable item cust_RMExp_knwJob is valid and can be used for future analysis.

‘RM is able to answer questions’ (cust_Rmexp_AnsQsQckly) is significant at 0.000<0.05 for the two tailed test (Mean [M]=5.50; Standard Deviation [SD]=1.223). Also, the rxy 0.776>r table product moment for sample (N=200) of 0.117 (Table of

critical values for Pearson correlation). Thus, the variable item

cust_Rmexp_AnsQsQckly is valid and can be used for future analysis.

‘RM understands that I rely on him/her for knowledge’ (cust_Rmexp_rmKnw) is significant at 0.000<0.05 for the two tailed test (Mean [M]=5.33; Standard Deviation [SD]=1.071). Also, the rxy 0.753>r table product moment for sample (N=200) of 0.117 (Table of critical values for Pearson correlation). Thus, the variable item cust_Rmexp_rmKnw is valid and can be used for future analysis.


The details of the means, standard deviations and the Pearson’s coefficient are given in Appendix section 6.6, Table 6.6 (e): Means, Standard deviations for variables of customer perceived Interaction Quality and Table 6.6 (f): Pearson’s correlation coefficients for 9 variables under customer perceived interaction quality.

4. Customers’ intention to continue the service relationship with the RM (ST_cust_CntSR) was the last sub-dimension under the customers’ perspective and calculated as a total of the scores of the variables- ‘continue relationship with RM as long as he/she is employed with this bank’ (cust_cntRelshp_empIBank), ‘continue the relationship with this RM without changing the RM’ (cust_contRelshp_noChngEmp), ‘continue the relationship with RM even when RM switches employment to another bank’ (cust_contRelshp_BeyBank).

Subtotal 4: Customers’ intention to continue service relationship with the RM ST_cust_CntSR= cust_cntRelshp_empIBank + cust_contRelshp_noChngEmp + cust_contRelshp_BeyBank

‘Continue relationship with RM as long as he/she is employed with this bank’ (cust_cntRelshp_empIBank) is significant at 0.000<0.05 for the two tailed test (Mean [M]=5.28; Standard Deviation [SD]=1.343). Also, the rxy 0.915>r table product moment for sample (N=200) of 0.117 (Table of critical values for Pearson correlation). Thus, the variable item cust_cntRelshp_empIBank is valid and can be used for future analysis.

‘Continue the relationship with this RM without changing the RM’ (cust_contRelshp_noChngEmp) is significant at 0.000<0.05 for the two tailed test (Mean [M]=5.42; Standard Deviation [SD]=1.437). Also, the rxy 0.870>r table product moment for sample (N=200) of 0.117 (Table of critical values for Pearson correlation). Thus, the variable item cust_contRelshp_noChngEmp is valid and can be used for future analysis.

‘Continue the relationship with RM even when RM switches employment to another bank’ (cust_contRelshp_BeyBank) is significant at 0.000 < 0.05 for the two tailed test (Mean [M]=3.49; Standard Deviation [SD]=1.670). Also, the rxy 0.870>r table product moment for sample (N=200) of 0.117 (Table of critical values for Pearson correlation).


Thus, the variable item cust_contRelshp_BeyBank is valid and can be used for future analysis.

The details of the means, standard deviations and the Pearson’s coefficient are given in the Appendix 6.6, Table 6.6 (g) and Table 6.6 (h)

The summary of all the customer perspective variables, their means, standard deviations, Pearson coefficients and their significance at 0.05 are given in the Table 4.15.


Table 4.15: Customer variables: questionnaire validity (Pearson’s coefficient)

Variables Mean Standard

deviation Pearson's coefficient Significance at 0.05 (Yes/No) Customer expectation of DA

I expect the employee (RM) to make a strong effort to actually feel the emotions that he/she needs to display to me

5.49 1.023 0.795 Yes

I expect the employee (RM) to try to actually experience the emotions he/she must show to me

5.31 1.216 0.843 Yes

I expect the employee (RM) to really try to feel the emotions he/she has to show as part of his/her job to me

5.41 1.362 0.805 Yes

Customer (non) expectation of SA

I do not expect the employee (RM) to resist

expressing his/ her true feelings to me 2.95 1.198 0.803 Yes I do not expect the employee (RM) to

pretend to have emotions that he/she doesn’t really have

2.64 1.275 0.830 Yes

I do not expect an employee (RM) to hide

his/her true feelings about a situation 2.59 1.302 0.832 Yes

Customer perceived interaction quality

RM being friendly 5.50 1.401 0.852 Yes

RM’s willingness to help 5.83 1.102 0.796 Yes

RM understands needs 5.50 0.937 0.730 Yes

RM takes action to address needs 5.23 1.300 0.795 Yes RM responds to needs quickly 5.50 1.177 0.761 Yes Behaviour of RM shows that he/she

understands my needs 5.31 1.162 0.787 Yes

RM knows his/her job 5.48 1.255 0.816 Yes

RM is able to answer questions 5.50 1.223 0.776 Yes RM understands that I rely on him/her for

knowledge 5.33 1.071 0.753 Yes

Customer intention to continue the service relationship

continue relationship with RM as long as

he/she is employed with this bank 5.28 1.343 0.915 Yes continue the relationship with this RM

without changing the RM 5.42 1.437 0.870 Yes

continue the relationship with RM even when RM switches employment to another bank


Employees’ emotional labour along the lines of DA and SA were captured, in terms of what they think customers expect from them towards DA or don’t expect towards SA.

5. Sub-totals were captured for Employee DA (ST_emp_DA) by adding the scores for the variables ‘actually feel the emotions that I need to display to customer’ (Emp_DA_feelEm), ‘actually experience the emotions that I need to display to customer’ (Emp_DA_expEm), ‘customer expects me to feel the emotions that I need to show as part of my job’ (Emp_DA_feelEM_partOfJob).

Subtotal 5: Employee DA

ST_emp_DA = Emp_DA_feelEm + Emp_DA_feelEm +


‘Actually feel the emotions that I need to display to customer’ (Emp_DA_feelEm) is significant at 0.000<0.05 for the two tailed test (Mean [M]=6.02; Standard Deviation [SD]=0.872). Also, the rxy 0.730>r table product moment for sample (N=200) of 0.117 (Table of critical values for Pearson correlation). Thus, the variable item Emp_DA_feelEm is valid and can be used for future analysis.

‘Actually experience the emotions that I need to display to customer’ (Emp_DA_expEm) is significant at 0.000<0.05 for the two tailed test (Mean [M]=5.89; Standard Deviation [SD]=1.132). Also, the rxy 0.788>r table product moment for sample (N=200) of 0.117 (Table of critical values for Pearson correlation). Thus, the variable item Emp_DA_expEm is valid and can be used for future analysis.

‘Customer expects me to feel the emotions that I need to show as part of my job’ (Emp_DA_feelEM_partOfJob) is significant at 0.000<0.05 for the two tailed test (Mean [M]=5.68; Standard Deviation [SD]=1.106). Also, the rxy 0.787>r table product moment for sample (N=200) of 0.117 (Table of critical values for Pearson correlation). Thus, the variable item Emp_DA_feelEM_partOfJob is valid and can be used for future analysis.

The details of the means, standard deviations and the Pearson’s coefficient are given in tables Table 6.6 (i): Means, Standard deviations for variables of employee DA


6. Sub-totals were captured for Employee SA (ST_emp_SA) by adding the scores for the variables ‘resist expressing true feelings to customer’ (Emp_SA_ResTrueFeelings), ‘pretend to have emotions that I don’t have’ (Emp_SA_PretendEm), ‘hide my true feelings to a customer’ (Emp_SA_HideTrueFeelings).

Subtotal 6: Employee SA

ST_emp_DA = Emp_SA_ResTrueFeelings + Emp_SA_PretendEm + Emp_SA_HideTrueFeelings

‘Resist expressing true feelings to customer’ (Emp_SA_ResTrueFeelings) is significant at 0.000<0.05 for the two tailed test (Mean [M]=2.95; Standard Deviation [SD]=1.594). Also, the rxy 0.823>r table product moment for sample (N=200) of 0.117 (Table of

critical values for Pearson correlation). Thus, the variable item

Emp_SA_ResTrueFeelings is valid and can be used for future analysis.

‘Pretend to have emotions that I don’t have’ (Emp_SA_PretendEm) is significant at 0.000<0.05 for the two tailed test (Mean [M]=2.02; Standard Deviation [SD]=1.234). Also, the rxy 0.718>r table product moment for sample (N=200) of 0.117 (Table of critical values for Pearson correlation). Thus, the variable item Emp_SA_PretendEm is valid and can be used for future analysis.

‘Hide my true feelings to a customer’ (Emp_SA_HideTrueFeelings) is significant at 0.000<0.05 for the two tailed test (Mean [M]=2.97; Standard Deviation [SD]=1.491). Also, the rxy 0.787>r table product moment for sample (N=200) of 0.117 (Table of

critical values for Pearson correlation). Thus, the variable item

Emp_SA_HideTrueFeelings is valid and can be used for future analysis.

The details of the means, standard deviations and the Pearson’s coefficient are given in tables Table 6.6 (k): Means, Standard deviations for variables of employee SA

and Table 6.6 (l): Pearson’s coefficient for 3 variables of employee SA.

7. Subtotals were captured for interaction quality from employee RMs perspective (ST_emp_IQ) by adding the scores of the sub-attributes- ‘friendly countenance towards the customer’ (Emp_myAtt_friendly), ‘demonstrate willingness to help this customer’


(Emp_myAtt_wilngnsToHelp), ‘understand customer needs’

(Emp_myAtt_UndNeeds), ‘address this customers’ needs’

(Emp_myConBeh_addrNeeds), ‘quickly respond to customers’ needs’

(Emp_myBeh_qucklyRes), ‘demonstrate that I understand customers’ needs’

(Emp_myBeh_undNeeds), ‘keep abreast and updated with my job’

(Emp_myExp_updtdExp), ‘able to answer customers’ questions quickly’ (Emp_myExp_AnsQs), ‘keep my knowledge updated’ (Emp_myExp_KnwUpdt).

ST_emp_IQ = Emp_myAtt_friendly + Emp_myAtt_wilngnsToHelp +

Emp_myAtt_UndNeeds + Emp_myBeh_addrNeeds + Emp_myBeh_qucklyRes + Emp_myBeh_undNeeds + Emp_myExp_updtdExp + Emp_myExp_AnsQs + Emp_myExp_KnwUpdt

‘Friendly countenance towards the customer’ (Emp_myAtt_friendly) is significant at 0.000<0.05 for the two tailed test (Mean [M]=5.88; Standard Deviation [SD]=1.093). Also, the rxy 0.616>r table product moment for sample (N=200) of 0.117 (Table of critical values for Pearson correlation). Thus, the variable item Emp_myAtt_friendly is valid and can be used for future analysis.

‘Demonstrate willingness to help this customer’ (Emp_myAtt_wilngnsToHelp) is significant at 0.000<0.05 for the two tailed test (Mean [M]=6.49; Standard Deviation [SD]=0.741). Also, the rxy 0.505>r table product moment for sample (N=200) of 0.117 (Table of critical values for Pearson correlation). Thus, the variable item Emp_myAtt_wilngnsToHelp is valid and can be used for future analysis.

‘Understand customer needs’ (Emp_myAtt_UndNeeds) is significant at 0.000<0.05 for the two tailed test (Mean [M]=6.27; Standard Deviation [SD]=0.662). Also, the rxy 0.601>r table product moment for sample (N=200) of 0.117 (Table of critical values for Pearson correlation). Thus, the variable item Emp_myAtt_UndNeeds is valid and can be used for future analysis.

‘Address this customers’ needs (Emp_myBeh_addrNeeds) is significant at 0.000<0.05 for the two tailed test (Mean [M]=6.26; Standard Deviation [SD]=0.735). Also, the rxy 0.501>r table product moment for sample (N=200) of 0.117 (Table of critical values for Pearson correlation). Thus, the variable item Emp_myBeh_addrNeeds is valid and can be used for future analysis.


‘Quickly respond to customers’ needs’ (Emp_myBeh_qucklyRes) is significant at 0.000<0.05 for the two tailed test (Mean [M]=6.21; Standard Deviation [SD]=0.710). Also, the rxy 0.424>r table product moment for sample (N=200) of 0.117 (Table of

critical values for Pearson correlation). Thus, the variable item

Emp_myBeh_qucklyRes is valid and can be used for future analysis.

‘Demonstrate that I understand customers’ needs’ (Emp_myBeh_undNeeds) is significant at 0.000<0.05 for the two tailed test (Mean [M]=6.17; Standard Deviation [SD]=0.763). Also, the rxy 0.543>r table product moment for sample (N=200) of 0.117 (Table of critical values for Pearson correlation). Thus, the variable item Emp_myBeh_undNeeds is valid and can be used for future analysis.

‘Keep abreast and updated with my job’ (Emp_myExp_updtdExp) is significant at 0.000<0.05 for the two tailed test (Mean [M]=6.38; Standard Deviation [SD]=0.660). Also, the rxy 0.385>r table product moment for sample (N=200) of 0.117 (Table of critical values for Pearson correlation). Thus, the variable item Emp_myExp_updtdExp is valid and can be used for future analysis.

‘Able to answer customers’ questions quickly’ (Emp_myExp_AnsQs) is significant at 0.000<0.05 for the two tailed test (Mean [M]=5.83; Standard Deviation [SD]=0.998). Also, the rxy 0.517>r table product moment for sample (N=200) of 0.117 (Table of critical values for Pearson correlation). Thus, the variable item Emp_myExp_AnsQs is valid and can be used for future analysis.

‘Keep my knowledge updated’ (Emp_myExp_KnwUpdt) is significant at 0.000<0.05 for the two tailed test (Mean [M]=6.35; Standard Deviation [SD]=0.719). Also, the rxy 0.398>r table product moment for sample (N=200) of 0.117 (Table of critical values for Pearson correlation). Thus, the variable item Emp_myExp_KnwUpdt is valid and can be used for future analysis.

The details of the means, standard deviations and the Pearson’s coefficient are given in tables Table 6.6 (m): Means, Standard deviations for 9 variables of employee interaction quality and Table 6.6 (n): Pearson’s coefficient for 9 variables of employee interaction quality.

8. Subtotals were captured for employees’ belief on the customers’ intention to continue the service relationship (ST_emp_CntSR) by adding the scores of the sub-attributes- ‘customer intends to continue the service relationship with me as long as I am employed


with this bank’ (Emp_exp_cntRelshp_withinBank), ‘customer intends to not end the relationship with me and switch to another employee in the same bank’ (Emp_exp_cntRelshp_nochngEmp), ‘customer intends to continue the service relationship with me even if I switched employment to another bank’ (Emp_exp_cntRelshp_BeyBank).

ST_emp_CntSR = Emp_exp_cntRelshp_withinBank +

Emp_exp_cntRelshp_nochngEmp + Emp_exp_cntRelshp_BeyBank

‘Customer intends to continue the service relationship with me as long as I am employed with this bank’ (Emp_exp_cntRelshp_withinBank) is significant at 0.000<0.05 for the two tailed test (Mean [M]=5.36; Standard Deviation [SD]=1.173). Also, the rxy 0.681>r table product moment for sample (N=200) of 0.117 (Table of

critical values for Pearson correlation). Thus, the variable item

Emp_exp_cntRelshp_withinBank is valid and can be used for future analysis.

‘Customer intends to not end the relationship with me and switch to another employee in the same bank’ (Emp_exp_cntRelshp_nochngEmp) is significant at 0.000<0.05 for the two tailed test (Mean [M]=5.30; Standard Deviation [SD]=1.210). Also, the rxy 0.809>r table product moment for sample (N= 200) of 0.117 (Table of critical values for Pearson correlation). Thus, the variable item Emp_exp_cntRelshp_nochngEmp is valid and can be used for future analysis.

‘Customer intends to continue the service relationship with me even if I switched employment to another bank’ (Emp_exp_cntRelshp_BeyBank) is significant at 0.000<0.05 for the two tailed test (Mean [M]=4.45; Standard Deviation [SD]=1.193). Also, the rxy 0.783>r table product moment for sample (N=200) of 0.117 (Table of

critical values for Pearson correlation). Thus, the variable item

Emp_exp_cntRelshp_BeyBank is valid and can be used for future analysis.

The details of the means, standard deviations and the Pearson’s coefficient are given in tables Table 6.6(m): Means, Standard deviations for 3 variables of employee expectation of continuity of service relationship and Table 6.6(n): Pearson’s coefficient for 3 variables of employee expectation of continuity of service relationship.


The summary of all the employee perspective variables, their means, standard deviations, Pearson coefficients and their significance at 0.05 are given in the Table 4.16.

Table 4.16: Employee variables: questionnaire validity (Pearson’s coefficients)

Variables Mean Standard

deviation Pearson's coefficient Significance at 0.05 (Yes/No) Employee DA

I actually feel the emotions that I need to

display to customer 6.02 0.872 0.730 Yes

I actually experience the emotions that I need

to display to customer 5.89 1.132 0.788 Yes

Customer expects me to feel the emotions

that I need to show as part of my job 5.68 1.106 0.787 Yes

Employee SA

I resist expressing true feelings to customer 2.95 1.594 0.823 Yes I pretend to have emotions that I don’t have 2.02 1.234 0.718 Yes I hide my true feelings to a customer 2.97 1.491 0.787 Yes

Employee perception of customer interaction quality

Friendly countenance towards the customer 5.88 1.093 0.616 Yes Demonstrate willingness to help this

customer 6.49 0.741 0.505 Yes

Understand customer needs 6.27 0.662 0.601 Yes Address this customers’ needs 6.26 0.735 0.501 Yes Quickly respond to customers’ needs 6.21 0.71 0.424 Yes Demonstrate that I understand customers’

needs 6.17 0.763 0.543 Yes

Keep abreast and updated with my job 6.38 0.660 0.385 Yes Able to answer customers’ questions quickly 5.83 0.998 0.517 Yes Keep my knowledge updated 6.35 0.719 0.398 Yes


Employee perception of customer intention to continue the service relationship

Customer intends to continue the service relationship with me as long as I am employed with this bank

5.36 1.173 0.681 Yes

Customer intends to not end the relationship with me and switch to another employee in the same bank

5.30 1.210 0.809 Yes

Customer intends to continue the service relationship with me even if I switched employment to another bank

4.45 1.193 0.783 Yes

Summary: All the variables on DA, SA, IQ and intention to continue the service relationships

were found to be valid for customer perspective as well as employee perspective.

Coefficient of reliability: Cronbach’s 

Cronbach’s  is used as a coefficient of reliability to test the validity of the scales chosen. It is a good indicative measure for ensuring the usage of variables further for testing relationships using structural equation modeling.

The sub-dimensions for which Cronbach’s  was calculated were- customer expectation of DA, customer non-expectation of SA, customer perceived interaction quality, customers’ intention to continue the service relationship, employee DA, employee SA, employees’ perception of customer interaction quality, employees’ perception of customer intention to continue the service relationship.

The following results on reliability coefficient of Cronbach’s  were observed for each of the sub-dimensions stated. Details of the Cronbach’s , inter-item correlation table and item-total statistics can be found in the Appendix 6.7 highlights the Cronbach’s  for each of the sub- dimensions, item statistics and inter-item correlation matrix for each of the sub-dimensions. The sub-dimension of customer expectation of DA consisted of 3 items (=0.737), customer non-expectation of SA (=0.759), customer perceived interaction quality (=0.922), customers’ intention to continue the service relationship (=0.854), employee DA (=0.654), employee SA (=0.671), employees’ perception of customer interaction quality (=0.621),


employees’ perception of customer intention to continue the service relationship (=0.631) as summarized in the Table 4.17.

Table 4.17: Cronbach’s  for the chosen constructs

Constructs Cronbach’s 

Customer expectation 0.737

Customer (non) expectation of SA 0.759 Customer perceived interaction


0.922 Customers’ intention to continue

the service relationship


Employee DA 0.654

Employee SA 0.671

Employee perception of customer interaction quality

0.621 Employee perception of customer

intention to continue the service relationship


Summarizing Cronbach’s  results: Thus, the reliability of the scales is fairly high for all the

customer perspective variables, above 0.7. The variables for the employee perspective are fairly high (more than 0.6).

Conclusion: Data Analysis

The descriptive measures of the variables have been discussed in this chapter. The variables that are used to testing the relationship using structural equation modelling would need further testing for reliability, discriminant and convergent validity during the analysis and testing of the model relationships. The tool to be used for the same is SmartPLS (Ringle et al., 2015) and will be discussed in the next chapter - Model Development and Testing.