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In document ABAP - Abap Data Modeler (Page 144-149)



Select 7RROV →$%$3:RUNEHQFK in the initial screen of the R/3 System.

In the screen $%$3'HYHORSPHQW:RUNEHQFK select 'HYHORSPHQW→'DWD0RGHOHU to display the screen 'DWD0RGHOHU,QLWLDO6FUHHQ.




Select 7RROV → $%$3:RUNEHQFK in the initial screen of the R/3 System.

In the screen $%$3'HYHORSPHQW:RUNEHQFK click on the pushbutton 2EMHFW%URZVHU. The screen 2EMHFW%URZVHU,QLWLDO6FUHHQ is displayed. You can now choose whether to continue working under 2EMHFWOLVW or 6LQJOHREMHFW.


Under the heading 2EMHFWOLVW, you can branch to object lists by selecting one of the options 'HYHORSPHQWFODVV, 3URJUDP, )XQFWLRQJURXS or /RFDOSULYREMHFWV, making an entry in the relevant field, and clicking on 'LVSOD\. In the list that is now displayed, you can search for the object you require, select it by clicking on it, and choose a processing option ('LVSOD\, for example). The Data Modeler screen appropriate for your processing type selection is displayed.

If you double-click on an object name, you branch to the relevant definition screen in display mode in the case of entity types, and to the relevant data model hierarchy in the case of data models. You can change the editing mode ('LVSOD\ <-> &KDQJH) in these screens and use the functions of the Data Modeler.

Select 'HYHORSPHQWFODVV, enter 67)2 and click on the 'LVSOD\ pushbutton. In the screen 2EMHFW%URZVHU'HYHORSPHQW&ODVV67)2, position the cursor on the node %XVLQHVV(QJLQHHULQJand expand it with (GLW→ ([SDQGVXEWUHH. All modeling objects (data models and entity types) assigned to this development class are displayed. If you double-click on the name of a data model, the screen 'LVSOD\'DWD0RGHO+LHUDUFK\ of the Data Modeler is displayed. You can display all modeling objects assigned to the data model here.


With 6LQJOHREMHFW you can branch directly to an individual modeling object.

Under 6LQJOHREMHFW select the option %XVLQHVV(QJLQHHULQJ and click on (GLW. In the screen 0RGHOLQJ2EMHFWV, you have to select one of the options 'DWDPRGHO or (QWLW\W\SH.

The procedure to be used varies according to whether you know the full name, only part of the name, or whether you do not know the name at all.


Enter the name in the entry field and choose the editing type you require (for example, &KDQJH).

The relevant screen of the Data Modeler is displayed. You can change the editing mode ('LVS

!&KQJH) and can use the functions of the Data Modeler.


Enter the part of the name you know in the entry field and use * to represent the part you do not know (for example, XQL*). Click on the arrow to the right of the entry field.

A hit list of all objects corresponding to the pattern you entered appears. To copy the name of the object you require to the entry field, position the cursor on the object and click on &KRRVH. Then choose the editing type you require (for example, 'LVSOD\) in the screen 0RGHOLQJ2EMHFWV.

The relevant screen of the Data Modeler appears. If required, you can now change the editing mode ('LVS!&KQJH) and can use the functions of the Data Modeler.




Without making an entry in the input field, click on the arrow to the right of the field. A hit list is displayed.

Position the cursor on the object you require in the hit list and click on &KRRVH to copy the name to the entry field of the screen you started from.

Then choose the editing type you require (for example, 'LVSOD\) in the screen 0RGHOLQJ2EMHFWV.

The relevant screen of the Data Modeler is displayed. You can change the editing mode ('LVS

!&KQJH) and can use the functions of the Data Modeler.

Select 0RGHOLQJREMHFWV and click on (GLW. Select 'DWDPRGHO and enter

8QLPRGHOO. Choose 'LVSOD\ to go to the screen 'LVSOD\'DWD0RGHO'HILQLWLRQ of the Data Modeler. This screen now contains the definition of the university model.





In the initial screen of the R/3 System, choose 7RROV → $%$3:RUNEHQFK.

In the screen $%$3'HYHORSPHQW:RUNEHQFK, choose 2YHUYLHZ → 5HSRVLWRU\,QIR6\V. In the screen $%$35HSRVLWRU\,QIRUPDWLRQ6\VWHP, position the cursor on the node 0RGHOLQJ and expand the node with (GLW → ([SDQGVXEWUHH. Double-click with the mouse on the object class to be found. The relevant selection screen will be displayed.

The standard selection for the object class is defaulted. To obtain all selection options for this object class, choose (GLW$OOVHOHFWLRQV.

Enter your selection criteria and select 3URJUDP → ([HFXWH. A hit list is generated.

If you double-click on the name of an object in the list, the definition screen for this object in the Data Modeler is displayed; Pressing ) returns you to the hit list. Alternatively, you can select the object your require and choose an editing type.

In the definition screen in the Data Modeler, you can change the editing mode ('LVS!&KQJH) and can use the functions of the Data Modeler.

In the screen $%$35HSRVLWRU\,QIRUPDWLRQ6\VWHP, expand the 0RGHOLQJ node with (GLW→ ([SDQGVXEWUHH. Double-clicking on 'DWDPRGHOV displays the screen

$%$35HSRVLWRU\,QIRUPDWLRQ6\VWHP'DWD0RGHOV. Enter 67)2 in the field 'HYHORSPHQWFODVV and click on ([HFXWH. A hit list is displayed. Double-clicking on 81,02'(// takes you to the relevant definition screen in the Data Modeler.




1. Call the initial screen of the Data Modeler.

2. In the initial screen, select 0RGHOLQJREMHFW→6$3$SSOLFDWLRQPRGor 6$3

$UFKLWHFWXUHPRGor the corresponding pushbutton. You branch automatically to the hierarchy of the SAP models.





In document ABAP - Abap Data Modeler (Page 144-149)

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