• No results found

Chapter 4 Artefact Development, Implementation and Evaluation

6.5 Directions for Future Research

This research explored the importance of tacit stock identification in knowledge transfer within organisations. It also determined the extent to which a self-assessment of skills helped in identifying the tacit knowledge stock of the organisational members. This research focused on developing a research artefact based on DSR methodology, and used self-assessment of skills to identify the tacit knowledge stock of organisational members. Thus, further research can be conducted on exploring other useful methods for tacit knowledge stock identification. This research focused on discussing only one factor affecting tacit knowledge transfer. Further research can be done in exploring other factors affecting tacit knowledge transfer. Furthermore, since this research was limited to only one case study organisation, future researchers could


conduct the same research in additional case study organisations to gain broader views of the tacit knowledge stock identification in knowledge transfer.

Along with this, the scope of this research can also be extended to the international context. As this research was conducted in Australia within one case study organisation and with Australian people, future research can be conducted within organisations and companies in other countries. This research used a qualitative research method based on qualitative data. Therefore, future research can be conducted by using a quantitative research method to further validate the findings of the research.

6.6 Summary

This chapter developed an alliance between theory and practice by drawing on academic and practitioner literature in the area of knowledge management, and by collaborating with academia and industry for the development, implementation and evaluation of the research artefact based on the DSR methodology. This chapter shed light on the contributions to theory and practice, followed by the overall limitations of the research. Directions for future research have also been provided in this chapter.



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