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E-Prime 2.0 Reference Guide

In document E-Prime Extensions for Tobii (Page 85-100)

TET_Close Description

Chapter 4: E-Prime 2.0 Reference Guide

Tobii PackageCall Reference

This section details the set of routines that are available within the Tobii Package File and how to properly call them.

Version 6 Page 86



Opens the TET device. Syntax TET_Open c,[,strState][,bConnect] Default Parameters c Parameters c As Context

The current experiment context. Optional vIPAddress As String

The Optional parameter to specify IP address for TET Server. This is normally retrieved from the Tobii Eye Tracker device. If not specified this will default to an empty string. Optional vIPortNumber As Long

The Optional parameter to specify port for connection to the TET Server. This is normally retrieved from the Tobii Eye Tracker device. If not specified this will default to 4455. Optional vDebugLogFile As String

The a. Optional parameter to specify location of debugging log file. This is normally retrieved from the Tobii Eye Tracker device. If not specified this will default to an empty string.

Optional vState As String

The requested state of TET communications (“on”, “off”). Optional bConnect As Boolean

Optional parameter to specify whether or not to immediately connect to the TET Server. If not specified this will default to True.



Establishes a connection with the remote Tobii Eye Tracker over the network. Syntax TET_Connect c Default Parameters c Parameters c As Context

Version 6 Page 88



Clears the history of accumulated eye tracking samples. Syntax TET_ClearHistory c Default Parameters c Parameters c As Context



Starts TET tracking eye data. Syntax TET_StartTracking c [,bClearHistory] Default Parameters c Parameters c As Context

The current experiment context. Optional bClearHistory As Boolean

Optional parameter to specify whether or not the data in the TET history should be cleared when tracking is started. If not specified this will default to True.

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Displays the track status window. Syntax TET_TrackStatus c Default Parameters c Parameters c As Context



Waits for the user to fixate on a designated object before continuing. When fixation is obtained a key press will be simulated to terminate the input enabled on the specified Slide which can be used to obtain an RT related to the duration of the fixation period.


TET_WaitForFixation c, theSlide, nMinFixationDuration [,strVisualFeedbackColor] [,strKey]

Default Parameters c

Parameters c As Context

The current experiment context. theSlide As Slide

A Slide object in the experiment which will be used to obtain the fixation object and provide visual feedback if enabled. The Slide object provided must have a sub-object declared upon it named “Fixation”. The sub-object may be either a SlideImage or SlideText object. The sub-object named Fixation must have its BorderWidth property set to a value greater than 0 if visual feedback is being used. You must also make sure to enable keyboard input on the Slide. Set the TimeLimit property to “(infinite)” and the EndAction property to “(none)”.

nMinFixationDuration As Long

The minimal amount of time specified in milliseconds of how long the subject’s gaze must remain on fixation before continuing.

Optional vVisualFeedbackColor As String

Optional parameter to specify whether or not visual feedback will be provided when the subject is on fixation and to provide a color for the visual feedback. The feedback will be presented as a change in BorderColor on the sub-object. If you do not wish to see a persistent border around the Fixation object you can make the BorderColor property of the sub-object match the Slide’s background color. If not

Version 6 Page 92



Stops TET recording. After recording has stopped you must provide a valid filename through the TET interface in order to save the recording.

Syntax TET_StopTracking c Default Parameters c Parameters c As Context



Disconnects the network connection with TETServer. Syntax TET_Disconnect c Default Parameters c Parameters c As Context

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Closes the TET device. Syntax TET_Close c Default Parameters c Parameters c As Context



Visually replays the history of samples. Syntax

TET_GazeReplay c, theStimulus [,nStartTime] [,nStopTime] Default Parameters


Parameters c As Context

The current experiment context. theStimulus As Slide

A Slide object that will be drawn on screen before replay begins. Optional nStartTime As Long

A start time stamp for the first gaze point to be included in the replay. Typically,

this is specified as the OnsetTime of an object in the experiment. If not specified, this will default to the first sample in the history.

Optional nStopTime As Long

A stop time stamp for the last gaze point to be included in the replay. If not specified, this will default to the last sample in the history.

Version 6 Page 96



Opens the tab delimited GazeData file. Syntax TET_OpenGazeDataFile c [,strFilename] Default Parameters c Parameters c As Context

The current experiment context. Optional vFilename As String

Optional parameter for the filename of the file to be opened. If the parameter is not specified a filename will be created of the form...<ExperimentName>-<Subject#>-<Session#>.gazedata

TET_ WriteGazeDataFile


Writes a line of data to the GazeData file and tracks the line count. Syntax TET_WriteGazeDataFile c, strLine Default Parameters c Parameters c As Context

The current experiment context. strLine As String

Version 6 Page 98

TET_ CloseGazeDataFile


Closes the GazeData file. Syntax TET_CloseGazeDataFile c Default Parameters c Parameters c As Context

DualHead Graphics Card External Switch

Hardware Configurations

Version 6 Page 100

In document E-Prime Extensions for Tobii (Page 85-100)

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