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Experiments with the navigation system

B. Implemented modules of the navigation system

B.4 Experiments with the navigation system

Figure B.13 shows images of the moving robot. The robot has to reach a goal on a given path in the object coordinate system. This path is first translated into robot movement commands. Since the movements of the robot are not exact, the Navigator gives the pilot (after some movements) the command to interrupt the current path, turn to the landmark, take images, return to the path and continue the motion. Then the Navigator gives a pose request to the TrackPose module (to process the actually taken images of the landmark) and uses its results to correct the driven path. Figure B.14 shows screen shots of the vision module, the result of the image feature extraction and the pose estimation before and after the tracking process. These results are used to update and correct the real position of the robot as shown in figure B.15. In the left there is a comparison of the planned path with the really

Fig. B.14: The image processing steps during the navigation: The left col- umn shows images with extracted Hough lines. The middle col- umn shows the projected object model before matching and the right column shows the projected transformed object model after matching.

driven path and its increasing odometric errors. The path itself consists of a square, which is driven several times. The right image of figure B.15 shows the accumulated angle differences between the planned path to the really driven path, and between the really driven path and the visually corrected path. The accumulated odometric data result in increasing error and, with increasing time, will lead to non-tolerable results. Instead, the visual error correction leads to a nearby constant error function and, thus, to much better and more stable results. The level of the corrected error function is dependent on both the calibration quality and the match error.

−20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 −20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 real path planned path 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 steps degree

real heading error heading error with correction

Fig. B.15: Left: Planned path overlaid with the really driven path. Right: Odometric (angle) error vs. visually corrected (angle) error

−200 −150 −100 −50 0 50 −200 −150 −100 −50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 cm cm

Fig. B.16: Navigation path: The white circles show the localization during the navigation. The black circle indicates an obstacle, which is avoided.

Figure B.16 shows the path during another navigation sequence. The white circles in figure B.16 indicate the positions of self-localization: The robot interrupts the path and turns toward the landmark. Then the robot continues with the movements. The black circle in figure B.16 indicates an

Fig. B.17: Hallway navigation example: The left column shows images with extracted Hough lines. The middle column shows the projected object model before matching and the right column shows the projected transformed object model after matching.

obstacle. The collision server overrides the movement commands and drives around the obstacle.

It is not only possible to use compact landmarks for self localization of the robot. In figure B.17 a hallway is used as object model. This means, it is also possible to apply the algorithm on CAD maps of office environments. These experiments show the performance of the navigation system, mainly implemented by D. Grest. More details about the system can be found in his diploma thesis [68].

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