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6.6 Recommendations for Future Work

Recommendations for future work include revised detailed structural mapping of exposed outcrops in the South Reservoir and East of Camp Fault structural domains, retrieval of core photos/core samples collected during exploratory slim hole drilling prior to 1982, and the retrieval of geomechanical and hydrogeological information collected from test wells drilled after 1982.

Improved characterization of fracture sets can be achieved by revisiting the outcrops mapped in 1980 and 1981 and applying the more rigorous structural mapping methodology described in section 6.5.2. This will result in more refined DFN simulations and improved confidence in fracture network connectivity assessments.

Engineering reports have stated that core was retrieved and retained from the initial slim hole drilling program that ran from1974 to 1982. This core should be relocated, and fracture frequency and RQD should be measured, ensuring that mechanical or

drilling-150 induced fractures are not included in the determination of these measures of rock competency. Fracture frequency and RQD can be estimated from core photos if the actual core samples cannot be retrieved. The author’s attempts to locate core samples/photos were unsuccessful.

Feasibility-level production drilling was completed between 1982 and 2004. The information collected from these holes is proprietary, and was not available for this analysis. The geomechanical and hydrogeological information collected from these wells may provide significant insight into the connectivity of the existing fracture network at the Meager Creek site, and may be useful for calibrating DFN model predictions.

These recommendations for future work do not require the deployment of costly drilling or geophysical equipment, and would provide a significant amount of geomechanical and hydrogeological data which can be used to revise the existing DFN models of the Meager Creek site. Connectivity assessments of these revised DFN models could then be used to determine if further production well drilling is likely to intersect a connected fracture network, or if fracture network enhancement measures would be required to successfully develop the site.



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158 Appendix A: Maps



161 Appendix B: Geomechanical Logs
















177 Appendix C: Stereographic Plots of Surface Mapping Data