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Exercise 14 Database Sessions

18 Data Integrity Checker

18.9 The Report Summary

This overall assessment of the DB integrity is often the most useful part of the report to the user. The following messages can be output:

18.9.1 Fatal Errors


The DB must NOT be used further in the context of an AVEVA Hull and Outfitting 12.1.SPx project and a backup copy must be retrieved to replace it.

Any occurrence of DB corruption should always be reported immediately to AVEVA Solutions Limited and documented in the usual way on a fault report

Sometimes a corrupted database can be recovered by reconfiguration, but this is not guaranteed.

18.9.2 No Structural Errors

Database has no structural errors The DB can continue to be used.

WARNING! Database contains some reference attribute warnings i.e. a reference pointing to an element which has been deleted has been found. The database can continue to be used, but the inconsistencies may need further investigation.

Exercise 15 - Dice

1. Use the Integrity Checker to check several of the AMA project databases; no errors should be found.

Chapter 19

19 Lexicon

The Lexicon module will allow creation and modification of User Definable Attributes (UDAs), User System Definable Attribute (USDA), User Definable Element Types (UDETs) and Status Values (STAVAL) that can be assigned to AVEVA Marine (12.1) elements so that additional information may be stored in the databases and extracted into drawings and reports. This course covers the creation of UDAs and UDETs.

For TAGS refer to the Schematics Training Guide

TM-3550 - AVEVA Plant (12.1) AVEVA Tags Training Guide (Basic), TM-3551 - AVEVA Plant (12.1) AVEVA Tags Training Guide (Advance), TM-3552 - AVEVA Plant (12.1) AVEVA Tags Training Guide (Administration)

For Database Views refer to the TM-2204 AVEVA Marine (12 1) Reporting Training Guide

The administrator creates the following administrative elements which enable the users to group similar UDA and UDET elements.


19.1 Lexicon GUI

From the Start menu select All Programs > Aveva Marine > Design > Marine 12.1 > Lexicon the AVEVA MARINE Login window will be displayed. It is an administration module so can only be accessed by a free user.

Enter Project Training, Username SYSTEM, Password XXXXXX, in MDB PROJADMIN.

The Dictionary Explorer and Current Element Editor are opened.


19.2 Lexicon Hierarchy

19.2.1 Dictionary Database

A dictionary database holds the definitions of user defined attributes (UDA) and user defined element types (UDET). User defined elements types allow objects in a database to be given a user defined name to replace the generic name, i.e. an EQUI element can be called :PUMP or :VESSEL. Additional information can be stored in user defined attributes assigned to database elements and extracted into drawings and reports.

User Defined Element Types are used for Outfitting only. User Defined Attributes

User Defined Attributes (UDA s) enable the system administrator to add new attributes to any element in the databases of a project. These UDA s are created as elements in the Lexicon database inside the project. Because Lexicon databases are project-specific, it is possible to define attributes to suit individual project requirements or company standards.

Users can extend the allowed attributes for any element type, including a UDET, by defining UDAs (user defined attributes).i.e. a user could define a UDA called: SUPPLIER of type string on all piping components. The newly defined UDA will then exist on all applicable elements, existing and new. If the definition of a UDA is changed then this will also apply to all existing instances.

Having defined a UDA, it is accessed in the same way as any other attribute

The elements which make up a UDA within the Dictionary Database are given below.

UWRL (UDA World) is the top-level administrative element. As well as the standard attributes, this has a description (DESC) attribute which can contain up to 120 characters of text.

UGRO (UDA Group) is a member element of the UWRL and has the

same attributes as a UWRL.

UDA (User-Defined Attribute) is user defined attribute which can only be owned by a UGRO and has no members.

USDA (User System Defined Attribute) allows the administrator to place a behaviour on a standard Outfitting element. I.e. limits may be applied to attributes of top level elements within Outfitting.

A UDA contains the following attributes.

Name Name of the element

Description Description

User-defined attribute name User name of the attribute

Reporter text A text attribute used to define the default column heading to be used in reports. Reporter text (RPTX) may be up to 20 characters long.

Type Type of attribute values

Length Length of data or text which is the maximum number of

occurrences of the given UTYPE that may be stored in the UDA. i.e., a REAL UDA might be given a Length (ULEN) of 3, making it suitable for storing, say, a 3D coordinate array. For TEXT and WORD UTYPEs, ULEN is the maximum number of characters. The default setting of ULEN is 1, the maximum is 500 (Strings longer than 500 characters will be truncated)

Category Category of the attribute

Element types Types of elements to which this attribute applies. Up to 100 element types may be set

AVEVA Marine (12.1) System Administration (Basic) TM-2120

Referred Types Types of elements that can be pointed to by a reference attribute Valid Values List of valid values and ranges for the attribute. Can be entered valid

numeric values, value ranges and/or strings. For numeric ranges it should be separated minimum from maximum value with a single dash (-). Multi- word strings must be enclosed in either single quotes (') or apostrophes (`) or vertical bars (|). Single-word strings do not have to be enclosed. All items must be separated by commas or white space

Protected Can be set to true to disallow viewing the attribute in a protected database. Default value is False

Hidden Can be set True to hide attribute. Setting this to true will indicate that the UDA will be hidden from the 'Q ATT' command and from the attribute form within Outfitting. Querying of the individual UDA will not be effected by this setting. Default value is False

Hyperlink Can be set True to treat attribute as a link to an external resource. Default value is False

Connection Holds a logical value, setting the value to have will signal that the UDA is a connection in the reference list.

Pseudo Attribute Setting this logical attribute to True will indicate the UDA is pseudo attribute. Pseudo attribute allow for dynamic values to be returned as needed rather than having static values stored in the database. Default value is False A UDA Type (UTYPE) could be set to the following.

Integer Any whole number, i.e. 200 Real Any numeric value, i.e. 23.5

Text Any characters in closing single quotes. i.e. 'BOT_STEEL2' Logical True or False

Reference An element identifier, i.e. /VESS1, =12/99 Word Any sequence of letters, i.e. ABCD Position A position, i.e. X10 Y50 Z100 Orientation An orientation, i.e. Z is X and Y is Z Direction A direction, i.e. X 45 Y

A USDA allows the administrator to add the following behaviours to system attributes. Set valid values

Define limits

Hide attributes on forms Category

The valid values and limits may be varied with element type

These values are defined by creating a USDA element in the dictionary database. A USDA contains the following attributes.

Name Name of the element

Description Description

System attribute Name of the system attribute to which the USDA is to be applied. Category Category of the attribute

Valid Values List of valid values and ranges for the attribute. Can be entered valid numeric values, value ranges and/or strings. For numeric ranges it should be separated minimum from maximum value with a single dash (-). Multi- word strings must be enclosed in either single quotes (') or apostrophes (`) or vertical bars (|). Single-word strings do not have to be enclosed. All items must be separated by commas or white space

Element types Types of elements to which valid values and ranges apply

Hidden Can be set True to hide attribute. Setting this to true will indicate that the UDA will be hidden from the 'Q ATT' command and from the attribute form within Outfitting. Querying of the individual UDA will not be effected by this setting. Default value is False

www.aveva.com User-Defined Element Types

Within Outfitting, the standard set of elements is often used for a variety of purposes. A UDET allows an element to be created with a more meaningful name, i.e. an administrator could create clearly defined sub types such as Pipe Lagging, Pipe Painted and Pipe Heated.

The elements which make up a UDET within the Dictionary Database are given below.

UDETWL (UDET World) is a top-level administrative element. As well as the

standard Outfitting attributes, this has a description (DESC) attribute which can contain up to 120 characters of text. UDETGR (UDET Group) is a member element of a UDETWL and has the same

attributes as a UDETWL.

UDET (User-Defined Element Type) is user defined element type which can only be owned by a UDETGR and has no members.

A UDET contains the following attributes.

Name Name of the element

Description Description

User-defined type name User name of the type

Base Name Base type for the user-defined element type Owner Types List of allowed owner types

Member Types List of allowed member types

Hidden Attributes Attributes hidden on elements of this user-defined element type

19.3 Lexicon Options

Following options are available under Lexicon pull down menu for Save Work to save the DB changes; Get Work to get DB changes, Module to switch to other modules, and Exit to leave the application.

19.4 Display Options

It is possible to display or hide the Dictionary Explorer, Current Element Editor, Database Views Editor, Graphical Window, Search Window, Search Results Window and Command Window via the Display menu.

19.5 Edit Options

From the Edit menu it is possible to use the Undo and Redo options as well as Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete and Validate.

AVEVA Marine (12.1) System Administration (Basic) TM-2120

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