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Transmit Int. [ms]

In document TNS546 Users Manual Rev 2 8 0 (Page 148-153)

The minimum and maximum interval between PCR values in this PID. This measurement is done purely by looking a PCR stamps, and is done regardless of local time. Should match the Receive interval for a good PCR signal.

Offset [ppm]

This is an estimated offset in ppm (parts per million) of the incoming PCR clock as compared to the local 27MHz clock.


This is a counter that increments whenever a discontinuity is discovered in the incoming PCR values. Discontinuities are signal with a flag in the PCR field.


This table shows the absolute PCR value. The absolute PCR value will wrap round to zero approximately every 26.5 hours.

Above the table is a button and two numeric inputs. To start a PCR jitter analysis selected a PCR PID from the table, and press the


button. PCR jitter statistics are recorded and The




fields control the way the statistics are presented. The


value determines the span of jitter values presented, the


value determines the number of jitter value intervals to display. Refer to figureFigure 9.89.

Below the table is a button which allows you to reset the maximum jitter and the minimum and maximum intervals of all the PCR PIDs.

Pressing the


button opens a page showing the status of the PCR jitter analysis.

Figure 9.88 PCR Header

At the top of the page is a header. To the left in the header are two buttons. The

Start New

button is activated once the analysis has been stopped, and takes you back to the previous page. The


button stops the current analysis.

To the right of the buttons you can see which PID is currently being analysed, and status informa-tion for the current jitter measurement:


This is the number of PCR samples registered so far.


This is the duration of the current measurement.


This is the average jitter value.

Std dev

This is the standard deviation of the measurements taken so far.


This is the minimum jitter value measured so far.


This is the maximum jitter value measured so far.

At the right end of the header are two buttons that you can use to view the measurements in two different ways.

The Graph View shows the PCR jitter values. Every jitter value recorded is placed in one of the intevals and the corresponding bar is updated. The vertical axis indicates the percentage of jitter values received. The horisontal axis shows the intervals; the label showing the mean value of each interval. By holding the mouse cursor over a bar, more information about the bar is shown.

Figure 9.89 PCR Graph view

The Table view shows the exact same information as the graph view, but presented in a table. The




columns show the range of each inteval. The


column shows the number of jitter values falling into a particular interval, and the


column shows the percentage of the jitter values registered within this interval.

Figure 9.90 PCR Table view Packet Dump

The packet dump page offers dumping the contents of a sequence of packets from a selected packet stream.

Figure 9.91 Packet Dump

The first page contains a list of PIDs currently present on the input. To start dumping packets, select the PID you want to dump from the list, select the number of packets to dump and hit the



Figure 9.92 Packet Dump Progress

Clicking the


button opens a new page showing the packets that are dumped. At the top of this page are two buttons. While the packet dump is running the

Stop Dump

button is activated and can be hit to terminate the packet dump. Once the packet dump is finished, either by dumping the specified number of packets or by hitting

Stop Dump

, the

Start New

button is activated and can be used to return to the previous page to start a new dump.

Below the two buttons is a text showing the current status of the packet dump. It shows the PID being dumped, the number of packets currently dumped and the total number of packets that has been requested. To the right of the text is an icon showing if the dump is still running.

The transport packet dump may be saved by clicking the

Save Dump

button in the GUI. This initiates a standard “Save file” dialogue.

When packet dump is ended the main part of the page contains a tab bar with three tabs.

Figure 9.93 Packet Dump Packets

The Packets tab contains a table listing all packets that have been dumped. The first column of the table is simply an index showing the packet number. The second column shows the time interval in seconds between that packet and the first packet that was dumped. The third column shows the time interval in seconds between that packet and the preceeding dumped packet.

Selecting a packet in the list opens a more detailed view of that packet. At the top is a string showing the same details as presented in the table. Below this is the raw data of the packet, shown byte by byte. At the bottom is shown a decoded view of the packet Transport Stream header.

The Delta first tab shows a graph with the delta first value of all the dumped packets. This gives an indication of the packet rate variation over time of the selected packet stream.

Figure 9.94 Packet Dump Delta First

The Delta previous tab shows a plot of the delta previous values of all the dumped packets. This gives another view of the rate variation over time of the packet stream.

Figure 9.95 Packet Dump Delta Previous MIP MIP Details

The MIP analysis page is shown in figure9.96.

MIP packets are not relevant in ATSC mode, thus this tab will not appear unless the operational mode is set to DVB.

At the top of the page there is a checkbox where you can choose to analyse incoming MIP packets.

If you enable MIP analysis, the bottom part of the page gives you information on any incoming MIP packets.

The MIP Details view provides four different sections. The


section displays information pertaining to MIP packet transport:

In document TNS546 Users Manual Rev 2 8 0 (Page 148-153)

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