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Modelling and simulation of structural, electronic and optical properties of organic semiconducting materials


Academic year: 2020

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A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy (Physics)

Faculty of Science Universiti Teknologi Malaysia



To my beloved f ami l y; mother and father,




In the name of Allah S.W.T., the most merciful and beneficial and countless praises for Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, who taught us the way to pass the life. Alhamdulillah, greatly thankful and all praises to Allah for his blessings and guidance upon me and I am able to accomplish this long journey where I have gained a lot of lifetime experience.

I wish to express my sincere appreciation to my main thesis supervisor, Dr. Rashid Ahmed, for his kind supervision, encouragement, guidance and critics throughout my PhD study. Without his continued support and interest, this thesis would not have been the same as presented here. I am also very thankful to my co-supervisors, Dr. Amiruddin Shaari and Dr. Souraya Goumri-Said for their guidance, advices, invaluable suggestions and their assistance in supplying the relevant literatures.

I am also indebted to the Malaysia government for funding my Ph.D. study through the MyBrain15 program. I also wish to express my thanks to the department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) for providing financial supports and facilities for this research.

Moreover, I am thankful to my fellow lab mates for their support and cooperation, special recognitions to Dr. Bakhtiar Ul Haq for his continuous assisting through academic and management, persistent encouragement and friendly support since the beginning of my PhD work. My sincere appreciation also extends to all my colleagues and others who have provided assistance at various occasions. Their supports, views and tips are useful indeed. Unfortunately, it is not possible to list all of them in here.























1.1 Background of study 1

1.2 Problem statement 3

1.3 Objectives 4

1.4 Scope of study 5

1.5 Significant of study 6

1.6 Structure of thesis 7




2.1.1 Active material based on

OSM 10

2.1.2 OSM of π-conjugated small molecule and molecular

crystal 11

2.2 OSM based on thiophene 12

2.3 OSM based on vinazene 13

2.4 OSM based on perylene 14

2.5 OSM based on CuPc 16

2.6 The electronic structure 17

2.7 The Many-Body Problem 18

2.8 The Born-Oppenheimer approximation 19 2.9 The Hatree and Hatree-Fock Theory 20 2.10 Density Functional Theory (DFT) 23

2.11 The Kohn-Sham equations 26

2.12 Approximation of exchange correlation

energy 29

2.12.1 Local Density Approximation

(LDA) 29

2.12.2 Generalized Gradient

Approximation (GGA) 31

2.12.3 Hybrid functional

approximation 34

2.13 Basis set 35

2.13.1 DMol3: Double Numerical

Polarized 36

2.13.2 CASTEP: Plane wave 37 2.14 The potential: Pseudopotential 38 2.15 The definition of optical properties 39 2.16 Nonequilibrium Green’s Function

(NEGF) 42



3.1 Computational technique 45

3.2 Computational codes 46

3.3 Optimization task of geometrical

structures 47

3.3.1 Optimization of the interface

study of thiophene/graphene 48 3.3.2 Optimization of the vinazene

molecular device simulation 49

3.4 Computational details 51

3.4.1 Structural properties 51 3.4.2 Electronic properties 52 3.4.3 Optical properties 54 3.4.4 Interface study of

thiophene/graphene 54

3.4.5 Vinazene molecular device

for OPV applications 56




4.1 Introduction 57

4.2 Thiophene 58

4.3 Vinazene 60

4.4 Perylene 62

4.5 Cu-phthalocyanine 65

4.6 Summary 66



5.1 Introduction 70

5.2 Thiophene 71

5.3 Vinazene 79



5.5 Cu-phthalocyanine 94

5.6 Summary 101



6.1 Introduction 105

6.2 Thiophene 106

6.3 Vinazene 111

6.4 Perylene 118

6.5 Cu-phthalocyanine 122

6.6 Summary 126


7.1 Introduction 128

7.2 Thiophene-graphene interface 129 7.3 Vinazene molecular device for OPV

applications 140

7.3.1 Density of states (DOS) of

vinazene molecular device 141 7.3.2 Transmission spectrum, I-V

characteristics curve and conductance of vinazene

molecular device 144


8.1 Introduction 148

8.2 Future Perspectives 151






3.1 The functional and parameterizations used in

electronic properties 52

4.1 The optimized bond lengths and angles of

thiophene molecule 60

4.2 The optimized bond lengths and angles of

vinazene molecule 62

4.3 The optimized bond lengths of perylene

molecule 64

4.4 The optimized bond lengths and angles of CuPc

molecule 66

5.1 The HOMO-LUMO energy level and the energy gap Eg of isolated thiophene molecule using

various functionals and parameterizations 76

5.2 The HOMO-LUMO energy level and the energy gap Eg of thiophene molecular crystal using

various functionals and parameterizations 77

5.3 The energy gap Eg of isolated vinazene molecule



parameterizations 82

5.4 The energy gap Eg of vinazene molecular crystal

using various functionals and

parameterizations 83

5.5 The HOMO-LUMO energy level and the energy gap Eg of isolated perylene molecule using

various functionals and parameterizations 89

5.6 The HOMO-LUMO energy level and the energy gap Eg of isolated DIP molecule using various

functionals and parameterizations 90

5.7 The HOMO-LUMO energy level and the energy gap Eg of DIP molecular crystal using various

functionals and parameterizations 91

5.8 The HOMO-LUMO energy level and the energy gap Eg of isolated Cu-phthalocyanine (CuPc)

molecule using various functionals and

parameterizations 96

5.9 The HOMO-LUMO energy level and the energy gap Eg of β-phase Cu-phthalocyanine (CuPc)

molecular crystal using various functionals

and parameterizations 97

7.1 The energy gaps Eg of thiophene/graphene

system at separation distance d=1.50Å using

various functionals 131

7.2 The energy gaps Eg of thiophene/graphene

system at different separation distances using





2.1 Schematic representation of the cutoff energy concept (Computational figure obtained using software programs from Dassault Systèmes

Biovia Corp..The ab initio calculations were

performed with the CASTEP program, and

graphical displays generated with Materials

Studio [124].) 38

2.2 Schematic diagram of the relationship between full potentials Vfp, pseudopotentials Vpp and

their respective wavefunctions pp and fp

[123]. 39

4.1 Schematic diagram of (a) thiophene molecule structure with atoms numbering and (b) thiophene molecular crystal. The yellow, grey and white colors correspond to sulphur, carbon

and hydrogen atoms respectively. 59

4.2 (a) Molecule, (b) skeletal and (c) molecular crystal diagram of vinazene. The blue, grey and white colors correspond to nitrogen, carbon and



4.3 Graphical view of (a) isolated perylene

molecule, (b) DIP molecule and (c) DIP single crystal where grey and white balls represent

carbon and hydrogen atoms 64

4.4 Schematic view of (a) CuPc isolated molecule and (b) β-CuPc molecular crystal. The pink,

blue, grey and white colors correspond to copper, nitrogen, carbon and hydrogen atoms

respectively 66

5.1 HOMO-LUMO of thiophene (a) isolated molecule and (b) molecular crystal determined

by PBE-GGA parameterization 73

5.2 Bandstructure of thiophene molecular crystal

determined by PBE-GGA parameterization 78

5.3 The total and partial density of states (DOS) of

thiophene molecule and crystal 79

5.4 HOMO-LUMO of vinazene (a) molecular

crystal and (b) isolated molecule determined by

PBE-GGA parameterization 81

5.5 Zoomed bandstructure of vinazene molecular crystal determined by PBE-GGA

parameterization 84

5.6 The total and partial density of states (DOS) of

vinazene molecule and crystal 85

5.7 The graph of energy gaps and the HOMO-LUMO of (a) perylene molecule, (b) DIP molecule and (c) DIP crystal determined by



5.8 Bandstructure of DIP molecular crystal

determined by PBE-GGA parameterization 92

5.9 The total and partial density of states (DOS) of perylene molecule, DIP molecule and DIP

molecular crystal 93

5.10 The spin polarized total density of states of (a) perylene molecule, (b) DIP molecule and (c) DIP crystal. The states appear in positive energies represents the majority spin states (up spin) and that in negative energies represents

minority spin states (down spin). 94

5.11 HOMO-LUMO of CuPc molecule and β-CuPc molecular crystal determined by PBE-GGA

parameterization 98

5.12 Bandstructure of β-CuPc molecular crystal

determined by PBE-GGA parameterization 99

5.13 The total and partial density of states (DOS) of

CuPc molecule and β-CuPc molecular crystal 100

5.14 The spin polarized total density of states of CuPc molecule and β-CuPc molecular crystal.

The states appear in positive energies represents the majority spin states (up spin) and that in negative energies represents minority spin states

(down spin). 101

6.1 Real and imaginary parts of conductivity σ(ω) and dieletric ε(ω) functions spectra of both

isolated molecule (top) and molecular crystal



6.2 Absorption α(ω), reflectivity R(ω) and loss

function L(ω) spectra of thiophene isolated

molecule (red spectra) and thiophene molecular

crystal (blue spectra). 110

6.3 Reflectivity spectra R(ω) of vinazene: isolated molecule (a) and molecular crystal (b). The

spectra are presented respective to three

polarization vectors of (100), (010), and (001)

directions. 112

6.4 Real ε1(ω) and imaginary ε2(ω) parts of dielectric functions for vinazene isolated molecule and

molecular crystal. The spectra are presented

respective to three polarization vectors of (100),

(010), and (001) directions. 113

6.5 Real σ1(ω) and imaginary σ2(ω) parts and of

conductivity function for vinazene isolated molecule and molecular crystal. The spectra are

presented respective to three polarization

vectors of (100), (010), and (001) directions. 114

6.6 Refractive index n(ω) and the extinction coefficient k(ω) versus energy. They are

presented respective to three polarization

vectors of (100), (010), and (001) directions. 116

6.7 Absorption α(ω) and loss function L(ω) spectra of vinazene molecule (above) and molecular

crystal (below). The spectra are presented

respective to three polarization vectors of (100),

(010), and (001) directions. 117



dielectric functions spectra of perylene

molecule (1st row), DIP molecule (2nd row) and

DIP crystal (3rd row). 119

6.9 Absorption (a), reflectivity (b) and loss function (c) spectra of perylene molecule (red spectra), DIP molecule (blue spectra) and DIP crystal

(black spectra). 122

6.10 Absorption, reflectivity and loss function spectra of CuPc. Red and black lines spectra

correspond to CuPc isolated molecule and

β-CuPc molecular crystal respectively. 124

6.11 Real and imaginary parts of conductivity and dielectric function spectra of CuPc isolated

molecule (top) and β-CuPc molecular crystal

(bottom). 126

7.1 Illustration of graphene sp2 hybridization 129

7.2 The (a) LUMO, (b) HOMO and (c) the interface’s separation distance d=1.50Å of the

thiophene/graphene system 131

7.3 Schematic top views (top) and energy gap illustrations (bottom) of: (a) thiophene, (b) graphene and (c) thiophene underneath graphene. The yellow, grey and white balls represent sulphur, carbon and hydrogen atoms

respectively. 133

7.4 Adsorption energy of thiophene/graphene at

different separation distances 135

7.5 Binding energy of thiophene/graphene at



7.6 Spin-polarized DOS of: (a) thiophene and (b)

graphene, where yellow region respective to spin-up DOS and cyan region respective to

spin-down DOS 138

7.7 Spin-polarized DOS of graphene/thiophene at different distances: (a) 1.00Å, (b) 1.25Å, (c) 1.50Å, (d) 1.75Å, (e) 2.00Å, (f) 2.25Å, (g) 2.50Å, (h) 2.75Å and (i) 3.00Å where yellow region respective to spin-up DOS and cyan

region respective to spin-down DOS. 138

7.8 Spin-polarization of thiophene/graphene at

different distances 139

7.9 Modeling configuration of the vinazene

molecular device 141

7.10 Total density of states of the vinazene molecule. The red dash line represents the reference of

Fermi energy level. 143

7.11 Device density of states (DDOS). The red dash line represents the reference of Fermi energy

level. 143

7.12 System density of states, where vinazene is placed in the device. The red line represents the

reference of Fermi energy. 144

7.13 The transmission spectrum, T(E) with no applied bias. The red dash line represents the

Fermi energy 145



of the vinazene molecular device system. In the

transmission spectrum, V represents the applied bias voltage, orange lines represent the total transmission spectra, blue lines represent the bias windows, and negative and positive energy indicates the valence and conduction region




PV - Photovoltaics

SM - Semiconductor material

OSM - Organic semiconductor material ISM - Inorganic semiconductor material OPV - Organic photovoltaics

DSSC - Dye-sensitized solar cells DFT - Density Functional Theory CuPc - Cu-Phthalocyanine

LDA - Local Density Approximation

GGA - Generalized Gradient Approximation BLYP - Becke-Lee-Yang-Parr

Vinazene - 2-vinyl-4,5-dicyanoimidazoles HOMO - Highest occupied molecular orbital LUMO - Lowest unoccupied molecular orbital DIP - Di-indeno perylene

HF - Hatree-Fock

KS - Kohn-Sham

PBE - Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof

PW91 - Perdew-Wang 1991

DOS - Density of states




- Hamiltonian of the total system

Hamiltonian for many body system of electron

Mi - Mass of nucleus at position Ri

me - Mass of electrons at position ri

ρ - Ground state density

Vext - External potential

O - Any observable

- Hohenberg-Kohn density functional

- Exact ground-state electronic energy

- Trial wave function yielding the ground state electron density

- Ground-state electron density

- Kohn-Sham single-particle potential

- Wave function of the N single particle orbital - Exact chemical potential of the system

- Kinetic energy of Kohn-Sham N non-interacting system

- Energy from the Hatree contribution

- Exchange-correlation energy

- Exchange correlation energy density of an interacting

homogeneous electron gas

- Gradient of electron density

- Atomic basis functions

- Molecular orbital expansion coefficient



- Reciprocal lattice vector

- Cutoff energy

P - The spin-polarization








1.1 Background of study

Industrialization, a drastic rise in the population and globalization, has increased the demand for sustainable and clean energy sources manifold ever than before. Moreover, conventional energy resources are rapidly depleting and concurrently creating problems such as global warming/environment pollution etc. In order to cope with these issues, clean and economical energy sources are in great demand as an alternative to oil and fossil fuels. Hence, researchers have shown considerable interests in exploring alternative energy resources. As a matter of fact, the sun is the source that provides an abundance of renewable solar energy and is a viable source to realize the dream of cheaper and green energy. Apparently, the sunlight supplies approximately 104 times larger energy than our present needs. However, the biggest challenge is the conversion of solar energy into electrical energy in addressing the issue of world energy demands over a longer period of time through cheaper and environment-friendly technologies.



semiconductor materials (SMs) since solar energy is converted into electricity

directly [2-3] by manipulating the potential of SM materials. Day by day, this technology is attracting more and more attention of the researchers towards exploring, tailoring and investigating the new and better SMs, which can realize the dream of green/sustainable energy. Although some SMs are already exploited in the technology, most of the modules are based on inorganic semiconductor materials (ISMs). Recently, researchers have diverted their interests in the organic SMs (OSMs) as well. It is due to the fact that the PV modules that are based on the conventional ISMs are very expensive if compared to the OSMs. Moreover, the optoelectronic device manufacturing based on the OSMs is easier than the ISMs. Regardless of the advantages, OSMs -based device efficiency is rather low [4-5]. Hence, the study of OSMs generally seeks opportunities to dominate in PV technology with enhanced performance over the current market of conventional crystalline silicon and other ISMs.

The OSM-based device of organic photovoltaics (OPV) is thin, light and flexible. The versatility of OPV as the future energy efficient technology is paving towards replacing the utilization of conventional silicon in the mass production. Some examples of OPV technology that have been introduced these days are OPV polymers, OPV DSSC (dye-sensitized solar cells) and OPV oligomers. OPV devices consist of one or several photoactive OSMs overlaid between two electrodes of cathode and anode [5] Photoactive OSMs play a key role in the performance of optoelectronic/photovoltaic devices. Therefore, in order to determine suitable and efficient photoactive OSMs and attain their respective properties, comprehensive investigations on their electronic structure and optoelectronic properties are necessary. In this regard, the use of ab initio quantum mechanical computational techniques in performing virtual experiment may lead to a cheaper experiment and shorter developmental cycle.



their properties without prior experimental knowledge. This feature of DFT has

brought a new insight into the investigation and education field.

1.2 Problem statement

Organic materials are relatively at an early stage of development if compared to the inorganic materials. Thus, further research on novel OSMs for their applications in advance technologies is essential. Despite progress in the exploration of better performance OPV technology, application dilemma is certainly resolved with a better understanding of the OSMs electronic structure and corresponding optoelectronic properties which can unveil the novel features and functionalities of a material [6-7]. Furthermore, with the knowledge of electronic structure and properties, one can successfully tune material properties for the application in a device for stable and good performance [8-9]. Though numbers of study are found pertaining to OSMs comprehending their potential for OPV technology, rarely are focused on atomic level physical properties of the OSMs which show a correlation between the structures of the molecule and molecular crystal. Moreover, the available research reports on the materials under investigation, are giving piecemeal information about the pertinent properties which predict for their implementation within a particular device [5, 10]. Hence, a comprehensive study on the reported OSMs optoelectronic properties and the implementation of the studied OSMs to be adopted in OPV technology seems vague.



investigation based on theoretical works are scarcely done [16], compared to

experimental work [17-18]. Differently in vinazene, where both electronic and optical properties study based on theoretical work remains elusive [19-21].

As the π-conjugated molecule study is on demand, the theoretical studies on

the molecular crystal of thiophene, vinazene, perylene, and Cu-phthalocyanine (CuPc) for OPV purposes are also scarce [22-23] especially involving optical properties study [24]. Besides, investigation on electronic properties, optical properties and the ideal packing of the molecular crystals' structural arrangement resulted from the transition from molecule to molecular crystal is remained elusive as well. This has stirred up our interest to further expose the potential of molecular crystal while the molecule being the key building blocks for the OSMs of thiophene, vinazene, perylene, and Cu-phthalocyanine (CuPc) [25-26]. All of these dilemmas need to be clarified in order to further enhance OPV performance through OSMs potential in realizing the dream of providing a base of alternate cheaper sustainable energy sources for future’s green energy technologies.

1.3 Objectives

The aim of this research is to study the physical properties of a class of organic semiconductor materials in the form of isolated molecules and molecular crystals for organic photovoltaic applications using the theoretical approach of Density Functional Theory (DFT).

In order to achieve the aim, the following objectives are performed:

i) To optimize the geometrical structure of organic materials (thiophene, vinazene, perylene, and Cu-phthalocyanine (CuPc))

ii) To investigate the electronic properties of the organic materials in isolated molecule and molecular crystal

iii) To investigate the optical properties of the organic materials in isolated molecule and molecular crystal



1.4 Scope of study

This research is covered by performing theoretical investigations relating to OSMs isolated molecule and molecular crystal of thiophene, vinazene, perylene, and Cu-phthalocyanine. A thorough study is performed using a quantum mechanical ab initio approach called as Density Functional Theory (DFT). The calculations are carried out on the basic and established laws of nature without involving any additional assumption or models. To perform DFT calculations, computational codes (DMol3 [25, 27], CASTEP [28] and VASP [29]), framed within the DFT, are utilized to model, design and simulates the chosen OSMs in order to achieve the objectives. Each code is providing different approaches, basis, potential, exchange-correlation energy parameterizations, advantages, and disadvantages. However, in general, all the codes are designed within DFT.

Planar structure OSMs are chosen for OPV technology. Optimization of geometrical structures of the chosen OSMs is performed at the isolated molecule level at first in order to contribute as the backbone of molecular crystal simulation later. Packing arrangements of the molecules are being focused in designing the molecular crystal structure. In isolated molecules, influences of the heteroatom, functional groups, carbon-only based structure, and the presence of metal element are being highlighted through the variety of chosen OSMs. Whereas intermolecular forces attributed from the packing arrangements and the delocalization and localization of π-conjugated system are discussed for molecular crystal structure.



In order to emphasize the potential of OSMs in OPV applications through the

study of electro-optical properties, this research has been extended through the simulations of interfacial study and substitution of OSM in device applications as well. Some OSMs are selected to perform the respective study. The properties of OSMs are engineered solely with energy efficient technologies particularly OPV applications in order to provide an overview and predictions about the OSMs behaviors and properties before turning the respective OSMs into practical use. These approximations and methods are complementary for this research on optoelectronic properties for OPV applications.

1.5 Significance of study



1.6 Structure of thesis

In this thesis, several OSMs covered in two phases of the isolated molecule and molecular crystal level based on the framework of DFT. The DFT based calculations have been rationalized mostly within the computational codes of DMol3, CASTEP, and VASP. In Chapter 1, general and background of the research have been provided. The objectives of this study are highlighted as well in this chapter corresponding to the defined problem statements. Plus, to allow one to understand the direction of this study, the scope and significance of study are also elaborated within this chapter.

In Chapter 2, an overview of the previous works done on the selected OSMs of thiophene, vinazene, perylene, and CuPc are presented. Most of the existing theoretical or experimental studies related to the OSMs have been reported either using the same methodologies or otherwise. In addition to that, the development of the theoretical works from the scratch and the DFT-based framework is described too, to give an exclusive understanding of the present study. In Chapter 3, the methodologies used throughout this study are presented. The employed computational codes according to a different level of study are explained and the computational details including the necessary procedures to be done appropriately have been included as well.

Chapter 4 presents the investigation of structural properties of both isolated molecule and molecular crystal of thiophene, vinazene, perylene, and CuPc. Optimization of the structures that lead in obtaining structure stability, lattice parameters, arrangements of molecules, brief structural strengths and advantages in response to different influences of the heteroatom, functional groups, carbon-only based structure, and the presence of metal elements is being discussed in this chapter.



(LUMO), whereas for crystal structures via the formation of bandstructure. Various

exchange-correlation potentials have been executed for the calculations of the energy gap in this chapter. In addition, the total and partial density of states in relations with the obtained PBE-GGA energy gap has been discussed within this chapter too.

Chapter 6 contains the investigated results on the optical properties of the optimized structures. Reflectivity, refractive index, absorption, together with real and imaginary parts of the frequency-dependent dielectric and conductivity function are part of the properties that have been discussed by relying on the practical characteristics that may serve as good optoelectronic system and devices, especially in the organic photovoltaic field. Calculations in this chapter have been conducted through PBE-GGA parameterizations.

In Chapter 7, discussions on the simulations of interfacial study and the substitution of OSM in device applications have been highlighted. In the interface study, thiophene and graphene have been chosen as the adsorbate and substrate materials. The separation distance between thiophene and graphene was varied from 1.00Å to 3.00Å to tune the energy gap produced. The adsorption and binding energy curve are depicted in this chapter and based on the discussion, the appearance of physisorption characteristics has been distinguished. To further the investigation, simulation on device applications is performed and discussed in this chapter too. Instead of thiophene, vinazene is chosen since the same work on thiophene has been previously done by others. The density of states of the vinazene molecule, the device only and the system have been elaborated in brief. The transmission spectrum, I-V characteristics curve and conductance curve in respect to zero and applied bias have been discussed in details where broadening in the bias windows are clearly observed.



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