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Academic year: 2021

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#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <iostream>

#include <time.h> // added TIME

#include <windows.h> //for text coloring. No pseudocode or flowchart needed. void firstpage ();

void menu ();

void card_type (int card_type);

void receipt (int i, int num_order, int list[], int quantity[], float total_price[50], char *name[], float current_total);

int main (void) {

float money_paid = 0, money_return, total_price[50] = {}, current_total = 0, price[50] = {}, rounding;

int type_card = -5, i = 0, quantity[50] = {}, list[50] = {}, chance = 3, no_order =

0, code = -5, type_payment = -5, id, pw; //


int creditno1, creditno2, creditno3, creditno4, securityno;


char selection, *name1[50] = {}, *name[50] = {}, type = 'a', type2 = 'a'; int reorder = 0, pass = 1, round;

HANDLE h = GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); // These 3 lines define the color changing mechanism.

WORD wOldColorAttrs;

CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbiInfo; firstpage ();

system ("color 3"); // Change entire program font color to aqua.

GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo (h, &csbiInfo); // These 2 lines precapture original font and background color.

wOldColorAttrs = csbiInfo.wAttributes;

while ( chance > 0 ) // Changed the while loop to countdown instead of count up. Removed access 'If' statements.


if ( chance == 1 ){

printf ("\t\tPlease enter your ID (%d try remaining) : ", chance); scanf ("%d", &id);

fflush (stdin); }

else {

printf ("\t\tPlease enter your ID (%d tries remaining) : ", chance); scanf ("%d", &id);

fflush (stdin); }

if ( id == 1302523 || id == 1302467 || id == 1302375 || id == 1302514 || id

== 1303111 || id == 1302509 ) // Reorganised 'If' statement.

// ADDED break;

else {


SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); // Change to color.

printf ("\n\n\n\t\t\t\t=============\n"); printf ("\t\t\t\tInvalid ID!!!");


printf ("\n\t\t\t\t=============");

SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, wOldColorAttrs); // Change back to original.

printf ("\n\n\n\t\t\t");

system ("pause"); // Used 'pause' instead of getchar() for turely 'Press any key to continue'.

} system ("cls"); firstpage (); } if ( chance == 0 ) { system ("cls");

SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); printf ("\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\t LOG IN


SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, wOldColorAttrs); exit (0);


chance = 3; // Added this line to reset the 'chance' to 3 in events where 1 chance is used in ID section but not reset in password section.

while ( chance > 0 ) {

system ("cls"); firstpage ();

SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); printf ("\t\tID : %d\n\n", id);

SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, wOldColorAttrs); if ( chance == 1 ){

printf ("\t\tPlease enter your password (%d try remaining) : ", chance);

scanf ("%d", &pw); //password = 123 fflush (stdin);

} else{

printf ("\t\tPlease enter your password (%d tries remaining) : ", chance);

scanf ("%d", &pw); //password = 123 fflush (stdin);


if ( pw == 123 ) // Reorganized 'If' statements. break;



SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); printf ("\n\n\t\t\t\t===================\n");

printf ("\t\t\t\tInvalid password!!!"); printf ("\n\t\t\t\t==================="); SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, wOldColorAttrs); printf ("\n\n\t\t\t"); system ("pause"); } system ("cls"); firstpage ();

printf ("\tID\t: %d\n", id); }


if ( chance == 0 ) {

system ("cls");

SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); printf ("\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\t LOG IN FAILED\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"); SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, wOldColorAttrs); exit (0); } system ("cls");

SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); printf ("\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\t LOG IN SUCCESSFUL\n\n\n");

SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, wOldColorAttrs); switch ( id ){

case 1302514: printf ("\t\t\tGreetings, Mr Arthur Chang\n");

//Changed all 'Good Morning' to 'Greetings', more appropriate if time is included. break;

case 1302375: printf ("\t\t\tGreetings, Mr YYN\n"); break;

case 1302467: printf ("\t\t\tGreetings, Mr Ken Yap\n"); break;

case 1302523: printf ("\t\t\tGreetings, Mr Sherman Tan\n"); break;

case 1303111: printf ("\t\t\tGreetings, Mr Wen Shen\n"); break;

case 1302509: printf ("\t\t\tGreetings, Mr Ang Jia Jian\n"); break;


printf ("\t\t\tYou can start to order now ^_^\n"); time_t now;

// TIME time (&now);


printf ("\t\t\tLogin time : %s", ctime (&now)); // TIME printf ("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"); system ("pause"); i = 0; list[i] = 0; no_order = 0; current_total = 0; system ("cls"); menu ();

printf ("\n Please enter the Item Code of items you wish to buy : "); // Reinvented the while loop.

scanf ("%d", &code); fflush (stdin); while ( code != 0 ) {


do // Added looping for invalid Item Code. { switch ( code ){ case 0: pass = 1; break; case 1:

name[i] = "Call of Duty 10 Ghosts\t"; name1[i] = "Call of Duty 10 Ghosts"; price[i] = 179.99;

pass = 1; break; case 2:

name[i] = "Asssasin Creed IV Black Flag"; name1[i] = "Asssasin Creed IV Black Flag"; price[i] = 169.99;

pass = 1; break; case 3:

name[i] = "Football Manager 2014\t"; name1[i] = "Football Manager 2014"; price[i] = 149.99; pass = 1; break; case 4: name[i] = "NBA 2K14\t\t"; name1[i] = "NBA 2K14"; price[i] = 119.99; pass = 1; break; case 5:

name[i] = "ARMA III\t\t"; name1[i] = "ARMA III"; price[i] = 89.99; pass = 1;

break; case 6:

name[i] = "BATMAN ARKHAM ORIGINS\t"; name1[i] = "BATMAN ARKHAM ORIGINS"; price[i] = 69.99;

pass = 1; break; case 7:

name[i] = "Chivalry Medieval Warfare"; name1[i] = "Chivalry Medieval Warfare"; price[i] = 59.99; pass = 1; break; default: system ("cls"); menu (); SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY);

printf ("\n Invalid Item Code!!!\n"); SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, wOldColorAttrs); pass = 0;

printf ("\n Please enter valid Item Code of items you wish to buy : ");

scanf ("%d", &code); fflush (stdin); break;


} while ( pass == 0 );

if ( code == 0 ) // Added second layer exit code checking in events where first layer is bypassed by entering an invalid code other than 0.

break; else{ system ("cls"); menu (); SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY);

printf ("\n Item code : (%d)\n", code); SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, wOldColorAttrs); printf ("\n Please enter quantity : "); scanf ("%d", &quantity[i]);

fflush (stdin);

while ( quantity[i] == 0 ){ // Added looping for 0 quantity. system ("cls");

menu ();


printf ("\n Item code : (%d)\n", code); SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, wOldColorAttrs); SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY);

printf ("\n Invalid quantity!!!\n"); SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, wOldColorAttrs); printf ("\n Please enter valid quantity : "); scanf ("%d", &quantity[i]);

fflush (stdin); }

system ("cls"); menu ();

SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, FOREGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); if ( quantity[i] == 1 )

printf ("\n %d copy of %s has been added to the shopping cart.\n\n", quantity[i], name1[i]);


printf ("\n %d copies of %s has been added to the shopping cart.\n\n", quantity[i], name1[i]);

SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, wOldColorAttrs); total_price[i] = price[i] * quantity[i]; current_total += price[i] * quantity[i]; system ("pause"); system ("cls"); menu (); list[i] = i; ++i; ++no_order; }

printf ("\n Please enter the Item Code of items you wish to buy : "); scanf ("%d", &code); fflush (stdin); } int a; a = i; int loop_counter = 0;



system ("cls");

printf ("\n\t\t\t\t SHOPPING CART\n");

receipt (i, no_order, list, quantity, total_price, name, current_total); printf ("\n <y> --> Proceed to checkout.");

printf ("\n <n> --> Remove item(s).\n\n"); if ( loop_counter >= 1 ){

SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); printf (" ================\n");

printf (" Invalid Input!!!\n"); printf (" ================\n\n"); SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, wOldColorAttrs); } printf (" > "); scanf ("%c", &type); fflush (stdin); loop_counter++;

} while ( type != 'y' && type != 'n' ); if ( type == 'n' ){

system ("cls");

printf ("\n\t\t\t\t SHOPPING CART\n");

receipt (i, no_order, list, quantity, total_price, name, current_total); printf ("\n Please key in the item number you wish to Remove.");

//Type changed to key

printf ("\n <-1> --> proceed to checkout.\n"); printf ("\n Please key in the number : "); scanf ("%d", &i);

fflush (stdin); while ( i != -1 ) {

current_total -= price[i] * quantity[i]; name[i] = "Removed.\t\t";

quantity[i] = 0; total_price[i] = 0; system ("cls");

printf ("\n\t\t\t\t SHOPPING CART\n");

receipt (i, no_order, list, quantity, total_price, name, current_total);

printf ("\n Please key in the item number you wish to Remove."); printf ("\n <-1> --> proceed to checkout.\n");

// Type changed to Key

printf ("\n Selected item has been removed.\n"); printf ("\n Please key in the number : "); scanf ("%d", &i); fflush (stdin);

} }

i = a;

rounding = current_total * 100; // Added rounding adjustment.

round = (int)rounding % 10; if ( round == 0 ){

name[i] = "Rounding Adjustment\t"; name1[i] = "Rounding Adjustment"; quantity[i] = 1;

total_price[i] = 0.00; list[i] = i;


++i; ++no_order; }

else if ( round <= 3 ){

float minus = (float)round / 100; current_total -= minus;

name[i] = "Rounding Adjustment\t"; name1[i] = "Rounding Adjustment"; quantity[i] = 1; total_price[i] = -minus; list[i] = i; ++i; ++no_order; }

else if ( round > 3 && round <= 5 ){ int minus = 5 - round;

float plus = (float)minus / 100; current_total += plus;

name[i] = "Rounding Adjustment\t"; name1[i] = "Rounding Adjustment"; quantity[i] = 1; total_price[i] = +plus; list[i] = i; ++i; ++no_order; }

else if ( round > 5 && round <= 8 ){ int plus = round - 5;

float minus = (float)plus / 100; current_total -= minus;

name[i] = "Rounding Adjustment\t"; name1[i] = "Rounding Adjustment"; quantity[i] = 1; total_price[i] = -minus; list[i] = i; ++i; ++no_order; }

else if ( round > 8 && round <= 9 ){ int minus = 10 - round;

float plus = (float)minus / 100; current_total += plus;

name[i] = "Rounding Adjustment\t"; name1[i] = "Rounding Adjustment"; quantity[i] = 1; total_price[i] = +plus; list[i] = i; ++i; ++no_order; } loop_counter = 0; do { // Did some

changes in this part, especially error checking. system ("cls");

printf ("\n\t\t\t\t SHOPPING CART\n");

receipt (i, no_order, list, quantity, total_price, name, current_total); printf ("\n Select your payment method: \n");

printf (" <1> --> Cash Payment "); printf ("\n <2> --> Credit Card Payment"); printf ("\n <3> --> Exit Program.\n\n"); if ( loop_counter >= 1 ){


printf (" ================\n"); printf (" Invalid Input!!!\n"); printf (" ================\n\n"); SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, wOldColorAttrs); } printf (" > "); scanf ("%d", &type_payment); fflush (stdin); loop_counter++;

} while ( type_payment != 1 && type_payment != 2 && type_payment != 3 );

switch ( type_payment ){ //

Converted to case control. case 1:

loop_counter = 0; do {

system ("cls"); fflush (stdin);

printf ("\n\t\t\t\t SHOPPING CART\n");

receipt (i, no_order, list, quantity, total_price, name, current_total);


printf ("\n\t\t\t\t******************\n"); printf ("\t\t\t\t| Cash payment |\n"); printf ("\t\t\t\t******************\n"); SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, wOldColorAttrs); if ( loop_counter >= 1 ){


printf ("\n\n Sorry!! You do not have enough money to pay !! =( \n");

SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, wOldColorAttrs); }

printf ("\n Please enter total amount paid : RM "); scanf ("%f", &money_paid);

fflush (stdin); loop_counter++;

} while ( money_paid < current_total ); system ("cls");

printf ("\n\t\t\t\t Receipt\n");

receipt (i, no_order, list, quantity, total_price, name, current_total);

time_t now;

// TIME time (&now);


printf (" Transaction completed on %s", ctime (&now)); money_return = money_paid - current_total;

printf ("\n\n Total amount paid : RM %.2f", money_paid); printf ("\n Total price : RM %.2f", current_total); printf ("\n Change : RM %.2f\n\n\n", money_return); printf (" Thank You! Have a Nice day!!!\n\n\n");


case 2: //Added error checking for

credit card numbers and security number. loop_counter = 0;


do {

system ("cls");

printf ("\n\t\t\t\t SHOPPING CART\n");

receipt (i, no_order, list, quantity, total_price, name, current_total); printf ("\n\t\t\t***************************\n"); printf ("\t\t\t| <1> - MasterCard |\n"); printf ("\t\t\t| <2> - Visa |\n"); printf ("\t\t\t***************************\n"); if ( loop_counter >= 1 ){ SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); printf ("\n ================\n"); printf (" Invalid Input!!!\n"); printf (" ================\n\n");

SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, wOldColorAttrs); }

printf ("\n Please select type of credit card : "); scanf ("%d", &type_card);

fflush (stdin); loop_counter++;

} while ( type_card != 1 && type_card != 2 ); system ("cls");

printf ("\n\t\t\t\t SHOPPING CART\n");

receipt (i, no_order, list, quantity, total_price, name, current_total); card_type (type_card); loop_counter = 0; do { system ("cls"); fflush (stdin);

printf ("\n\t\t\t\t SHOPPING CART\n");

receipt (i, no_order, list, quantity, total_price, name, current_total); card_type (type_card); if ( loop_counter >= 1 ){ SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); printf ("\n ================================================\n");

printf (" Invalid Credit Card Number or Security Number!!!\n");

printf (" ================================================\n\n");

SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, wOldColorAttrs); }

printf ("\n Please key in your 1st 4 digits : "); // CHANGED

scanf ("%d", &creditno1);


fflush (stdin);

printf (" Please key in your 2nd 4 digits : "); // CHANGED


scanf ("%d", &creditno2);


fflush (stdin);

printf (" Please key in your 3rd 4 digits : "); // CHANGED

scanf ("%d", &creditno3);


fflush (stdin);

printf (" Please key in your 4th 4 digits : "); // CHANGED

scanf ("%d", &creditno4);


fflush (stdin);

printf ("\n Please key in security number : "); scanf ("%d", &securityno);

fflush (stdin); loop_counter++;

} while ( creditno1<1000 || creditno1>9999 || creditno2<1000 || creditno2>9999 || creditno3<1000 || creditno3>9999 || creditno4<1000 || creditno4>9999 || securityno<100 || securityno>999 );

loop_counter = 0; do


system ("cls");

printf ("\n\t\t\t\t SHOPPING CART\n");

receipt (i, no_order, list, quantity, total_price, name, current_total);

card_type (type_card);

printf ("\n Credit card number : %d - %d - %d - %d", creditno1, creditno2, creditno3, creditno4);


printf ("\n Credit card security number : %d\n ", securityno);

printf ("\n\t\t ****************************************\n");

printf ("\t\t | All input are correct? |\n");


printf ("\t\t | <y> - Yes, Proceed to next step . |\n");


printf ("\t\t | <n> - No, Retype input . |\n"); // CHANGED printf ("\t\t ****************************************\n"); if ( loop_counter >= 1 ){ SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY);


printf ("\n ================\n"); printf (" Invalid Input!!!\n"); printf (" ================\n\n");

SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, wOldColorAttrs); }

printf ("\n Please select your choice : "); scanf ("%c", &type2);

fflush (stdin); loop_counter++;

} while ( type2 != 'y' && type2 != 'n' ); while ( type2 == 'n' ) { loop_counter = 0; do { system ("cls"); fflush (stdin);

printf ("\n\t\t\t\t SHOPPING CART\n");

receipt (i, no_order, list, quantity, total_price, name, current_total); card_type (type_card); if ( loop_counter >= 1 ){ SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); printf ("\n ================================================\n");

printf (" Invalid Credit Card Number or Security Number!!!\n");

printf (" ================================================\n\n");

SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, wOldColorAttrs); }

printf ("\n Please key in your 1st 4 digits : "); // CHANGED

scanf ("%d", &creditno1);


fflush (stdin);

printf (" Please key in your 2nd 4 digits : "); // CHANGED

scanf ("%d", &creditno2);


fflush (stdin);

printf (" Please key in your 3rd 4 digits : "); // CHANGED

scanf ("%d", &creditno3);


fflush (stdin);


// CHANGED scanf ("%d", &creditno4);


fflush (stdin);

printf ("\n Please key in security number : "); scanf ("%d", &securityno);

fflush (stdin); loop_counter++;

} while ( creditno1<1000 || creditno1>9999 || creditno2<1000 || creditno2>9999 || creditno3<1000 || creditno3>9999 || creditno4<1000 || creditno4>9999 || securityno<100 || securityno>999 );


system ("cls");

printf ("\n\t\t\t\t Receipt\n");

receipt (i, no_order, list, quantity, total_price, name, current_total);

time (&now);


printf (" Transaction completed on %s", ctime (&now)); card_type (type_card);

printf ("\n Credit card number : %d - %d - %d - %d",

creditno1, creditno2, creditno3, creditno4); // CHANGED

printf ("\n Total amount paid \t: RM %.2f\n\n\n", current_total);

printf (" Thank You! Have a Nice day!!!\n\n\n"); break;

case 3:

system ("cls");

printf ("\n You decided to exit the program. \n"); printf ("\n See you soon!!

\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"); exit (0); break; } return 0; } void firstpage () { printf ("********************************************************************************\n"); printf (" \n"); printf (" Welcome to World Latest PC game

store \n");

printf (" A lot of latest PC games present in out store \n");



(" \n");

printf (" Tel : 03-123 4444 Mr.Sherman Tan \n"); printf (" Tel : 03-456 4444 Mr.KK \n"); printf (" No 1 , Jalan Petaling , Petaling

Jaya \n");

printf (" 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor. \n\n"); printf (" \n"); printf ("********************************************************************************\n"); } void menu () { printf ("\n\t\t\t\t MENU\n"); printf (" ***************************************************************************\n"); printf (" | Item Code |\t\tGAME LIST\t\t | Price |\n"); printf ("


printf (" | <1> |\tCall of Duty 10 Ghosts\t\t | RM 179.99 |\n"); printf (" | <2> |\tAsssasin Creed IV Black Flag\t | RM 169.99 |\n");

printf (" | <3> |\tFootball Manager 2014\t\t | RM 149.99 |\n"); printf (" | <4> |\tNBA 2K14\t\t\t | RM 119.99 |\n");

printf (" | <5> |\tARMA III\t\t\t | RM 89.99 |\n");

printf (" | <6> |\tBATMAN ARKHAM ORIGINS\t\t | RM 69.99 |\n"); printf (" | <7> |\tChivalry Medieval Warfare\t | RM 59.99 |\n"); printf ("

***************************************************************************\n"); printf (" <0> --> Proceed to checkout.\n");


void receipt (int i, int no_order, int list[], int quantity[], float total_price[50], char *name[], float current_total)


printf ("


printf (" | No | Item name | Quantity | Total price |\n");

printf ("

************************************************************************\n"); for ( i = 0; i < no_order; ++i )

printf (" | %d |\t%s\t| %5d | RM %9.2f |\n", list[i], name[i], quantity[i], total_price[i]); //Changed the number list to start from 1

printf (" | | | | |\n");

printf ("


printf (" | TOTAL AMOUNT | RM %9.2f |\n", current_total); // CHANGED printf (" ************************************************************************\n"); // CHANGED }

void card_type (int type_card) {

HANDLE h = GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); WORD wOldColorAttrs;


GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo (h, &csbiInfo); wOldColorAttrs = csbiInfo.wAttributes; if ( type_card == 1 )


SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); printf ("\n\t\t\t***************************\n"); printf ("\t\t\t| MasterCard |\n"); printf ("\t\t\t***************************\n"); SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, wOldColorAttrs); } if ( type_card == 2 ) {

SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); printf ("\n\t\t\t***************************\n"); printf ("\t\t\t| Visa |\n"); printf ("\t\t\t***************************\n"); SetConsoleTextAttribute (h, wOldColorAttrs); } }


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