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Practitioners' views on the use of formal methods: an industrial survey by structured interview


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Practitioners' views on the use of formal methods:

an industrial survey by structured interview

C. Snook


, R. Harrison



aDepartment of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, High®eld, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK

bSchool of Computer Science, Cybernetics & Electronic Engineering, University of Reading, Whiteknights, P.O. Box 225, Reading, Berkshire RG6 6AY, UK Received 16 June 2000; revised 2 November 2000; accepted 3 November 2000


The recognised de®ciency in the level of empirical investigation of software engineering methods is particularly acute in the area of formal methods, where reports about their usefulness vary widely. We interviewed several formal methods users about the use of formal methods and their impact on various aspects of software engineering including the effects on the company, its products and its development processes as well as pragmatic issues such as scalability, understandability and tool support. The interviews are a ®rst stage of empirical assessment. Future work will investigate some of the issues raised using formal experimentation and case studies.q2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Formal methods; Empirical assessment; Survey; Structured interview

1. Introduction

This document reports on a series of structured interviews which have been conducted with formal methods practi-tioners. In Section 1, the need for empirical assessment, especially in formal methods, is introduced. The types of empirical assessment are described and the contribution each makes to the establishment and investigation of a hypothesis is discussed. This provides a context for the report on the conduct and ®ndings of the series of structured interviews, which is described in Section 2. In Section 3, our plans for future work arising from the results of the inter-views are presented including the statement of two hypoth-eses and an outline of how they could be investigated further.

1.1. Empirical assessment

Glass [9] comments on the way software engineering research has become insular and `academic', losing touch with the practitioners and not validating theory with real world evaluation. In response, practitioners have lost faith in research results. In fact, research and development should go hand in hand so that research ideas are transferred into

practice via an established process and bad ideas which cannot be put into practice are not kept alive mainly by research advocates. Formal methods have been cited as an example of an idea being kept alive purely by research [7,9]. Similarly, Fenton [7] warns the research community that it should not be exasperated by the poor industrial acceptance of new methods when they lack empirical validation.

1.2. Types of empirical assessment

Empirical assessment can be classi®ed as surveys (systematic post hoc data collection from a known popula-tion), formal experiments (controlled and replicated treat-ments on a number of subjects) and case studies (intensive interpretation of a small sample). Kitchenham [11,12] iden-ti®es a method for selecting evaluation techniques for soft-ware engineering methods and tools that is based on surveys, formal experiments and case studies. As part of the same project (DESMET), Kitchenham et al. [13] provide a very good critical review of past quantitative assessments and again base this around a classi®cation into surveys, formal experiments and case studies.

Daly [5] points out the value of using all the three forms of empirical assessment to support each other in establishing a hypothesis. The survey contributes to the formulation of the hypothesis and increases the likelihood that it is rele-vant, formal experiments establish that a relationship exists

Information and Software Technology 00 (2000) 000±000


* Corresponding author. Tel.: 144-118-931-8615; fax: 1 44-118-975-1994.



and case studies demonstrate that the results can be general-ised to real life situations.

1.3. Surveys

Surveys rely on the individual's memories of their experi-ences. Because of this, they can be limited in accuracy. Pannell and Pannell [14] give an informative discussion on the problems of extracting the truth via surveys and on how to maximise the chances of getting valid answers. Some of the problems include incorrect answers (an esti-mated 5±17% of answers are incorrect), misinformation, changing opinions, wording of questions, misinterpretation and ordering of questions. Nevertheless, surveys provide a powerful method to get an initial indication of the properties of a topic from a wide subject base. Survey data can lead to the formulation of relevant, and widely held, hypotheses.

A survey based on a distributed questionnaire relies on the questions asked and the way they are phrased. This implies a prior knowledge of the interesting issues and a possible outcome. A structured interview [5] consists of an interview based around a prede®ned set of questions. The questions provide a consistent structure for the inter-views but the interviewer can discover knowledge by seek-ing con®rmatory evidence as necessary. The interviewer can also explore the experience and language of the interviewee to put the answers in context. Thus many of the shortcom-ings of an independent survey are overcome. Structured interviews are limited to a small selected set of experienced subjects, but enable a wider exploration of the subject to be performed and a higher level of con®dence in the answers. However, the results will be a re¯ection of the opinions and prejudices of a small set of subjects. The selection of these subjects may ensure that they are the best placed individuals to give an accurate opinion. On the other hand, other empiri-cal assessment techniques should be used to test the results of the structured interviews. Our structured interview is reported in Section 2 of this report.

1.4. Formal experiments

The purpose of a formal experiment is to test a relation-ship in a particular system. We must minimise the effect of confounding factors so that we can attribute changes in the dependent variable to changes in the independent variable. We should not expect formal experiments to be set in realis-tic scenarios. This would be counter to the design aims of eliminating confounding factors. Instead we should concen-trate on isolating and demonstrating the relationship under test. Once the relationship has been established as likely to exist we may then consider to what degree it is relevant to real life scenarios.

1.5. Case studies

Case studies lack the level of control that formal experi-ments have. The behaviour of interest is observed in a real

life example. The many other environmental parameters are uncontrolled and may in¯uence the dependent variable being observed. To alleviate this to some extent a typical baseline is used for comparison. However, a case study cannot be considered as rigorous an empirical investigation as a formal experiment. Nevertheless, case studies have an important role because they test whether a relationship is observed in real situations. This can support formal experi-ment results, either as an investigatory stage (establishing a hypothesis to test) or as a follow up stage (establishing the generality of experimental results).

2. Industrial survey

We performed a survey of the opinions of industrial users of formal methods. This covered a broad range of topics associated with the effects that using formal methods might have on a company and its products. The survey was conducted by structured interviews based on a ques-tionnaire (see Appendix A).

2.1. Purpose

The aim of the survey was to explore the experiences of the practitioners directly. There are many popular theories about formal methods that have questionable validity and it is often unclear whether they are based on actual experi-ence. Hall discusses some of these myths [10] as do Bowen and Hinchy [2]. Therefore, it was seen as important to inves-tigate the effects of using formal methods directly with individuals who had ®rst-hand experience. Of course, the results are still dependent on the subjective opinions of these individuals and the environments in which their experiences were obtained. This must be borne in mind when the results are interpreted and the results should be viewed as provi-sional until further empirical assessment has been carried out to corroborate them.

We wanted to discover the main issues involved in the use of formal methods, in particular, the issues surrounding understandability and the dif®culty of creating and using formal speci®cations. It was hoped that signi®cant points would be raised that would warrant further empirical assess-ment. In this way the survey was seen as the ®rst stage of a `multi-method' programme of research as described by Daly [5]. The purpose of this ®rst stage was to raise inter-esting and relevant provisional ®ndings for further research rather than ®rm conclusions which would be suspect based on such a small survey.

2.2. Conduct of survey



were encouraged to digress and elaborate on topics as much as they felt necessary. The questions were used to trigger discussion and as a checklist but in an effort to explore the subject widely, the discussions were conducted in an open, free form without constraining the topic to the initial ques-tion. The interviewees related answers to their experiences to provide justi®cation, and in the process the context of the interviewees answers and their understanding of key phrases was discovered. This happened mostly as a natural part of the discussions without conscious effort. The ®nal question asked the interviewee if there were any important issues that had not been covered. In most cases, the interviewee recapped some of the more important issues at this point but did not raise any new issues. This indicates that the questionnaire covers the main points of interest with respect to formal methods. Each interview lasted approximately 2 h. The same interviewer conducted all the interviews. The interviews were tape-recorded. It was felt that recording the interviews prevented the interviewer from being distracted by note-taking. It also meant that the intervie-wees' opinions could be summarised and distilled with greater consideration and care than would have been possi-ble by taking notes `on the ¯y'. The tapes were analysed in

detail and the comments categorised and matched with like comments from other interviewees. From this process a table of summary notes was built up with rows representing each point made by the interviewees and each column repre-senting the summaries of a particular interviewee's responses. The text of this report was written from the summary table. Despite the careful analysis of the actual conversation on the tapes, it is still possible that the authors might misinterpret responses or inappropriately emphasise a point. To guard against this the report was circulated to the interviewees for review. A few adjustments arose from this review stage but on the whole the interviewees agreed that the report was an accurate representation of their views.

All the interviewees had at least some experience in using formal speci®cations on full-scale products. Some had also performed re®nement, model checking and veri®cation proofs. For various reasons, only one company was using formal methods to the same extent as previously but all retained a capability or interest. The market sector varied greatly, including commercial computing systems, safety critical embedded systems and high street consumer products. Table 1 lists the companies and Table 2 gives an outline of their background and experience. At this stage of investigation the wide spread of market sector backgrounds is an advantage to the broad information gathering process. In subsequent stages, less variability will be needed as we focus more narrowly on selected issues. The companies are, in most cases, the market leaders in their sector and the interviewees are the technical experts within those compa-nies. In several cases, the interviewees have published in the area of formal methods. It is reasonable, therefore, to claim that the interviewees are knowledgeable and experienced in the use of formal methods. It might be argued that the inter-viewees are all proponents of formal methods and the results might therefore be a biased view. We believe that the commercial pressures upon the interviewees would not allow them to maintain an unrealistic stance. It was apparent however that the market sector has a bearing on the stance

Table 1

Participating companies

Company Identi®cation in this report

(Wishes to remain anonymous) Interviewee A IBM United Kingdom

Laboratories, Hursley Park, Winchester, Hants


Marconi Electronic Systems; Avionics Systems, Airport Works, Rochester, Kent


Philips Research Laboratories,

Crossoak Lane, Redhill, Surrey Philips Praxis Critical Systems,

Manvers Street, Bath Praxis

Table 2

Main characteristics of contributors

Company Market sector Notations used Extent of use Approximate size

of systems (Kloc) Current levelof use

Interviewee A Contractor with personal

experience Z, VDM(some), CSP (some) Experience with largeand small applications ± Introducing formalmethods into a company IBM Commercial computer systems Z, B Mainly speci®cation 50 At option of project

manager Marconi Military embedded systems

(some safety critical) B Full developmentincluding re®nement proofs, etc.

3 Completed case study Ð bidding for contracts

Philips Consumer products Set theory and ®rst-order logic Mainly speci®cation 101 Isolated usage Ð investigating applicability Praxis Safety critical systems Z, VDM, CSP (some), CCS

(some) Some fulldevelopments, others speci®cation only



taken, with the safety critical areas having much more compelling reasons for supporting the use of formal meth-ods, and the others having a more guarded response.

Each interviewee was asked to de®ne a formal method. Most answers indicated that a mathematical notation or underlying theory was needed (one interviewee required a precise syntax and semantics). Some required there to be methods for manipulation and re®nement, others recognised these as possible extensions but did not require them. It was thought that some companies might have a looser de®nition of formal methods. To test this the interviewees were asked if they would include modelling languages such as UML. All would not, although several interviewees suggested that some parts of UML (e.g. state charts) are close to being a formal notation. Some added that UML did not contain the facilities to express the semantic details of the behaviour of systems.

The formal methods that had been used by the intervie-wees are as follows. Z is a speci®cation language developed by the Programming Research Group at Oxford University around 1980. It is based on axiomatic set theory and ®rst-order predicate logic. B is a speci®cation and development method designed by Jean-Raymond Abrial of B Core, UK. It is a system for the formal development of software using the notion of Abstract Machines. Abstract Machines are speci-®ed using the Abstract Machine Notation (AMN) which is based on the mathematical theory of Generalised Substitu-tions. B is related to Z and supports the development of C code from speci®cations. The Vienna Development Method (VDM) is a notation and set of techniques for modelling computing systems, analysing those models and progressing to detailed design and coding. VDM has its origins in the work of the IBM Vienna Laboratory in the mid-1970s. Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) is a notation for concurrency, based on synchronous message passing and selective communications, designed by Anthony Hoare in 1978. Calculus of Communicating Systems (CCS) is a mathematical model for describing processes, mostly used in the study of parallelism. A CCS program, written in behaviour expressions syntax, denotes a process behaviour. Programs can be compared using the notion of observational equivalence.

2.3. Results

2.3.1. The customer's viewpoint

The companies interviewed had very different market sectors and this led to large variations in the answers to questions about the customer's views on their use of formal methods.

Marconi, being a UK defence contractor, often bids for contracts with Def-Stan 00-55 as a mandatory standard [1]. Hence Marconi's use of formal methods is imposed by its main customer (or at least by the regulatory authorities that its customer has to satisfy). Marconi also supplies outside of the UK, e.g. USA, and for these customers it is expected that

persuasion would be needed to convince them to accept formal proof in place of other veri®cation methods such as testing and reviewing.

Praxis also supply to the UK MoD and to other authorities that are very safety conscious, such as aviation authorities. It also supplies to other markets and ®nds that some of these customers resist the use of formal methods because of the barrier it creates between supplier and customer. Typically, the customer will need to train some of its employees if it wants to be involved in veri®cation and validation activities during the software development.

The remaining interviewees felt that their customers (which for IBM and Philips were internal) were usually impressed by the use of formal methods and assumed that they would lead to high quality products.

Where the formal speci®cations were used as interfaces to customers, the customer's technical staff (who sometimes needed special training) usually found formality helpful because they knew the precise behaviour of the speci®ed system. It was recognised that the audience may be restricted by formality but this is the case for any technical speci®cation.

Both IBM and Praxis commented that one of the main barriers to the widespread use of formal methods is the general acceptance that software is error prone. One inter-viewee said, ªIf you want highly reliable software then formal methods are the most cost effective way to produce it, but if the customer will accept unreliable software then it is cheaper not to use formal methods.º From the suppliers' point of view, any subsequent re-work is either covered in the initial price or is paid for by the customer as a main-tenance contract.

IBM went on to say that some customers do not want to be tied down to what they require, but would rather have a vague speci®cation of requirements and hope the supplier produces something over and above it than be forced to address compromises in order to specify precisely their requirements and then take responsibility for the system's validity.

2.3.2. Impact on company Quality assurance. Opinion on how formal meth-ods affect quality assurance issues was uniform. All (except one company that, independent of the method used, had dispensed with its quality assurance function) agreed that the quality assurance function is not changed. The auditors may need to have some appreciation of the records that they will be examining but this is true of any new method. They did not feel that quality assurance personnel would need a full understanding of the formal speci®cation notation. They only need to satisfy themselves that the record has been produced and that the right sort of people have veri®ed and authorised it.



employed external consultants during the initial projects that introduced formal methods to the company. This was seen as necessary. Training was given to all staff involved in formal methods. Generally a couple of weeks was found suf®cient for the staff to assist in formal methods projects. However, it was not thought feasible to train the existing staff to a degree that they could successfully use formal methods without expert guidance on hand until they had built up some experience and practice.

Not many experienced modellers are required as the majority of the project staff need to be able to comprehend speci®cations and write detailed sections as directed, but do not need to be able to create the overall structure of the speci®cation.

One interviewee felt that external consultants, who are typically extremely intelligent, would make any project successful, no matter what method they used. This could give a biased view in favour of formal methods. Similarly, companies that use formal methods only recruit personnel who demonstrate the ability to use formal methods, thereby increasing the quality of their staff. Evidence of this was provided by another interviewee who reported that his company tended to recruit from research areas to ®ll vacan-cies involving formal speci®cation. This ®ltering effect inherent in the adoption of formal methods could be seen as a bene®cial effect on the culture.

However, there can be detrimental effects if, having altered the company's methods and culture, none of the permanent staff are suf®ciently skilled to take over when the consultants leave.

2.3.3. Impact on product Reliability. Only IBM and Praxis had any evidence of product improvement. IBM had found (based on informally collected data) a 40% reduction in post-deliv-ery failures compared to their own average product perfor-mance. Praxis referred to published data which compares a Praxis software product favourably with the industry aver-age data. As with most case studies, the cause of this improvement cannot be identi®ed with certainty to the use of formal methods, since other factors such as culture may be atypical, but it does provide a positive empirical indica-tion of the possible bene®ts of formal methods. Of the other interviewees, Marconi's experience was based on a study which did not go into service, and Philips and Interviewee A did not have personal knowledge of the relevant product service histories.

There was, however, an implicit assumption from the interviewees that the product would be more reliable. This was indicated by comments such as, ªif you want software that works, then the only cost effective way to do it is with formal methodsº. This implies that formal methods produce a level of reliability that may only be achieved at signi®-cantly greater cost by using conventional methods. This may be a subjective view but it is the view of those who

have used both formal and conventional methods in soft-ware development. Ef®ciency. Praxis had noted that the product code was more ef®cient than the conventionally speci®ed software. The precise and accurate nature of the speci®cation makes the coding task straightforward and the coder is less likely to build in redundant code. Note that this observation is supported in the ®ndings of a comparative study by Brookes et al. [3]. Functionality.Praxis also noted that the effort that is needed in formal speci®cation tends to deter the functionality growth that af¯icts many software systems. Traceability and maintenance. The interviewees were asked if the structure of the speci®cations is re¯ected in the code. Generally, the answer was af®rmative and this was thought to be bene®cial in aiding traceability between the speci®cation and the code. Some noted that this structuring of the code may not be the most ef®cient implementation but that the traceability bene®t outweighed this. Philips questioned whether the speci®cation should in¯uence the structure of the code or not. One view is that the speci®cation should not if it is at the right level of abstraction to be a requirements document. Another is that it would be bene®cial if the speci®cation could impose structuring requirements, for example, to improve re-use.

Two interviewees, Praxis and Philips, felt that the formal speci®cation helped a maintainer to understand what changes were needed and therefore to get them right. Marconi felt that the speci®cations had little impact on maintenance but that the B toolkit helped a lot in automati-cally detecting the affected components and re-checking them. IBM said that they do not normally use the documen-tation for maintenance, although in one case, when they did and it was a formal speci®cation, the project leader esti-mated a 50% reduction in the cost of maintenance.



2.3.4. Impact on development Development lifecycle. All agreed that there is no change to the sequence of activities performed during the software development lifecycle but the effort involved in some of the stages is dramatically altered. The speci®cation stages take a lot longer. However, everyone agreed that generally the resolution of speci®cation problems discov-ered during this stage was well worth the effort because these problems would otherwise have arisen later during the development, with increased re-work consequences. Similarly, Interviewee A believed the primary bene®t of formal speci®cations to be the improved analysis of the problem domain that results from the process of writing them. This leads to a better understanding of the require-ments prior to starting a design which may be another reason for the reduction in problems occurring later in the lifecycle. Veri®cation stages, particularly testing, were much reduced since far fewer errors remained to be discovered. The net effect was that the overall timescales were usually very similar or possibly better for the development that started with a formal speci®cation.

However, Philips found that formal speci®cation did not ®t easily with the iterative lifecycle used for some products. Since Philips do not normally have an end-customer performing the requirements speci®cation role, they have to develop the requirements themselves. Also, they typically have very short timescales to develop new products and often re®ne the requirements as the product is being devel-oped. The time consuming ®rst phase of formally specifying to resolve the requirements issues does not ®t into this type of lifecycle easily. In fact, Philips had examples where the product was ®nished before they could complete the speci-®cation. To address this, the company are looking at differ-ent levels of speci®cation formality appropriate to differdiffer-ent product lifecycles.

Formal speci®cation was also found to aid the veri®cation testing process. Marconi, Philips and Praxis all reported that testing was more ef®cient and more effective when a formal speci®cation was available. This was the primary driving force for improving speci®cation techniques, as far as Philips were concerned. From the formal speci®cation, it is easy to derive test cases and some companies had gone as far as automating this process. Marconi had used B speci-®cations to generate expected results automatically and Philips had generated test cases from state charts automati-cally.

2.3.5. Size of system

A guide to the size of the systems developed using formal methods is shown in Table 2. The ®gures should be taken as a rough guide only due to possible variations in the measure-ment of a line of code and in the programming languages used. However, they indicate that formal methods were used on systems typically in the region of tens of Kloc. The interviewees were asked if large systems were a problem

when using formal methods (compared with any other method). Answers varied somewhat but, generally, the impression was that size is not a major obstacle any more than other methods. Marconi and Praxis indicated that prov-ing becomes problematic with large systems and that the proof checkers and, to a lesser extent, model checkers may not scale up very well. For formal speci®cation, though, IBM said that large systems are dealt with by break-ing the system down into `encapsulated' sub-components that could be dealt with separately. Marconi, using the B toolkit, felt that the system speci®cation was dif®cult to cope with due to the fact that it could not be subdivided but that, as soon as the design was re®ned, the system natu-rally was divided into encapsulated sub-components. It appears that the concept of breaking down the system via encapsulation is crucial in dealing with industrial scale problems.

2.3.6. Understandability

The interviewees did not feel that there were any signi®-cant understanding problems with formal notations (although some commented that this may be because they recruit people who will understand them). The notations were not seen as being a problem in this respect. In fact Praxis felt that formal speci®cations should be easier to understand than code.

Several interviewees said that it is essential to comment Z with English text to explain the structure of the model. This is not so necessary with B as it is more structured. Most companies impose some styling (e.g. lexical) rules on top of the formal notation in order to improve the consistency of style throughout the organisation, although the general impression was that this was not a major factor in under-standability. Interviewee A had used a `friendly' style of Z (a reduced subset avoiding the less intuitive constructs and annotation in a light style to enhance the friendly feel of the document) and felt that it had been bene®cial to understand-ing for unpractised readers.

Only one speci®c feature that affects understanding was mentioned. Praxis had found that over-reliance on invariants can be confusing. It is sometimes better to explicitly state things that change during an operation rather than rely on implicit changes as a result of satisfying a state invariant, even if this is, strictly speaking, redundant.



2.3.7. Tools and notations

The interviewees were not questioned speci®cally about tools but during the course of these discussions, the B toolkit stood out as the only tool that had been used to any extent. IBM had started with Z but switched to B so that the B toolkit could be used. Marconi's entire experience was based around the B toolkit and they were very pleased with it in most respects. They relied on it heavily and found that it helped in tracing, proving and maintenance work. Praxis said that there were few industrial strength tools but agreed that the B tool is an exception. A Praxis interviewee thought that B was not as suitable as Z for the system level speci®cation. However, Marconi have used B for all levels of speci®cation.

Philips thought that tool availability has a big impact on the decision to use certain speci®cation techniques. In parti-cular, tool support to maintain traceability between speci®-cations, implementation and test cases is an area of concern. Interviewee A was in the process of installing the UML as a company-wide documentation language. They were anticipating using formal speci®cation in conjunction with the UML. Philips was also adopting the UML in some sectors of the company.

3. Conclusions

As this is a ®rst stage, opinion gathering exercise, we are wary of drawing any ®rm conclusions. The results described above are considered indicators for further investigations. However, we have summarised some of the main opinions recorded. Formal methods are worthwhile in terms of improved quality of software with little or no additional lifecycle costs, but only when compared to a rigorous devel-opment lifecycle where the cost of software errors is high. If the market does not demand high quality software, then it is more dif®cult to justify their use. The introduction of formal methods affects a company's workforce, processes and culture through effects such as skills ®ltering and consul-tancy syndrome. It may also impact on the relationships with a customer through kudos, and communication impli-cations. Overall the effects are usually bene®cial but there can be some problems to overcome. There is no real problem with understanding the speci®cations Ð given suitable training they are no more dif®cult to understand than programs. The dif®cult part is creating the speci®cation as appropriate modelling requires practice and skill. Encap-sulation is important within the context of large systems. There is a lack of industrial scale tools, the B-toolkit being the only suitable toolkit.

4. Future work

Many interesting points have arisen from the structured interviews. We have selected two hypotheses for further investigation. The ®rst is a comparatively straightforward

hypothesis that is suitable for formal experimentation in a laboratory setting. The second is a more complicated issue and will require ingenuity in order to facilitate further empirical investigation.

4.1. Understandability

One of the areas that was expected to be rich with discus-sion was that of understandability. It is often said that one of the problems with formal notations is that they are dif®cult to understand and that highly trained mathematicians are needed to read them. However, the interviewees did not support this view. This is signi®cant because it con¯icts with popular opinion. All the experienced interviewees agreed that typical software engineers have no real dif®cul-ties with understanding formal notations. As one intervie-wee put it, formal speci®cations are no more dif®cult to understand than code. We intend to design and conduct an experiment to test this, by writing a speci®cation using Z and implementing it in a programming language. A close correspondence will be maintained between the speci®ca-tion and the implementaspeci®ca-tion, both in funcspeci®ca-tionality and in structure. Subjects will be given either the formal speci®ca-tion or the code and their understanding will be tested using questionnaires. The effect of bias factors, such as whether the structure is more appropriate for one of the representa-tions, will require consideration when assessing the results.

4.2. Modelling

The interviewees thought that the dif®culties with using formal speci®cations were in ®nding the useful abstractions from which to create models. This is surprising, because the same engineers are practised at creating models of problems and solutions using less formal notations as a transitory step in programming. The criteria for selecting a model on which to base a formal speci®cation may differ from those of less formal design, nevertheless, one would expect similar skills to be applicable. One is led to suspect that there may be something lacking in the available notations and methods compared to informal program design methods.



and critical choices of model structure but has little support for such work.

Our hypothesis is that formal speci®cation would be easier and of better quality if an informal transitory model-ling stage were performed, as is done in program design. Fraser et al. have described such transitory modelling stages [8] and Bruel and France [4] have investigated the use of UML as an aid to producing formal speci®cations. In order to investigate this hypothesis further, we will look at the effect that such a transitory stage has on the speci®cation process.

The aim will be to provide a method by which the outline model of the formal speci®cation can be built using constructs and tools similar to the informal modelling meth-ods. We shall attempt to demonstrate empirically that a suitable notation and tool to aid the modelling process has a signi®cant bene®cial effect. The hypothesis will be tested by comparing measures of effort and quality for the tool assisted, and unassisted, by the creation of a formal speci-®cation.

In order to support the ®ndings of the formal experiments, case studies will be carried out with collaborating industrial partners. Several companies who have an interest in formal methods are using, or are in the process of introducing, informal modelling tools and will bene®t from specifying parts of their systems in the assisted formal notation. Other companies who have more extensive experience of formal notations may also bene®t from using the assisted formal notation for comparison with their previous experiences. This would give contrasting perspectives from the points of view of experienced and novice formal methods users.

5. Summary

We have carried out a survey of the opinions of practi-tioners who use formal methods for software speci®cation and development. The size of the sample is small (®ve companies were visited) but covers a range of different market sectors including commercial computing systems, defence and avionics systems, and consumer products. The interviewees are experienced experts in the use of formal methods in real systems. The results cover a wide range of issues including the impact on the company, its products and development processes as well as pragmatics such as scalability, understandability and tools. The survey is the ®rst stage of a sequence of empirical assessments that will assess some of the understandability problems and bene®ts that have been raised. The work that follows on from this survey will focus more narrowly on these areas and will involve formal experimentation and case studies. In particular, we will investigate empirically whether informal modelling methods have a signi®cant effect on the effort involved in producing formal speci®cations and on the qual-ity of the resulting speci®cation.

6. Uncited References

[6]. [15]. [16].


The authors wish to acknowledge the support of UK EPSRC which has funded EMPAF (GR/L87347) and a PhD studentship for this work. We would also like to thank the companies and individuals who participated in this survey without whom this work would not have been possible.

Appendix A. Questionnaire

(1) How would you de®ne a formal method?

(2) What experience has the company had with formal methods?

(3) Which formal methods have you used most? (4) How big are the systems that you use formal methods


(4a) Does the size of the system affect the practicality of using formal methods?

(5) How do formal methods affect the software life cycle? (6) How do formal methods affect software quality

assur-ance activities (records, audits, certi®cation, etc.)? (7) What are the bene®ts that you have found?

(7a) Are they measurable in terms of the quality of soft-ware products?

(7b) Are they measurable in terms of software process improvements?

(7c) Has any quantitative data been collected that demon-strate the bene®ts?

(8) What problems have been encountered?

(8a) How do the problems affect the quality of software products?

(8b) How were they overcome?

(9) Have any understanding dif®culties or bene®ts been found?

(9a) If so, has this affected the correctness and veri®ca-tion of the resulting code?

(9b) Is there any pattern to the misunderstanding i.e. particular constructs or styles?

(10) Do you use any style rules or codes of practice when writing formal speci®cations?

(10a) How do they affect understanding (if at all)? (11) Have you found that the structure of the speci®cation

model in¯uences the implementation? (11a) Is this good or bad?

(12) How have formal speci®cations affected mainte-nance issues?

(12a) Do the formal speci®cations help to determine the correct code change?



Are they kept up to date?

(12c) Do the formal speci®cations prevent (or worsen) degradation of the code structure through mainte-nance?

(12d) Does the structure of the speci®cations themselves deteriorate through maintenance?

(13) How do customers view the use of formal methods? (13a) Are formal documents used as an interface to


(13b) If so, how does this affect the understanding of the system by the customer?

(13c) Has it affected the system validation and accep-tance stages?

(14) Is there anything we have not covered that you would like to talk about?


[1] Ministry of Defence: Def Stan 00-55, Requirements for Safety Related Software in Defence Equipment, issue 2, 1997.

[2] J. Bowen, M. Hinchey, Seven more myths of formal methods, IEEE Software 12 (4) (1995).

[3] T.M. Brookes, J.S. Fitzgerald, P. Larsen, Formal and informal speci-®cations of a secure component: ®nal results in a comparative study, FME '96: Industrial Bene®t and Advances in Formal Methods, Springer, Berlin, 1996 (pp. 214±227).

[4] J. Bruel, R. France, Transforming UML models to formal

speci®ca-tions, Proceedings of the OOPSLA '98 Workshop on Formalising UML. Why? How?, 1998.

[5] J. Daly, Replication and a Multi-Method Approach to Empirical Soft-ware Engineering Research, PhD Thesis, University of Strathclyde, 1996.

[6] J. Draper, H. Treharne, T. Boyce, B. Ormsby, Evaluating the B-Method on an Avionics Example.

[7] N. Fenton, How effective are software engineering methods, Journal of Systems Software 22 (1993) 141±146.

[8] M.D. Fraser, K. Kumar, V.K. Vaishnavi, Strategies for incorporating formal speci®cations in software development, Committee of ACM 37 (10) (1994) 74±86.

[9] R. Glass, The software research crisis, IEEE Software (1994) 1994. [10] A. Hall, Seven myths of formal methods, IEEE Software 9 (1990) 11±


[11] B. Kitchenham, Evaluating software engineering methods and tools Ð part 1, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 21 (1) (1996).

[12] B. Kitchenham, Evaluating software engineering methods and tools Ð part 2, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 21 (2) (1996). [13] B. Kitchenham, S. Linkman, D. Law, Critical review of quantitative

assessment, Software Engineering Journal (1994).

[14] P.B. Pannell, D.J. Pannell, Introduction to Social Surveying: Pitfalls, Potential Problems and Preferred Practices, SEA Working Paper 99/ 04, 1999 http://www.general.uwa.edu.au/u/dpannell/seameth3.htm. [15] S. P¯eeger, L. Hatton, Investigating the in¯uence of formal methods,

IEEE Computer (1997).


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