Customer Relationship
• 15+ years of experience in Direct Marketing, Database Marketing, CRM, On-line Marketing
• Pet Food, Tissue Products, Mail Order Office Supplies, Pharmaceuticals, Financial Services. (B2B & B2C)
• Docent Beeckestijn Business School • Event Driven Marketing
• Accountability & Marketing Metrics • Co-author & editor of
• Event Driven Marketing (Kluwer, 2004/06)
• Follow That Customer! (USA, Racom, 2010)
• Author of various columns & articles (
• Marketing Consultant / International Volunteer for Shaanxi Western Development Foundation / VSO / Agape
What is CRM ?
Strategy: Customer Value
Customer Knowledge: Databases Customer Communication
By CRM (Customer Relationship
Management), we understand the
implementation of a strategy whereby a
company or institution attempts to optimize
customer relationships in terms of customer yield and customer satisfaction. CRM is
regarded as an ongoing, systematic and
organizationwide activity. —CRM Association, 2010.
What is CRM ?
Path towards CRM
Production Product Sales Market Person / Individual 2000 1950 1980 1930 O ri en ta ti o n
Company as production organisation (technical & operational knowledge)
Company as process orientated organisation (behaviorial data & knowledge)
Mass marketing Database marketing IM of CRM Industrial economy Service economy Information economy Direct marketing
Focus on the individual customer.
Increase of profit by increasing customer
Usage of ICT in order to realise optimal and
cost efficient company processes.
Win-win situation with advantages for both the
What is a customer?
A customer is the recipient of a good, service,
product, or idea, obtained from a seller,
vendor, or supplier for a monetary or other valuable consideration. (Wikipedia)
Fulfilling of a need ...
What is a customer?
Child Care & Health Care Chance to do something for society Self-realisation References Experience Chance to do something for society
‘Do Good = Feel Good’ Support in areas where capacity or expertise is missed Poverty alleviation Harmony
Chance to do something for society
Elements of CRM
Customer Knowledge
Databases & Technology Analyses
Customer Communication
Customer Value
Volunteering Hours Donations
Market- vs Customer Share
15 Sales per Customer Number of Customers Traditional Marketing CRMMarketing Programs
Marketing Programs Acquisition Member Get Member Reactivation Development Improve Sales Cross-Sell Re-Sell Up-Sell Reduce Costs Efficient Distribution Channel Efficient Communication Channels Retention Affinity Privilige Point ProgramsCustomer Retention:
Short term importance
Credit Card 1 year Car Insurance 3 year Life Insurance 5 year
Time Pay-back Period
Customer Retention:
Long term importance
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 1 2 3 4 5 Year Remaining Customers 77 95% 44 85% 23 75% Remaining Customers after 5 years At retention rate:
Build Loyalty
Retention Referral
Higher Spending Lower Costs to Serve
Why Loyalty?
Recognition Service Convenience Helpfulness Information IdentificationIncreasing customer value
Identify your target groups and develop services for and partnerships with: - Donors - Volunteers - Corporates Use word-of-mouth by existing supporters. Development
Make donors donate to more programs, upgrade to a
sponsorship or buy products. Find new volunteering
opportunities for existing volunteers. Get them to volunteer more hours.
Create new CSR proograms for existing corporate
Frequently communicate with your donors: provide proof of success and make them feel appreciated.
Reward volunteers and give them recognition.
Provide pro-activity, excellent service and added value to corporations.
Customer Knowledge:
Data Collection
数据采集 数据采集数据采集 数据采集
Determine your goal
Make a clear definition of your target group
and sub-groups
独特ID (Unique ID) 13 公司名称 (Company Name) 西安国际商务论坛 (Xi'an International Business Forum) 国家 (Country) 中国 邮政编码 (Postal Code) 710075 城市 (City) 西安 区 (District) 高新区 地址 (Address) 科技路50号金桥国际广场A座1-1002 公司电话 (Company Phone) 029-87998466 公司传真 (Company Fax) 网站 (Website) 类型 (Type) 外企 (International) 商务领域 (Business Sector) Other Services (except Public Administration) 员工数 (Nr. Of Employees) 1 盈利 (Revenue) 状态 (Status) 潜在的 (Prospect) 姓 (Last Name) 王 名 (First Name) 艳 性别 (Gender) 女 (Female) Job Title Business Manager 电子邮箱 (Email Address) [email protected] 语言 (Language)
座机号码 (Telephone No.) 029-87998466 移动电话 (Mobile Phone No.) 136-69203390 QQ
Data Collection
数据采集 数据采集数据采集 数据采集
Aim for completeness but avoid redundancy
Determine the right sources:
可靠性 Reliability
完整性 Completeness 及时性 Up-to-dateness
Data Standardisation
数据标准化 数据标准化数据标准化 数据标准化
Register data in a standardised, uniform way
优势 :
Selections are easier to make
Reports are more accurate and professional
Try to answer these questions
试着回答这些问题 试着回答这些问题试着回答这些问题 试着回答这些问题
Given Name 名 字名 字名 字名 字 Family Name 姓姓姓姓 Fruit 水 果水 果水 果水 果 Qty 数 量数 量数 量数 量
Mark Takefman Apples 10
Mark Takefman Oranges 5
Ed Sander Bananas 20
Yali Zeng Apples 50
Ed Sander Coconuts 3
Jun Tian Bananas 5
• 选取买苹果的人Select everybody that sells 'apples'
• 多少人卖香蕉?How many people sell bananas ?
• 多少人卖水果?How many people sell fruit ?
Try to answer these questions
试着回答这些问题 试着回答这些问题试着回答这些问题 试着回答这些问题
Given Name 名字名字名字名字 Family Name 姓姓姓姓 Fruit 水果水果水果水果 Qty 数量数量数量数量
Mr. Takefman Pingguo 10
Mark Oranges 5
Ed Sander Bananas &
Coconuts 23
Mrs. Tian Bananas 3
Yali Zeng Apples 50
TJ Bananas 2
• 选取买苹果的人Select everybody that sells 'apples'
• 多少人卖香蕉?How many people sell bananas ?
• 多少人卖水果?How many people sell fruit ?
Deduplication of Databases
删除重复数据 删除重复数据删除重复数据 删除重复数据 Laowai Database Volunteer Database Funny People Database• What if Mark’s address changed ?
• 如果马克的地址变更了如果马克的地址变更了如果马克的地址变更了如果马克的地址变更了????
People Database
Given Name Family Name Laowai Volunteer Funny Mark Takefman Yes Yes Yes
Deduplication of records
删除重复数据 删除重复数据删除重复数据 删除重复数据
Given Name 名名名名 Family Name 姓姓姓姓
Mr. Takefman Mark Ed Sander Mrs. Tian Yali Zeng TJ
Gender 性性性性别别别别 Family Name 姓姓姓姓 Given Name 名名名名
Male Takefman Mark
Male Sander Ed
Female Tian Jun
程序 程序程序 程序
创建一个清晰的数据库结构创建一个清晰的数据库结构创建一个清晰的数据库结构创建一个清晰的数据库结构::::这个结构要尽可能多的支配数据输这个结构要尽可能多的支配数据输这个结构要尽可能多的支配数据输这个结构要尽可能多的支配数据输。。。。 Set up a clear database structure: have the structure dictate data
entry as much as possible
程序 程序程序 程序
Define rules for data entry (capital letters,
If possible have the system check the ‘syntax’
[email protected]
The right attitude ...
Who pays your salary?
Word-of-mouth can be positive or negative: the
average customer tells 9 people about his bad experience.
Complaint handling: acknowledge, solve timely
and fairly.
Professionalism (training Mark).
Producing quality work
Be Responsible: means having the ability-to-respond