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Koala Pepe


Academic year: 2021

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AMALOU.Designs handmade. Marielle Maag – all rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only. You are not allowed to resell, share, rewrite or redistribute this pattern in any way. If you want to sell the finish doll, please point out the designer


Seite 1


the Koala bear




AMALOU.Designs handmade. Marielle Maag – all rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only. You are not allowed to resell, share, rewrite or redistribute this pattern in any way. If you want to sell the finish doll, please point out the designer


Seite 2


Crochet hook number 3, grey wool

First leg: 1. Rd.: 6sc in Mc (6) 2. Rd.: (2sc in next sc) (12) 3. Rd.: (sc, 2sc in next sc) (18) 4. Rd.: (2sc, 2sc in next sc) (24) 5. Rd.: sc (24) 6. Rd.: sc2togx2, 9sc, 2sc in scx2, 9sc (24) 7. Rd.: sc (24) 8. Rd.: sc2togx2, 9sc, 2sc in scx2, 9sc (24) 9. Rd.: sc (24) 10. Rd.: sc (24) 11. Rd.: sc2togx2, 9sc, 2sc in scx2, 9sc (24)

12. Rd.: sc (24) Cut the yarn and sew it up.

What you`ll need:

Rellana Cotton Soft in grey, dark grey

Drops Merino in green

Gründl funny in white

Knitting hook number 3

Crochet hook in 3 and 8

Polyfill to stuff

Needle, scissors

Safety eyes in 9mm


1 button



= Magic Circle


= single crochet

sl st

= slip stitch


= chain (s)


= increase = 2sc in next sc


= single crochet decrease


= repeat the stitches until the

end of this round


= round


= stitch

Crochet Pepe in rounds. Stuff the legs, the body and the head with lot of polyfill! If you don`t use a white yarn that is big enough you perhaps have to match the size. If you can see the polyfill between the stitches, try to crochet with a hook that is one size smaller! Now we can start! 


AMALOU.Designs handmade. Marielle Maag – all rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only. You are not allowed to resell, share, rewrite or redistribute this pattern in any way. If you want to sell the finish doll, please point out the designer


Seite 3

Second leg:

Now crochet the second leg in the same way. Repeat round 01-12 but don`t cut the yarn! At the end of Rd. 12 crochet 2sc, and 6 ch(s) and continue with body.


Crochet hook number 3, grey wool

Connect both legs with a sc in the first leg. It is Important that the tips of feet look to each other.

Crochet now 23 sc around the first leg + 6sc in the chains + 24sc around the second leg + 6sc in the chains = 60 sc 1. Rd.: sc (60) 2. Rd.: sc (60) 3. Rd.: sc (60) 4. Rd.: sc (60) 5. Rd.: sc (60) 6. Rd.: 12sc, sc2tog, 28sc, sc2tog., 16sc (58) 7. Rd.: sc (58) 8. Rd.: 12sc, sc2tog, 27sc, sc2tog., 15sc (56) 9. Rd.: sc (56) 10. Rd.: 12sc, sc2tog, 26sc, sc2tog., 14sc (54)

11. Rd.: sc (54) Start to stuff the legs! 12. Rd.: 12sc, sc2tog, 25sc, sc2tog., 13sc (52) 13. Rd.: sc (52) 14. Rd.: 12sc, sc2tog, 24sc, sc2tog., 12sc (50) 15. Rd.: sc (50) 16. Rd.: 12sc, sc2tog, 23sc, sc2tog, 11sc (48) 17. Rd.: sc (48) 18. Rd.: 12sc, sc2tog, 22sc, sc2tog, 10sc (46) 19. Rd.: sc (46) 20. Rd.: 12sc, sc2tog, 21sc, sc2tog, 9sc (44) 21. Rd.: sc (44) 22. Rd.: 12sc, sc2tog, 20sc, sc2tog, 8sc (42) 23. Rd.: 12sc, sc2tog, 19sc, sc2tog, 7sc (40) 24. Rd.: 12sc, sc2tog, 18sc, sc2tog, 6sc (38) 25. Rd.: 12sc, sc2tog, 17sc, sc2tog, 5sc (36) 26. Rd.: 12sc, sc2tog, 16sc, sc2tog, 4sc (34)


AMALOU.Designs handmade. Marielle Maag – all rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only. You are not allowed to resell, share, rewrite or redistribute this pattern in any way. If you want to sell the finish doll, please point out the designer


Seite 4

27. Rd.: 12sc, sc2tog, 15sc, sc2tog, 3sc (32) 28. Rd.: 12sc, sc2tog, 14sc, sc2tog, 2sc (30)

Fasten off leaving a long tail for sewing. Stuff the body!


Crochet hook number 3, grey wool. Place the safety eyes between round 17 und 18, 20sc between

them. 1. Rd.: 6sc in Mc (6) 2. Rd.: (2sc in next) . (12) 3. Rd.: (sc, 2sc in sc) (18) 4. Rd.: (2sc, 2sc in next sc) (24) 5. Rd.: (3sc, 2sc in next sc) (30) 6. Rd.: (4sc, 2sc in next sc) (36) 7. Rd.: (5sc, 2sc in next sc) (42) 8. Rd.: (6sc, 2sc in next sc) (48) 9. Rd.: sc (48) 10. Rd.: (7sc, 2sc in next sc) (54) 11. Rd.. sc (54) 12. Rd.: (8sc, 2sc in next sc) (60) 13. Rd.: (9sc, 2sc in next sc) (66) 14. Rd.: (10sc, 2sc in next sc) (72) 15. Rd.: sc (72) 16. Rd.: (11sc, 2sc in next sc) (78) 17. Rd.: sc (78) 18. Rd.. (12sc, 2sc in next sc) (84) 19. Rd.: sc (84) 20. Rd.: sc (84) 21. Rd.: (12sc, sc2tog) (78) 22. Rd.: (11sc, sc2tog) (72) 23. Rd.: (10sc, sc2tog) (66) 24. Rd.: (9sc, sc2tog) (60) 25. Rd.: (8sc, sc2tog) (54) 26. Rd.: (7sc, sc2tog) (48) 27. Rd.: (6sc, sc2tog) (42) 28. Rd.: (5sc, sc2tog) (36) 29. Rd.: (4sc, sc2tog) (30) Fasten off and sew up.


(dark grey) Crochet hook number 3

For the snout crochet an oval

1. Rd.: 7ch, sc in 2. st from hook, 5sc, 4sc in last st Now work on the other side

2. Rd.: 5sc, 4sc in last st (18) 3. Rd.: 6sc, 2sc in next x3, 6sc, 2sc in next x3 (24)


AMALOU.Designs handmade. Marielle Maag – all rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only. You are not allowed to resell, share, rewrite or redistribute this pattern in any way. If you want to sell the finish doll, please point out the designer


Seite 5

4. Rd.: 6sc2sc in next x6, 6sc, 2sc in next x6 (36) 5. Rd.: sc (36) 6. Rd.: sc (36) Fasten off leaving a long tail for sewing!


Crochet hook number 3, grey wool, make two oft hem! 

1. Rd.: 6sc in Mc (6) 2. Rd.: (2sc in next sc) (12) 3. Rd.: (sc, 2sc in next sc) (18) 4. Rd.: (2sc, 2sc in next sc) (24) 5. Rd.: (3sc, 2sc in next sc) (30) 6. Rd.: (4sc, 2sc in next sc) (36) 7. Rd.: (5sc, 2sc in next sc) (42) 8. Rd.: (6sc, 2sc in next sc) (48) 9. Rd.: (7sc, 2sc in next sc) (54) 10. Rd.: (8sc, 2sc in next sc) (60) 11. -17. Rd.: sc (60) 7 Rounds 18. Rd.: (8sc, sc2tog) (54) 19. Rd.: (7sc, sc2tog) (48) 20. Rd.: (6sc, sc2tog) (42) Fasten off leaving a long tail for sewing!


Crochet hook number 3, grey wool, make two of them!

Stuff only the hands with polyfill! 1. Rd.: 6sc in Mc (6) 2. Rd.: (2sc in next sc) (12) 3. Rd.: (sc, 2sc in next sc) (18) 4. Rd.-7.Rd.: sc (18) 4 Rounds 8. Rd.: sc2tog x2, 14sc (16) 9. Rd.- 16.Rd.: sc (16) 8 Rounds 17. Rd.: 10sc, sc2tog., 4sc (15) 18. Rd.-24.Rd.: sc (15) 7 Rounds 25. Rd.: 11sc, sc2tog, 2sc (14) 26. Rd.: sc (14) 27. Rd.: sc (14)

28. Rd.: Fold together and crochet both sides together. Perhaps you have to crochet another sc first, it is important, that the sc2tog x2 look to the side.


AMALOU.Designs handmade. Marielle Maag – all rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only. You are not allowed to resell, share, rewrite or redistribute this pattern in any way. If you want to sell the finish doll, please point out the designer


Seite 6

White circle for the ears:

Crochet hook number 8, make two! 1. Rd.: 6sc in Mc (6) 2. Rd.: (2sc in next sc) (12) 3. Rd.: (sc, 2sc in next), sl st (18) Fasten off and leaving a long tail for sewing!

White for the belly:

Gründl funny


Crochet hook number 8

For the belly crochet an oval

1. Rd.: 5ch, (start in 2.st from the hook) 3sc, 3sc in last st, now work on the other side, 3sc, 3sc in last st (12) 2. Rd.: 5sc, 4sc in last sc, 5sc, 4sc in last sc (18) 3. Rd.: 2sc in next sc, 4sc, 2sc in next x4, 4sc, 2sc in next sc x3, sl st (24) Fasten off and leaving a long tail for sewing!

Combining all pieces:

Flatten the ears and sew the white circles onto them. Sew the ears onto the edges of the head at 7° round from the top as illustrated in the pictures. Help you with pins.

Sew the dark grey snout a distance of 12 rounds from the top of the head, use pins to position it on the head and stuffing before to close.

Sew the head to the body. Sew the arms under the seam of the head. Sew the white piece on the belly.


Drops Merino in green, Knitting needles number 3

Cast on 8 st, knit in purl st (right, purl… in next round purl, right…) about 25 cm, finish, fasten off leaving a long tail for sewing.

Now put the scarf around the neck and sew it where both ends lay one upon the other, sew the buttom! 


AMALOU.Designs handmade. Marielle Maag – all rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only. You are not allowed to resell, share, rewrite or redistribute this pattern in any way. If you want to sell the finish doll, please point out the designer


Seite 7

Ready!!!!! Have fun with your little koala Pepe. Would love to see your pictures of your Pepe

on Instagram #koalapepe @amalou.designs


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