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(Received April 9; revision accepted for publication May 24, 1969.)

This research was supported by U.S. Public Health Service Grant (AM 12475) from the National

In-stitute of Arthritis and Metabolic Disease.

ADDRESS FOR REPRINTS: (D.A.F.) Harbor General Hospital, 1000 West Carson Street, Torrance,

Cali-fornia 90509.

PEDIATRICS, Vol. 44, No. 4, October 1969 526







D. A. Fisher, M.D., W. D. Odell, M.D., Ph.D., C. J. Hobel, M.D.,

and R. Garza, B.S.

The Departmentx of Pediatrics, Medicine, and Obstetrics and Gynecology, Harbor General Hospital, Torrance, California, and the University of California Los Angeles, School of Medicine

ABSTRACT. Measurements of serum total

thyrox-ine, free thyroxine (FT4) and/or immunoreactive thyrotropin (TSH) concentrations were conducted on 21 pairs of maternal and cord blood specimens obtained at the time of normal vaginal or cesarean

section delivery. Thyroxine concentrations were

limilar in maternal and cord blood. FT, and TSH

concentrations were significantly higher in cord blood samples obtained from infants delivered

va-ginally or by cesarean section. Serum TSH

concen-trations also were measured in 11 paired maternal and fetal scalp blood specimens obtained during

labor 9 to 177 minutes prior to deliver; fetal scalp

blood TSH concentrations exceeded maternal

values in all instances. The higher TSH

concentra-tions in cord blood were not due to cross reaction

with HCG in the radioimmunoassay procedure; the

gradient of HCG was opposite to that of TSH. It

is also unlikely that the higher TSH concentrations

were due to placental thyroid stimulating factor,

since this material cross reacts poorly with the

TSH antiserum used in the present studies. It is

concluded that the gradient of free thyroxine in

the human fetus at term is fetal-maternal and that

this gradient is probably attributable to a higher

fetal serum TSH concentration. Pediatrics, 44:526,




HYROID FUNCTION ifl the term fetus has

not been clearly defined. Total serum





concentrations appear to

increase rapidly near term; values in cord

blood of newborn premature infants have

been shown to increase progressively witil

birth weight and gestational age.1 This

near-term increase in total T4 concentration

occurs without significant increase in

T4-binding globulin or T4-binding pre-albumin

concentrations so that a progressive

satura-tion of these binding proteins must occur.1

This increasing saturation might be due to

increased placental transfer of maternal

hormone near term23 or to a progressive

increase in fetal thyroxine secretion. Fetal

thyroid radioiodine uptake also increases

during the last half of gestation in monkeys

and man;4#{176} this observation supports the concept of increasing fetal thyroid function.

However, the direction and extent of net

placental thyroid hormone transfer near

term and the relative maternal and fetal

contributions to total fetal thyroid hormone

needs are not known. Previous investigators

have not identified a gradient of free

thy-roxine in maternal and cord blood.7’

Earlier reports of human thyrotropin




concentrations in maternal and cord

blood have been conflicting; both

maternal-fetal#{176} and fetalmaternalb0 concentration gradients, and identical maternal and fetal

concentrations have been reported. The

present studies were undertaken to clarify trans-placental gradients of T4, free T,, and

TSH concentrations at term using recently

developed, sensitive methods for

measure-ment of these parameters of thyroid



Serum T4 concentrations were measured

by the method of Murphy and Pattee12 as

recently modified.13 Free T4 concentrations

were measured, using a modification of the

method of Sterling and Brenner.14 All T4

1125 was pre-dialyzed as suggested by


1:10 for assay; percent dialyzable T4 J125

was corrected for dilution, using a

correc-lion factor derived by comparing

measure-ments of replicate diluted and undiluted

aliquots of a single pooled serum. Human

chorionic gonadotropin (HCG


concentra-tions were measured using the double

anti-body radioimmunoassay procedure of Odell

and coworkers.161I All T4 and HCG

samples presently reported were run in

duplicate in single assays; all free thyroxine

determinations were run on a single day,

using the same reagents but separate

dialy-sis chambers. Coefficient of variation for

each of these three assays was less than 5%.

TSH was assayed by the procedure of

Odell, et al.’9 Extensive correlative studies

with the antiserum presently employed

have shown good agreement between

bioassay and immunoassay results over a

wide range of TSH potencies; details have

been previously published.19 The intra-as-say coefficient of variation of this assay was 2.5; inter-assay coefficient of variation was 22.

Blood samples were obtained at the time

of vaginal delivery from 13 pregnant



Group 1


and their full-term,

new-born infants for measurements of total T4,

free T4, and TSH concentrations. HCG

concentrations were measured in 11 of the

paired samples. All women were

multip-arous and had experienced an uneventful

pregnancy and labor. Analgesia was

mini-mal and all deliveries were conducted using

regional (pudendal) anesthesia. On

occa-sion, supplemental nitrous oxide-oxygen

inhalent anesthesia was employed during

delivery. The newborn infants weighed

2,450 to 4,800 gm; mean weight was 3,350


Maternal and cord blood specimens for

measurements of total T4, free T4, and/or

TSH also were obtained from eight

preg-nant women (Group 2) at the time of

elective cesarean section. Cord blood

speci-mens were obtained before the infant was

removed from the uterus to avoid

environ-mental exposure. These infants also were

products of uneventful term pregnancies

of multiparous mothers. Birth weights were

2,540 to 3,900 gm; the mean weight was

3,140 gm.

Finally, 11 paired maternal and fetal

scalp blood specimens were obtained 9 to

177 nlrnutes before delivery from seven

pregnant women


Group 3


to assess the

effect of labor on serum TSH

concentra-tions. Fetal scalp blood was obtained in 12

in. heparinized capillary tubes with the aid

of specially designed vaginal specula;

ap-proximately 1.5 ml samples were obtained.

A summary of the studies conducted on

the paired sanlples from each group of

sub-jects is shown in Table I. All studies were

conducted with the informed, written

con-sent and the cooperation of the mother.


Table II summarizes T4, free T4, and

TSH concentration data in the 17 paired

maternal-cord blood sera from the Group 1

and Group 2 subjects. Serum T4

concen-trations were similar in maternal and cord

blood (mean values 11.5 and 11.2 g/100

ml, respectively, p > 0.5). Free T4 (mean

2.3 and 2.9 mg/ 100 ml in maternal and

cord blood, respectively, p < 0.01



TSH concentrations (mean 4.3 and 8.9

‘tU/ml in maternal and cord blood,

re-spectively, p < 0.01


were higher in cord

blood than in maternal blood. These data

are displayed graphically in Figure 1.

Figure 2 shows the results of TSH

measurements in the 11 paired fetal scalp

and maternal blood specimens obtained



Number of Paired .\umber of Paired

Group .5 umber of Jfalernal-Fehzl Samples Assayed for

iiomen Sam pies T, Free TSH ll(’G


Maternal Serum Cord Blood Serum


Subjects 1’4

(.g/1OO ,,ml)

Free T4 TSII



Cug/100 nil)

Free 7’

-(%) (rnpg/ltX.l ml)

TSH (j.sU/nml)

---(%) (mn.og/1OO ml)

She 13.0 0.014 2.5 4.0 9.4 0.027 .5 8.9

Ces 8.8 0.019 1.7 3.3 10.0 0.029 2.9 3.3

4f(( 11.4 0.019 5.0 11.8 0.027 3.2 7.0

Sd 11.0 0.018 .0 4.5 9.4 0.032 3.0 liZ.Q

I)eC 10.4 0.022 2.3


10.4 0.024 2.5

-Wel 14.l 0.018 2.5 8.7 13.2 O.04 3.2 16.0

Wrl* 8.6 0.02 1.9 4.5 10.0 0.09 2.9 7.2

Por* 15.4 0.0’’2 3.4 5.0 ! 1’2.0 0.03’Z 3.8 6.7

Pow* 1’2.0 0.0l0 L4 4.7 10.4 0.032 3.3 5.7

lies 1’2.0 0.OiZO 2.4 3.0 10.4 0.04 il.5 13.()

Mil 5.4 0.017 0.9 .7 13.2 0.022 .9 8.4

Asc 1’2.4 0.0 2.7 3.3 H.0 0.0l6 3.1 8.3

McK 1l.0 0.019 2.3 4.0 7. 0.O’21) .1 .5

Mon 11.6 0.Q27 3.1 2.5 12.0 0.022 2.6 14.3

ltat* 11.4 0.019 3.5 13.6 0.04 3.3 11.0

Con 13.8 0.014 1.9 3.0 13.8 0.0’24 3.3 9.6

Ann 11.6 0.019 2 6.9 12.0 0.022 2.6 9.iZ









4.3 11.il 0.0l6

0.40 0.43 0.001







* (esarean section infants.

from tile seven subjects in Group 3 during

labor and in the eight paired specimens

obtained from Group 2 subjects during

elective cesarean section. Scalp blood TSH

concentrations consistently exceeded

ma-ternal blood values during the 3 hours of

labor immediately preceding delivery. Fetal

cord blood TSH obtained at the time of

cesarean section


before the infant was

exposed to the extra-uterine environment)

also exceeded maternal values. Mean and

SEM fetal and maternal TSH values during

normal vaginal delivery were 9.1 ± 1.0 and

3.3 ± 0.28 ,.U/ml, respectively


p < 0.01).

During cesarean section delivery, the

values were 7.5 ± 1.2 and 3.9 ± 0.32 tU/

ml in fetal and maternal blood,




< 0.01


. In four of the eight fetal

blood specimens obtained at the time of

cesarean section, free T4 also was measured


Table II


; all values exceeded the paired

maternal concentrations. HCG

concentra-lions were measured in 11 of the 17 paired

maternal cord blood samples


Table III);

mean maternal concentration was 31,000

mIU/ml (31 U/mi), and mean cord blood

concentration was 480 mIU/ml (0.48 U/ml).


In the present study, total T4

concentra-tions were similar in maternal and cord



Table II


. This observation is in

agreement with some1’2028 and in

disagree-ment with other5,7,8,u931 studies employing

the PBI or BEI techniques. The

explana-tion for these discrepancies is not clear. All

of these publications have reported similar

serum hormonal iodine concentrations for

maternal blood. The cord blood levels,

however, have been variable, ranging from

80 to 100% of the maternal values. The PBI

concentration has been observed to vary

with birth 8 so that the mean cord

blood concentration would tend to be lower

than the maternal concentration if the





MsC Se!

\VaI Por Pow



Asc Rat

Con Cha

Maternal Serum

!ICG (‘ii lU/mi)







21 700


45 ,28()



Cord Blood Scm in

JICG (mimiC/mi)


550 .570






4i0 380 380

Mean SEM









I-nulllber of smaller infants. Variation in fetal

PBI concentration also may depend upon

nlaternal nutritional and socioeconomic fac-tors, which may vary in the study samples.

Dialyzable T4 was assessed in the present

study using the magnesium precipitation

method.14 Results using this technique are

lower32 than results using the TCA

pre-cipitation method8’ 33 or the gel filtration

technique.7 Relative values and population

sample comparisons are valid with any of

these methods. The present results, in

agreement with earlier reports,7 S showed

that the proportion of dialyzable T4 was

significantly higher in the cord blood

samples tilan in maternal blood (Table II).

This is largely explained by the lower

T4-binding globulin concentration in cord

blood as contrasted with maternal blood;

T4-binding pre-albumin concentrations may

also be losver in cord blood than in

ma-ternal blood,1’ S further contributing to the

relatively higiler proportion of dialyzable T4.

Tile mean free T4 concentration also was

higher in cord blood than in maternal blood

(Table II) in agreement with the results

of Robbins and Nelson.23 This result is in

disagreement, however, with data of Marks

and colleagues7 and DeNayer, et al.

be-cause of the relatively higher mean cord

serum T.1 concentration in the present study

sample. Free T4 concentrations in cord blood







FIG. 1. Serum TSH and free thyroxine concentrations in paired maternal and cord blood specimens. TSH

concentrations (sU/ml) are plotted on the left; free thyroxine (T4), in mbtg/100 ml, is plotted on the right. The lines connect the paired maternal and cord blood values. Mean maternal and cord blood

serum TSH concentrations were 4.3 and 8.9 tU/ml, respectively; mean free thyroxine concentrations



















i,--150 -120 -90 -60 -30 BIRTH


FIG. 2. Serum TSH concentrations in paired maternal and fetal blood

speci-mens obtained at the time of cesarean section delivery or during labor. The

fetal blood during labor svas obtained from fetal scalp samples 9 to 177

minutes prior to delivery. Fetal blood at the time of cesarean section svas

obtained from the umbilical vein before the infant was removed from the

uterus. Fetal blood TSH concentrations (in tU/ml) exceeded maternal

values b’ 2 tU/ml or more in 13 of the 19 paired samples and 1 to 2

ttU/ml in six instances.

of infants delivered by cesarean section

were higher than concentrations in the

paired maternal specimens


Table II



sug-gesting that the process of vaginal delivery

does not alter this parameter of thyroid

function. The present data would therefore

support the earlier suggestion by Robbins

and Nelson23 that a fetal-maternal gradient

of thyroxine exists across the placenta at


Cord blood TSH concentrations also

con-sistently exceeded maternal values



II and Fig. 2


. This observation is in

agree-ment with that of Utiger and co-svorkers,1#{176}

who employed a radioimmunoassay

tech-nique. It is not in agreement with previous

studies employing bioassay techniques.

Using the in vitro tissue culture bioassay of

Bottari, Costa, et al.#{176}observed that

mater-nal serum TSH values at term exceeded

cord blood levels about sixfold. These

re-sults may relate to circulating human

cho-rionic thyrotropin (HCT) in maternal

blood.34 However, data obtained using the

McKenzie bioassay technique reveal much

lower and similar TSH concentrations1’ in

maternal and cord blood. The lesser

preci-sion and sensitivity of the bioassay as

con-trasted with the radioimmunoassay and! or

detection of HCT in the bioassay and not

tile radioimmunoassay presunlably accOullts

for the failure of Yamazaki, et al.1’ and

Costa, et al.9 to detect the fetal-maternal

TSH gradient reported herein.

The process of labor was not observed to

alter either maternal or fetal serum TSH

concentrations; maternal levels did not



Fig. 2) during labor. Fetal TSH

concentrations exceeded maternal

concen-trations approximately twofold, whether

measured in cord blood


Fig. 1


in fetal scalp blood samples during labor


Fig. 2),

or in cord blood at the time of cesarean



Fig. 2) . Thus, the TSH

concentra-tion in cord blood would appear to be a

valid estimate of the serum TSH concentra-tion of the term fetus.

The higher TSH concentration observed

in cord blood, relative to maternal blood, is

not due to cross reaction between HCG and

the TSH antiserum in the

radioimnlu-noassay for TSH. Excess HCG (30 IU) was

added to each tube in the

radioimmu-noassay and, since the dose response curve

for HCG was relatively flat,3 a doubling of




>. eo







0.1 I 2 I0



lU/tube) produced only a 2% decrease in

percent counts bound (precipitated).

Moreover, the HCG concentrations were 60

times higher in cord blood than in maternal



Table III


Therefore, any cross

re-action by HCG would result in

underesti-mation of the maternal-cord blood TSH

dif-ference. LH cross reacts in the absorbed

assay system employed for the present

stud-ies’’ only to the extent of its contamination with TSH as determined by bioassay.’#{176}’3’

In 1963, Odell, et al.36 identified by

bioassay a TSH-like material in some

pa-tients with trophoblastic neoplasms derived

from the placenta. This material behaved

like pituitary TSH in extraction techniques

and was found to be elevated in plasma

from patients harboring these neopiasms. It

was also extracted and concentrated from

the tumor tissue. Later, Odell, et al.’

showed that such patients did not have

ele-vated TSH concentrations by

radioimmu-noassay, suggesting that this TSH-like

material (although biologically active)

lacked immunoreactivity in the human TSH

assay. In 1965, Hennen11 identified a

TSH-like material in extracts of normal placenta.

Subsequently, Hennen, et purified this

material by the same techniques used for

pituitary TSH and reported that highly

purified human chorionic thyrotropin


HCT) had a potency equivalent to about

0.5 IU of TSH per nlilligram. Serum from

pregnant women also was shown to contain

increased TSH activity by bioassay. The

ac-tivity was highest early in pregnancy and

fell progressively towards term, although at

term TSH activity by bioassay was higher

than in nonpregnant women.34 Presumably,

this biologically active material in serum

from pregnant women is HCT. Through the

courtesy of Drs. Hennen and Pierce, we

have found that highly purified HCT reacts

in our human TSH inlnlunoassay, and the

dose response curve is parallel to that

pro-duced by human TSH. However, 2,000

times more HCT (by weight) is required

to produce the same response as a given

weight of human pituitary TSH (Fig. 3).

Thus, if HCT were secreted in sufficiently







FIG. 3. Cross reaction between human chorionic thyroid stimulating factor

(HCTSF-hurnan chorionic thyrotropin) and antiserum against human

pitui-tary TSH (HTSH). The left curve was obtained using purified human

pitui-tary TSH (International Reference preparation provided by the World

Health Organization). The curve on the right shows the reaction of Hennen

and Pierce HCTSF and the same antiserum. The curves are parallel, but

about 2,000 times more HCTSH is required than HTSH to produce


large quantities, it might be detectable by

cross reaction with human TSH antiserum.

Since maternal serun appears to contain

relatively high concentrations of HCT which

reacts poorly with human TSH antisera, it

is likely tilat the gradient of HCT, like

HCG and HPL, is maternal-fetal. Cord

blood, bs’ contrast, contains more

immuno-reactive TSH, presumably of pituitary



The studies Ilerein reported support the

suggestion made by Robbins and Nelson

in 195823 that free T4 concentrations in

new-born cord blood at the time of birth are

lligher tilan maternal values. They also

support the observation of Utiger and

u#{176} that TSH concentrations are

higher in nesvbonn than in maternal blood.

Neither result can I)e attributed to the

process of labor and delivery and would

suggest that blood FT, and TSH

concentra-tions in the fetus near term exceed

ma-ternal levels. This would indicate that the

fetal llvpothalamic-pituitary-thyroid unit is

functioning independently of the maternal

system to supply all or nearly all of the

fetal thyroid hormone requirements and

tilat an’ Ilet Placental T, transfer must be

fetal to maternal. One might postulate

several reasolls to explain tile fact that the

fetal pituitary-thyroid system is more active

than tile maternal:

1. Fetal thyroid Ilormone requirements

are greater tilan those of the mother. 2. TIle Ilypothalanhic-pituitary control

nlechanism is ilot flOrnlally responsive

(suppressible) to circulating T4.

3. Some inhibitor of fetal thyroid

hor-mone feedback action exists.

4. All abnornlal stimulator of

hypotha-lanlic-pituitary TSH secretion is operative during gestation.

5. Placental HCT may be secreted in

sufficiently large quantities to stimulate

fetal thyroid function and cross react in the

TSH radioimmunoassav.

The metabolic clearance of T4 and

thy-roid hormone secretion during early infancy

are known to be Iligh, relative to the

adult,3#{176}’#{176} suggesting that postulate No. 1

may be true. The hypothalamic-pituitary

system is sensitive to T4 by 3 to 5 days of

postnatal life41’ 42 and is responsive to T4

deficiency as early as 5 months of

gesta-II suggesting that postulate No. 2 may

not be true. No evidence for or against

postulate No. 3 exists. Estrogen may act as

a pituitary-thyroid stimulator in the fetus


postulate No. 4


; estradiol benzoate has

been shown to augment TSH secretion in

newborn infants.39 This stimulus has been

said to act at a pituitary level, for estrogen

augments TSH secretion in ovariectomized

rats with median eminence lesions.44

Finally, thyroid stimulation by placental



postulate No. 5


may occur during

gestation, but in this case one would expect

stimulation of maternal as well as fetal

thyroid hormone secretion, since

concen-trations of other chorionic hormones



and HPL


are much higiler in maternal

than in fetal blood


Table II


;45 no increase

in maternal T4 secretion has been

docu-mented during pregnancy,1#{176} but thyroid

stimulating activity probably attributable

to HCT is increased in maternal serum;

levels are highest during the first trimester

and decrease toward term.34 No

informa-tion regarding HCT activity in fetal or

new-born blood is available.

In sumnlary, it would seem that fetal

hy-pothalamic-pituitary control of thyroid

function is operative early in gestation. This

control system, at least near term, functions

to maintain a hyperthyrotropinemia and

hy-perthyroxinenlia which probably reflect a

high fetal requirement for thyroid hormone

action. Estrogen may augment fetal TSH



Total thyroxine, free thyroxine, and TSH

concentrations were studied in 17 pairs of

maternal and umbilical cord blood samples

collected during 13 vaginal and 4 cesarean

section deliveries. Mean total thyroxine

levels were similar (11.5 versus 11.2 ig/




0.019 and 0.026 mtg/ 100 ml, respectively, p < 0.01


and TSH



4.3 and 8.9 U/ml, respectively,

p < 0.01


were higher in the cord blood

samples. TSH also was measured in a total

of eight cord blood samples obtained at the

time of cesarean section, before the infants

were removed from the uterus, and in 11

fetal scalp blood specimens obtained from

seven women 9 to 177 minutes prior to

delivery. These were compared with paired

maternal specimens to assess whether

fac-tors related to labor and delivery might be

influencing TSH release. The mean fetal

serum TSH concentrations exceeded

ma-ternal levels in each instance.

The high serum TSH concentration,

rela-tive to maternal leves, was not due to cross

reaction between HCG and the TSH

anti-serum ill the radioimmunoassay procedure;

excess HCG was added during the assay. In

addition, the transplacental gradient of

HCG was reversed relative to that for TSH;

maternal serum HCG concentrations

ex-ceeded cord blood levels sixtyfold, whereas

cord blood TSH concentrations exceeded

maternal levels twofold. Cross reaction

with human chorionic thyrotropin



also was unlikely. Altilough HCT cross

reacted with the TSH antiserum, 2,000

times as much material, on a weight basis,

was required to produce an immunoassay

reaction comparable to that of purified

hu-man pituitary TSH.

These data indicate that serum TSH and

free thyroxine concentrations in the term

fetus exceed maternal levels. Neither

mea-surement is influenced by the events of

labor and delivery. These fetal-maternal

gradients of free thyroxine and TSH

sup-port the concept of a fetal

hypothalamic-pi-tuitary-thyroid control system functioning

independently of the maternal system.

Fur-thermore, all of the thyroid hormone

re-quired by the normal term fetus is probably

derived from his own thyroidal secretion.


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We are grateful to Drs. Bijan Siassi and Arthur Klein for their help in obtaining blood samples, to Mrs. Claire Pierce for help with the TSH

radioim-munoassays, and to Frances Rao, Isabelle Olson,

and Beverly Fisher for manuscript preparation.

As pediatrics has become increasingly spe-cialized, especially during the past quarter of a century, it seems to me that the dominant figures of our specialty write less and less about

the commonplace problems of childhood which

still continue-as they did in the past-to bother parents and vex more practitioners.

As towering a figure as Sir George Frederic

Still considered the everyday phenomena of

the life of a child of such importance that he

wrote a delightful book entitled Common

Hap-penings in Childhood,’ which contained eight

beautifully written chapters on such common

things as crying, laughter, temper, appetite,

and sleep in childhood.

A good example of Still’s interest in the

ordinary is the following quotation from his

chapter “Of Laughter” in this book.

To have attained a high degree of this control

has been regarded by some as a mark of

superior-ity. Chesterfield, writing to his son, aged sixteen, in

1748, says:

“How low and unbecoming a thing laughter is!

Not to mention the disagreeable noise that it

makes and the shocking distortion of the face that

it occasions. . . . I am sure that since I have had

the full use of my reason nobody has ever heard

me laugh. I could heartily wish,” he says, “that

you may often be seen to smile, but never heard to

laugh while you live.”

Chatham, in his letters to his nephew, in 1754, writes only less strongly to similar effect.

One can only think that these paragons of

self-mastery must have been nearly as dull as that

Crassus whom both Pliny and Cicero mention as

remarkable for never having laughed in the whole of his life, except on one occasion, and that was when he saw a donkey eating lettuces. . .

On the other hand, smiling or laughter is one of

the normal functions of the healthy body, perhaps even a factor in keeping it healthy. I suspect that a lively sense of humour tends not only to promote health, but to favour longevity, and that the author of Tri.stram Shandy was not far from scientific truth when he wrote: “Every time as man smiles, but much more so when he laughs, it adds

some-thing to this fragment of life.” Surely it must have

been in the bitterness of his soul that the Preacher exclaimed, “I said of laughter, It is mad; and of mirth, What doeth it?’#{176}

NOTED BY T. E. C., JR., M.D.





D. A. Fisher, W. D. Odell, C. J. Hobel and R. Garza



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D. A. Fisher, W. D. Odell, C. J. Hobel and R. Garza



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