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Common Error Codes of HP Printers


Academic year: 2021

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Common Error Codes of HP Printers

Error Code On Screen Description Solution

12 Printer open The printer top cover is open. Close the top cover. Make sure the holder-switch is fastened.

Then the printer will continue to function automatically.

13.1 paper jam or

13.2 paper jam Paper jam at paperfeed area

1. Ensure that paper tray is loaded and adjusted properly so media can feed from the tray. It might be necessary to reduce the stack height of media in the tray.

2. Check the input area for obstructions such as media in the path.

3) Check if S402 and PS403 still work. Replace the corresponding sensors if necessary.

13.5 paper jam or

13.6 paper jam Paper jam at fuser.

1. Check the transfer roller and small media belt to ensure they are operating and can feed print media. 2. Check the paper path for obstructions at the transfer roller, toner cartridge, paper feed assembly, and fuser.

3) Check if PS1307 still works. Replace the corresponding sensors if necessary.

13.10 paper jam Jam at duplexer

1. Check the duplexer and the rear area of the printer for obstructions or damage.

2. Check the duplexer for proper operation. Replace the duplexer if a sensor is defective.

13.20 paper jam or 13.21 paper jam

Media stopped in the paper path during power on or when the top door was closed.

1. Remove all media in the paper path, and then open and close the top cover.

2. If the message persists after all media is removed: Check if media is jammed in the prefeed area. Close the top cover if


it's open

3)Replace any defective sensors if necessary. 13.0A.00 jam in top cover

area Paper jammed in the fuser Open the top cover, check the fuser and clear the jam.

14 noepcart The cartridge is not installed in place Reinstall the cartridge

20 insuffient memory The printer received more data than can fit in available


1)Press GO to print the transferred data (some data might be lost).

2)Simplify the print job or install additional memory

21 page too comlex The data (dense text, rules, raster or vector graphics)

sent to the printer is too complex

1)Press GO to print the transferred data. (Some data might be lost.)

2) Set the value of PAGE PROTECT to AUTO。

22 EIOхbuffer overflow Excessive data transmitted to the specified EIO


Press GO button to clear this message(Some data will be lost too)

22 parallel I/O buffer

overflow Excessive data transmitted to parallel I/O interface.

It could be a bad cable or loose connection or just a poor quality cable. Reseat the cable and use only high quality IEEE 1284 compliant cables. To achieve the best performance, please install the HP driver which is attached with the printer. Press GO button to clear this message(Some data will be lost too)

22 serial I/O buffer

overflow Excessive data transmitted to serial I/O interface.

Verify correct options of Serial Pacing have been set in the I/O menu on the printer control panel. Press GO button to clear this message(Some data will be lost too)


40 bad serial transmission Error occurred during the data transmission from the printer to the computer.

It might be caused by:

1. The computer is turned on or turned off while the printer is online.

2. Network problem.

3. Inconsistency of baud rate or parity check between the computer and the printer. Serial

Press GO to clear the message and continue to print.

40 EIO x bad transmission Connection between the printer and the EIO card in the

specified slot breaks off. Press GO to clear the message and continue to print.

41.3 unexpected paper

size Paper size configuration is setup incorrectly Setup the right paper size.

41.x Printer error

Temporary error occurred. Press GO button. The errorred page(s) will be reprinted

automatically. 41.5 Unexpected type in

tray XX For help press

The printer detects incorrect print media model(paper

size) on the paper path. Check the paper size in the paper feeder.

50.*Fuser error Fuser assembly error. * representsthe following:

1.Fusing temperature is on the low side. 2.preheating protection of fuser assembly 3.Fusing tempaerature is on the high side. 4.Power supply voltage is unstable

5.Fuser assemblies mismatching

1. Turn the printer off. 20 minutes later, turn it on. 2. Reinstall fuser assembly.

3. Turn the printer off. Remove fuser assembly and check whether communication between J1307-1and J1307-2, J1308-1 and J1308-2 is in good condition. If not, replace them.

51.*Printer error Laser beam scanning error. * represents the following:

1 Laser detecting error 2 Laser error

1 Restart the printer;

2 Reinstall the laser and its cable; 3 Replace the laser.

52.* Printer error Laser scanning speed is mismatching. * represents the


1 Scanning launching error. 2 Scanning rotation error

1 Restart the printer;

2 Reinstall the laser and its cable; 3 Replace the laser.


53.xy.zz Printer error Annex memory error, xyz represents the following: X=DIMM Model


y=Device or assembly position

1-3 indicates the memory slot where an error occurs. zz=error code

0=Memory not supported 1=Memory not compatible 2=Memory model not supported 3=RAM detecting failure

4=The maximum of RAM is exceeded 5=The maximum of ROM is exceeded 6=Invalide DIMM Speed

7=DIMM error alarm signal 8=DIMM RAM parity error 9=ROM address mapping error 10=DIMM address conflict 11=PDC XROM overflow 12=Memory not cacheable

1 Power off, unplug the memory and reinstall it. 2 Change memories’ positions with each other 3 Replace the errored memory.

55 Printer error Intercommunication error

1.Check the power supply 2.Change the interface board. 3.Replace DC control panel 56 * Printer error

Temporary error, * represents the following: 1.Incorrect input or wrong attached device. 2.Incorrect output.

1.Restart the printer

2.Check the printer configuration.

3.Adjust the connected attached device.

57 Printer error Fan error 1.Check if the fan of the printer is correctly installed or stuck


2.Replace the fan.

59.* Printer error 1.Restart the printer.

2.Ensure every connected gear in good condition 3.Ensure the cable connected to the motor is plugged correctly.

Motor error. * represents the following: 0 Motor error

1 Motor launching error 2 Motor operation error

4.Replace the motor 62.* Printer error

Printer memory error, * represents the following: 0=internal memory

1.Unplug the memory and reinstall it

2.Change memories’ positions with each other

1-3=DIMM slots 1-3 3.Replace the installed memory

64 Printer error Data receiving caching error 1.Restart the printer

2.Replace the interface board.

66 xx.yy Printer error

1.Restart the printer

2.Check all the connected cable External paper feeding error. XY represents the


1stX=code of the device in use 2ndX=device model

a) Input device b) Output device

c) Stapler/stacker yy=Device specific error

3.Reinstall the external paper feeding parts.

68 Nvram error check settings

Printer NVRAM error. One or more printer settings have been reset to Factory Default.

Print the configuration page to check the printer configuration. Press and hold Cancel when the printer is turned on, so as to clear the NVRAM

68 Nvram full check settings

Printer NVRAM is full. Some of the printer settings have been reset to Factory Default.

Print the configuration page to find out the settings which were reset.

69.x Printer error A temporary error occurred Turn the printer off and turn it on.


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