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Fuzzy neighborhood structures on partially ordered groups


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Received 5 May 2001

Ahsanullah (1988) showed the compatibility between group structures andI-fuzzy neigh-borhood systems. In this paper, we require not only that theI-fuzzy neighborhood systems be compatible with the group structures, but also compatible with the order relation, in one sense or another.

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 54A40, 54H15, 54E15, 06F15, 20F60, 22A05.

1. Introductions. In [8], Katsaras combine the concepts of[0,1]-topology and order structure to bring out the so-called ordered fuzzy topological spaces. Several authors have continued on the work of Katsaras in the area of[0,1]-topology and order [3,4, 10].

In [2] Ahsanullah introduced the notion ofI-fuzzy neighborhood groups. In this paper, we aim to introduce and study the concept ofI-fuzzy neighborhood structures on ordered groups.

2. Preliminaries. LetXbe a nonempty set. A relationonXis said to be preorder if it is reflexive and transitive. An antisymmetric preorder is said to be a partially order. By a preordered (resp., an ordered) set, we mean a setXwith a preorder (resp., a partially order) relation on it and we denote it by(X,≤). Every set can be considered as a partially ordered set equipped with the discrete order (x≤yif and only ifx=y). A function f from a preordered set(X,≤) to a preordered set(X,≤) is called

isotone or order-preserving (resp., antitone or order-inverting) ifx≤yinXimplies

f (x)≤f (y)(resp.,f (y)f (x)) inX. The functionf is said to be order

isomor-phism if it is bijection and(∀x,y∈X) x≤yf (x)≤f (y).

Suppose that(G,∗)is a semigroup and thatGis endowed with an order. We say that(G,∗,≤)is an ordered semigroup if the low of composition and the order are related by the property: for allx,y∈G

x≤y(∀z∈G) x∗z≤y∗z, z∗x≤z∗y. (2.1)

If(G1,T1,≤1)and(G2,T2,≤2)are ordered semigroups. A mappingf:G1→G2is said to be order-homomorphism if it is both isotone and semigroup homomorphism. By an ordered group we mean an ordered semigroup which is a group.


Combining the notion of order-isomorphism and group isomorphism, we say that an ordered group(G1,≤1)is OG-isomorphic to an ordered group(G2,≤2)if there is a mappingf:G1→G2which is both order isomorphism and group isomorphism.

AnI-fuzzy setµ, in a preordered set(X,≤), is called increasing (resp., decreasing) ifx≤yimpliesµ(x)≤µ(y)(resp.,µ(y)≤µ(x)) [8].

A Chang-GoguenL-topology (cf. [5,6,7]) on a setXis a subsetτ⊂LX, closed under finite infs and arbitrary sups. A pair (X,τ)is called a Chang-GoguenL-topological space; (X,τ) is called stratified L-topological space if τ contains all the constant

L-fuzzy sets. The category of Chang-Goguen L-topological spaces (resp., stratified Chang-Goguen L-topological spaces) is denoted by |L-Top| (resp., |SL-Top|). Both

|L-Top|and|SL-Top|are topological categories. IfL=I=[0,1], the above categories are denoted by|I-Top|and|SI-Top|, respectively.

By an I-topological (resp., stratified I-topological) ordered space are we mean a triplet(X,≤,τ), consisting of a partially ordered set(X,≤)and anI-topology (resp., stratifiedI-topology)τonX.

By|I-TopOS|(resp.,|SI-TopOS|), we mean the category of allI-topological (resp., stratifiedI-topological) ordered spaces as object and all order-preserving continuous mappings between them as morphisms.

The order, in anI-topological ordered space(X,≤,τ), is said to be closed [8] if and only if the following condition holds: ifxy, then there are neighborhoodsµ,

ρofx,y, respectively, such thati(µ)∧d(ρ)=0.

Let (X,≤,τ) be an L-topological ordered space. If the order is closed, then X is Hausdorff [8].

AnI-fuzzy quasi-uniformity [9] is a subsetUofIX×Xwhich is prefilter and has the following three properties:

(1) α(x,x)=1∀α∈Uand∀x∈X,

(2) ∀α∈U,∀ε >0,∃α1Usuch thatα1◦α1−ε≤α,

(3) U=U, that is, for every family{αε∈U,ε∈I0}we have supε∈I(αε−ε)∈U.

The familyU1= {α1:αU, α1(x,y)=α(y,x)}is anI-fuzzy quasi-uniformity onX called the conjugate ofU. We denote byU theI-fuzzy uniformity which gen-erated byU, that is,U∗=UU1= {αα1:αU, α1U1}. TheI-fuzzy quasi-uniformityUcan generate an order, say≤u, by setting

x≤uy⇐⇒     

α(x,z)≤α(y,z) ∀z≥x,y,

α(x,z)≥α(y,z) ∀z≤x,y.


A triplet(X,≤,U∗), consisting of an ordered set(X,≤)and anI-fuzzy uniformity U, is called anI-fuzzy uniform ordered space [10] if there exists anI-fuzzy quasi-uniformityUonXsuch thatU∗=UU1andG(≤)=G(≤



Definition 2.2[10]. A mapping f :(X,≤,U∗)→(X1,≤1,U∗) is said to be uni-formly order-mapping if there existI-fuzzy quasi-uniformitiesuandu1onXandX1, respectively such that

(i) U∗=UU1andG(≤)=G(≤ u); (ii) U1=U1U11andG(≤1)=G(≤u1);

(iii) f:(X,U)→(X1,U1)is quasi-uniformly continuous.

Definition2.3[2]. Let (G,·)be a group and let be anI-fuzzy neighborhood system onG. Then, the triplet(G,·,t(ℵ))is calledI-fuzzy neighborhood group if and only if the following conditions are fulfilled:

(1) the mappingm:(G×G,t(ℵ)×t(ℵ))→(G,t(ℵ)):(x,y)→xyis continuous; (2) the mappingr:(G,t(ℵ))→(G,t(ℵ)):x→x−1is continuous.

Proposition2.4[2]. Let(G,·)be a group and letℵbe an I-fuzzy neighborhood system on G. Then, (G,·,t(ℵ))is an I-fuzzy neighborhood group if and only if the mapping

h:G×G,t(ℵ)×t(ℵ)G,t(ℵ):(x,y)xy−1 (2.3)

is continuous

3. Fuzzy neighborhood ordered groups

Definition 3.1. A triplet (G,≤,t(ℵ)) is called I-fuzzy neighborhood ordered groups if the following statements hold:

(1)(G,≤)is a partially ordered group;

(2)(G,t(ℵ))is anI-fuzzy neighborhood group; (3) the orderis closed.

By|I−FNOGr|, we mean the category of allI-fuzzy neighborhood ordered groups as objects and all order-preserving homeomorphisms between them as morphisms.

In agreement with [1], a faithful functorT:A→Set is said to be topological (mono-topological) if and only if, given any index class((Xj,ξj):j∈J)ofA-objects indexed by a classJ and any source (resp., mono-source)(fj:X→Xj)in Set, there exists a uniqueA-structureξonXwhich is initial with respect to(fj:X→(Xj,ξj))j∈J, that

is, such that for anyA-object(Y ,ζ), a mappingh:(Y ,ζ)→(X,ξ)is anA-morphism if and only if for everyj∈J, the compositionfj◦h:(Y ,ζ)→(Xj,ξj)is anA-morphism. Also, we have that the constant function lift to morphism inAand theA-fibreT−1(S) for any setS is small.

Proposition3.2. The category|I−FNOGr|is mono-topological.

Proof. The forgetful functorT:|I−FNOGr| → |Group|is given byT (G,≤,t(ℵ))= G. For some index class J, let(Gα,≤α,t(ℵα))∈ |I−FNOGr| and (fα:G→Gα)α∈J be a monosource in|Group|. Letbe theI-fuzzy neighborhood system making the monosource





initial and letbe the order defined byx≤y if and only iffα(x)≤αfα(y)for all

α∈J. Then(G,≤,t(ℵ))∈ |I−FNOGr|. Initiality of the mono-source




α∈J (3.2)

can easily be checked; thusT is topological. The other conditions for a mono-topological category are clearly met.

Proposition3.3. Let(G,≤,t(ℵ))∈ |I−FNOGr|. Then, forx,a∈G,

(i) the mappingLa:G→G(resp.,Ra:G→G) defined byx→ax(resp.,x→xa) is an order-preserving homeomorphism;

(ii) the mapping r:(G,t(ℵ))→(G,t(ℵ)):x→x−1 is an order-inverting homeo-morphism.

Proof. The proof follows fromDefinition 2.3.

Lemma3.4. Let(G,≤,t(ℵ))∈ |I−FNOGr|andµbe an increasing (resp., decreasing)

I-fuzzy set inG, then (i) R−1

a (µ)is increasing (resp., decreasing); (ii) r−1(µ)is decreasing (resp., increasing).

Proof. Letµbe an increasingI-fuzzy set. (i) We have




, R−1

a (µ)(x)=µ



that is,R−1

a (µ)(x)≤R−a1(µ)(y)wheneverx≤y. (ii) The mappingr:G→Gis decreasing, then

r−1(µ)(x)=µr (x)=µx−1≥µy−1=µr (y)=r−1(µ)(y), (3.4)

that is,r−1(µ)is decreasing.

Proposition 3.5. If (G,≤,t(ℵ))∈ |I−FNOGr|andµ is an increasing (resp., de-creasing) openI-fuzzy set inGandρ∈IG, then theI-fuzzy set·ρ)is an increasing (resp., decreasing) openI-fuzzy set inG.

Proof. By [2, Proposition 1.10], anI-fuzzy set(µ·ρ)is open. To prove the second part, letx,y∈Gwithx≤yandµbe increasingI-fuzzy, then


x=s·tµ(s)∧ρ(t)= sup



=sup t∈Gµ

R−1 t (x)




But the mappingRt:G→G:x→xtis increasing, then, by fixingt∈G, it follows that


t∈GRt(µ)(x)∧ρ(t)≤ sup




Proposition3.6. Let(G,≤,t(ℵ))∈ |I−FNOGr|, then for all increasing (resp., de-creasing) I-fuzzy set µ ∈ ℵ(e) and for all ε∈ I0, there exists ρ∈ ℵ(e) such that


Proof. Since(G,t(ℵ))is an I-fuzzy neighborhood group, then the continuity of the mappingm:(G×G,t(ℵ)×t(ℵ))→(G,t(ℵ)):(x,y)→xyis equivalent to the fact that∀µ∈ ℵ(e)and∀ε∈I0, there existsρ∈ ℵ(e)(see [2, Proposition 2.5]) such that

ρ·ρ−ε≤µ. If we chooseµto be increasing then

ρ·ρ≤i(ρ·ρ)≤µ+ε, (3.7)

wherei(ρ·ρ)is the smallest increasingI-fuzzy set containing(ρ·ρ)and it follows thati(ρ·ρ)−ε≤µand this completes the proof.

4. Fuzzy quasi-uniformity onI-fuzzy neighborhood ordered groups. As given in [2], if(G,·)is a group, then we define

µL:G×GI, whereµL(x,y)=µ


µR:G×GI, whereµR(x,y)=µyx−1.


If(G,·,t(ℵ))is anI-fuzzy neighborhood group andµ∈ ℵ(e), thenµL(resp., µR) is called the left (resp., right)I-fuzzy entourages associated withµ. We can easily note that the left (resp., right)I-fuzzy entouragesµL(resp.,µR) is not symmetric, ifx

y, then y−1x ex1y and this implies that µ


µL(y,x). Also,µR(x,y)µR(y,x).

In the sequel, we useℵi(e)(resp., d(e)) to denote the system of all increasing (resp., decreasing)I-fuzzy neighborhoods ofe. From the above discussion we have the following easily established result.

Theorem 4.1. Let(G,≤,t(ℵ))∈ |I−FNOGr| and ℵi(e) (resp., d(e)) denote the system of all increasing (resp., decreasing)I-fuzzy neighborhoods ofe. Then,

(i) the family βL (resp., βR)= {µL (resp., µR):µ ∈ ℵi(e)}is a basis for the left (resp., right)I-fuzzy quasi-uniformityuL(resp.,uR) onG;

(ii) the familyβ−1

L (resp., β−R1)= {µL−1 (resp., µ−R1):µ∈ ℵd(e)}is a basis for the conjugate left (resp., right)I-fuzzy quasi-uniformityU1

L (resp.,U−R1) onG; (iii) the familyβs= {µL∧µR:µ∈ ℵi(e)}is a basis for the two-sidedI-fuzzy


We denoteUL∨U−L1(resp.,UR∨U−R1) byU∗L(resp.,U∗R). It is clear thatU∗L(resp.,U∗R) is anI-fuzzy uniformity onGcalled the left (resp., right)I-fuzzy uniformity generated by UL(resp.,UR). Also, the two-sidedI-fuzzy uniformityU∗=UR∗∨UL∗can be generated by the two-sidedI-fuzzy quasi-uniformity(UR∨UL).

It is known that the entourages of the aboveI-fuzzy quasi-uniformities can generate an order onGby setting



µL(y,z)≤µL(x,z). (4.2)

The partial order≤∗is said to be generated by the leftI-fuzzy quasi-uniformityU


Definition4.2. LetG1,G2be groups andU2,U2be quasi-uniformities onG1and

G2, respectively. A mappingf:G1→G2is called a quasi-uniform isomorphism if it is a quasi-uniform equivalence (seeDefinition 2.1) and group isomorphism.

Proposition4.3. Let(G,≤,t(ℵ))∈ |I−FNOGr|and letUL be the associated left

I-fuzzy quasi-uniformity onG, then

(i) Lx(resp., Rx):(G,UL)→(G,UL)is a quasi-uniform isomorphism; (ii) Lx(resp., Rx):(G,≤,UL∗)→(G,≤,U∗L)is a uniformly order isomorphism.

Proof. (i) It follows immediately from the formulas

Lx×Lx 1


=µL. (4.3)

(ii) The existence of the associated leftI-fuzzy quasi-uniformityULwhich generate theI-fuzzy uniformityUL and the order≤∗withG(≤)=G(≤)and from (i) the proof

becomes clear.

Proposition4.4. Let(G,≤,t(ℵ))∈ |I−FNOGr|andUL(resp.,UR) be the associated left (resp., right)I-fuzzy quasi-uniformity onG, then

(i) the mappingr:(G,UL)→(G,UR)is a quasi-uniform isomorphism; (ii) the mappingr:(G,≤,UL)→(G,≤,UR)is a uniform order-isomorphism.

Proof. (i) The mappingr:G→G is a group isomorphism. But forµR∈UR, we have that(r×r )−1

R)(x,y)=µR(r (x),r (y))=µR(X−1,y−1)=µ(y−1x), that is,

(r×r )−1

R)=µ˜L. And this means thatr:(G,uL)→(G,uR)is a quasi-uniform equiv-alence and so it is quasi-uniform isomorphism.

(ii) This can be proven byDefinition 2.1and part (i) and this completes the proof.

We omit the proof of the following easily established proposition.

Proposition 4.5. Let (G,≤,t(ℵ)) and (G,≤,t(ℵ)) ∈ |IFNOGr| and let U

L, ULbe the associated left I-fuzzy quasi-uniformities onG andG, respectively. Then, the order-preserving homeomorphismf:G→Gis uniformly order-mapping.


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Kamel El-Saady: Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, South Valley

Univer-sity, Qena83523, Egypt

E-mail address:el-saady@lycos.com


M. Y. Bakier: Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Assiut,


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