First go to and download desktop software found at the left hand side bottom under “Industrial Verticals (B2C)” and follow the steps. While downloading any desktop software internet connection is must till desktop icon is placed on the desktop and software is opened.
The usage of this software is detailed with notes and screen shots for easy understanding and usage.
This is the first screen and main menu can be seen at the top of this software. At left hand side highlighted menus are displayed for easy access.
Below is the screen shot of “Master”menu.
Click “Company Information” and feed company details in the relevant boxes and save & exit. The Company name with financial year can be seen at the top side of main screen after quit
from main screen and open the software again. Find below the sample entries on company information.
Now go to the menu “User” click it and select “create new user”
The screen will appear as shown below. Personnel/Staff using this software can be incorporated with their name and user id one by one by saving each data as screened below.
Any alternation in user id- go to the “alter existing user” under user menu. Double click on the user id/name to alter the data and save it after effecting edit.
Now under “Master” go to “Ledger” and click it. Here all accounting ledgers can be created including bank and financial accounts with under groups.
Editing or modification can be done through “Alter existing Ledgers” menu. Next shown below is the creation of accounting groups not available under groups. Select “Group and the select
“create New Group a/c” to create new accounting groups. Next is the “Product” menu adjacent to “Master” menu.
Go to “New Category” under Product. The screen will appear as shown below. Here all common names of products can be entered as shown in the columns then save.
Then go to “New Group” and enter the sub group name of the products entered in the category menu and save it. Next to “Supplier Master” under product. Just enter all the suppliers name one by one and save it.
Units at regular use can be fed here with fractions of values as shown below and save it.
Suppose “meter” is the last value in a business- then meter should be entered in the unit column. In value column “1” to be typed and “primary” to be typed under “Base” column being the base measurement used in business. If fraction of meter is used then value should be 100 and base should be ”cm”. Again-next line- in unit column cm should be typed, under value No”1” and at base Primary should be typed.
For each and every product either for purchase or sales a unique code should be created with exact identity. Shown below is the field under product menu to create code for each product and the item code is created by default.
Do not alter the item code. Name-enter the exact name with extra details in sub-name. Opening quantity-Stock available as on date. Re-order level is minimum maintainable quantity. MRP as shown on the product if available. Rate is the selling rate. Purchase and cost price are same.
Only numerical value at “VAT” column, % symbol should not be added. Group, Supplier & Category already has been dealt with. Now save and select “New” for entering another product After saving all the products click “Exit” and come to main screen.
Under “Product” –Alter Product opening stock—to alter or edit opening quantity entered already and save.
View Details, Price List, Stock Register & Stock Re-order Report—are reports based on the product entry.
“Godown Loading Entry” is to load stock at a particular godown. “ Godown Loading Report” is to view stock at each godown.
Now go to next menu “Sales” and click “Create New Customer”
The screen appears as shown below.
Here enter customer details and save.
Under Sales-select “Sales Estimate”. Sales quotation or sales estimation can be created here.Bill No and date will come by default. Shown below is the sales estimate form.
A drop down list will come in column “code or Name”. Select particular product and press “Enter” once or twice to get other details of product. Select Unit & Qty. If there is any change in rate click rate column and press tab once. Now the rate may be changed. Like wise if required fill discount, tax columns and fill all entries one by one and save. By “Display estimate” all estimates prepared and saved may be viewed.
Sales Bill can be created under “Sales” menu. Shown below is screen shot of sales menu.
As like estimate, Bill No & date is at default. Select the customer name from drop down list under “Party Name”. Select code No or product name in the drop down list as done in estimate and save the data and print if required. Additional discount and advance amount can be entered at the space beneath the sale bill. If the sale is effecting godown than a particular godown name may be selected against “Godown” column with option of cash or credit shown at right extreme on top of sale bill.
All other options under sales menu are reports on sales. Click required field and view reports. Next menu is purchase. Find below is the menus under purchase.
Select “Create New Supplier” under Purchase.
Type name of Vendor or Supplier, under group-Sundry Creditor, fill all the columns with data if required and save and repeat the same to create more vendors.
Now click “Purchase Estimate” under Purchase. The screen will appear as shown below.
Purchase order or Purchase estimate can be created here. Bill No and date is at default. Party name may be selected under drop down list. Purchase invoice with date may be fed at the relevant column with option for cash or credit. Select either code or product name by drop down list and click “Enter” twice. Now type data in qty column then use Right Arrow to move cursor. To alter rate click rate column then press space bar once. Now the rate may be altered. Type data at the required column then save. Repeat the same for another Purchase estimate. By selecting “View Purchase estimate” all the saved purchase estimates can be viewed.
Click “ Create New Purchase Bill” under Purchase. Find below is the screen shot of Purchase Bill.
Bill No and date is by default. Select vendor or supplier from drop down list shown against party. Select either cash or credit. Type purchase invoice no and date at respective column. Then select either code or product name and press “Enter” twice to get product data. Select unit and type qty and press right arrow. Select rate column to modify and press space bar once. Now rate can be modified. If required discount column, tax column may filled. Likewise select products one by one and save. The materials shown under purchase bill goes to stock immediately.
Any modification go to “Alter Existing Bills” under purchase. After modification save it.
Other menus are reports under purchase. Purchase tax details can be viewed through “purchase tax” menu under purchase.
The transactions done through Bank Ledger & voucher entry made through General Entry can be viewed through different menus shown above. Create-New Bank withdraw, New Bank deposit, New Bank Receipt, New Bank Payment will lead to menu “ General Entry”. Cheque Information, Advance cheque are details about cheque issues.
Now click “Voucher” and sub menu will be as shown below.
The menu “Voucher Entry” leads to General entry for entering vouchers.
“Alter voucher entry” is to edit vouchers and screen appears as screened below.
Just double click on the voucher to alter or modify & save after alteration. Shown below is the screen of voucher list created so far to view.
To know the cash transactions and the balance available as on date go to “cash-in-hand” menu under Voucher. The following screen will appear.
The following are the sub-menus available under “Reports”
Click “Display All Ledger Accounts” and the screen appears as shown below.
Here all ledger accounts can be viewed with debit, credit and closing details.
Payable Ledger Report, Receivable Ledger Report & Bank Ledger Report will show details of respective heads. Like ledger accounts “Display All Group Accounts” will show all details transacted under accounting groups as screened below.
Payment Register, Receipt Register, Bank Register & Day Book will show details on transactions done at respective heads.
Click “Expense Abstract” and the screen appears as shown below. Select the date required and click OK to view data.
Next click “Total Income and Expense” to view income and expense details. The screen shot of which is shown below.
Reports of Purchase Tax & Sales tax can be viewed under Reports menu by selecting from and to date at respective field.
Under “Tools”-back up can be taken through “ Back up data base” by selecting date from and to. The storage point and the file name has to be given for effective storage.
Whenever back up is required the same procedure may be followed.
The menu “change period” is to change financial year. The screen shot is displayed for reference. After changing save it.
Click menu “ Set other information”. Here short notes may be fed. It will appear at the foot of the bill as shown below.
Shown at left hand side of main page is highlighted menu for easy access.
Two options as shown below can be seen on the right hand side of main page. It is to synchronise and view the data stored in desktop software through online software of the same email account. The procedures are given below.
Step 01- An Online account to be opened by visiting website- . Step 02- Click “Login” on the reach accountant opening page. A box will appear as follows. Step 03- Type email id and password as used to open desktop. In another word the email id
For desktop software and online software should be identical. Different email id will Not be agreeable for synchronizing.
Step 04- The online software is for view only. Any data typed in online software will not affect Desktop software and there is no reverse process from online software.
Step 05-Now click “ Synchronize” button and the screen appears as seen above. Select Ledger,
Product, Sales, Purchase & Vouchers. Do not select _Remove without tin, Remove cash entries and Amt range. Now click “Sync” or “Post” button. A dialog box will appear with indication of data transferring. After completion, a completion box will appear. Click ok. After this process is over just go to the online account opened already. Now all data from desktop software is transferred to online software. Go to “Reports”. There and can find data under all ledgers.
Step 06-Data will be transferred to online software only once. Data already transferred through
synchronization will not go again. Data fed after last sync will only be transferred through sync. If no data is fed nothing will be transferred.
Step 07-Any data fed or alteration done in online software will not be transferred to desktop
Software and it will not affect the data available at desktop software.
Step 08- While opting for synchronizing- the desktop software should have been opened with
the email id opted at the time of registration. The sync option will not transfer data from Desktop software when it is opened with internal user id created under menu Master- create new user.