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A Scheme for Analyzing Electronic Payment Systems


Academic year: 2021

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A Scheme for Analyzing Electronic Payment Systems

Lucas de Carvalho Ferreira

IC/Unicamp and DEX/UFLA

DEX, Campus da UFLA

37200-000 Lavras MG



Ricardo Dahab


Caixa Postal 6176

13083–970 Campinas SP




This paper presents a scheme for the design, analysis and comparison of electronic payment systems. Three sys-tems are described in detail through this scheme.

Keywords: payment systems, analysis and design of pay-ment systems.



The field of electronic commerce and especially elec-tronic payment systems has flourished in the past few years. The possibilities opened by the popularization of the Inter-net have forced many companies and research teams to turn their eyes to this new commercial universe. The first prob-lem that has to be addressed before the Internet could be-come a huge marketplace is finding a way to securely trans-fer monetary value over the network.

In recent years, many systems have been proposed and implemented that allow two parties to transfer monetary value on a network of computers. Some of these proto-cols had significant implications on the way people do com-merce on the Internet and new protocols are being deployed that may have much stronger implications in the develop-ment of the electronic marketplace.

With a number of payment systems available, people now need ways to analyze these systems and choose the one most suitable to their needs. Some work has been done in the direction of clarifying and classifying the way elec-tronic payment systems work [2, 11, 7, 1, 3, 8]. Some of these works describe payment systems characteristics and their intrinsic requirements [2, 3, 7], while others classify payment systems by their functional behavior [8]. We be-lieve a more integrated approach should be used to achieve a broader understanding of electronic payment systems.

We will here extend previous work on the classifica-tion of electronic payment systems and build a funcclassifica-tional-

functional-ity model for those systems. This model was based on the analysis and understanding of several designs of electronic payment systems and seems to be comprehensive enough to be used with most existing systems.

We first present our proposed scheme for classifying and analyzing electronic payment systems; then we show how this scheme can be used to understand three important pay-ment systems; a summary of the analysis of many known systems is shown in the tables of Appendix A.


Proposed Scheme

In this section we present the scheme we built to ana-lyze payment systems characteristics. Figure 1 presents the scheme and its four subparts, each serving a single purpose: (i) describe payment systems typification through common characteristics; (ii) present desirable requisites of payment systems; (iii) describe system functioning from the user’s perspective; (iv) present implementation aspects of the sys-tem. The next subsections present each of these subparts in detail.


System Typification

All electronic payment systems present characteristics that help us classify and understand the systems and their applications. We identified the following characteristics:

Exchange Model

 Token-based. Here transactions are made by

the exchange of tokens of predefined value, much like coins or bank notes. In these systems, users must buy tokens from a central authority before being able to start a payment transaction. Token-based systems are also called cash-like systems.


Withdrawal Transaction - Authentication - Payment - Acknowledgement Settlement - Conclusion Functioning Long Term Relationship


Implementation Primitives Format Network Connections Payment Order Cryptographic Hardware Typification Amounts Available Roles Role Inversibility Privacy Exchange Model Central Auth. Contact Integrity Robustness Economic Viability Scalability Interoperability Auditability Divisibility Desir. Requisites

Figure 1. Four Aspects that Characterize Elec-tronic Payment Systems

 Notational. Payment transactions in notational

systems are done by the settlement of balances in accounts managed by the system’s central au-thority. In this kind of system, users exchange documents which enable value transfers, such as payment orders, and define the value of each of these documents. Familiar examples of such systems are bank cheques. Notational systems are sometimes called credit/debit systems.

 Hybrid. Some systems make use of signed

to-kens that have their value specified by the user at the time of the transaction.

Central Authority Contact

 On-line. The central authority must be

con-tacted during each transaction, in order to “bless” all value transfers. These systems are usually built over the Internet and must cope with the (possibly high) cost of on-line network connections needed for each transaction. Exam-ples are Internet based systems (E-cash, First Virtual, SET) and debit card based systems (Visa Electron, Carte Bleue).

 Off-line. Systems of this type allow users to

make transactions without contacting the

sys-tem’s central authority at the exact moment each transaction occurs. Some time in the near fu-ture, the payee must contact the central server to settle things up, but this contact may be de-layed until the user believes it is appropriate. The payee must be able to verify payment valid-ity without help. An example is projectCAFE

payment system.

Payment Values

 Micro-payments. Only very small values are

involved, typically from US$ 0.001 to a few dol-lars.

 Small to medium payments. These values

may be transferred on the Internet with a good level of security, usually US$ 1.00 to US$ 500.00.

 Big payments. Larger values (over US$

500.00) require greater security than the Inter-net can provide today.


 Specific. Systems need special hardware, like

tamper-proof devices or smart cards.

 General purpose. Only common computers

are needed. Systems may be implemented on any platform and do not require special hard-ware.

Possible Roles Each party in the transaction must take one

of the roles specified in the system. Usual roles are payers, payees (users) or banks.

Role Inversibility

 Unchangeable roles. Each user has a

prede-fined role such as buyer, seller or bank. To act in two different roles, users have to register at least twice, once for each role.

 Interchangeable roles. These systems allow

users to assume different roles when conve-nient. Thus, they allow transferring values among users. However, in general, no system allows users to become the bank.


 Existent. In this case, systems protect, to some

extent, user’s privacy, allowing anonymous pur-chases, secure transfer or protection of critical information. Some systems guarantee that crit-ical information will be available only to those parties that need it.


 Non-existent. Systems do not use

crypto-graphic techniques to protect information trans-fers. External means must be used if necessary.

Divisibility It must be possible to change a high valued

token for smaller valued ones. Four divisibility levels are used to classify payment systems:

1. users are able to divide their own tokens, with-out necessarily engaging in a purchase/sale transaction.

2. the central authority may be contacted to make change online.

3. the payee may hand some change back. 4. there is no divisibility. It may be a notational



Desirable Requisites

There are requisites that would be desirable in a general model of electronic payment systems. However, attention should be payed to the fact that in some contexts, some of these requisites could be unnecessary or undesired. Usually, only a subset of them is considered for a specific applica-tion.

Integrity. The system must provide the means to detect or

prevent unauthorized data modification.

Robustness. The system should behave as expected under

unforeseen circumstances, not allowing the loss of information or of currency, or enter an inconsistent state, should a problem occur. Robustness may be achieved through the use of ACID transactions [2].

Economic Viability. Cost of transactions must be

compat-ible with the values transferred through the system.

Scalability. A system must be able to cope with the

addi-tion of new users and with the increase of the quantity of money involved in its operation without a signifi-cant loss of performance.

Interoperability. A system must make possible the

ex-change of money with other systems. For example, it must be possible to exchange a cheque for cash.

Auditability. The system must provide auditing facilities

so that errors or misuse may be detected.


System Functionality Description

Electronic payment transactions consist of the following steps:

Establishment of Long Term Relationship.

Initially, a user makes contact with a financial insti-tution responsible for managing the payment system and establishes a long term relationship with it. This financial institution is called a bank or controlling

en-tity. The registration with the bank may involve

open-ing an account, acquiropen-ing some piece of software or even initialization of authentication methods, such as public key generation and certification.

Withdrawal. In this stage, a user obtains from the bank

the monetary means necessary to engage in payment transactions. This is accomplished by transferring electronic coins, charging a smart card or issuing a credit certificate.

Transaction. This is the main stage of any payment

sys-tem, in which the transfer of values actually occurs. It typically involves four consecutive substeps:

1. Authentication. It may be necessary for the parties of a transaction to identify themselves, to ensure that each is an authorized user of the system.

2. Payment. The payer sends electronic money to the payee.

3. Acknowledgment. The payee may send the payer a receipt corresponding to the transaction. 4. Conclusion. If all parties agree on the outcome of the transaction, it can be ended without prob-lems. If there is any disagreement, a dispute res-olution protocol may be started.

Settlement. The payee sends the electronic money to the

bank to be converted into real money, or deposited into an account, or in some cases, the payee may choose to receive the value in electronic currency of the same kind or ask for it to be converted to another kind of electronic currency.


Implementation Aspects

Some aspects of an electronic payment system are linked to its implementation, and are shown in the system specifi-cation. This section presents some important implementa-tion aspects in the analysis of a payment system.

Cryptography. Describes all cryptographic algorithms

that are used in the system, specially: symmetric ci-phers, asymmetric cici-phers, digital signatures, certifi-cates and hashing.

Network connections. Quantity and type of network


Token or payment order format. Shows the contents and

organization of the tokens or payment orders used in the system.


Three systems in detail

In this section, we use the scheme outlined above to get a better understanding of three popular electronic payment systems, that were chosen because they represent different kinds of payment systems and illustrate the benefits attained by the use of the scheme.



PayWord is a micro-payment system designed by R. Rivest and A. Shamir [10]. It is efficient for repeated pay-ments to the same vendor, and is designed to reduce the use of public-key algorithms through the use of hash functions and fast symmetric ciphers.

The system is based upon the use of hash chains to represent monetary value. A hash chain is a sequence

n 0 ;n 1 ;:::;n k, where n i =h(n i?1 );i1;

his a strong cryptographic hash function andn

0is a random

number. The chain is used backwards, fromn kto

n 0. Since hmust be hard to invert, it is computationally infeasible to

obtainn ifrom

n i+1.

To make a payment, the user must first generate a hash chain, signn

k, and send it to the vendor. Then, each

mone-tary unit spent corresponds to the valuexof the chain such

thath(x)is the previously spent value, currently held by the


3.1.1 System Typification

Exchange model: token based. Users have certificates that

enable them to generate hash chains to be used as payment tokens. All chains are user-vendor specific.

Central Authority Contact: off-line. The broker gives each user a certificate which enables generation of tokens. Brokers may sign certificates and redeem to-kens off-line.

Payment Values: micro-payments. The system avoids the

use of asymmetric ciphers at the cost of lowering se-curity, and is only adequate for payments under US$ 1.00.

Hardware: general purpose. The system is software based

and makes no use of specialized hardware.

Available Roles: buyer, vendor, broker. Brokers manage

buyer accounts and emit certificates. Vendors must register with the brokers to be able to settle received tokens.

Role Inversibility: unchangeable roles. The actions and

relationships of a user are strongly dependent on the current role of that user. A user may register as ven-dor and buyer but only act as one of them at a partic-ular transaction.

Privacy: non-existent.PayWorddoes not provide privacy and the user must be identified in each payment. Data in transit is not protected.

Divisibility: level 4. The system’s design does not include

divisibility but the designers suggest that chain values could be negotiated.

3.1.2 Desirable Requisites

Integrity: partially guaranteed. Digital signatures are used to maintain certificate integrity. Tokens are not protected by integrity mechanisms.

Robustness: no particular mechanism specified.

Economic Viability: viable. System designers tried to

re-duce the use of digital signatures and avoided the use of asymmetric ciphers, thereby lowering the overall cost of the system. We believe this system’s cost is adequate to be used with micro-payments.

Scalability: high. This system is highly scalable, specially

since all operations involving brokers may be done off-line.

Interoperability: not specified. The system’s design does

not account for interoperability.

Auditability: guaranteed. All players in the system are

identified and certificates are needed to engage in a payment transaction.

3.1.3 System Functionality Description

Establishment of Long Term Relationship: Each buyer

must choose a broker and ask for a certificate. This certificate enables the buyer to generate hash chains and to use those chains to make payments. The buyer agrees to pay for all chains signed using his private key.

Withdrawal: The buyer must generate a hash chain, sign

the last value, and present it to the broker. This signa-ture indicates that the buyer agrees to pay for each of the values in the chain. The values must be used from


the last generated to the first and the commitments (signed values) are vendor specific.


1. Authentication: The buyer must be identified and must send the vendor the commitment for a hash chain and his certificate, so that the vendor can verify his signature on the commitment. 2. Payment: Each time a buyer makes a payment,

he must send one of the values in the hash chain to the vendor. The number of monetary units paid in each payment may be calculated by



k is the hash value transferred for this

payment, and n

j is the last value the vendor

knows of. The vendor must verify the validity of each payment by applying the hash function as many times as needed to get the last known value of this chain.

3. Acknowledgement: There is no receipt in this system.

4. Conclusion: This system does not have a con-clusion stage.

Settlement: The vendor redeems the received hash chains

by contacting a broker and sending him the buyer’s commitment and the last known hash value of the cor-responding chain. The broker will generate all hash values of the chain up to the one appended to the com-mitment in order to verify the chain. If the commit-ment signature is good and the broker could generate all values in the signed chain, the vendor will receive the corresponding value.

3.1.4 Implementation Aspects Cryptography:

Digital signatures: are used but no specific

algo-rithm is mentioned.

Certificates: all public keys must be certified. The

algorithm is not specified.

Hashing: are used to generate chains. No algorithm


Network connections: One connection. Only the buyer

and the vendor need to be in contact during each transaction.

Token format: hash chains with signed root. Each of the

values of the chain is a token.



Digicash’sE-cash[5] is one of the most popular elec-tronic payment systems in use today. It is an Internet based system with full user anonymity by the use of blind

signatures[4]. The central authority must apply a signature

on a blinded user generated token.

This system is already in use by several banks from the United States, Germany and Finland. Of this date,Digicash

has not yet made available full specifications ofE-cash, so this analysis makes use of unofficial data available on the payment system (as in [9]).

3.2.1 System Typification

Exchange model: token based. E-cashtokens are called coins, which are numbered and have an expiry date. The bank must blindly sign all coins.

Central Authority Contact: on-line. The bank that signed a coin must be contacted to verify its validity during a transaction.

Payment Values: small payments. This system was

de-signed to be used in the Internet, and the coins must be stored in users’ computers. Although the system makes use of strong cryptographic algorithms and would probably be secure even for large payments, the general lack of security in coin storage precludes the use ofE-cashfor large values.

Hardware: general purpose. The system may be

imple-mented on any kind of computer platform.

Available Roles: user and bank. Users may buy or redeem

tokens from the bank.

Role Inversibility: interchangeable roles. All users of the

system may act as payer or payee. Only the bank role cannot be played by any user.

Privacy: existent.E-cashis based on blind signatures and guarantees payer’s anonymity. Only in case of dis-pute the payer must be identified; the bank and the payee are always identified. The order description is sent unencrypted and may be seen or tampered with by an external observer.

Divisibility level 2. Divisibility is attained by depositing

coins and withdrawing smaller valued coins.

3.2.2 Desirable Requisites

Integrity: guaranteed. Coin integrity is guaranteed by the


Robustness: Some mechanisms are provided. The payer

and payee must agree on the order contents and price. The transactions are independent if there is no double spending of coins and the system allows the user to recover lost coins.

Economic Viability: viable. The cost of operating the

sys-tem is compatible with the values considered.

Scalability: potentially low. Users who want to participate

in a payment transaction must have accounts in the same bank, so bankE-cashservers are possible bot-tlenecks of the system. Banks must also maintain a list of used coins and may be overwhelmed by the size of this list.

Interoperability: not possible. There is no

interoperabil-ity asE-cashbanks operate independently, working only with their own coins.

Auditability: possible. Users must sacrifice their anonymity to prove involvement in a transaction. Banks must maintain logs of all deposits to poten-tially identify the users involved in the transactions.

3.2.3 System Functionality Description

Establishment of Long Term Relationship: Each user must have an account with anE-cashbank and ask it to open a specialE-cashaccount. From this account, users may withdraw and depositE-cashcoins. The user must also acquire and installE-cash’s software.

Withdrawal: The user must generate electronic coins,

blind them and send them encrypted to the bank to-gether with a signed request indicating which kind of coins are needed. The bank blindly signs them, as-sociating with each coin a user specified value. The bank withdraws the total value of those coins from the user’s account and sends the coins back to the user. The user unblinds the coins and may start us-ing them.


1. Authentication: The payee presents a payment request to the payer containing: amount, de-scription and its ID.

2. Payment: The payer sends coins and a hash of the payment instructions to the payee, encrypted with the bank’s public key. The payee then con-tacts the bank that signed these coins to check them against a spent coin list and to verify the payment instructions. The payee will then pro-ceed to the settlement stage if the coins have not already been spent.

3. Acknowledgement: There is no receipt in this system.

4. Conclusion: There is no conclusion stage in this system.

Settlement: After receiving a positive acknowledgment of

coin and payment instruction verification, the payee has two possibilities of action: deposit the coins or generate new coins of same total value of the verified coins and ask the bank to blindly sign them.

3.2.4 Implementation Aspects Cryptography:

Symmetric cipher: Triple-DES: used together with

the asymmetric cipher in the secure envelope model to protect data transfers.

Asymmetric cipher: RSA.

Digital Signature: RSA, used to sign message


Hashing: SHA.

Network connections: 2 connections. One connection is

needed for communication between payer and payee and another is needed so that the payee may present the coins to the bank for validation.

Token format: All coins have: serial number, keyversion

and bank’s signature. The serial number must have a special form so the bank may identify valid num-bers and the keyversion is used to determine value, currency and expiry date. The system also makes use of payment instructions containing the bank ID, amount, currency, number of coins, timestamp, payee ID, product description hash and a payer secret hash. This information is used to prevent coin stealing and to enable users to prove payments.


Internet Keyed Protocol

Designed by IBM’s research labs to be an adequate sys-tem for transactions using credit cards or account numbers on open networks, such as the Internet,iKP[6] is, in real-ity, a system that may be used to securely transmit account numbers on the Internet.

This system has three distinct levels: on the first one, only controlling authorities must have a certified pub-lic/private key pair; on the second level, all vendors must also have such a certificate; on the third and last level, all participants must have a certified key pair. This level hier-archy allows for a gradual deployment of the system, with an increasing level of security.


3.3.1 System Typification

Exchange model: notational. iKPis based on traditional payment processing systems for credit or debit card transactions and, as such, is a notational system.

Central Authority Contact: on-line. The entity that

pro-cesses credit card transactions (acquirer) or the bank responsible for the debit account must be contacted during each transaction. This entity will interface the

iKPsystem with the traditional banking or credit card system, where the actual accounts are managed.

Payment Values: small to medium payments. Credit card

transaction cost makes the system too expensive to work with microtransactions and credit (debit) card transactions have an upper limit. So, the system should be used for small to medium transactions.

Hardware: general purpose. The system may be

imple-mented on any kind of computer platform.

Available Roles: payer, payee and controlling entity.

Payer and payee must be registered with one of the system controlling entities (issuers and acquirers).

Role Inversibility: unchangeable roles. As in traditional

credit card systems, the roles are fixed. A party en-rolled as a vendor (or payee) can not use this system to make payments to other parties.

Privacy: existent. The payer’s identity (card number) is

protected from the payee and the controlling author-ity has no access to the order contents. Message se-curity and privacy is guaranteed by extensive use of cryptography, but the system does not allow anony-mous transactions.

Divisibility level 4. This is a notational system. 3.3.2 Desirable Requisites

Integrity: guaranteed. This system makes use of

digi-tal signatures and certificates to protect message in-tegrity and all implementations must take care of lo-cally stored data integrity. The initial message is not encrypted so an intruder can intercept and modify the initial invoice, causing denial of service. In levels 2 and 3, all vendors must have a certified key pair and could sign this invoice to prevent forgery.

Robustness: guaranteed. All ACID properties are

guaran-teed for each transaction.

Economic Viability: viable. This system is viable for

val-ues in the range of common credit card or cheque transactions. Those are the transactions this system aims at making possible over the Internet.

Scalability: high. iKP is as scalable as traditional credit card systems. Many banks and credit card associa-tions may take part of the system and use the same certifying infrastructure.

Interoperability: not planned. The authors have not planned integration with other systems.

Auditability: possible. Logs and digital signatures al-low accurate system auditing to detect fraud or mal-function. In level 3 (3KP), the system allows non-repudiation of all transactions.

3.3.3 System Functionality Description Establishment of Long Term Relationship:

Each user must choose one of the controlling author-ities of the system and register with it. In a level 2 or 3 system, users may be asked to generate asym-metric encryption keys to be certified. All users get the master key from the certification hierarchy so they are able to verify certificates. Each user must get the system’s software applications.

Withdrawal: none. Transaction:

1. Authentication: In level 2 or 3 systems, each user must identify itself by sending its certifi-cate to the other party. In level 1 systems, the parties only exchange data needed to initialize the transaction such as transaction ID and in-voice. The vendor (payee) must tell the payer which acquirer was chosen to process this trans-action by sending its certificate.

2. Payment: The payer gets the invoice, verifies it and composes a payment order with value, product description hash, account or credit card number and, optionally, a PIN. This payment order is encrypted with the acquirer’s public key.

3. Acknowledgement: There is no receipt in this system.

4. Conclusion: On receipt of the payment order, the payee contacts the acquirer to verify the transaction validity. The acquirer will inform the outcome of the transaction and the payee must send this information to the payer.

Settlement: Settlement is done automatically when the


3.3.4 Implementation Aspects Cryptography:

Asymmetric cipher: RSA.

Digital Signature: RSA with the same keys. Certificates: PKCS format.

hashing: MD5.

Network connections: 2 connections. One connection is

needed for communication between payer and payee and another is needed so that the payee may present the payment order to the acquirer.

Payment order format: Each payment order includes the

payment value, a hash of identification information shared with the payer and payee, the payer’s account number, a random number chosen by the payer and, optionally, a password or PIN. These data are en-crypted with the acquirer’s public key.



This paper presents a systematic way to analyze and compare electronic payment systems. The main points of the analysis scheme are typification, desirable requisites, functioning and implementation aspects.

Now and in the near future, many payment systems will be available to end users, vendors or financial institution and there will be a strong need for tools that enable people to choose which payment system is best suited to their needs. One of the main contributions of this work is to provide a systematic way to, after having enrolled all the requisites of an application, get an insight on the suitability of a system or to choose one from many systems. We strongly believe the analysis and comparison of payment systems should be done in light of the target application (i.e. information or hard goods sales, pay-per view etc.).

Another contribution of this work is in giving a system-atic view of the way payment system’s work. This result may be used to help when designing a new payment sys-tem, especially to identify overlooked aspects of the design. We do not believe that there will ever be a universal pay-ment system (i.e. a system suited to all needs) and so the comparison and analysis of payment systems must be done in the context of the intended application or future use.


The second author is partially suported by research grant PRONEX-FINEP 107/97


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Ad-vances in Cryptology - Proceedings of Crypto 82, pages

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Summary of other systems



Exchange Central Auth. Amount Hardware Roles Invers. Privacy divisib.

Fisrt Virtual notational online micro general BVS no no 4

Globe ID notational online small general BVS no yes 4

Payme token online small general UE yes yes 2

SET notational online small to medium general BVE no yes 4

PayWord token off-line micro general BVE no no 4

MicroMint token off-line micro general UE yes no 4

CAFE hybrid off-line small specific PRE yes yes 1

E-cash token online small general UB yes yes 2

iKP notational online small to medium general PRE no yes 4

Millicent token off-line micro general BVE no yes 3

NetBill notational online micro general BVE no yes 4

NetCash token online small general BVE yes yes 2

NetCheque notational online small general BVBk yes no 4

CyberCash notational online small general BVS no yes 4

Letters in the Roles column mean:

B buyer V vendor

S central server U user

E controlling entity P payer

R payee (receiver) Bk bank


Desirable Characteristics

Integrity Consistency Viability Escalab. Interoper. Audit.

Fist Virtual p p p p Globe ID p p p p Payme p p p SET p p p p p PayWord p p p MicroMint p p p CAFE p p p p p p E-cash p p p p iKP p p p p p Millicent p p p p NetBill p p p p NetCash p p p p NetCheque p p p p CyberCash p p p p



Implementation Aspects

Cryptography Net connections Payment orders

Fist Virtual 3 account number

Globe ID asymmetric cipher 2 not specified

signature hash

Payme symmetric cipher (IDEA) 2 token value

asymmetric cipher (RSA) serial number

digital signature (RSA) Bank’s identity

validity bank’s signature

SET symmetric cipher (DES) 2 credit card data

asymmetric cipher (RSA) transaction ID

digital signature (RSA) value

certificate (X.509) product description hash


PayWord digital signature 1 hash chain value

certificate hash

MicroMint Hashing 1 hash function collision

CAFE digital signature (Schnorr) 1 public keys

vendor ID date value

E-cash symmetric cipher (Triple-DES) 2 serial number

asymmetric cipher (RSA) keyversion

digital signature bank’s signature

hash (SHA)

iKP asymmetric cipher (RSA) 2 hash of general data

digital signature (RSA) account number

Certificate (PKCS) random number

hash (MD5)

Millicent hash (MD5) 1 vendor ID

value serial number

buyer ID validity authenticity certificate

NetBill symmetric cipher (DES) 2 Kerberos ticket

asymmetric cipher (RSA) account number


Hashing (SHA)

NetCash symmetric cipher 2 issuer ID

asymmetric cipher issuer address

digital signature validity

certificate serial number

hash value

issuer’s signature

NetCheque symmetric cipher 1 value

hash currency


buyer’s account number vendor ID buyer’s signature

CyberCash symmetric cipher (DES) 2 credit card number

asymmetric cipher (RSA) value

digital signature (RSA) hash of item’s description


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The current longitudinal study examined whether different types of intimate partner violence (IPV), specifically intimate terrorism (IT) and situational couple violence (SCV),

All are situations where private commercial interests in secrecy have been given higher priority than the public’s interest in basic information – and the government,

Heavy Sewer Manhole Cleaning: Payment for this Item shall be full compensation for all labor, equipment, plugging, debris removal and disposal in accordance with the