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Consumer Cloud. DIGITALK Product Brochure


Academic year: 2021

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Consumer Cloud

DIGITALK Product Brochure


Consumer service solutions that set the industry standard

Our diverse range of service-ready Consumer Cloud applications enable service providers to establish retail consumer services within days and to respond to changes in the market immediately. Residential IP telephony, prepaid cards, PINless, and mobile VoIP services can all be delivered and managed on a single, complete service delivery platform in the cloud.

Our real-time monitoring and management tools mean our customers can keep in touch with how well their businesses are performing at any time and make whatever adjustments are needed to remain competitive.

Not only that, but we include the capabilities and APIs that enable you to deliver world class customer service, whether web self-care, IVR and call centre routing, or interactive messaging. By offering a complete network, service and management capability, backed by full service support, we have helped our customers to run their operations as profitably as possible and given them a clear competitive edge.

And, as new providers emerge with innovative services and as established operators grow, consolidate and migrate to IP Networks, we will continue to lead the way and help them stay one step ahead.

We will expand with DIGITALK integrated IP telephony products to take full advantage of the rapid up-take of broadband voice. We have our sights on new technologies, and even during a technology transition phase the demand for prepaid services is still high.

Michael Knobel


Broadband Telephony

DIGITALK’s deep knowledge of the SIP environment enabled Digiweb to offer new services beyond its existing customer base in an easy and cost effective way. Working together at every stage we were able to migrate 12,000 customers overnight without a problem.

Alan Weadick

Network and Voice Manager

Highly scalable platform for primary or

secondary line telephony services

Residential IP telephony is growing rapidly whether as a standard primary line residential service or as an alternative secondary line option.

DIGITALK’s Broadband Telephony service enables new and existing broadband providers to generate incremental revenues over broadband internet access, quickly and easily, with the platform features,

scalability and support to generate impressive results. Existing broadband providers can bundle voice communications with their broadband package while alternative service providers can offer new calling options.

Our Broadband Telephony solution is supported on the DIGITALK Consumer Cloud and includes

advanced value-added advanced service features such as integrated voicemail, web self-care, full prepaid charging and payments integration.


Prepaid Cards

The market-leading calling card platform

DIGITALK’s industry-leading prepaid calling card solution enables service providers to scale seamlessly from thousands to millions of minutes. Built on the experience of working with hundreds of service providers, it includes the full product, batch and card management capabilities to run a broad range of services efficiently, and can be combined with Carrier Cloud to maximise margins and quality.

In this large and dynamic market our prepaid calling card solution is the first choice of a large number of service providers and market leaders across the world.

DIGITALK Prepaid Cards is a flexible and highly scalable application supported on the Consumer Cloud, enabling service providers to migrate to the latest network, service and charging features.


Be your own PINless boss

PINless prepaid services are growing rapidly, removing the need for stock handling, enabling very simple calling, and delivering long-lasting customer loyalty.

DIGITALK PINless has all the capabilities you need to set up and manage a successful PINless service - you can manage your own products, pricing and

promotions, create your own distribution networks, and define your own commission policies. And wiith fully branded web portals for distribution and sales, you have complete control of your own PINless service. PINless service providers can also benefit from the combination of DIGITALK Carrier and Consumer Cloud. With integrated business reporting, the solution enables operators to control call margins and quality while dealing with large numbers of interconnect partners and rapidly changing rates and routes.

Mobile VoIP

Mobilising minutes and monetising


With mobile smartphone shipments growing at 25% year on year, mobile apps offer a rapidly expanding route to market.

Whether as an adjunct to an existing residential IP telephony, mobile or prepaid service, or as a standalone ‘over the top’ service, Consumer Cloud includes the network, service and charging control necessary to offer a complete mobile VoIP service.


Case Study


Dutch incumbent operator KPN provide both mobile

and broadband services under its Telfort brand. And

as an ISP, Telfort are able to offer a full primarily line

residential IP telephony service to their customers.


Telfort’s previous solution, based on an open source

platform, was letting them down in terms of features,

reliability and scalability. Without a replacement

solution, they were unable to expand and their

reputation in the market was being damaged.


DIGITALK’s Broadband Telephony application was

selected as a replacement solution that would both

address Telfort’s existing issues and provide the basis

for future service and subscriber expansion. Complete

service substitution was achieved using a staged

process beginning with test environment deployment

that enabled inter-operability testing with the wide

variety of client devices in use through to a managed

sequence of subscriber migrations. And the new

solution went live in twelve weeks.


Immediately after the switch, Telfort saw an increase

in call success rates. This was followed over time by

significant growth in total customer numbers and

traffic volumes. Detailed planning minimised the

impact on customer services, and continuity with

Telfort’s existing order management processes was

maintained to minimise the operations impact. The

flexibility of the DIGITALK platform’s charging options

reduces total cost of ownership and allows Telfort to

react very quickly to new business requirements.

Combined with DIGITALK’s revenue assurance

options, Telfort have gained tight control and clear

visibility over service profit and loss.


We help service providers navigate and

prosper in the changing world of

communications services.

We know how important it is to be

agile, to adapt swiftly and easily to

whatever comes along and to provide

whatever support our customers need

along the way.

So we make it our business to provide

flexible solutions that help you navigate

whatever lies ahead - and we'll be there

to support you and ensure your long

term success.

For innovative service providers there

are significant business opportunities to

be found in communications markets

across the world. New technologies

provide highly cost-effective ways for

new players to leapfrog established

operators and for existing companies to

quickly diversify their services.

DIGITALK provides operators and

service providers of all types with a

Cloud platform that allows them to

exploit evolving network technologies

across the mobile, fixed and broadband

worlds to outflank their competitors.

Providing solutions for over 15 years to

hundreds of service providers around

the world, we have the Cloud platform,

applications and service to help service

providers achieve long term success.


Head Office DIGITALK Limited Radian Court Davy Avenue Milton Keynes MK5 8PJ UK Global Contacts Brazil +55 11 31986110 Germany +49 69 6655 4480 Italy +39 06 94801122 Singapore +65 6866 3770 United Kingdom +44 1908 425000

United States of America +1 646 673 8472

© DIGITALK Limited 2015 All rights reserved.

This Documentation contains proprietary information, which is the property of DIGITALK Limited and is protected by copyright law and international treaties. The information and intellectual property contained herein is confidential between DIGITALK Limited a nd the customer, and remains the exclusive property of DIGITALK Limited. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form without the prior written consent of DIGITALK Limited.

Due to our policy of continued product development, the information contained in this document is subject to change without n otice and does not represent a commitment on the part of DIGITALK Limited. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this information. However, DIGITALK Limited cannot warrant that the documentation is error -free, nor can it accept responsibility for errors and omissions.


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