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Academic year: 2020



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Image Segmentation Using Random Walker and SOM Algorithm

Dr.Sreeja Mole S.S.

Professor, Department of ECE, CJITS, Janagon, India. Email: sreebommy@gmail.com

Article Received: 27 May 2018 Article Accepted: 30 August 2018 Article Published: 07 October 2018


Image segmentation is an important process in object recognition, image fusion and registration, curve detection. It

divides an image into a series of non-overlapping regions in feature space. Currently, there have existed some

image segmentation approaches including histogram thresholding and clustering based methods. Histogram

thresholding is a group of simple techniques and applied to face recognition, gesture and hand-written digit

recognition[1]. Many clustering based approaches are based on statistical learning theory and the frequently used

ones involve vector quantization, mixed models, Markov random fields, region based methods, information

entropy based methods and Bayesian nets. Self-Organization Mapping (SOM) is kind of clustering approach and

encode original data with a compressing way and have been applied to image segmentation [2-3]. Spectral

clustering is a hot research point recently and behaves well in grouping of irregular distributed data [4-6]. However,

it has the computational complexity of O(n2) and is not suitable to many image segmentation problems. In order to

utilize the advantages of both spectral clustering and SOM, we propose a new multiscale spectral clustering

approach based on SOM model. It implements two processes: the encoding process by SOM and clustering

prototypes by multistage spectral clustering. The time complexity of ours is approximately O(mn), m is the number

of prototypes, which is far less than square complexity.

This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces some basic notations of SOM. In Section 3 we discuss the

spectral clustering and point out its drawbacks. Section 4 presents our algorithm and gives a performance analysis.

Section 5 presents the comparison on image segmentation and Conclusion is present in section 6.


This paper presents an extension of the random walker segmentation to images with uncertain gray values. Such gray-value uncertainty may result from noise or other imaging artifacts or more general from measurement errors in the image acquisition process. The purpose is to quantify the influence of the gray-value uncertainty onto the result when using random walker segmentation. In random walker segmentation, a weighted graph is built from the image, where the edge weights depend on the image gradient between the pixels. For given seed regions, the probability is evaluated for a random walk on this graph starting at a pixel to end in one of the seed regions. Spectral clustering receives wide attention in recent years since its efficiency in image segmentation and irregular data clustering. However, the applications of it in large scale data processing, such as web data categorization and image segmentation, are greatly restricted because of its O(n3) computational complexity. To address this problem, we propose a new effective scheme to greatly decrease the complexity while keep the clustering quality. The scheme adopts the Self- Organization Map (SOM) to encode the original data and then groups the obtained prototypes using multi scale spectral clustering proposed by us. We analyze and compare the performance of our approach with NJW and find that ours has less time consumption. Furthermore, we carry out an experiment on color image segmentation and results show that our approach behaves better than K-means algorithm.



The random walker algorithmis an algorithm for image segmentation. In the first description of the algorithm, [1]

a user interactively labels a small number of pixels with known labels (called seeds), e.g., "object" and

"background". The unlabeled pixels are each imagined to release a random walker, and the probability is computed

that each pixel's random walker first arrives at a seed bearing each label, i.e., if a user places K seeds, each with a

different label, then it is necessary to compute, for each pixel, the probability that a random walker leaving the pixel

will first arrive at each seed. This computation may be determined analytically by solving a system of linear

equations. After computing these probabilities for each pixel, the pixel is assigned to the label for which it is most

likely to send a random walker. The image is modeled as a graph, in which each pixel corresponds to a node which

is connected to neighboring pixels by edges, and the edges are weighted to reflect the similarity between the pixels.

Therefore, the random walk occurs on the weighted graph (see Doyle and Snell for an introduction to random walks

on graphs [2]). Although the initial algorithm was formulated as an interactive method for image segmentation, it

has been extended to be a fully automatic algorithm, given a data fidelity term (e.g., intensity prior) [3]. The

Random Walker Segmentation output is shown in Figure 1.

Fig1.Random Walker Segmentation


In recent years, spectral clustering has become a state-of-art technique in clustering analysis and image

segmentation. It constructs an undirect graph whose vertexes are vectors and edges are the elements of the affinity

matrix of vertexes. Some famous approaches have been proposed by using the eigenvectors of Laplace matrix of

affinity matrices during past decade years. Perona and Freeman tried using the first eigenvector to cluster data but

failed in non-diagonal block affinity matrices. Shi and Malik argued to use first two smallest eigenvectors to solve

this problem and proposed the famous Normalized Cut (NCUT) approach for image segmentation [7]. Other

algorithms such as Scott and Longuet-Higgins algorithm (SLH), Costeira and Kanade algorithm have shown the

similar principle as above two algorithms. Recently, more attentions give the multi scale and random views of


degree is defined by the Euclidean distance of vertexes with local scattering information of data. Meila and Shi

have suggested to probe into spectral clustering from the random walks aspect[8]. The O(n3) complexity of spectral

clustering makes it difficulty in large application problems such as segmentation of high resolution images. Some

approaches have been proposed to improve the time efficiency. The most famous one is the spectral grouping using

Nyström method. This method in fact decreases sample capacity by sampling, thus may induce to two obvious

drawbacks. One is that all sampled vectors belong to same class. This may frequently happen when the distribution

of classes is unbalanced. Another is that vectors are misclassified due to misclassified sampled vectors, which takes

place in low SNR images.


A. Local Variance Defined by K-Nearest Neighborhood

The local scattering degree of data varies with the neighborhoods of prototypes. Then it is necessary to consider the

scattering information in the distance between two vectors or prototypes. To do this, we use the vectors in the

K-Nearest Neighborhoods (KNN) of prototypes to estimate the local variance.

B. SOM Algorithm

This part presents a new multi scale spectral clustering algorithm based on SOM algorithm. It is divided into three

parts: First part is to encode all vectors using SOM; second is to compute the local variances of prototypes; third is

to label all prototypes by multi scale spectral clustering is shown in Figure 2.

Fig 2: The clustering results of 36 prototypes by spectral clustering

C. Complexity Analysis

The computational complexity of SOM based spectral clustering algorithm is analyzed and it can be divided into

three parts. The number of prototypes is pre-specified as m in SOM algorithm. The complexity in encoding stage is

O(mn) since we need compute the distance between vectors and prototypes. The complexity to compute the

variance is O(mnklogk). The complexity of spectral clustering is O(m2).Thus the complexity of our algorithm is

O(mn+mnklogk+m2). In common, we have k<<m and m<<n when n is a large number, at this case


D. Performance Analysis on Gaussian Distributed Data

This part analyzes the computational efficiency of our algorithm by using several synthesized Gaussian distributed

data sets that involve 500, 800, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 10000 vectors, respectively. Fig.3 presents the

distribution of test data and a clustering result of our algorithm. Fig.4 gives the time consumption comparison

between our algorithm and NJW[6]. In top subgraph, the neighborhood sizes in our algorithm change while the

number of prototypes is fixed. We find that the time consumption of ours with respect to neighborhoods with

different sizes is almost consistent. In bottom subgraph, the number of prototypes changes and the neighborhood

size is fixed. The time consumption increases with the growing number of prototypes. From these two subgraphs

our algorithm behaves better in computational efficiency than NJW algorithm.

Fig 3. The clustering result by our algorithm with 36 prototypes and k=10.


Figure 4 (a) and (b). Time Consumption of NJW and Proposed approach

The Figure 4(a) and 4(b) compares the time consumption of NJW and proposed algorithm. In top subgraph, the

number of prototypes is fixed and the neighborhood sizes change. Bottom subgraph shows the time consumption

with fixed neighborhood size and changing number of prototypes.


Here experiment on color image segmentation have done in this paper. Color image segmentation is a process to

partition an image into a group of non-overlapping regions and is the preprocessing step for many applications such

as object recognition, video analysis. Six color images were randomly selected for test and comparison and each

image contained 256×256 pixels. The initial parameters for every image were listed in Table I. In our algorithm, we

initialize 64 prototypes to represent the vectors in feature space. Fig.5, how the original images and the segmented

results by our approach and K-means algorithm. From these segmentation results we can find that our algorithm

can efficiently identify the object bound and present more clear details. The common spectral clustering has the

computational complexity of O(n2) in space and time. For a 256×256 image, it will produce a matrix with 216 rows

and 216 columns that easily makes memory overflow.




In order to improve the time efficiency of spectral clustering, this paper proposes a new clustering scheme based

SOM learning. SOM is used to encode the input vectors and decreases the data capacity for spectral clustering.

Analytical and experimental results have shown that our approach can efficiently reduce the computational

complexity. On the other hand, there is still a problem need to be settled, that is, how to determine the number of

prototypes for data sets with different capacity. Unsuitable number of prototypes may bring wrong clustering



[1] R. C. Gonzalez, R. E. Woods and S. L. Eddins, Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, 2nd ed, Prentice

Hall, New Jersey, 2010.

[2] T. Kohonen, Self-Organizing Maps, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1997

[3] M. M. Campos and G. A. Carpenter, S-TREE: self-organizing trees for data clustering and online vector

quantization, Neural Networks, vol.14, 2001, pp.505-525

[4] L. Zelnik-Manor and P. Perona, Self-Tuning Spectral Clustering, Advances in Neural Information Processing

Systems, 2004, pp.1601- 1608

[5] Sreeja Mole S S Athira V S, Anand J Dhas, “Brain Tumor Detection and Segmentation in MR images Using

GLCM and AdaBoost Classifier, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and

Technology Vol 1,pp.142-146, 2015.

[6] A. Y. Ng and M. I. Jordan and Y. Weiss, On spectral clustering: analysis and an algorithm, Neural Information

Processing Systems(NIPS),14, 2002

[7] J. Shi and J. Malik, Normalized cuts and image segmentation, IEEE_J_PAMI, 22(8), 2000, pp.888-905.

[8] M. Meila and Jianbo Shi, Learning segmentation by random walks, Neural Information Processing

Systems(NIPS),14, 2002

[9] Sreeja Mole, S.S., Rajeev V R, “FCM Algorithm for Medical Image Segmentation Using


Fig 2: The clustering results of 36 prototypes by spectral clustering
Fig 3. The clustering result by our algorithm with 36 prototypes and k=10.
Figure 4 (a) and (b). Time Consumption of NJW and Proposed approach


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