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Academic year: 2020

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When a method calls itself

• Used to break down a bigger problem into

sub-problems (smaller version of big problem)


Binary Search



Binary Search

Find an element in a sorted array

Array must be sorted

Element does not have to exist in the array

• Main steps

Divide – Compare the value to the middle element

Conquer – Recursively search one half of the array


Binary Search Example

Looking for value: 7


Binary Search Example

Looking for value: 7

2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23

Compare 7 to 11


Binary Search Example

Looking for value: 7

2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23

Compare 7 to 3


Binary Search Example

Looking for value: 7

2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23

Compare 7 to 5


Binary Search Example

Looking for value: 7

2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23


Recursive Binary Search Java Code

public static int recursiveBinarySearch(int value, int[] someArray, int min, int max){ int mid = (min + max) / 2;

if(someArray[mid] == value){ return mid;


else if(mid == 0 || mid == someArray.length-1){ return -1;


else if(value > someArray[mid]){

return recursiveBinarySearch(value, someArray, mid+1, max); }

else if(value < someArray[mid]){

return recursiveBinarySearch(value, someArray, min, mid-1); }


Iterative Binary Search Java Code

public static int iterativeBinarySearch(int value, int[] someArray){

int position = -1; int min = 0;

int max = someArray.length-1; int mid = (min + max) / 2; int lastMid = -1;

while(position == -1 && mid != lastMid){ if(someArray[mid] == value){

position = mid; }

else if(value > someArray[mid]){ lastMid = mid;

min = mid+1;

mid = (min + max) / 2; }

else if(value < someArray[mid]){ lastMid = mid;

max = mid-1;


Recursion vs Iteration

It has been proven anything done recursively

can also be done iteratively

• Iteration is faster than recursion

When the depth of the recursion is deep

Save time on the function call stack

• An algorithm may be easier to write



Recursive to Iterative Conversion Tips

You will likely need to replace the recursive

call with a loop

• Some recursive algorithms have loops in them

You will likely need to replace with nested loops

• You may have to implement your own Stack

Depends on what values need to be remembered

If needed this makes the conversion much harder


Iterative to Recursive Conversion Tips

Try replacing loops with recursive calls

• May need to pass parameters to the function

Depends on what values you need to remember

• Turn base cases into return statements with a

hardcoded value

• Non-base cases should be turned into recursive


Recursion Base Cases

• Don’t forget all base cases

Prevent infinite recursion

Prevent exceptions on some input values

• Most functions have more than 1

The obvious one

– The one for edge case input values


"Helper Function"

It's often cleaner and more convenient to

separate argument checking in one method and recursion / computation in another

• Ex: Merge Sort

• Recursive function for break down logic

– Ex: Breaking down into subsists

• Non-recursive function for problem logic



• Fibonacci sequence

undefined for n < 0

f(0) = 0

– f(1) = 1


Fibonacci Sequence



Fibonacci sequence

– undefined for n < 0

– f(0) = 0 = BASE CASE

– f(1) = 1 = BASE CASE

– f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2) for n > 1


Recursive Fibonacci Java Code

public static long recursiveFibonacci(long n) {

if(n == 0) {

return 0l; }

else if(n == 1) {

return 1l; }

else {


Iterative Fibonacci Java Code

public static long iterativeFibonacci(long n) {

long previous2 = 0; long previous1 = 1; long total = 0;

for(long i=1; i<n; i++) {

total = previous1 + previous2; previous2 = previous1;

previous1 = total; }

if(n == 1) {



• Factorial

undefined for n < 0

f(0) = 1 = BASE CASE

– f(1) = 1 = BASE CASE

f(n) = n * f(n-1) for n > 1



n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Recursive Factorial Java Code

public static long recursiveFactorial(long n) {

if(n == 0) {

return 1l; }

else if(n == 1) {

return 1l; }

else {


Iterative Factorial Java Code

public static long iterativeFactorial(long n) {

long result = 1;

for(long i=0; i<n; i++) {

result = result * (n-i); }


Recurrence Relation

A recurrence relation can be used to analyze a

recursive algorithm


Recurrence Relation

• General form

T(n) = a T(n/b) + f(n)

a = number of sub problems split into

a > 1

n = input size

– b > 1

n/b = sub problem size


Recurrence Relation Example

T(n) = 2 T(n/2) + O(n)

# subproblems

subproblem size


Recursion-tree method

A recursion tree models the costs (time) of a

recursive execution of an algorithm.

• The recursion tree method is good for

generating guesses for the substitution method.


Recursion Tree

To evaluate the total cost of the recursion tree

– sum all the non-recursive costs of all nodes

= Sum (rowSum(cost of all nodes at the same depth))

• Determine the maximum depth of the recursion tree:

– For our example, at tree depth d the size parameter is n/(2d)

– the size parameter converging to base case, i.e. case 1 – such that, n/(2d) = 1,

– d = lg(n)


Example of recursion tree


Example of recursion tree



Example of recursion tree

T(n/4) T(n/2)



Example of recursion tree

Solve T(n) = T(n/4) + T(n/2) + n2:


(n/4)2 (n/2)2


Example of recursion tree

(n/16)2 (n/8)2 (n/8)2 (n/4)2 (n/4)2 (n/2)2

Q(1) …

Solve T(n) = T(n/4) + T(n/2) + n2:


Example of recursion tree

Solve T(n) = T(n/4) + T(n/2) + n2:

(n/16)2 (n/8)2 (n/8)2 (n/4)2 (n/4)2 (n/2)2

Q(1) …


Example of recursion tree

Solve T(n) = T(n/4) + T(n/2) + n2:

(n/16)2 (n/8)2 (n/8)2 (n/4)2 (n/4)2 (n/2)2

Q(1) …


2 165 n



Example of recursion tree

Solve T(n) = T(n/4) + T(n/2) + n2:

(n/16)2 (n/8)2 (n/8)2 (n/4)2 (n/4)2

Q(1) …



2 165 n




Example of recursion tree

Solve T(n) = T(n/4) + T(n/2) + n2:

(n/16)2 (n/8)2 (n/8)2 (n/4)2 (n/4)2


… …

Total =


(n/2)2 2

165 n 2


2 25625 n

   

1 5 5 2 5 3


Binary Search


Recurrence for binary search

T(n) = ? T(?) + Q(?)

# subproblems

subproblem size


Recurrence for binary search

T(n) = 1 T(n/2) + Q(1)

# subproblems

subproblem size


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