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Therapeutic Fasting Book7.9


Academic year: 2021

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Heavy Metals: ... 3

The Value of Colonies and Enemas ... 3

Self-Test For Friendly Intestinal Flora ... 4

Garlic, Chlorophyll Enemas ... 4

Good Water, Fresh Raw Vegetables, Fruit Juices and Meditation ... .4


Night Before the Fasting Begins ... 6

POST - FAST ... 8

4. DIGESTIVE SySTEM ...... 9

Stomach, Intestines, Liver, Gall Bladder, Pancreas ... 9

The Tongue ... 9

Mouth ... 10

Stools ... 10

Dietary Concerns ... 1 0 Digestive Problems in Children ... 11


Pain in the Lower Abdomen ... 12

Abdominal Pain Caused By A Cold ... 13

Abdominal Pain in Babies ... 13

Abdominal Swelling ... 13


To Reduce Appetite ... 17

Bad Breath (Halitosis) ... 17

Belching ... 18

Colic ... 18

Diabetes and Pancreatitis ... 19

Hypoglycemia ... 22

Gastritis ... 23

Gastro-Enteritis ... 25

Heart Burn ... 26


Gall Stones ... 31

Obesity ... 33

Ulcers ... 35

Nausea ... 37

Nausea with Vomiting ... 38

Worms ... 38

5. Excretory System: Colon, Kidneys, Bladder, Lymph Nodes, Skin ....... 40

Acne, Boils, Pimples ... 40

Bleeding Gums ... 41

Bleeding Wounds ... 42

Bruises and Sprains ... 42

Corns and Calluses ... 43

Burns ... 43 Skin ... 43 Wrinkles ... 43 Skin Cancer ... 44 Tumors ... 45 Skin Inflammation ... 46 Skin Allergy ... 48 Skin Rashes ... 48 Blackheads ... 49 Pimples ... 49 Acne ... 50 Eczema ... 50 Allergies ... 51 Appendicitis ... 52 Diarrhea ... 53 Dysentery ... 55 Flatulence ... 56

Flatulence in Upper Intestines ... 57

Flatulence in the Lower Colon ... 58

Food Poisoning ... 58

Aching Joints ... 59

Arthritis ... 59

Bladder Inflammation (Cystitis) ... 63

Colitis ... 65


Gout ... 71 Hernia ... 73 Hemorrhoids/ Piles ... 74 Indigestion ... 75 Kidney Inflammation ... 77 Nephritis ... 78 Kidney Stones ... 79

Edema (water retention) ... 81

Cystitis ... 82

Urine ... 83

To ease painful urination ... 83

For Frequent or Excess Urination ... 84

For Urination Problems with Children ... 85

Rheumatism ... 85

Toxemia ... 86

6. Respiratory Systems: Lungs, Bronchial Tubes, Throat, Nose, Sinuses ...... 89

Lungs ... 89 Pleurisy ... 90 Asthma ... 91 Bronchitis ... 93 Hodgkin's Disease ... 94 Chest Congestion ... 94 Colds ... 95 Sinusitis ... 97

Chronic Dry Cough ... 98

Coughs ... 99 Whooping Cough ... 100 Influenza ... 101 Pneumonia ... 102 Sore Throat ... 103 Tonsillitis ... 104 Laryngitis ... 105 Pharyngitis ... 106

7. Circulatory System: Heart, Pericardium, Blood Vessels ... 1 07 Anemia ... 107


Cholesterol Levels ... 112

Vascular Disease ... 113

Circulatory Problems ... 114

Blood Clotting ... 115

Blood Pressure (High) ... 115

Low Blood Pressure ... 118

Headache ... 118

Heart Disease ... 120

Varicose Veins ... 122

8. Nervous System: Brain, Nerves, Eye ................... 124

Alzheimer's Disease ... 124 Cerebral Palsy ... 125 Epilepsy ... 125 Eye Trouble ... 125 Fatigue ... 127 Hypertension ... 128 Insomnia ... 129 Migraine ... 131 Multiple Sclerosis ... 132 Nerves ... 133 Neuralgia ... 134 Neuritis ... 134 Neuropathy ... 135 Paralysis ... 136

Strokes and Paralysis ... 137

Sciatica ... 139

9. Reproductive System: Genitals, Suprarenal Glands, Prostate, Ovaries, Testes & Uterus .••••...••••...•••••...••••...••••...•••••...••••... 140 Impotence ... 140 Infertility ... 141 Leucorrhea ... 142 Menstrual Disorders ... 143 Menorrhagia ... 144 Amenorrhea ... 144 Dysmenorrhea ... 144


The Breast.. ... 149

Prostate Disorder ... 150

Ear Problems ... 151

10. CANCER / AIDS / HERPES ...... 152

Cancer ... 152

AIDS ... 154

Herpes ... 156

11. The Best Utensil and Energy to Use For Health ...... 159

12. FOOD THERAPy ............ 160

The Perfect Diet ... 160

Diet For Children ... 160

FRUITS ... 161



NUTS ... 171 SEEDS ... 172 OILS ... 173 PULSES ... 174 BEE PRODUCTS ... 174 GRAINS ... 175 VINEGAR ... 175


Precautions ... 176

The Practice of Loving-Kindness Meditation ... 177

Loving-Kindness Meditation - The Body Sweep ... 178


NOT TO BE USED IF: ... 185


Good Health Profile ... 186

Bad Health Profile ... 187






What to do when pH is out of balance? ... 199

Colloidal Silver Therapies ... 199









Massage and Essential Oil Therapy ... 205

Massage ... 205 Self-Massage Techniques ... 206 Shoulder ... 207 ARMS ... 208 HANDS ... 208 FACE ... 208 ABDOMEN ... 209 HIPS ... 209 LEGS ... 209 FEET ... 210




Massage Therapy ... 214

HAY FEVER and ASTHMA ... 214

CHILBLAINS ... 214 PLEURISy ... 214 RHEUMATISM ... 215 NECK and SHOULDERS ... 215 HEART ... 215 KIDNEY ... 215 COUGH and COLD ... 216 GENERAL BACKACHE ... 216



Fasting and tranquilizing the mind through meditation ranks among the world’s most ancient and effective health therapies, both as a cure for specific ailments and a general preventive against disease and degeneration of the organism. When sick animals instinctively abstain from eating, and it has been clinically proven that all organisms from insects to mammals, live significantly longer lives and manifest significantly higher energy levels who deprived of food from time to time.

Fasting and meditation used to be a common therapy during the early stages of human civilization. Jesus fasted and meditated frequently to purify his body and clear his mind of attachments, and Pythagorus required his students to fast and meditate for forty (40) days prior to receiving his higher teachings. Even today primitive tribes in Africa, Asia, and South America still maintain “sick houses” on the outskirts of their villages, where ill people are put to rest, fast and meditate until they purge their bodies of the toxins responsible for their ailments. But so called ‘modern civilization’ with its blind faith in chemical drugs, surgery and technology, has all but forgotten this marvelous ancient health regimen.

Today, however, fasting and meditation are once again being recognized as an incomparably powerful tool for maintaining health, promoting vitality, and extending lifespan especially among enlightened health therapists. There are now therapeutic fasting and meditation centers in Europe, the Soviet Union and North America and people are flocking to them in droves for relief for every ailment known to man, including arthritis, rheumatism, chronic constipation and other digestive ailments, weakness, lethargy and cancer. Ironically, however, there are few if any fasting centers in the Far Eastern countries even though fasting was once well known to oriental therapists.

There is no substitute for fasting and mental development through meditation, its marvelous healing mechanism can only work when the person eases ingesting, digesting and metabolizing solid food while beginning to open and relax their mind through meditation. After about thirty-six (36) hours without food intake, the body automatically switches over from the digestive mode to the detoxification mode, a condition that most people have never experienced in their entire lives and their mind becomes highly emotional. At this point, the millions of active enzymes normally secreted into the stomach for digestion of food are converted instead into ‘scavenger enzymes’, which enter the bloodstream and circulate far and wide throughout the body in “search and destroy” missions against microbes, parasites, toxins, and potentially cancerous damaged cells. The enzymes breakdown and ‘digest’ these foreign invaders and damaged cells and they dump them into the bloodstream for excretion through the colon, kidneys, skin and lungs. The tired, weak and listless feelings experienced during the first three or four days of a therapeutic fast are due entirely to the presence of all these toxins and other waste matter in the bloodstream as they are waiting to be excreted, not to the lack of food and this is where meditation is most helpful.


physical cleansing occurring. The human body may be deprived of food for forty (40) days before it starts devouring its own tissues, so their is no damage in fasting for seven (7) days, only some discomfort, which is easily let go of when the person is practicing meditation.

A therapeutic fast must last a minimum of seven (7) days, to be fully effective. It takes precisely seven (7) days of fasting to completely detoxify the lymphatic system, the organs, the glands, and most important of all - the entire bloodstream. If daily colonic irrigations are included in the program, the colon is also thoroughly purged of the dried toxic mucus and hardened waste matter that gets so deeply impacted in the folds of the colon and chronically pollutes the bloodstream. Meditation and learning how to open and relax the mind cleans away the mental debris while the body is cleaning itself.

Although therapeutic fasts with colonic irrigations and meditation, may easily be performed at home, most people lack the will and self-discipline to do this, and many are simply afraid to try it. Therefore, a properly organized therapeutic fasting/meditation center in Thailand serves the requirements of many people living in Thailand and elsewhere throughout the East, people who are becoming aware of the damages of self-toxification posed by modern lifestyles and industrial environments.




Heavy Metals:

Heavy metals like lead and mercury and other toxins can depress body temperature, suppress activity of the glandular system and slow down the immune system, making people susceptible to chronic infections, yeast overgrowths and even cancer (if one lives in a big city they can benefit greatly by detoxing their body at least once a year). To determine whether heavy metals are a problem for you, have your doctor test for the level of lead, mercury, and other heavy metals. Hair analysis can be helpful in making this determination. An alternative health practice may need to be sought out for this testing procedure.

Buckthorn, Red Clover, Apple Pectin, Citrus Pectin and Garlic remove

heavy metals

Several sources including Louise Tenny’s Book “Today’s Herbal Health” and Dr. Quingcai Zhang MD say Garlic is good to reduce lead levels in the body, Buckthorn is listed by Tenny as a herb to remove lead and Red Clover as a herb to remove toxins. Pectin is found in apples and in the rind of lemons, grapefruits, and oranges. This is very good to remove heavy metals that you can get in the powdered form from health food stores.

The Value of Colonics and Enemas

Bad bacteria in the colon produce ammonia, which lowers the pH of the colon (in an acidic direction), and also produces several toxins, which can cause many symptoms and even cancer. The friendly bacteria produce lactic acid, which kills the bad bacteria. Some of these friendly bacteria are lactobacillus, acidophilus, bifidus and bulgaricus. Besides lactic acids, the friendly bacteria produce acetic acid, digestive enzymes and most of the ‘B’ vitamins, including vitamin B12.

To remove HIV, Candida and other pathogens from the colon, consider colonics and enemas, also special colon cleansing drinks which may be taken orally. Professionally administered colonics are the most effective, as they reach the ascending colon, the last segment of the colon that home enemas may not reach. While infections in the Ascending and Transverse colon are not common, persons who are HIV+ and who have symptoms, would benefit from a colonic. Colonics remove a lot of toxins from the body. After a colonic, drink a pint of raw vegetable juice (i.e. carrot and celery juice or cabbage juice, the best being cultured cabbage juice), to replenish the electrolytes.


Self-Test For Friendly Intestinal Flora

An ancient belief is that when your stools are sinking, your health is deteriorating. Stools will float when friendly flora in the colon area produce a type of lipid that makes the stool weigh less than the water in your toilet.. Stools that sink indicate the absence of friendly flora. In addition to producing gamma interferon which builds the ‘T’ cells, friendly flora like acidophilus produces a wide range of ‘B’ vitamins, which cause your urine to be yellow. Sinking stools and clear urine are bad signs. Floating stools and yellow urine are good signs and indicate a healthy colon. To gauge this properly stop taking all vitamin supplements for two days before checking to see how healthy your body actually may or may not be.

Garlic, Chlorophyll Enemas

Do this once daily for 1 month. It kills all undesirable viruses, parasites, bacteria and fungus in the lower bowel. It is best to clean out the lower colon area with a pint of warm water before retaining the garlic and chlorophyll enema. To 1 pint (500 ml) of water in a blender add 2-3 cloves of garlic and 2 tbsp. of liquid chlorophyll (2 teaspoons of colloidal silver is another option which helps quite a bit). Beat until completely blended (about 2 minutes). Pour into the enema bag and use either early in the morning or late at night once a day. Try to retain the mixture in your colon for at least 5 minutes before releasing it. Adding 2 or 3 capsules of black walnut may make this mixture more effective in killing parasites. Using a ‘colema board’ is the easiest way to do this. But if no board is available. Suspend the enema bag 24” above your body while lying down.

Lie on your left side insert the tube (lubricated with olive oil or any recommended lubricant), allow the water to fill the colon until it feels full, then lie on your back and continue to allow more fluid into the colon until it feels full again. Shut off the water flow with a finger control valve. Use a pillow to prop up your buttocks. This will cause the enema solution to move deeper into the colon. Retain for as long as possible or up to 5 minutes before releasing. Note: enemas should not be taken just after eating, but about 4 hours after your meal. Use enemas once a day for the first month, then 2 or 3 times a week after that, as needed. It is best not to use tap water for this, distilled water is best.

Good Water, Fresh Raw Vegetables, Fruit Juices

and Meditation

Drinking lots of good clean water (at least 2 liters daily) helps the body remove most toxins and poisons. You can imagine how dirty your clothes would look if you tried to wash them with just 1/2 the water you normally use. People with low rates of metabolism and low body temperature do not crave water and this causes the toxins to build up in the blood and in the cells. Increasing body temperature increases thirst for liquids.


This urge should be satisfied as water is necessary (definitely not ever soft drinks) for the kidneys to function in removing toxins from the blood. Freshly squeezed carrot, celery and parsley juice will increase energy levels quickly when taken 2-4 glasses daily. Practicing at least 30 minutes of meditation daily helps to clean out the mind of stress and anxieties.




Night Before the Fasting Begins

Its best to skip dinner the night before beginning a fast, or eat only a light meal of fruit or salad. Before bed, take 2-3 herbal laxatives to purge the bowels of residual feces the next morning. Begin getting into the habit of meditation daily, to start out at least 15 minutes each time. (How to do the meditation will be explained thoroughly later).

Day 1: Upon arising, take your first dose of psyllium- seed- husk- powder (Metamucil) with 300-400 ml of pure water (distilled is best), plus 1-2 tablespoons of liquid Bentonite detoxifier, either together or separately, then another glass of water. This is when you begin meditating for at least 15 minutes each time, more if you can manage it, 11/2 hours later, take your first dose of nutrimental supplements: wheat grass juice tablets, vitamin C, vitamin E, and whole beet juice tablets and again meditate for 15 minutes at least, 1 1/2 hours later, take second dose of psyllium/ bentonite mix and meditate again, then 1 1/2 hours later take second dose of nutritional supplements and meditate, etc. Take four (4) doses of each combination 1 1/2 hours apart and meditate after each dose throughout the day.

If using the ‘Colema board’ for irrigations, take first 5 gallon of warm water with coffee and apple cider vinegar through the colon during the afternoon, and another one at night, before bed. (Meditate until you go to sleep).

Day 2: Same basic program of cleansers, nutrients, meditation and colonic irrigations. By mid-day, you will start to feel quite weak, tired, listless. This is NOT due to hunger or starvation!!! This is due to the fact that after about thirty-six (36) hours of not eating solid foods, the body switches over to the detoxification mode. Enzymes enter the bloodstream and roam about the entire body, extracting toxins from joints, lymph nodes, internal organs, fat and other tissues. These toxins are dumped into the bloodstream for excretion through the kidneys, skin and lungs. However, the toxins come out so fast that the blood can’t excrete them fast enough, therefore, they circulate throughout the body in the bloodstream, including the brain. It is the toxins coming out of the tissues and carried in the bloodstream that causes discomfort. The worse you feel, the better the program is working for you, because it means that your body is full of toxins and that these toxins are indeed coming out of the tissues where they have been stored for years and into the bloodstream for excretion. Now is when the meditation becomes especially important, as the body becomes listless and tired ones mind begins to become a little grumpy. When one meditates properly they will be able to watch and soften their mind into this process. Tranquilizing and calming ones mind helps to develop equanimity and a sense of balance with what is happening in the present moment. As bodily feelings become somewhat unpleasant the minds reaction to that feeling is what needs tranquilizing and softening at that time.


neutralizes toxins in the blood until they can be excreted. If feeling very weak, you may take extra wheat grass juice tablets and extra beet juice tablets for energy. Keep meditating in the same manner even though you may not feel much like it.

Day 4: For many people, this is the most difficult day, especially if you are very toxic. Your body and your breath will stink as the toxins are pushed out through the skin and lungs, to assist the kidneys and colon in their job of elimination. DON’T GIVE UP NOW!!! This is the halfway mark, and if you make it through this day, you will easily finish the whole program. The meditation will now seem very troublesome and you may not want to sit at all, but again DON’T STOP NOW. This is the time when you learn the most about how your mind works.

Day 5: Most people begin to recover their energy on this day. By this time, most of the heavy toxins have been eliminated and the mental stress lessens. This frees the blood to start building up the tissues again and replace damaged cells and tissues. Your body will feel very light and supple and your mind will be incredibly clear. You will notice that you dream very clearly and intensely during these days, like going to the movies! This is because the brain is now almost detoxified and therefore it works much more efficiently and clearly.

Day 6: Energy builds very rapidly now, as the body is almost completely detoxified and the bloodstream purified. You will not feel hungry at all, by this time. If you wish, you may go to work or perform normal errands such as going to the market, etc. Also, an days 5,6,7, if you are using the ‘Colema Board’, you will notice that you remove the most quantity of foul wastes from your colon on these days. That’s because you already removed the first several layers of sticky, rubbery waste from the colon on the first 4 days, and now you are getting down to the real ‘nitty-gritty’, the stuff that has been deeply impacted into the folds of the colon for many years. Even though you have eaten nothing for four consecutive days, you now begin to eliminate huge quantities of tough toxic waste, dried mucus, and other accumulated debris from the colon. Even if you do not use the ‘Colema Board’, you will eliminate the most waste from the colon to really clean out the colon. By now the meditation becomes much clearer and easier to do. It is easier to sit for longer periods of time and the mind will actually begin to experience some tranquility.

Day 7: You will feel better than you can ever remember on this day, both the mind and body feel light. Sitting in meditation is very easy and mind is exceptionally calm and bright. It takes exactly 7 days to completely purify the bloodstream and lymph glands, so by this day your body is completely rejuvenated. You will feel as though you could easily fast and meditate for another week or two (and do so if you have the time).



Day 8: It is extremely important to break a fast correctly. Never take cooked food of any kind as your first meal. The best items to eat on the morning of day 8 are, raw Black Grapes, fresh Raw Apples or some sort of Fresh Raw Vegetable Juice (the best is cultured cabbage juice). For example, start the day with one kilogram of fresh Raw Grapes, well washed, spitting out the skin and seeds, again continuing the meditation and sit for 30 to 45 minutes each time.. 11/2 hours later, take another dose of pysllium seed husk powder (Metamucil), to help move the grapes through the system and restore normal bowel movements, then meditate. 2 hours later, more grapes, or perhaps two fresh Raw Apples and some more meditation. A few hours after that, perhaps a large glass of fresh Raw Carrot juice and meditation. Continue in this manner all day. Make sure that you take at least 1/2 cup of cultured cabbage juice 3 x’s daily for the next two weeks to replace the natural flora needed for digestion and vitamin B production. And to continue your meditation for at least 45 minutes daily and longer if possible. Morning time is the best for meditation because then you start the day with a clear calm mind.

Day 9: Start out the day the same as day 8, with grapes, apples, carrot juice and meditation. Also take two doses of pysllium powder, along with 1/2 cup of the cultured cabbage juice 3 x’s for the day. That night you may have a large raw vegetable salad, with cold pressed olive oil and fresh lemon juice dressing (no vinegar).

Day 10: Begin the day same as days 8 and 9, with raw fruits and raw vegetable juices and meditation. Especially the cultured cabbage juice (1/2 cup 3 x’s daily). That night, you may have your first cooked fresh vegetables, tofu, etc.

Day 11: You may now return to a proper diet, but be careful about what you eat and still take 1/2 cup of cultured cabbage juice 3 x’s daily for the next 14 days. The more seriously you take the meditation now the less likely major illnesses will bother you. The more you let go of stress the healthier the mind and body become. No sugar, candy, sweets, colas, white starch (this includes white bread), or other ‘junk foods’. Do not mix starch such as bread, or rice together with protein such as meat and seafood. If you eat carbohydrates like bread, rice and noodles - avoid meat and fish. If you eat meat or fish, do not mix with rice and/or noodles, this will prevent putrefaction and fermentation of food in the digestive tract, which causes accumulation of toxic waste. Try to eat at least one meal per day entirely of raw food, such as vegetable salads or fruit (but not both together at the same time). Continue to take one dose of pysllium powder per day for at least 2 weeks. It will keep the digestive tract clean and keep every thing moving. In fact, it’s a good idea to continue taking pysllium powder (unflavored Metamucil) once a day, or once every 2-3 days permanently.



Stomach, Intestines, Liver, Gall Bladder,


Though the causes of abdominal disorders are varied and multiple, among the most common are psychosomatic factors such as nervousness, mental imbalance of habitual restless thinking and stress. These can be due to both hormonal imbalances and improper eating habits. The common symptoms are indigestion, gas, belching, bad breath, nausea, hernia, severe headaches and ulcers. These disorders are easily cured through ‘Tranquil Wisdom Meditation’ (opening and relaxing the mind then coming back to the breath and relax the tension in the head and mind on the in-breath and the out-breath), daily exercise and proper diet. There are foods that can prevent many such disorders and when taken in the right combinations can even cure them as well. People who eat anything and everything sooner or later suffer from various types of problems. Some eat fruit with, or immediately after meals. However, fruit requires nearly a quarter of the time for digestion compared to other foods such as fresh vegetables. This results in disrupting the digestive system in general and gives it more work. Similarly, some people eat fruit with white sugar. Sugar makes the fruit ferment. This causes the production of gas and results in heartburn.

Young fresh vegetables grown without chemical fertilizers contain more vitamins, minerals, and food value than those stored or canned. Similarly, vegetables boiled in too much water, cooked or fried (except tomatoes) are nothing but bulk and taste, without much real food value. Selecting the right food is an art and can be developed as long as there is an interest in doing so. More than knowing what to eat, it is good to know what not to eat in order to prevent certain problems. One important factor here is that instead of becoming a slave to our taste buds, we must learn to control them.

By learning to relax through doing some physical exercise and practicing ‘Tranquil Wisdom Meditation’ (relaxing the mind) daily without a break, psychosomatic problems such as nervousness, stress, tension, and mental strain can be prevented. This requires a conscientious and deliberate effort and in some cases it involves a significant change of habits. ‘Tranquil Wisdom Meditation’ helps in achieving a harmonious and balanced life style, if given a try. By correcting eating habits and by following certain simple eating, avoiding excessively spicy and fried foods, many gastro-intestinal disorders can be prevented or cured.

The Tongue

The tongue is a reliable indicator of the digestive system. It can also indicate the state of other systems. A pale tongue indicates weakness, anemia and fluid retention. A deep red one indicates an inflammatory condition. A white coat indicates an excess


the lungs. A yellow coat indicates an excess of acidity, toxicity or inflammation. A red colored smooth tongue indicates vitamin (usually vitamin B) deficiency. A trembling tongue indicates a nerve problem. If the tongue is stiff and rigid then there is tension. If after sleep, there are tooth marks on the edges of the tongue, the indication is water retention and low energy.


Cracked lips, redness of the corners of the mouth or nose indicates an inflammation or an excess of acid in the digestive system. Red inflamed gums indicate a deficiency of vitamins and minerals as well as acidity. Stale breath indicates poor digestion, acidity and sluggish intestines.


Normal stools, not loose or hard, float, indicating a healthy diet. Loose stools indicate indigestion or poor assimilation. Light or chalky stools indicate improper production of bile due to stones in the gall bladder.

Dietary Concerns

For problems due to heat such as gastritis, ulcers, colitis and gastro-enteritis, increase the intake of soothing foods such as raw ochre, papaya, fruits, yams and cultured yogurt with no sugar.

- There are some foods which are eaten these days that can really cause problems in the body. For example: all refined starches (wheat and rice) and refined sugars are particularly bad. When raising children one should never give them any kind of refined sugar, this causes their body to have a pleasant feeling for about a half an hour. Where they are very hyperactive, then the sugar goes away and they crash both emotionally and physically. If you really want to do yourself and your children a favor, just give them naturally sweet things like fruits. The increase in diabetes in children has multiplied almost 10 x’s in the last seven years and the reason is the sweets that are given to the children to “make them happy”. Also white polished rice is like a kind of glue in the intestines and it sticks to the sides of the intestines and any other food that is passing through. This causes the food to rot in the abdomen and then people complain about having gastric problems. No small wonder, some of the foods that they ate years ago is still rotting in their stomach, which causes gas, and all kinds of problems.

- The only real way to overcome these problems is to change eating habits to more raw vegetables, fresh fruits and freshly squeezed juices (not pre-packaged and store bought). Eating unpolished rice, whole wheat bread, and whole grains.


- If there is digestive weakness, the usual symptoms are - gas, bloating, a feeling of coldness, tiredness, and lack of appetite. For these symptoms increase the intake of hot foods such as ginger, fennel, and anise seeds.

- Natural foods, such as garlic, fresh vegetables, fibre foods and fruits help the acid/alkali pH balance.

- Always eat at least 3 hours before going to bed.

- Avoid: white sugar, starch and pastries which produce an excess of acid, red pepper, hot chilis, hot spices, carbonated drinks, fried foods, animal fats, food that might cause gas such as beans, onion, turnips. (this depends on the individual) - Avoid taking antibiotics, tension while eating, swallowing air while eating and gum chewing.

- People with any kind of abdominal disorders should eat according to their specified diet and they should make a habit of chewing their food until it turns to liquid in their mouth before swallowing the food.

Digestive Problems in Children

Ordinarily children fall prey to abdominal diseases because of malnutrition, inadequate food or improper food. This can start even in the womb itself. Most mothers want their children to be nice, round and chubby and their efforts to do so, they may “force feed” the child with the wrong diet. Unfortunately the child’s system cannot take this burden and digestive problems can result. When there is malnutrition, the abdomen gets bloated and the child becomes weak.

- Too much food can be seen as fullness of the abdomen and veins can be seen on its surface.

- If the child is in nappies for a long time and if the nappies are not changed soon after they are soiled, the result can be constipation. Nappy rash can also be caused and this leads to the growth of bacteria.

- Children who suffer constipation develop bad breath, coated tongues, grind their teeth in their sleep and may have nightmares.

- If the child has diarrhea, a lot of water and electrolytes like sodium, potassium chloride and other nutrients may be lost. The result is lethargy, cold feet, sunken eyes, reduced urination and a dry skin and tongue. Plenty of fruit juices with electrolytes, yogurt, sago or rice water, milk, young coconut water and lentil soup may be helpful. - In the case of dehydration give a glass of water with a pinch of salt and a spoonful of honey every two hours.


- The larvae of round worms are present in dirty surroundings and can be ingested through water or raw vegetables. A child with round worms feels very hungry in the early stages but later loses the appetite and develops nervousness and irritability. To prevent round worm infections, do not give unclean raw vegetables or unboiled water. - Mouth dryness; Mouth dryness may be due to a local infection of the mouth. Avoid dry foods. Reduce the salt intake. An effective dose of Vitamin C can help to build up resistance and to heal. Black Current Syrup with olive oil and few drops of lemon juice acts as a lubricant for the mouth.


Foods good for aches and pains in the abdomen: dill seeds, cloves, green peppers, spearmint, saffron. Causes: deficiency of Vitamin B1, excess of Vitamin D and Calcium, food allergies, overdose of medication like aspirin, and abnormal bacterial growth in the upper part of the bowel. Gall-bladder disease can also cause pain and discomfort just under the ribs on the right side and upper central part of the abdomen. As a preventive measure take: plenty of fresh plain yogurt, adequate fresh fruit, vegetable fibers (this means lots of raw vegetables) and fluids and develop regular daily bowel habits at least once in the morning and once before going to bed. Also the practice of loving-kindness meditation is essential for the healing process to be most effective. At least 30 minutes twice a day.

1] Mix finely chopped garlic and tamari or seaweed sauce. Eat with regular meals. 2] Dry cut apples in the sun. They can be powdered. Take 1 tbsp. of the powder in warm water to relieve stomach pain.

3] Eating unripe papaya soaked in apple cider vinegar gives fast relief. 4] Eat fresh strawberries before meals to help prevent abdominal pain.

5] Mix dates, yam, and ginger and boil until cooked. Eat this once a day for about a week to treat constant abdominal pain.

6] Drink apple cider vinegar (one tbsp. in 250 ml distilled water) with a pinch of sea salt to help relieve pain below the navel region.

7] Finely chopped garlic with unsulphured molasses eaten regularly clears general abdominal pain.

8] Drink chamomile tea for abdominal disorders.

9] Drink yarrow tea three x’s a day to relieve abdominal pain.

10] Steep a few spoons of mint (peppermint) leaves in a cup of water. Drink a cup twice a day for a week to get over the pain.

11] Drink 3 cups of cultured cabbage juice daily.

Pain in the Lower Abdomen

Fennel and peppermint tea are especially good and of course meditation twice daily. 1] Finely chop garlic and put in unsulphured molasses and distilled water. Drink a cup 3 x’s a day after meals.


2] Chewing fresh sour plum relieves abdominal pain caused due to excess of gas. 3] Using ginger and fennel seeds as seasoning in preparing food is very good in relieving abdominal pain.

4] Steep a few mint leaves in a cup of water. Drink once a day

5] Peppermint tea or two drops of peppermint oil in a cup of hot water with a bit of honey

6] Boil 5 red dates with a piece of yam and ginger in water until soft. Eat the whole concoction once a day for ten (10) days - for stomach ache and diarrhea due to a weal stomach.

7] Drink 3 cups of cultured cabbage juice daily.

8] The practice of loving-acceptance meditation into the area of discomfort has been scientifically proven to increase endorphins into the area and promote healing. Practice twice daily for at least 30 minutes each sitting.

9] Practice placing your loving attention into the area of distress and radiating love and peace there.

Abdominal Pain Caused By A Cold

Cinnamon bark and garlic are especially good, along with the practice of meditation and loving-acceptance.

1] Use fennel, mustard seeds and ginger regularly to season food and prevent the cold sensation in the lower abdomen due to cold.

2] Grind cinnamon bark. Mix half a tea spoon in warm water. Drink 3 x’s a day. 3] Blend a small piece of ginger with yogurt and add some salt then mix with cooked brown rice and eat. This relieves abdominal pain due to an excess of gas. Add some brown sugar if it produces a hot sensation. This relieves abdominal pain due to cold. 4] Along with the practice of loving-kindness meditation for 30 minutes 2x’s daily.

Abdominal Pain in Babies

1] Babies, suffering from abdominal pain, are easily soothed by gently massaging the stomach with St. John’s wort oil.

2] Gently rubbing a few drops of castor oil in and around the navel. Warm a betel leaf over a fire. Place the warm leaf on the navel region. Relieves abdominal discomfort.

Abdominal Swelling

The cause of abdominal swelling is abnormal growth in the upper part of the bowels. Foods that help; cabbage, nutmeg, pineapple, radish, malt, swordbean.

1] Drink broth or soup made of asparagus to clear swelling.

2] Sweet Mango with peel for relieves abdominal swelling due to gas.

3] Unripe papaya cooked in tamarind water and a bit of salt taken with little warm rice.


4] Drink hot lemon juice with a pinch of salt.

5] Take fresh pineapple or its juice twice a day to relieve swelling, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain.


This is the presence of excess acid in the stomach. The common causes are stress and bad eating habits which cause an imbalance in the acid/alkali combination. The symptoms are discomfort in the pit of the stomach, burning sensation in the abdominal area when the stomach is empty and frequent belching with bad breath. This is also caused by over-thinking, anxiety and dissatisfaction about the problems of living.

1] The Practice of Loving-Kindness Meditation: By placing loving and kind attention into the stomach ones mind relieves the tensions of the day which cause excessive acid in the stomach. This should be practiced at least 30 minutes 2x’s daily for mental ease and healing to be most effective.

2] Lemon Juice, Cold Pressed Olive Oil, Garlic: Take one whole lemon cut up with peel and seeds put into blender with 1 1/2 cups of distilled water. Add one tablespoon of cold pressed Olive Oil and 5 gloves of garlic (1/4 to 1/2 tsp of cayenne pepper can be added to aid in the cleansing process). Blend for one minute then strain and drink slowly in small sips until gone. Do this daily once a day for two weeks at least longer if necessary.

3] Potato Juice: Take one medium sized red potato cut up into small pieces, put in a blender with 1/2 cup of distilled water. Blend for one minute (actually time it) strain and drink once a day.

4] Carrot Juice: Raw carrot juice detoxifies the liver and helps to balance the Ph in the blood when consumed in quantities of 1 - 1 1/2 litres daily. Such doses can result in one’s skin turning orange color. Contrary to popular belief it is not caused by carotene, any more than beets turn you red or spinach turns you green. The orange color is due to toxic bile being purged through the liver by the mega-doses of carrot juice; The bloodstream cannot excrete the bile fast enough through the kidneys, so it is purged out through the skin; when the liver is clean, you won’t turn orange, regardless of how much carrot juice you drink.

5] Apple Cider Vinegar: It contains malic acid which is highly beneficial to digestion and balancing the Ph in the stomach. Take two tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar per glass of distilled water and drink 3 x’s daily, as needed.

6] Peppermint Tea or Chamomile Tea: Steep in boiling water for five minutes before drinking, brings slight relief to upset stomach.

7] Castor Oil Pack: Use castor oil pack over the liver and large intestines 1 time a day for 6 days, then rest for 1 day and repeat for 2 weeks (or as long as necessary).


8] Ozone Therapy: After taking a hot bath (or steam sauna) soak the body in an ozone filled sauna bag for 30 minutes; soak the feet in cool ozonated water for 30 minutes; drink ozonated water daily (2 -3 liters); use ozonated olive oil, aloe vera, or glycerin to massage over the liver and intestines 5 x’s daily for severe cases; eat ozonated olive oil mixed with lemon juice over salads.

9] Other Beneficial Foods: Celery juice; spinach (bulk or juice); Beet ( bulk or juice); Tomato juice mixed with garlic and onion; Can drink these juices in combination with apple juice. Antacids are not really very useful for a lasting treatment. Citrus fruits like lemon have a net alkaline effect because their citric acid is quickly broken down in the body and leaves behind alkaline salts; unpolished rice. 10] Foods to Avoid: Coffee; Black tea (both coffee and tea with milk added is very hard to digest and does more harm to the body than can be realized); Cola; Carbonated drinks; all meats; oily fish; eggs; all milk products, cheese; cream; meats especially pork; alcohol; nicotine; all foods fried in oil; white sugar; white flour and polished white rice.


A general improvement of appetite is noticed by using: fennel, Basil, cardamom, alfalfa, black pepper, caraway, celery, coriander, dill, garlic, mint, parsley, plum, saffron, and mustard seeds. The practice of meditation also helps to improve mental well-being which helps the appetite.

1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: This helps to relieve mental stress and worry which are quite often the cause of loss of appetite.

By placing ones loving attention into the stomach area it relaxes the stomach and one feels more like eating. Practice for 30 minutes 2x’s daily.

2] Blackstrap Molasses, Lemon Juice: Take 1 tbsp. of blackstrap molasses and add with 1 tbsp. of fresh squeezed lemon juice to a glass of warm water and drink right before meals and between meals.

3] Fresh Figs: Eat fresh figs twice daily after meals to improve appetite.

4] Tomato Soup: Drink tomato soup to help increase the appetite. Blend tomato and boil it with water, adding a pinch of salt, coriander leaves, and garlic. Take before meals 3 x’s daily.

5] Fresh Strawberries: Eat five fresh strawberries before meals. 3 x’s daily.

6] Alfalfa Tea: Drink alfalfa tea every day for two weeks as a general tonic. Use one tablespoon of alfalfa leaves to one cup of boiled water, let steep for five minutes before drinking. Take 3 x’s daily for best results.

7] Sarsaparilla: Sarsaparilla is known as the hormone herb and helps build up lean muscle mass with weight lifting. Take 3 capsules 3 x’s daily.


8] Ginseng: Ginseng is a natural source for testosterone for weight gain with weight lifting, take 3 capsules 3 x’s daily.

9] Castor Oil Packs: Place the castor oil pack over the liver and large intestines, for one hour daily for 6 days, then rest for 1 day and repeat for 2 weeks ( or until the appetite comes back).

10] Ozone Therapy: After a hot bath (or steam sauna) sit in a sauna bag filled with ozone for 30 minutes daily; Soak the feet in cool ozonated water for better blood circulation; drink ozonated water daily (2 - 3 liters); use ozonated essential oils for massage to improve appetite; eat ozonated olive oil with lemon juice for salads. 11] Other Beneficial Foods: Carrots; cucumber; garlic; raw tomatoes; lemon; dark grapes; alfalfa, caraway seeds, chamomile tea, watermelon; unpolished rice; whole grains; raw vegetables and fresh fruits.

12] Foods to Avoid: All milk products; white sugar, white flour, polished white rice; coffee; black or green tea especially with milk added; sweetened carbonated soft drinks; All foods fried in oil; All de-natured preprocessed foods that have artificial preservatives.


To Reduce Appetite

1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: This meditation helps one to recognize the cause for the strong craving for food. By seeing directly the mental and emotional cause for this craving it becomes much easier to let go of the strong desire to eat so much. Also by gently placing ones soft attention into the stomach the craving becomes less urgent. Practice 30 minutes 2x’s daily.

2] Fresh Dark Grapes: Eat 1/2 kg ( 1 pound) of dark grapes 60 minutes before the meal

3] Cloves: Boil a few cloves with Black tea to relieve the pain of over-eating.

4] Dry Roasted Groundnuts: Eat 15 dry roasted groundnuts 30 minutes before meals. 5] Castor Oil Pack: Use castor oil pack over the thymus gland one day and over the liver and intestines the next day. Use for 1 hour daily for 6 days (alternating every other day) then rest one day and repeat until it is not necessary. The castor oil pack puts healing energy into the immune system as well as into the liver for de-detoxifying when used in this way. As a side effect it also calms the mind.

6] Ozone Therapy: Ozone can be taken intravenously when given by a competent doctor, the extra oxygen in the system helps to burn up fat and cholesterol. After a hot bath (or steam sauna) use a sauna bag filled with ozone for 30 minutes daily, to absorb more healing oxygen into the blood stream; soak the feet in cool ozonated water for 30 minutes to improve circulation and purify the blood; drink cool ozonated water daily (2 -4 liters); use ozonated essential oils for massage to burn off the fat. 7] Other Beneficial Foods: Apple Cider Vinegar; cucumber-cabbage-onion-garlic-ginger juice daily; Spinach (bulk or juice); High fibre foods; low carbohydrate foods; fresh young coconut juice and soft coconut meat; unpolished rice; blackstrap molasses.

8] Foods to Avoid: Fatty meat; fried foods of all kinds; milk products; eggs; preserved foods; pickled foods; salted foods; all salt; refined sugar and flour; pastries of all kinds; sweet soft carbonated drinks; coffee and tea (especially with milk added); alcohol; nicotine; hydrogenated fats (especially vegetable margarine).

Bad Breath (Halitosis)

A strong smell indicates poor digestion and acidity. Such a person should avoid acid producing foods such as fried foods, polished white rice, red meats, coffee and alcohol. Many times this condition comes from a mind that is unsettled so the practice of meditation helps to relieve the cause of poor digestion and halitosis.


1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: The practice of meditation helps one to relieve the stress and anxiety which are the root causes of poor digestion. By directing ones loving attention into the stomach helps to improve the circulation to the area and improves ones whole condition, radiate loving and kinds feelings into that area.. Practice at least 30 minutes, 2x’s daily.

2] Parsley Leaves: Chewing parsley leaves will even get rid of garlic or onion smell on one’s breath. Take after every meal for best results.

3] Dill Seeds: Chewing dill seeds does the same as Parsley leaves. 4] Red Dates: Eat a few red dates to help freshen the breath.

5] Cinnamon, Thyme, or Clove Oil: Take a few drops of cinnamon, thyme or clove oil and put into a glass of warm water, then gargle.

6] Other Beneficial Foods: Lemon; medium sized carrot after the meal helps eliminate tooth decay; apple cider vinegar; unpolished rice.

7] Foods to Avoid: Garlic; onion; coffee; white sugar; tea especially with milk; nicotine; and chocolate.


1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: The real cause of excessive belching is poor digestion, loving-kindness meditation helps to relieve the stress in ones mind and thereby helping to improve the digestion. Of course this in turn improves the circulation to the stomach by directing soft gentle thoughts and feelings there. This relieves the excessive winds which cause belching. Practice at least 30 minutes 2x’s daily for best results.

2] Fresh Grapefruit (juice or bulk): Take one whole grapefruit 3 times a day to over-come excessive air in the stomach.


Abdominal or kidney pain caused by excess gas and acid owing to fermentation and putrefaction of improperly combined foods. The abdomen becomes hard and one’s feet become cold. The symptoms are similar to appendicitis. Causes: faulty digestion, over feeding, round worms, the presence of Gall Stones or Kidney Stones in the duct.

Nursing mothers should avoid eating cabbage, garlic, legumes and onions. Colic can be caused in infants by swallowing air while feeding (breast or bottle).

The best way to prevent this is to carry the child on the shoulder and tap the back (gently) so that the child develops proper breathing. If the child is suffering from


repeated colic, there will be a lot of gas in the intestines. In such conditions, the child can be made to lie on a hot water bottle wrapped in a cloth. This is followed by making the child drink a few spoons of luke warm water.

1] Carrot (10 oz.), Beet (3 oz.), and Cucumber (3 oz.) juice: This blend of juices is very rich in the organic alkalizing elements sodium, potassium, and phosphorus; neutralizes acid, helps expel gas, promote peristalsis; 2 pints (or one liter) daily. 2] Cultured Cabbage Juice: Take 1/2 cup of cultured cabbage juice 3 x’s daily until the problem is healed.

3] Yogurt: Benefits all forms of indigestion; restores friendly intestinal bacteria; soothes inflamed intestinal lining; 6-8 oz. daily.

4] Spinach (Bulk or Juice): detoxifies digestive tract; restores pH balance; soothes intestinal inflammation; promotes peristalsis; must be taken raw, either in salad, or as 6 oz. juice mixed with 10 oz. carrot juice, 1-2 pints (1 liter) daily.

5] Apple Cider Vinegar: This helps to balance the Ph in the stomach and soothes intestinal problems. Take 2 tbsp. in a glass of water 3 x’s daily.

6] Castor Oil Packs: Place the castor oil pack over the stomach and leave for one hour. It settles the stomach very quickly and relieves the colic. Take as often as needed.

7] Ozone Therapy: Drinking ozonated water can bring relief; using ozonated olive oil rubbed onto the stomach works quite well. Also aloe vera that is ozonated helps quickly. You can use other ozonated essential oils as prescribed.

8] Other Beneficial Foods: Zucchini; raw tomatoes; raw apples (on an empty stomach); dark grapes; onion; lemon; pear; celery; garlic; molasses; lecithin; and parsley; unpolished rice.

9] Foods to Avoid: Pasteurized milk; cooked eggs; over-cooked meats; all food fried in oil; refined sugars and starches; polished white rice; chocolate; coffee and tea with milk added; all chemical and synthetic preservatives; salt and foods preserved in salt.

Diabetes and Pancreatitis

Inability of pancreas to produce sufficient insulin to metabolize sugars, owing to long-term excess consumption of refined sugars and starches; inflammation of pancreas due to excess demand for pancreatic enzymes in the stomach.

Once the insulin treatment gets started it cannot be stopped because the pancreas gets lazy and depends to much on the shots, so the pancreas fails to produce what little it used to, before insulin was given.


Diabetes Mellitus: metabolism disorder in which there is a reduced ability to oxidize carbohydrates, due to faulty endocrine pancreatic activity. Diabetes Insidious: caused by the malfunction of the pituitary and is usually genetic or constitutional. Symptoms: Unused sugar enters the blood stream and the urine. In the absence of sugar in the urine, the blood may contain excess sugar. If sugar develops in the blood stream, the cells crave for it and this results in weakness, dizziness, cold sweats, excessive thirst, frequent and excessive discharge of urine with or without sugar, numbness in the feet, dryness in the mouth, tiredness, blurring vision, skin disorders, and hypertension. In addition, one may experience weight loss. There is also a tendency for narrowing of the arteries. This may disrupt circulation especially in the feet resulting in advanced gangrene of the feet. Another possible side effect is rupturing of the capillaries of the eyes resulting in blindness. When the sugar level in the blood reaches a certain point (the body pH drops below 4.4), it breaks down to ketones and acetones. This results in blackouts, coma, and even death.

Diabetic patients are generally deficient in potassium (similar to low blood pressure). Zinc is a component of insulin and a lack of zinc is also a contributing factor. Sulphur is also found in pancreatic insulin. Insulin, adrenaline and glucagon are important hormones which help in the metabolism of carbohydrates. Insulin helps to lower the blood sugar while the other two raise them. Manganese is lost inevitably, due to excessive urine. This loss may contribute to the kidney problem which is very common among diabetics. Manganese is needed by diabetic patients. It is responsible for glucose tolerance and the ability to remove excess sugar from the blood. Refined carbohydrates cause a rapid increase in the blood sugar level, which in turn increases the production of insulin. With increased levels of insulin, the demand for Chromium increases. (Chromium must be the form of molecules). With a deficiency of chromium, a person who has a normal amount of insulin, may not be able to utilize it. Chromium is found in Brewer’s Yeast, Black Pepper, Wheat Germ, and Whole Wheat Bread. A small dose of chromium, given specially to children, has shown a great improvement in the metabolism of the pancreas. Dried bitter melon has an effect similar to insulin according to Chinese medical books. Honey also has a beneficial effect on the patient. However, it is good to consult a doctor, before changing the diet, as the percentage of sugar level varies from person to person. Less Vitamin ‘C’ results in a lack of insulin. There is a risk of tiny blood vessels. Diuretics may worsen diabetes by producing a potassium or magnesium deficiency. Patients also get benefit from Vit ‘B12’. Loving-Kindness Meditation has also proven to be very helpful in overcoming the root causes of diabetes, which are craving and aversion when that craving is not satisfied.

1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: When mind becomes calm and open it naturally begins to be more accepting of everything so there is very little craving and aversion which arise without being seen and gently let go of.


This is very helpful in learning to overcome all kinds of problems related to diabetes and even diabetes itself. By directing ones loving attention into the pancreas and radiating loving feelings into it, helps to increase the circulation of blood to that area. Practice for at least 30 minutes 2x’s daily.

2] String Beans (bulk or juice): rich in potassium, help restore deficient pancreas exhausted by excess demand for insulin and other enzymes; alkalize the pancreas; as bulk, steam lightly; as juice, extract raw, 1 pint (500 ml.) daily; may be mixed with carrot juice for flavor.

3] Brussels Sprouts (bulk or juice): rich in alkalizing elements with specific affinity for the pancreas; steam lightly for bulk consumption; extract raw juice, and mix with carrot juice, if desired; 1 pint (500 ml.)daily

4] Blackstrap Molasses: use unsulphured Molasses (it is also called blackstrap molasses) only; all cases of diabetes and pancreatitis are associated with iron deficiency; Molasses is one of nature’s richest sources of organic iron and copper, which works together; take 2 tbsp. Molasses in large cup of warm water, 2 x’s daily; absolute abstention from refined starch and sugar required; this regimen has corrected diabetes, pancreatitis and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) in 1-2 months; flavor Molasses with 1/2 tsp. vanilla or almond extract, if desired.

5] Bitter Gourd: Drink one 350 mg glass of bitter gourd juice every morning. It can also be a little easier to take in an enema form, take the whole plant the vines leaves and fruit clean thoroughly in distilled water. Fill a blender 1/3 full of leaves, vines and fruit, add 1/3 blender of distilled water and blend until completely smooth. This will give you enough for 2 days of treatments. Place 1 1/2 cups in an enema bag. While lying on your left side, let the Bitter gourd into your colon, then lie on your back with a pillow under the buttocks. Continue until the entire 1 1/2 cups are in your colon. Retain for 20 minutes, then evacuate in the toilet. Do this once a day for 2 weeks. 6] Garlic, Vitamins, Brewer’s Yeast: Take 5g of garlic with vitamin and mineral supplements and brewer’s yeast to reduce blood sugar.

7] Lemon Juice, Garlic, Cold Pressed Olive Oil and Cayenne Pepper: Take one whole lemon slice and put in a blender (the skin and seeds too) add 1 1/2 cup of water, 5 peeled garlic gloves, 1 tbsp. of cold pressed olive oil and 1/4 tsp. of cayenne pepper (is optional). Blend for one minute (time it because one minute seems longer than you might think) strain and drink on an empty stomach.

This will make two cups of the juice but drink all at the same time (it looses energy if you try to keep it in the refrigerator and has little effect). Take 1-2 x’s daily for 3 months to balance the pH in the blood. Can also do this with grapefruit juice as well.


8] Castor Oil Packs: Using a castor oil pack over the liver and large intestines one day and over the thymus gland the next for 6 days then rest 1 day and repeat, helps very much to improve the circulation and purify the blood (do this for at least 3 months or up to 9 months as needed). It also breaks up any congestion in the blood vessels and arteries around the heart. Also the castor oil pack relieves tightness in the chest and lungs. It has be known to dissolve tumors and growths in the body.

9] Ozone Therapy: Taking a shot (jab) of ozone everyday, given by a competent doctor helps tremendously to relieve the functioning of the pancreas and kidneys. It also purifies the blood and relieves the load of work on the liver. Soaking the feet daily in ozonated water helps to improve the circulation in the feet and legs, so the feeling becomes better. Ozonated water heals cuts and open sores on the feet and legs. (One can also use colloidal silver for effective healing of open wounds, this was used for over a thousand years before anti-biotics came along. There is no bad side effects from using this - unlike antibiotics); using cool ozonated drinking water has some effects over a period of time; using ozonated essential oils (especially olive oil and aloe vera) helps very much in stimulating the pancreas and kidneys to function properly again.

10] Other Beneficial Foods: Brewer’s yeast dissolved in warm water (one small packet of powder per cup); raw tomatoes; cucumbers; raw spinach; asparagus: citrus fruits (orange, lemon, grapefruit, lime): celery; lettuce; bitter gourd; fenugreek; kidney beans; raw onion; guava; mung beans, lemon; plum; tomato; unpolished rice. 11]Foods to Avoid: All refined starch and sugar; overcooked meat; all food fried in oil; All chemical and synthetic preservative; salt; food preserved in salt; hot spicy foods; chocolate; coffee and tea especially with milk added; hydrogenated fats (especially vegetable margarine); cooked potatoes; bananas, figs, dates, raisins; salt; pepper; mustard.


This is low blood sugar which causes low body and mind energy. A shortage of sugar in the blood can cause a lot of problems and hypoglycemia is due to insufficient glucose in the blood stream. By eating refined foods and sugar, the sugar is absorbed immediately into the blood stream and this causes a strain on the pancreas, the liver, and other endocrine glands in combating excess sugar. The reaction is called reactive hypoglycemia or insulin rebound. This results in an abnormal drop in the sugar level. After a short-lived boost in energy, the blood sugar drops way below the normal level. Adding sugar to food makes things worse. This causes fatigue, depression and irritably. An excess of white sugar, hereditary factors and stress can over stimulate the adrenals. This in turn makes the pancreas produce an excessive amount of insulin to be burned off and results in a weakening of the pancreas. By eliminating refined sugar many of the highs and lows can be avoided. It is better to take complex carbohydrate which allows slow absorption.

The practice of loving-kindness meditation directed to the pancreas is very helpful in stimulating the blood circulation to that area and helping the balance not only the mind but the body too.


Symptoms: There is great urge to eat (especially sugar), emotional upset (or instability), irritability, difficulty in concentrating, muscular pains, recurring headaches, cold hands and feet, exhaustion, obesity, allergies, nervousness and depression. To prevent hypoglycemia, avoid white sugar, white flour, white rice, caffeine, salt, and all refined foods, absolutely no canned or pre-packaged foods, no foods with preservatives, no ice cream, oats, rye, barley, butter, margarine, cream cheese, or alcohol.

To regulate the sugar level: Have a good protein diet, tofu, soya beans, bean sprouts, nuts, seeds, whole grains and brown rice. Eat whole grains, and vegetables, uncooked sesame oil, peas, and black beans (ulund dal). Take frequent meals, adding cold pressed olive oil. Adding roasted sesame seeds to the food is very useful as it provides extra protein and calcium. Never skip a Meal . Zinc and potassium are very necessary for a healthy pancreas and is found in whole grains, seeds, and nuts.

1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: The daily practice of loving-kindness meditation is essential for balance in both the body and mind. Gently place your attention and radiate loving and kind feeling into the pancreas. Feel the soft open happiness flow into that area and smile. This helps to increase the blood of blood to the pancreas and relieves any emotional feelings which may be caught in that area. Practice for at least 30 minutes 2x’s daily for best results.

2] Wheat Germ, Brewer’s Yeast, Sunflower Seeds, Almonds, Parsley leaves and Soya Milk : Mix 1 tbsp. of Brewer’s yeast + 2 tbsp. of Wheat Germ and 1 tbsp. of raw sunflower seeds, with 1 tbsp. of almonds, 1 cup of fresh parsley or guava leaves and 2 cups of soya milk. Put it all in a blender for 1 minute (adding some honey if desired) and drink twice a day. This drink clears headache and increases energy. 3] Raw Apples: Eat 2 peeled apples a day to maintain sugar level in the body.

4] Castor Oil Pack: Using the castor oil pack works in the same way as described with diabetes.

5] Ozone Therapy: Works in the same way as for diabetes.

6] Other Beneficial Foods: dark grapes; watermelon; blackstrap molasses; lecithin; beetroot; apple cider vinegar; banana; unpolished rice, whole wheat flour and grains.


This is an inflammation of the stomach and the intestinal lining without peptic ulceration. It is caused by the acidity of digestive juices.

Gastric distress in stomach owing to excess gas and acid formed by incompatible combinations of foods, stimulating spices, alcohol, coffee and other irritants.


The presence of yeast organisms called candida can cause gastritis. Causes of this painful disorder are smoking, drinking alcohol, and an excess of coffee, or tea. Stress is another cause. Excessive secretion of hydrochloric acid can cause it too. The symptoms are a coating over the tongue, lack of appetite and when chronic, loss of weight. If untreated, the pain can be felt in the back and vomiting with severe abdominal pain can occur. The practice of meditation and learning to soften ones mind into areas of distress is absolutely essential for both body and mind health. 1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Any time there is a problem with the stomach it is almost certain that the root cause is mental. It seems that the stomach and the emotions are very closely connected. So the practice of loving-kindness meditation and directing that loving-kind feeling into the stomach can bring immediate relief. Softly direct your attention into the stomach, gently radiating a happy smiling feeling into it. Any troubles which may be causing the stomach upset may arise, then gently let go of those thoughts and feelings, they hurt and cause so many problems in your life. So now is time to let go and love yourself. Practice at least 30 minutes 2 x’s daily.

2] Cultured Cabbage Juice: The lactic acid and sulphur it contains will kill pathogens and viruses of all kinds throughout the entire intestinal tract; the billions of friendly lactobacteria it contains will become implanted in your colon and produce even more lactic acid to keep the pathogens out; the lactobacteria produce vitamin B and other factors needed by the bodies immune system; it heals ulcers and inflammation of the stomach, small intestines and colon; this cabbage juice should always be taken for 2 weeks after you ingest any kind of biotics (even if the anti-biotics are used externally). Take 1/2 cup 3 x’s daily.

3] Yogurt: soothes inflammation; neutralizes toxic gas and acids; promotes efficient digestion. Plain yogurt only, may be flavored with a little molasses, if desired.

4]Carrot, Beet, and Cucumber Juice: Powerful alkalizing blend; neutralizes stomach acidity; promotes digestion in stagnant stomach; 10 oz/ 3 oz./ 3 oz., 1-2 pints (500 ml to 1 liter) daily.

5] Spinach (bulk or juice): detoxifies intestinal tract; restores pH balance; soothes inflammation; consumes raw in salad, or juice, 6 oz with 10 oz. carrot juice, 1-2 pints (500 ml to 1 liter) daily.

6] Grapes Puree: Dark grapes, raw, 1/2 to 1 kg daily, with no other food, foe 1-3 days; raw juice equivalent; powerful organic alkalizing and detoxifying elements. Not for diabetes

7] Apple Cider Vinegar: Contains malic acid (all other vinegars contain acetic acid), which is highly beneficial to digestion; balances stomach pH; 2 tsp. in glass of water, 2-3 times daily, as needed.

8] Basil, Honey: Steep 1 tbsp. of dried Basil in a cup of water. Add a little honey and drink a mouthful three x’s a day.


9] Carrot Juice: Drink 1 - 11/2 liters of fresh squeezed carrot juice daily.

10] Cinnamon: Drink 1/4 tea spoon of cinnamon powder in warm water once a day, as needed.

11] Coriander Leaves and Seeds: Using coriander leaves or seeds as a seasoning on raw salads, relieves excessive gas formation..

12] Castor Oil Pack: Use a castor oil pack over the liver and large intestines 1 time daily for 6 days, then rest 1 day and repeat for as long as necessary. This relieves the acid in the stomach and calms the nerves.

13] Ozone Therapy: After taking a hot bath (or steam sauna) soak the body in an ozone filled sauna bag for 30 minutes daily - the extra oxygen is soaked into the skin and relieves pressure on the stomach; soak the feet in ozonated water for 30 minutes daily; use cool ozonated drinking water daily (2 - 3 liters); use ozonated essential oils for massage.

14] Other Beneficial Foods: Almonds, blackstrap molasses, raw apples, raw tomatoes, papaya; apricot; pear; peach; papaya; garlic 2-4 gloves; oat, peppermint, black tea not strong- very weak, cinnamon, parsley, coriander seeds; unpolished rice; whole wheat flour.

15] Foods to Avoid: deep fat fried foods; pickled and smoked foods; salt-preserved foods; vinegar (except apple cider vinegar); hot peppers, mustard; alcohol; coffee and tea especially with milk added; sweet carbonated soft drinks, spicy foods, refined carbohydrates white sugar and flour, and cooked cabbage; polished white rice..


Same symptoms as Gastritis.

1] Loving-Kindness Meditation: Placing one’s attention in the problem areas and then radiating a soft warm feeling of love into it is the start to healing that area. Practice at least 30 minutes, 2x’s daily.

2] Basil, Honey: Steep 1 tbsp. of dried Basil in a cup of hot water, add 1/2 spoonful of honey and drink a mouthful 3 x’s daily.

3] Cooked Guava: Crush fresh guava and boil in a little water until it is well cooked. Eat

3 x’s daily.

4] Olive, Ginger: Boil 5 green olives with a small piece of ginger in distilled water and drink the juice 3 x’s daily.


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