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The MS Exchange Extension


Academic year: 2021

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Integrating Your Autotask Calendar and Contacts with MS Exchange 3

Understanding Synchronization between Autotask and MS Exchange 5

Configuring the Autotask MS Exchange Extension 7

Configuring the MS Exchange Extension for On-Premises MS Exchange 8

Configuring the MS Exchange Extension for Hosted MS Exchange 35

MS Exchange Office 365 Configuration 42

Setting User Profile Settings for the MS Exchange Extension 44

Using the MS Exchange Extension 47

Comparison of the Autotask MS Outlook Extension and MS Exchange Extension 53


Integrating Your Autotask Calendar and Contacts with MS


MS Exchange Extension automatically synchronizes your Autotask and MS Exchange calendar items and con-tacts, so that you don't have to maintain multiple calendars or item schedules.

Autotask handles the updates directly to your MS Exchange Server so you have no add-on components or agents to install. Updates to your MS Exchange Server will update applications it serves: Outlook, Outlook Web Access (OWA), mobile devices, and applications connected to MS Exchange.

When the MS Exchange Extension is on and configured, work you do in Autotask is automatically copied (syn-chronized) to Microsoft Exchange, so you can access the contacts, service calls, to-dos, and appointments from a mobile device, PC, and laptop.

Autotask is your source system for managing calendar items related to your Autotask data. During syn-chronization, Autotask contacts, service calls, to-dos, and appointments are copied to MS Exchange. The fol-lowing diagram is a general overview of how each type of datum is synchronized between Autotask and MS Exchange.


Understanding Synchronization between Autotask and MS


Time and Date Changes

When you change the date and time of an item in Autotask or MS Exchange, the change isalwaysmade to the item in the other system during Synchronization.

NOT E : If yo u u p d a t e t h e t im e o r d a t e fo r a m e e t in g in Au t o t a s k t h a t w a s o r ig in a lly c r e a t e d in MS  Exc h a n g e , it w ill u p d a t e t h e m e e t in g t im e o n ly in yo u r o w n O u t lo o k c a le n d a r . It d o e s n o t p e r fo r m t h e "S e n d Up d a t e " fu n c -t io n in O u -t lo o k -t o u p d a -t e in vi-t e e s ' c a le n d a r s .

Modifications after the Original Synchronization

Not all changes you make to items transfer to the other system during synchronization. All original information (time and detail) transfers over during the first synchronization upon item creation. After that, date and time changes always transfer, but detail changes (i.e. changing the meeting title) do not when the appointment was originally created in Autotask and is modified in Exchange.

Identifying Changes That Do Not Synchronize

If you think an item should be synchronized but it does not seem to be updating in Autotask or MS Exchange, note that this depends on the item type, what was changed, and where you originally created the item. Review the following table for specific scenarios:

Item Created

Orig-inally In


Made In Type of Change

Change Reflected in MS Exchange? (Y/N) Change Reflected in Autotask? (Y/N) Appointments, To

Dos, Service Calls

Either system Either sys-tem

Date or time change Y Y

Appointment* MS Exchange MS


Modify subject/title, details/de-scription, delete item


Appointment Autotask Autotask Modify subject/title, details/de-scription, delete item


Item Created Orig-inally In


Made In Type of Change

Change Reflected in MS Exchange? (Y/N) Change Reflected in Autotask? (Y/N) Service Calls** and


Autotask Autotask Any Y Y

Contacts*** MS Exchange MS


Any Y N

* Private outlook appointments will also be transferred to Autotask, with only "Appointment" as the title. Only the date and time transfer, not the details.

** Note that even if workflow rules showing in notes is suppressed on the ticket in Autotask, the workflow rules will still show in the Outlook appointment description.

*** Inactive contacts are not synchronized.

Frequency of Synchronization

The frequency of synchronization is based on the Synchronization Interval setting configured by your system administrator. The minimum interval is 10 minutes.

The MS Exchange Extension in Action

Autotask appointments, to-dos, and service calls become appointments in MS Exchange and appear on your Outlook calendar. Any information from Autotask fields that cannot be accommodated in an MS Exchange cal-endar item is converted to a text file and pasted into the Details area of the appointment. Refer to"Using the MS Exchange Extension" on page 47.

NOT E :All c o n ve r t e d Au t o t a s k c a le n d a r it e m s c o n t a in a n Exe c u t e Co m m a n d h yp e r lin k t h a t w h e n c lic ke d o n a P C w o r ks t a t io n w ill o p e n t h e o r ig in a l c a le n d a r it e m in Au t o t a s k. If yo u a r e n o t lo g g e d in t o Au t o t a s k, it w ill b r in g yo u t o yo u r Au t o t a s k lo g in p a g e . No t e t h a t Au t o t a s k Exe c u t e Co m m a n d is n o t s u p p o r t e d o n Au t o t a s k Live -Mo b ile .


Configuring the Autotask MS Exchange Extension

The Autotask MS Exchange extension must be configured by an Autotask administrator proficient with MS Exchange. Autotask users then customize the specific settings that determine how calendar items and service calls are copied from Autotask to their MS Exchange applications.

System Requirements

The following versions of Microsoft Exchange Server are supported for both on-premises and hosted MS Exchange:

l MS Exchange 2007, 2010 and 2013 on Windows with latest Service Pack

The configuration and synchronization settings differ for on-premises and hosted MS Exchange. Refer to:

"Configuring the MS Exchange Extension for On-Premises MS Exchange" on page 8 "Configuring the MS Exchange Extension for Hosted MS Exchange" on page 35


Configuring the MS Exchange Extension for On-Premises MS


The following requirements must be met for your version of MS Exchange before you begin the configuration process:

l Outlook Web Access (OWA)must be enabled.

l Exchange Web Services (EWS)must be turned on. This should happen automatically when Out-look Web Access is enabled. Your synchronization account user must have access to the Web Services. l Available Ports for Autotask: For custom configurations where standard ports TCP 80 and 443 are

not available for Autotask outgoing requests to customer servers, Autotask security now permits the use of port2610.

l Your MS Exchange Server must usean SSL certificate that has been signed by a Trusted

Cer-tificate Authority, such as Verisign, Thawte, or GoDaddy. Autotask will not accept self-signed or free certificates.

Step 1: Set Up the MS Exchange Synchronization Account

The MS Exchange synchronization account is used to test the connection between the Autotask MS Exchange extension and your MS Exchange Server. The Synchronization Account User must have authentication rights to make calls to Exchange Web Services.

IM POR T ANT ! W h ile yo u c a n u s e a n e xis t in g a d m in is t r a t o r a c c o u n t fo r t h is p u r p o s e , Au t o t a s k s t r o n g ly r e c o m m e n d s t h a t yo u s e t u p a s p e c ia l a c c o u n t (c a lle d a S yn c h r o n iz a t io n Ac c o u n t ) t o a vo id e xp o s in g yo u r a d m in -is t r a t o r a c c o u n t c r e d e n t ia ls a n d p o s in g a p o s s ib le s e c u r it y r -is k.

To set up the account, you must complete the following tasks: l Create the Synchronization Account

l Create an MS Exchange Mailbox for the Account

l Give "Impersonate" rights to the Synchronization Account

l Give the Synchronization Account Public Folder Access. Public folder access is only required if you will be creating a public folder of all Autotask contacts on your MS Exchange Server

NOT E :Cu r r e n t ly, Au t o t a s k d o e s n o t s u p p o r t t h e u s e o f Ext e n d e d AS CII c h a r a c t e r s in a u t h e n t ic a t io n c r e -d e n t ia ls . Ke e p t h is in m in -d w h e n s e t t in g u p yo u r s yn c h r o n iz a t io n a c c o u n t a n -d u s e r p r o file s .

Create the Synchronization Account


2. On theActive Directory Users and Computermenu, right click onUsersand selectNew > User:


TheNew Object - Userscreen opens:

3. Enter the following information: l First name: Autotask


l Full name: Autotask MS Exchange

l User logon name: ATSyncAccount@ [select your own domain] 5. ClickNext. The password screen opens:

6. Assign a password and select:

l User cannot change password l Password never expires 7. ClickNext.

8. ClickFinishto create the user.

9. Next, give the account an MS Exchange mailbox.

Give the Synchronization Account a Mailbox


2. Expand theRecipient Configurationtree and clickMailboxto display the MS Exchange users: MS Exchange 2007:


3. In the right navigation pane, clickNew Mailbox. The New Mailbox wizard opens:


5. Select to Create mailboxes forExisting usersand click theAddicon to select the Sync Account user. The Select User window opens.


7. ClickNext.

8. ClickNewto create the mailbox(es). 9. ClickFinish.

Give the Synchronization Account Impersonate Rights

MS Exchange 2007

The MS Exchange Synchronization Account user needs to have the following two Exchange Impersonation rights assigned to it before the MS Exchange extension can run:

l ms-Exch-EPI-Impersonation Right: This gives the Synchronization Account the ability to make Exchange impersonation call through the MS Exchange Server. The name for this right will show as the

Exchange Web Services Impersonationin tools like the Active Directory Users and computers MMC snap-in.

l ms-Exch-EPI-May-Impersonate Right: This gives the Synchronization Account the right to imper-sonate an Active Directory user. The name for this right will show asAllow Impersonation to Personal Exchange Informationin tools like the Active Directory Users and computers MMC snap-in.


NOT E :Th e s e in s t r u c t io n s u s e t h e MS Exc h a n g eAc tive Dir ec to r y S ites an d S er vic esin t e r fa c e . Yo u c a n a ls o u s e t h e Exc h a n g e Ma n a g e m e n t S h e ll t o r u n c m d le t s t h a t w ill a s s ig n t h e r ig h t s .

Granting the ms-Exch-EPI-Impersonation Right

1. Login to your domain controller and openActive Directory Sites and Services.

2. Expand the Services node and find your MS Exchange Server inAdministrative Groups > Exchange Administrative Groups(the path to this may differ slightly in your environment):

NOT E :: If yo u d o n o t s e e t h e S e r vic e s n o d e , c lic k t h e r o o t n o d e o f t h e t r e e a n d o n t h e t a s k m e n u c lic k View > S h o w S er vic es No d e.

3. Right-click the server name and selectPropertieson the drop-down menu. 4. Click theSecuritytab to open the security settings page:


5. ClickAddto add the Synchronization Account to theGroup or user nameslist.

6. ClickAdvancedand on the window that opens clickFind nowto show a list of your users, groups, or other security principals. Select your Synchronization Account from the list and clickOK:


7. On the Security tab, select the Synchronization Account user and scroll down the list of permissions to find Exchange Web Services Impersonation:


8. Click theExchange Web Services Impersonationcheckbox and clickOKto grant the Syn-chronization Account thems-Exch-EPI-Impersonation Right.

9. Move on to grant thems-Exch-EPI-May-Impersonate Right(refer to the next section).

Granting the ms-Exch-EPI-May-Impersonate Right

IM POR T ANT ! Th is r ig h t c a n b e s e t fo r a m a ilb o x (t o a p p ly t o a ll u s e r s in t h e m a ilb o x) o r fo r in d ivid u a l u s e r s . In s t r u c t io n s a r e p r o vid e d fo r s e t t in g t h e r ig h t fo r a m a ilb o x, s in c e yo u w ill like ly w a n t t h e S yn c h r o n iz a t io n Ac c o u n t t o im p e r s o n a t e a ll yo u r MS  Exc h a n g e u s e r s (if t h e y w ill a ll b e u s in g t h e MS  Exc h a n g e e xt e n s io n ). Th e c m d le t fo r s e t t in g t h is r ig h t b y u s e r is a ls o p r o vid e d fo r r e fe r e n c e in c a s e it is n e e d e d .

1. Login to your domain controller and openActive Directory Sites and Services.

2. Expand the Services node and find the mailbox database in MS Exchange Server inAdministrative Groups > Exchange Administrative Group > Servers >[your server name] >Info-rmation Store > First Storage Group(the path to this may differ slightly in your own envi-ronment):

NOT E :If yo u h a ve m o r e t h a n o n e s t o r a g e g r o u p (t h a t is , S e c o n d S t o r a g e Gr o u p , Th ir d S t o r a g e Gr o u p , e t c ), yo u w ill n e e d t o r e p e a t t h is p r o c e d u r e fo r e a c h s t o r a g e g r o u p .

3. Right-click the mailbox database object in the right pane, selectProperties, and click theSecurity


4. Find the Synchronization Account on the list, or clickAdd.


6. Click OK to set thems-Exch-EPI-May-Impersonate Right.

7. If your system has additional Storage Groups, for example, Second Storage Group,Third Storage Group, repeat this procedure for the next Storage Group.

8. Next, if you will be creating a public folder of all Autotask contacts on your MS Exchange Server, give the synchronization account access to public folders.

Using the Exchange Management Shell to Grant the Impersonation Rights

You can also quickly grant any of the impersonation rights by running cmdlets in the Exchange Management Shell (Start > Exchange Management Shell). For example, the cmdlet for granting the ms-Exch-EPI-May-Imper-sonate Right for an individual user (instead of the mailbox database as in the previous section), you would use the following process and code:

1. Log in to your domain controller and open theExchange Management Shell.

2. Type in theAdd-ADPermissioncmdlet, as follows (replace red text with your synchronization account user):


MS Exchange 2010/2013

MS Exchange 2010 and 2013 useRole-Based Access Control(RBAC) to assign permissions to accounts.

NOT E :Yo u c a n n o t a d m in is t e r R BAC fr o m t h e UI, s o yo u m u s t u s e t h e Exc h a n g e Ma n a g e m e n t S h e ll.

Granting the Impersonation Rights for MS Exchange 2010 and 2013 using the Exchange Management Shell

MS Exchange 2010 and 2013 require only one type of impersonation right.

1. Log in to your domain controller and open theExchange Management Shell(Start > Exchange Management Shell).

2. Enter the following New-ManagementRoleAssignment cmdlet:

New-ManagementRoleAssignment –Name:impersonationAssignmentName –Role:A-pplicationImpersonation –User:serviceAccount

where "serviceAccount" is the "impersonating identity". 3. Run the cmdlet.

4. Next, if you will be creating a public folder of all Autotask Contacts on your MS Exchange Server, give the synchronization account access to public folders.

For additional information on the New-ManagementRoleAssignment cmdlet, refer to the following MSDN article:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb204095(v=exchg.140).aspx.

Give the Synchronization Account Access to Public Folders

Public folder access is only required if you will be creating a public folder of all Autotask contacts on your MS Exchange Server

MS Exchange 2007

Take the following steps if you will be creating a public folder of all Autotask contacts on your MS Exchange Server:


2. Right clickOrganization Configurationand selectAdd Exchange Administratorto add the Syn-chronization Account (or on the main menu bar clickAction > Add Exchange Administrator):


4. ClickBrowseto search for the Synchronization Account user, select it, and clickOKto return to the Add Exchange Administrator window:


5. SelectExchange Public Folder Administration roleand clickAdd. A completion window opens, confirming that the Exchange Administrator was added:


6. ClickFinish.

The Synchronization Account now has access to public folders on the Exchange 2007 Server.

NOT E : Yo u c a n a ls o p e r fo r m t h is a c t io n b y r u n n in g a c m d le t in t h e Exc h a n g e Ma n a g e m e n t S h e ll (S t a r t > Exc h a n g e Ma n a g e m e n t S h e ll). Us e t h e fo llo w in g c o d e :

a d d - e xc h a n g e a d m in is t r a t o r - r o le p u b lic fo ld e r a d m in

- id e n t it y "in s e r t n a me o f S yn c h r o n iz a t io n Ac c o u n t"

T r o u b lesh o o tin g No te: In s o m e in s t a n c e s , yo u m a y n e e d t o g ive t h e S yn c h r o n iz a t io n Ac c o u n t a c c e s s t o in d ivid u a l m a ilb o xe s e ve n if yo u w ill n o t b e u s in g t h is a c c o u n t fo r s yn c h r o n iz a t io n . If yo u e n c o u n t e r p r o b le m s w it h MS Exc h a n g e , g ive t h e S yn c h r o n iz a t io n Ac c o u n t m a ilb o x a c c e s s a n d r e t e s t t h e s yn c h r o n iz a t io n .

MS Exchange 2010/2013

Take the following steps if you will be creating a public folder of all Autotask contacts on your MS Exchange Server:


2. On theActive Directory Users and Computermenu, selectMicrosoft Exchange Security Groups.


3. Right-clickPublic Folder Managementand selectPropertiesor, alternately, click Public Folder Management and select Properties from the Actions menu.

4. Select theMemberstab and add your AutotaskSynch Account. Click OK.

NOT E : Yo u c a n a ls o p e r fo r m t h is a c t io n b y r u n n in g a c m d le t in t h e Exc h a n g e Ma n a g e m e n t S h e ll (S t a r t > Exc h a n g e Ma n a g e m e n t S h e ll). Us e t h e fo llo w in g c o d e :

a d d - R o le Gr o u p Me m b e r

- Id e n t it y "P u b lic F o ld e r Ma n a g e m e n t " - Me m b e r ATS yc n Ac c o u n t

T r o u b lesh o o tin g No te: In s o m e in s t a n c e s , yo u m a y n e e d t o g ive t h e S yn c h r o n iz a t io n Ac c o u n t a c c e s s t o in d ivid u a l m a ilb o xe s e ve n if yo u w ill n o t b e u s in g t h is a c c o u n t fo r s yn c h r o n iz a t io n . If yo u e n c o u n t e r p r o b le m s w it h MS Exc h a n g e , g ive t h e S yn c h r o n iz a t io n Ac c o u n t m a ilb o x a c c e s s a n d r e t e s t t h e s yn c h r o n iz a t io n .

Step 2: Add Server and User Information to Autotask

Take the following stepsin Autotaskto configure the MS Exchange extension:


1. Login to Autotask as an administrator (this user should also be proficient with MS Exchange Server). 2. ClickAdminon the top menu bar and select MS Exchange from the shortcut menu (you can also access

this page within the Admin module (Admin > Autotask Extend > Extensions > MS Exchange Extension). The MS Exchange configuration page opens, with three tabs for configuring the extension.

3. Enter the required data for each tab. Specific field definitions for each tab are described in the sections that follow. Screen shots of each tab are also provided.

4. ClickSaveafter completing each tab. The following actions occur after clickingSaveon each tab: l The MS Exchange Server configuration settings are checked using the Synchronization Account settings,

and you receive a confirmation message if the configuration settings work or an error message if they fail. In the General tab, items that do not validate will display a warning icon.

NOT E :: If yo u c h a n g e d t h e Ve r s io n , Exc h a n g e S e r ve r Ad d r e s s , Exc h a n g e S e r ve r Vir t u a l Dir e c t o r y, o r Do m a in , a ll it e m s w ill b e r e - s yn c h r o n iz e d a u t o m a t ic a lly w h e n yo u s a ve t h e c h a n g e (if s yn c h r o n iz a t io n is o c c u r r in g w h e n yo u a r e t r yin g t o s a ve yo u w ill r e c e ive a n e r r o r m e s s a g e a n d w ill n e e d t o t r y a g a in w h e n t h e c u r r e n t s yn c h r o n iz a t io n is c o m p le t e ).

l When you clickSaveon the Resources tab, all newly enabled resources are sent a confirmation email telling them to go to their advanced profile settings to set up the MS Exchange synchronization.

General Tab

TheGeneraltab is used to configure your MS Exchange settings, including server settings and the account information for the Synchronization Account that will be used when testing the connection and also for the syn-chronization, if you choose that setting.


The following table describes what to enter for each field. Fields are listed in the order in which they appear on the page (fields with an asterisk are required).

Some fields will be validated as noted. If validation fails, a warning icon will appear to the right of the field.

Field What to Enter

Enable MS Exchange Inte-gration check box

This check box is selected by default. If you would like to configure your settings and turn on the extension at a later time, clear this check box before you begin.

Server Details

Profile Name Enter a profile name for your MS Exchange Server. You can enter any name that works for you. Our Exchange

Server is Hosted by a Third Party

Leave this check box cleared. If you are using Hosted MS Exchange, use the instructions in"Configuring the MS Exchange Extension for Hosted MS Exchange" on page 35.

Version Select the version of MS Exchange Server you are running. This will control what configuration options are available on the configuration tabs and on the User Profile > Advanced > MS Exchange page.


Field What to Enter

Exchange Server Address (Val-idated)

Enter the server address of your MS Exchange server.Do not use the server IP address in this field.

For example:exchange.mycompany.com Synchronization


Enter the frequency, in minutes, that the Autotask/MS Exchange data synchronization will be run. The interval must be at least 10 minutes, but note that actual synchronization time may be longer, depending on other items queued up at the MS Exchange Server.

Synchronization Account

User Name/Pass-word


Enter the user name and password of an MS Exchange user that will be used to test the connection to MS Exchange when the configuration settings are saved. If you will be creating a public folder of all Autotask contacts (an option on theSynchronizationtab) this user will need permission to create public folders on your MS Exchange Server. This account information will be stored in the Autotask database. It will be encrypted, but we strongly recommend that you do NOT use a domain administrator password.

Refer to"Step 1: Set Up the MS Exchange Synchronization Account" on page 8for instructions on creating an MS Exchange user with the required permissions.

Domain (Validated)

Enter the user's MS Exchange Server domain name.

Use these cre-dentials for syn-chronizing individual user accounts check box (Validated -impersonation rights must be enabled)

Select this check box if you would like to use the Synchronization Account to synchronize data, instead of individual user accounts. When you select this option, enabled users will not be required to enter a password when configuring their synchronization settings.


• If you choose this option, the Synchronization Account user must have read/write access to users' MS Exchange fold-ers, the ability to create public foldfold-ers, and must have its own mailbox. Refer to"Step 1: Set Up the MS Exchange Syn-chronization Account" on page 8for instructions on creating an MS Exchange user with the required permissions. • When new users are created on the Exchange Server but have not yet accessed their mailboxes, they will be unable to synchronize items using the Synchronization Account credentials. After they have accessed mail at least once (via Out-look Web Access, etc.), they will be able to synchronize successfully.

Error Notifications

Send email noti-fication to this address

Enter the email addresses of the person or people who should receive notification if the MS Exchange extension encounters problems or errors. For example, if the MS Exchange Server goes down and synchronization is not able to run. Separate email addresses with a semi-colon.


The following table describes what to enter for each field on the Synchronization tab. Fields are listed in the order in which they appear on the page. Fields with an asterisk are required.

Field What to Enter

Export Autotask Items to Exchange

Allow Appointments Select this checkbox to export Autotask appointments to MS Exchange. When this is set, your users will see their Autotask appointments in Microsoft Outlook or another email client or calendar application that your organ-ization is using.

NOTE:If this check box is NOT selected, the Synchronize Autotask Appointments to Exchange check box on the user profile page will be disabled.

Allow Contacts where resource is account or opportunity owner

Select this check box to import/export contacts to and from the CRM module to and from MS Exchange. When this is set, your users will see their Autotask contacts in Microsoft Outlook or another email client your organ-ization is using.

If you are also using the Autotask MS Outlook extension while the MS Exchange extension is enabled, and you select this check box, you will not be able to synch contacts using the Outlook extension. In order to use the Out-look extension to synch all contacts, clear this check box.

Important!Only contacts for which the user (resource) is the account or opportunity owner will be transferred. Allow Service Calls Select this check box to import/export Service Calls from Autotask to MS Exchange.


Field What to Enter

Create public folder of ALL Autotask contacts

Select this check box to create a public folder on your MS Exchange server populated with all Autotask contacts for all users. This folder will be available to all MS Exchange users.

NOTE:If you selectedAllow Contacts where resource is account or opportunity ownerthis will create MS Exchange contact folders for users containing only their own contacts. When this option is selected, all users will also be able to access the master list of contacts in the public folder.

NOTE:The contact sync will not complete to the public folder until at least one resource has been enabled and configured for the integration.

Import Exchange Items to Autotask

Appointments with ALL detail information

Select this option to import appointments from MS Exchange with all text and participant information included.

Appointments with no detail information

Select this option to import appointments, but with only the appointment start and end times.

Do not Import Exchange appoint-ments

Select this option if you do not want to import any appointments from MS Exchange.

NOTE:If this check box is selected, the Synchronize Exchange Appointments to Autotask check box on the user profile page will be disabled.

Default Items to Include (sets the defaults on the User Profile page)

Past calendar items Enter the default number of days back the integration extension should look for data to synchronize. The mini-mum value in this field is "1" and the maximini-mum is "30."

Recurring calendar items

Enter the default number of days in the future the MS Exchange extension should look for recurring calendar items to synchronize. The minimum value in this field is "1" and the maximum is "30."

Resources Tab

TheResourcestab lists all active and inactive Autotask resources. Inactive users have no checkmark in the


From this tab you can turn the extension on for one or more users, view the date and time of each resource's most recent synchronization, and open the User Profile Exchange set up for any resource.


To turn on the MS Exchange extension for one or multiple users. Take the following steps:

1. Find the resources that you want to work with. By default, Resources are listed alphabetically, but you can click a column header to reorder the list.

2. Click theExchange Oncheck box for each user you want to give access to the MS Exchange exten-sion.

3. ClickSave. Each resource you selected with theExchange Oncheck box will receive an email noti-fying them that their MS Exchange account, and also provides additional configuration instructions. TheLast Synchronizationcolumn displays the date and time of the most recent synchronization for each resource. If the extension is not turned on for the user, the column displays N/A.

To open the Exchange set up resource's Profile, click the date/time or N/A in the Last Synchronization column. From the profile you can edit the user's synchronization preferences for the MS Exchange extension.

Step 3: Set User Synchronization Preferences

Once you setup your MS Exchange Server, configure the MS Exchange settings in Autotask, and turn on the MS Exchange extension (the Enable MS Exchange Extension checkbox on the General tab is selected by default), users will have access to theMS Exchangetab on theirUser Profile > Advanced Settingspage. On this tab, they can configure the specific items that will be copied from Autotask to MS Exchange applications. Refer to "Setting User Profile Settings for the MS Exchange Extension" on page 44.


Configuring the MS Exchange Extension for Hosted MS


Understanding the MS Exchange Extension and Hosted Solutions

When you use a hosted solution for MS Exchange, the required configuration settings for the Autotask MS Exchange Extension are in the hands of your service provider. The successful configuration of the extension is largely dependent on the information and access your provider is willing to give you.

Customers have been successful with the following hosted providers:

l Approver: This provider has an Admin page that contains all the information you will need for con-figuring the MS Exchange Extension.

l 123 Together l Exchange My Mail

l Office 365: An Autotask customer has made available very detailed instructions on how to configure the MS Exchange Extension. Refer to "MS Exchange Office 365 Configuration" on page 42.

NOT E :If yo u r s e r vic e p r o vid e r d o e s n o t a p p e a r o n t h is lis t , t h is d o e s  n o t m e a n yo u w o n 't b e s u c c e s s fu l w it h t h e MS  Exc h a n g e Ext e n s io n . It ju s t m e a n s w e h a ve n o t ye t h e a r d a b o u t a p r o ve n s u c c e s s .

Step 1: Get the Required Information from Your Service Provider

In order for the extension to work, you will need to get the appropriate information from your hosted service provider and enter it on the MS Extension configuration pages in Autotask. Use theHosted MS Exchange

Serv-ice Provider Information Requestto ensure you get the correct information.

Step 2: Add Server and User Information to Autotask

To configure the MS Exchange extension:

1. Login to Autotask as an administrator (this user should also be proficient with MS Exchange Server). 2. ClickAdminon the top menu bar and select MS Exchange from the shortcut menu. You can also access


NOT E : If yo u c h a n g e d t h e Ve r s io n , Exc h a n g e S e r ve r Ad d r e s s , Exc h a n g e S e r ve r Vir t u a l Dir e c t o r y, o r Do m a in , a ll it e m s w ill b e r e - s yn c h r o n iz e d a u t o m a t ic a lly w h e n yo u s a ve t h e c h a n g e (if s yn c h r o n iz a t io n is o c c u r r in g w h e n yo u a r e t r yin g t o s a ve yo u w ill r e c e ive a n e r r o r m e s s a g e a n d m u s t t r y a g a in w h e n t h e c u r r e n t s yn c h r o n iz a t io n is c o m p le t e ).

l When you clickSaveon the Resources tab, all newly enabled resources are sent a confirmation email telling them to go to their advanced profile settings to set up the MS Exchange synchronization.

General Tab

On theGeneraltab, you configure your MS Exchange settings, including server settings and the account infor-mation for the Synchronization Account, used when testing the connection and also for the synchronization, if you choose that setting.

The following table describes what to enter for each field. Some fields will be validated as noted. If validation fails, a warning icon will appear to the right of the field.


Field What to Enter

Enable MS Exchange Inte-gration check box

This check box is selected by default. If you would like to configure your settings and turn on the extension at a later time, clear this check box before you begin.

Server Details

Profile Name Enter a profile name for your MS Exchange Server. You can enter any name that works for you. Our Exchange

Server is Hosted by a Third Party

Select this checkbox. This will control what configuration options are available on the configuration tabs.

Version Select the version of MS Exchange Server you are running. You may need to get this information from your hosted serv-ice provider.** This will control what configuration options are available on the configuration tabs and on the User Pro-file > Advanced > MS Exchange page for your users.

Exchange Server Address (Val-idated)

Get this information from your hosted service provider (use theHosted MS Exchange Service Provider Information Request) and enter it here.

For example:exchange.mycompany.com

Do not use the server IP address in this field.

Synchronization Interval

Enter the frequency, in minutes, that the Autotask/MS Exchange data synchronization will be run. The interval must be at least 10 minutes, but note that actual synchronization time may be longer, depending on other items queued up at the MS Exchange Server.

Synchronization Account

User Name/Pass-word (Validated)

Get this information from your hosted service provider (use theHosted MS Exchange Service Provider Information Request).

This user's credentials will be used to test the connection to MS Exchange when the configuration settings are saved. This account information will be stored in the Autotask database. It will be encrypted, but we strongly recommend that you do NOT use a domain administrator password.

Domain (Val-idated)

Get this information from your hosted service provider (use theHosted MS Exchange Service Provider Information Request).


Field What to Enter

Use these cre-dentials for syn-chronizing individual user accounts check box (Validated -impersonation rights must be enabled)

Select this check box if you would like to use the Synchronization Account to synchronize data, instead of individual user accounts.Note that this approach may take addition setup, configuration, and troubleshooting time and may not be easy to work out with your hosted provider.Refer to"Step 1: Set Up the MS Exchange Synchronization Account" on page 8for instructions on creating an MS Exchange user with the required permissions.

If you leave this check box cleared, individual credentials will instead be used for the synchronization. Each user will enter his or her user name and password into the system in their User Profile (Home > User Profile > Advanced > MS Exchange). This data is encrypted in the Autotask database, but there is no central management for the data. If you users change their user names or passwords, they will also need to make the change in Autotask for the MS Exchange Extension or the synchronization will fail.


If you choose this option, the Synchronization Account user must have read/write access to users' MS Exchange folders and the ability to create public folders.

When new users are created on the Exchange Server but have not yet accessed their mailboxes, they will be unable to synchronize items using the Synchronization Account credentials. After they have accessed mail at least once (via Out-look Web Access, etc.), they will be able to synchronize successfully.


If the extension is not working and you have selected this checkbox, try deselecting it and have users' enter their individ-ual credentials in their user profile > advanced > MS Exchange settings.

Error Notifications

Send email noti-fication to this address

Enter the email address(es) of the person or people who should receive notification if the MS Exchange extension encounters problems or errors. For example, if the MS Exchange Server goes down and synchronization is not able to run. Separate email addresses with a semi-colon.

Synchronization Tab

The Synchronization tab allows you to configure the types of calendar items that will be exported to and from MS Exchange and the manner in which the information will be displayed, and to configure the default number of days into the past and future that the MS Exchange integration extension will look for items to be synchronized.


The following table describes what to enter for each field on the Synchronization tab.

Field What to Enter

Export Autotask Items to Exchange

Allow Appointments Select this checkbox to export Autotask appointments to MS Exchange. When this is set, your users will see their Autotask appointments in Microsoft Outlook or another email client or calendar application that your organization is using.

NOTE: If this check box is NOT selected, the Synchronize Autotask Appointments to Exchange check box on the user profile page will be disabled.

Allow Contacts where resource is

Select this check box to import/export contacts to and from the CRM module to and from MS Exchange. When this is set, your users will see their Autotask contacts in Microsoft Outlook or another email client your organization


Field What to Enter

Create public folder of ALL Autotask con-tacts

Select this check box to create a public folder on your MS Exchange server populated with all Autotask contacts for all users. This folder will be available to all MS Exchange users (as opposed to the "Allow Contacts where resource is account or opportunity owner" option which creates a contact folder for only the user's contacts).

After selecting the checkbox you are able to enter a relative path to the location where the public folder should be created. Get this information from your hosted service provider (use theHosted MS Exchange Service Provider Information Request).

Import Exchange Items to Autotask

Appointments with ALL detail infor-mation

Select this option to import appointments from MS Exchange with all text and participant information included.

Appointments with no detail infor-mation

Select this option to import appointments, but with only the appointment start and end times.

Do not Import Exchange appoint-ments

Select this option if you do not want to import any appointments from MS Exchange.

NOTE:If this check box is selected, the Synchronize Exchange Appointments to Autotask check box on the user pro-file page will be disabled.

Default Items to Include (sets the defaults on the User Profile page)

Past calendar items Enter the default number of days back the integration extension should look for data to synchronize. The minimum value in this field is "1" and the maximum is "30."

Recurring calendar items

Enter the default number of days in the future the MS Exchange extension should look for recurring calendar items to synchronize. The minimum value in this field is "1" and the maximum is "30."

Resources Tab


To turn on the MS Exchange extension for one or multiple users:

1. Click theExchange Oncheck box for each user you want to give access to the MS Exchange exten-sion.

2. ClickSave. Each resource you selected with theExchange Oncheck box will receive an email noti-fying them that their MS Exchange account can be synchronized with Autotask and providing additional configuration instructions.

TheLast Synchronizationcolumn displays the date and time of the most recent synchronization for each resource. If the extension is not turned on for the user, the column displays N/A.

To open the Exchange set up resource's Profile, click the date/time or N/A in the Last Synchronization column. From the profile you can edit the user's synchronization preferences for the MS Exchange extension.

Step 3: Set User Synchronization Preferences

Once you setup your MS Exchange Server, configure the MS Exchange settings in Autotask, and turn on the MS Exchange extension (the Enable MS Exchange Extension checkbox on the General tab is selected by default),


MS Exchange Office 365 Configuration

The main issue with Office 365 configuration is determining your domain name and user name. The domain name, at least in North America, isred001.local. Elsewhere, it isred002/3/ etc. Check the Office 365 sup-port documentation if you are outside if North America.

NOT E :S in c e t h e r e is n o P u b lic F o ld e r s u p p o r t , yo u c a n n o t d o p u b lic fo ld e r c o n t a c t s yn c h r o n iz a t io n .

Configuring the Main Autotask Exchange Synchronization Account

1. Log into Autotask with an Administrator license and navigate toAdmin > AutotaskExtend >

Extensions > MS Exchange Extension.

2. Configure the main Autotask Exchange Synchronization Account as follows:

Field Name Information

Profile Name exchange

Exchange Hosted Third Party Do NOT check

Version Exchange 2007/2010/2013

Server Address red001.mail.microsoftonline.com Exchange Server Virtual


Leave this field blank

Sync Sync every 20 minutes

Sync Account User Name To find out your user name, make sure Outlook is configured on your machine using the Office 365 utility, then just search your registry forred001.local. The field right below the domain is your user name (user@d-omain.com).

Password Get this information from your hosted service provider. Use theHosted MS Exchange Service Provider Cheat Sheet.

This user's credentials will be used to test the connection to MS Exchange when the configuration settings are saved.

This account information will be stored in the Autotask database. It will be encrypted, but we strongly rec-ommend that you do NOT use a domain administrator password.

Domain Leave this field blank

Use these credentials for syn-chronizing individual user accounts


Configuring User Accounts

1. Go toHome > My Profileand click theAdvancedbutton. 2. Click theMS Exchangetab.

3. UnderGeneral Settings, enter the following information. Field Name Information

Enable MS Exchange Inte-gration

Check this box

User Name To find out your user name, make sure Outlook is configured on your machine using the Office 365 utility, then just search your registry forred001.local. The field right below the domain is your user name (user@yourdomain.com). Password User Password

Domain Leave this field blank


Setting User Profile Settings for the MS Exchange Extension

When your Autotask Administrator turns on the MS Exchange extension for you, you have access to theMS Exchangetab on yourUser Profile Advanced Settingspage. On this tab, you can configure the specific items that will be copied from Autotask to your MS Exchange applications:

1. Access the AutotaskHomemodule and selectMy Profile. 2. ClickEditto the right ofMy Contact Info.

3. In the Edit Profile window, click theAdvancedbutton. 4. Click theMS Exchangetab.

5. Enter the following information. The table below details each setting available on this page:

Field Description


Field Description

MS Exchange User Name Enter your MS Exchange email credentials. If you do not know this infor-mation, contact the information technology (IT) person who is respon-sible for email at your organization.

NOTE:If your Autotask Administrator has configured the MS Exchange extension to use a Synchronization Account when synchronizing data, you will not need to enter your password and the field is grayed out. Password

Exchange Email Address

Reminder (Appointments, Service Calls, To-dos) Set the reminder options for calendar items in MS Outlook. By default, reminders for Autotask items copied to MS Outlook are set at 15 min-utes. To change this time interval, select a different reminder period from the drop-down list. If you would like to disable reminders com-pletely for copied items, deselect theRemindercheck box. Test Connection After you enter the General Settings, clickTest Connectionto ensure

the settings work. Autotask will test the connection to the MS Exchange Server and verify that the credentials worked or return an error if they failed. The connection will also be automatically tested when you clickSavewhen you are finished adding all required infor-mation on this page.


Select the items you would like synchronized between Autotask and MS Exchange. Any items that have been disabled by your Autotask Administrator cannot be selected and appear grayed-out. For items you select here, all original information (time and detail) transfers over during the first synchronization after the item is created. After that, changes to existing items made in Autotask are always synchronized back to MS Exchange, and changes made in MS Exchange to items created in MS Exchange will sync back to Autotask.

Autotask appointments to Exchange Select this option (if available) if you want Autotask appointments trans-ferred to MS Exchange.

Exchange appointments to Autotask Select this option (if available) if you want MS Exchange appointments transferred to Autotask.

Contacts Select this option if you want Contacts transferred from Autotask to MS Exchange.

If you would like to create a separate folder in MS Outlook for Autotask contacts, select theSynchronize Autotask contacts in separate per-sonal foldercheck box. If this check box is not selected, your Autotask contacts will be added to your personal contacts folder.

Service Calls Select this check box (if available) if you want Service Calls transferred from Autotask to MS Exchange. Service Calls will appear in your email as


Field Description

Future Calendar Items - v. 2003 Only

- in MS Exchange 2007 all future items synchronize

Select the number of days (1–30) into the future you would like the extension to look for items when synchronizing information. Recurring Calendar Items Select the number of days into the past and future (1–30) you would

like the extension to look for recurring items when synchronizing infor-mation.

6. When you are finished adding information, turn the MS Exchange extension on or off using theEnable MS Exchange Integrationcheck box at the top of the page. When this check box is selected, the synchronization will run at periodic intervals set by your Autotask Administrator.

7. ClickSave. Autotask will test the connection to the MS Exchange Server and verify that the credentials worked or return an error if they failed.

NOT E :If yo u c h a n g e d t h e Exc h a n g e Em a il Ad d r e s s o r Do m a in , a ll it e m s w ill b e a u t o m a t ic a lly r e s yn -c h r o n iz e d w h e n yo u s a ve . If t h e s yn -c h r o n iz a t io n p r o -c e s s is r u n n in g , yo u w ill r e -c e ive a n e r r o r a n d w ill h a ve t o t r y a g a in a ft e r t h e s yn c h r o n iz a t io n c o m p le t e s .


Using the MS Exchange Extension

The Autotask MS Exchange extension updates your MS Exchange calendar every time a Service Call, To-Do, or Appointment is scheduled in Autotask, provided that you have configured your User Profile MS Exchange set-tings to synchronize these items (refer to Setting User Profile Advanced Settings). You can then edit the Serv-ice Call, To-Do, or Appointment by simply clicking on the edit link within the calendar item. The MS Exchange extension also copies Autotask contacts to your MS Exchange contact list.

Viewing Autotask Appointments and Service Calls in MS Outlook

Autotask appointments and service calls become MS Outlook appointments. Additional information from Auto-task fields that cannot be accommodated in the calendar item is converted to a text file in the Details area of the appointment. It is updated when the calendar item is modified in the originating system.

Autotask Appointment Converted to Outlook Appointment

The MS Exchange extension synchronizes changes to the scheduling of Autotask Appointments between Auto-task and MS Outlook. You can change the scheduled date and time of appointments in either MS Outlook or Autotask. Any changes to the content of Autotask Appointments (subject/title, details/description) must be made within Autotask. A hyperlink is provided in the body of the MS Outlook calendar item to edit the Autotask Appointment:


Autotask Service Call Converted to MS Exchange Appointment

Your MS Exchange calendar can be updated for new or modified Autotask Service Calls. All changes to Service Calls for scheduling and content must be made within Autotask. A hyperlink is provided in the body of the Out-look calendar item to edit the Service Call:

Viewing Autotask To-Dos in MS Outlook

Your MS Outlook calendar can be updated for new or modified Autotask To-Dos. The MS Exchange extension will synchronize changes to the scheduling of To-Dos between Autotask and MS Outlook, meaning you can change the scheduled date and time of Dos in either Outlook or Autotask. Any changes to the content of To-Dos (subject/title, details/description) must be made within Autotask.


Task or Calendar Item?

Your Autotask To-Dos will appear either in your MS Outlook calendar as an appointment, or in your MS Outlook Task list, depending on the View setting of the Action Type associated with the To-Do. Refer toAdding Action Typesfor a description of the View attribute and how it relates to To-Dos. To determine where your To-Do will appear in Outlook, use the following table:

If you created a To-Do with an Action Type with a View status of. . . Then the item will appear . . .

To-Do on your Outlook task list.

Calendar on your Outlook calendar.

Calendar and To-Do on your Outlook calendar.

Editing the To-Do

A hyperlink is provided in the body of the MS Outlook calendar or task item to edit the To-Do (the following screen shot shows the link in a calendar item):


Working with the Outlook Task

Outlook tasks that have been created from Autotask To-Dos do not have all the functionality of an Outlook-created task. Some differences are listed below:

l The task Owner field is not automatically filled.

l In Outlook 2007, 2010, and 2013, the flag icon does not change to a black checkmark when the task is marked complete.

l The right-clickMark Completeand right-click Assign Taskoptions are not available.

Viewing Outlook Calendar Items in Autotask

Autotask appointments can be updated for new or modified MS Outlook Calendar Items. You can change the scheduled date and time of appointments in either Outlook or Autotask. Any changes to the content


(subject/title, details/description) of the Outlook calendar appointments must be made within Outlook.

Updating Appointments

All converted Autotask calendar items contain an edit details hyperlink MS Exchange that will open the original calendar item in Autotask, where you can make any necessary changes.

NOT E :Th e Au t o t a s k e d it a p p o in t m e n t h yp e r lin ks a r e n o t s u p p o r t e d o n Au t o t a s k Live Mo b ile .

Contact Integration

Autotask Contacts can be automatically transferred to MS Exchange. The MS Exchange extension can be con-figured to update a central public folder in Exchange for everyone to access, and/or update personal contact folders.

Depending on the way your Autotask Administrator has configured contact integration, you may be able to work with Autotask contact information in MS Outlook as follows:

l Transfer contacts for whom you are the account or opportunity owner to your personal contact folder in Outlook. You can also choose to create an Autotask personal folder for your Autotask contacts, by select-ing theSynchronize Autotask contacts in a separate personal foldercheck box on your User Profile MS Exchange configuration settings. Refer to"Setting User Profile Settings for the MS Exchange Extension" on page 44.

NOT E :If yo u h a ve a lr e a d y s yn c h r o n iz e d c o n t a c t s t o yo u r p e r s o n a l c o n t a c t s fo ld e r a n d t h e n s w it c h t o s yn c h r o n iz in g t o t h e Au t o t a s k Co n t a c t fo ld e r , it is r e c o m m e n d e d t h a t yo u d r a g - a n d - d r o p t h e c o n t a c t s fr o m t h e o r ig in a l lo c a t io n t o t h e n e w Au t o t a s k Co n t a c t s fo ld e r . O n ly n e w a n d u p d a t e d c o n t a c t s w ill b e m o ve d t o t h e Au t o t a s k Co n t a c t fo ld e r .

l Transfer all contacts to a public contact folder (this is not an option for hosted MS Exchange). l Transfer of no contacts to MS Exchange.

NOT E :Th e MS Exc h a n g e e xt e n s io n w ill c h e c k t h e fo llo w in g in fo r m a t io n b e fo r e c r e a t in g a c o n t a c t t o e n s u r e t h a t a d u p lic a t e r e c o r d is n o t c r e a t e d : c o n t a c t fir s t n a m e , c o n t a c t la s t n a m e , a c c o u n t n a m e , a n d e m a il a d d r e s s . If o n e o f t h e s e fie ld s d o e s n o t m a t c h b e t w e e n Au t o t a s k a n d O u t lo o k, a n e w c o n t a c t w ill b e c r e a t e d in O u t lo o k. If t h e fir s t t h r e e fie ld s m a t c h b u t t h e e m a il fie ld is b la n k, t h e e xis t in g c o n t a c t r e c o r d w ill b e u p d a t e d .


Comparison of the Autotask MS Outlook Extension and MS

Exchange Extension

The Autotask MSOutlookExtension and the Autotask MSExchangeExtension perform many of the same functions, but there are differences in the way Autotask synchronizes between these extensions.

In general, the MS Exchange Extension is an automated, system administrator-controlled way to synchronize Autotask calendar and contact data to users' Outlook calendar and contacts folder. The MS Outlook Extension also synchronizes Autotask calendar and contact data, but gives users more control over a manual syn-chronization process.

The following table presents a detailed comparison.

Autotask MS Outlook Extension Autotask MS Exchange Extension


Autotask user must setup and control synchronization interval.

Synchronization interval is an MS Exchange integration setting configured for all users by the Autotask Administrator. The minimum synchronization interval is 10 minutes, but actual synchronization time may be longer, depending on other items queued up at the MS Exchange Server.

Get calendar items from Autotask (manually, when launching or closing Outlook, or in scheduled intervals).

Synchronize calendar items from Autotask (automatically, as per syn-chronization interval configured by the Autotask Administrator). Synchronization will occur only if Outlook is open for

the Autotask user.

Synchronization occurs at scheduled intervals and does not require that Out-look is open.

User controls what items are synchronized, within the limits established by the Autotask Administrator: • Appointments (from Outlook and Autotask) • Contacts (from Outlook and Autotask) • To-Dos (from Autotask)

• Service Calls (from Autotask)

User controls what items are synchronized, within the limits established by the Autotask Administrator:

• Appointments (from Outlook and Autotask). Private Outlook appointments will transfer to the Autotask calendar with only "Appointment"as the title. Only the date and time transfer, not the details.

• Contacts (from Autotask ONLY) • To-Dos (from Autotask) • Service Calls (from Autotask)


Get all Autotask contacts or Autotask Contacts I am the Account or Opportunity Owner for (as per Outlook extension configuration)

Synchronize contacts from Autotask (automatically, as per synchronization interval configured by the Autotask Administrator).


Send recurring appointments to Autotask (where they display recurrence symbol and can be deleted as a group).

Send recurring appointments to Autotask (without recurrence symbol).

Must manually send selected appointments to Auto-task.

Note:This is disabled if the MS Exchange extension is also enabled for same user.

Option to synchronize all appointments from Outlook to Autotask with full or no appointment details. Private Outlook appointments will transfer to the Auto-task calendar with only "Appointment" as the title. Only the date and time trans-fer, not the details.

Installation and Setup

Client download and installation to each workstation PC is required.

Autotask Administrator creates special MS Exchange synchronization account for synchronization. (requires MS Exchange administrator assistance) Works only with Outlook Client version 2007 Works with all MS Exchange client devices and applications, including Outlook

Web Access (OWA), PDAs, and all mail clients supporting MS Exchange.

In addition to calendar and contact synchronization, the MS Outlook Extension can: • Add CRM To-Do

• Add Contact • Add Contact Note

• Add Contact Note from email • Enter Project Time

• Add Project Note

• Add Project Note from email • Add Task Note

• Add Task Note from email • Enter Start/Stop Time • Add Service Call • Add Ticket

• Add Ticket from email • Add Ticket Note

• Add Ticket Note from email

Synchronizing Contacts in Outlook with the MS Exchange Extension Enabled

To enable contact synchronization in Outlook, for all contacts or contacts that the user is the "Account or Oppor-tunity Owner for" (as specified in the MS Outlook Extension configuration), you must enable contact integration in the MS Outlook Extension and turn off contact synchronization in the MS Exchange Extension .

Enable Contact Integration for the Autotask MS Outlook Extension

1. In Outlook, select Options from the Autotask menu.

2. In the MS Outlook Extension Options window, select the Contacts tab. 3. Select theEnable Contact Integrationcheck box.

4. Complete other settings as desired.


These instructions apply to applications where the MS Exchange Extension is already configured. If you are set-ting up the MS Exchange Extension for the first time, refer to the Configure MS Exchange topic for your version of MS Exchange.

1. Login to Autotask as an administrator (this user should also be proficient with MS Exchange Server). 2. Hover overAdminon the menu bar and selectMS Exchangefrom the shortcut menu (you can also

access this page within the Admin module:Admin>Autotask Extend > Extensions > MS Exchange Extension. The MS Exchange configuration page opens, with three tabs for configuring the extension.

3. On the Synchronization tab, underExport Autotask Items to Exchange, locate "Allow Contacts where resource is account or opportunity owner".

4. If this option is selected, clear the check box. 5. ClickSaveand exit the extension.




integrating with MS Exchange 51 Extension

MS Exchange 3 Microsoft Exchange

system requirements 7 MS Exchange Extension 3

comparison to Microsoft Outlook Extension 53 configuring 7 configuring Hosted 35 configuring On-premise 8 understanding 5 using 47 User Profile


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