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Planning for University 2015 Presentation


Academic year: 2021

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Planning for University


Admission Requirements

For Ontario Universities You Need:

 30 Credits

 40 Hours of Volunteer Service & OSSLT

SIX Grade 12 U or M level courses

(one of which must be ENG4U1)

 For some specialty programs, specific Science or Math credits may be required


Admission Requirements

Continued …

Arts degrees generally do not require a grade twelve Math or Science credit (although some elementary

Teacher’s Colleges require a grade 12 U-level Math)

Most Science degrees require 2 4U Math courses, and

2 4U Science courses (SNC4M is NOT accepted in place of a required Science course)

 Also, check to see if calculus must be one of the math courses, or if any two math courses are accepted.

 Business degrees may require 2 math courses and MHF and MCV are often specified.

 Specific schools will have other application

requirements (e.g. Queen’s PSE) which can be found on the eINFO website.



 Clearly outlines prerequisites for different programs and schools in Canada

 Allows you to enter your high school

courses to see which programs you are eligible for (College, University,

Apprenticeship, Workplace)

 Budget feature lets you see the cost of College/University.


Get your IPP to 100%; assess

your post-secondary options.




 An online information guide about Ontario university programs, admission


Admission Averages

 You DO NOT APPLY for early admission. Early offers may be made if your grade 11 marks were strong. You will retain the offer if your grade 12 marks meet the University’s minimum average as stated in your acceptance letter.

 Offers are based on the average of your top 6

grade 12 U/M marks – any prerequisite courses

must be included in this average. Every program and University has its own minimum admission average.

 Each University has different rules about repeated


Levels Are Important

 Did you know? If you wanted to enter the Powerline Technician program at Algonquin College the required prerequisites are Grade 12 English and Grade 12 Math. The following two students would be assessed as having equal prerequisites for this program, and the student on the right side might end up on the waiting list!

Student A Student B MAP4C1 – 92 % MHF4U1 - 75% ENG4C1 - 94 % ENG4U1 - 77% SPH4C1 - 88 % SPH4U1 - 72%


Consider Employment Outcomes in

Combination with Post-secondary

Education Planning

 Grad employment rates

 How employment relates to graduates’ fields of


 Top occupations and graduation rates

 Google “Ministry of Training, Colleges and


Post-Graduate Certificates

 One-year certificates after completing a diploma or degree



Let Us Know….

 …about any night school and on-line courses

that you are taking; we need to make sure these courses get onto your university application

Check your latest status sheet for summer


Types of Degrees

Undergraduate Degrees: (3 year General or 4 year Honours)

Graduate Degree: must have Undergraduate Degree first

Master’s Degree: taken after Graduate Degree (i.e. M.A. - Master of Arts,

M.B.A. - Master of Business Administration)

Doctorate: taken after Master’s Program

(i.e. Ph.D.)


Undergraduate Degrees

 Note that similar university programs may have different names; for example:

 Commerce, Business, & Business Administration

 Physical Education, Kinesiology, & Human Kinetics



 Teacher education programs can be either consecutive or concurrent

Consecutive - two year degree program after undergraduate is completed

i.e. B.Sc. followed by B.Ed.

Concurrent – program is combined with undergraduate degree and takes 4/5 years to complete

 Consider the job market in your research too


Collaborative Degrees

Collaborative degrees offer a degree

with a college and university experience

Minimum 4 year program – start as

skills-based (College) then become more theory-based

i.e. York-Seneca-Georgian Collaborative BScN (nursing)

i.e. Algonquin-Carleton Collaborative BIT


CO-OP @ University

 Earn credits while doing a paid job

 Great option for financing your education

 Gain career specific experience, training and networking opportunities

 Entry level mark cutoffs are generally higher

 Second year co-op may be an option at some schools

 www.eINFO.com lists co-op programs


Degrees in Demand:

Offered By Colleges!

 Historically only Universities offered 4-year degree programs but now Colleges do too! The degree credential is the SAME as that earned at a University.

 Degree programs at Colleges allow you to develop career-specific, hands-on skills in addition to acquiring academic theory.


Campus Visits or School Visits

 Campus tours are a good way of seeing the University campus and getting

answers to any questions you may have; consider visiting campuses on holidays or weekends

 Dates and times of University visits to Eastview are in the handout you will


MACLEANs presents…

Student Life Expo

Metro Toronto Convention Centre

October 17-18 1:00-5:00


Ontario Universities’ Fair

Metro Toronto Convention Centre


 Friday, Sept. 25, 10 a.m.– 5 p.m.

 Saturday, Sept. 26, 10 a.m.– 5 p.m.  Sunday, Sept. 27, 10 a.m.– 5p.m.


Universities Outside Ontario


 University Fair – Metro Toronto

Convention Centre

 Sunday, Oct 4th – 1:00-5:00 p.m.


Closer to Home

 University Information Fair @ St. Pete’s,

Monday, October 19th from 6:30-9:00 p.m.

 Mock Lecture, Lakehead University, Orillia

Campus; date TBD. Several Grade 12 classrooms will be invited to participate

once we have a date. If you are interested please let Ms. McIntyre know.


Have an IEP?

 Take a recent copy of your IEP and ‘shop

around’ at schools of interest

 Ask what accommodations they offer students, such as:

-assistive technology -scribes

-copies of lecture notes



 Don’t know what you want to do?

 Try the Jackson Vocational Interest Survey (JVIS) to see which

program/career is right for you.

(See Guidance for a password starting next week…)


Before You Come to Guidance


 Research individual University websites,

Eastview’s Guidance webpage, the eINFO site, etc.

 Make sure you have all the prerequisites


 Check University course calendars – they are


S.A.T.’s and Applying to

U.S. Schools

 Talk to Mr. Carl in Guidance if you are

interested in applying to a university in the United States

 Make sure you have all the required

courses – in some cases they are different than Ontario University requirements


Cost of Studying at University

Approximate 2015/16 Costs:

University Tuition $5800 - $9000 (varies

depending on program)

Room and Board $8500 – $10,500 (less

for room or food only)

Off-Campus Living Varies

Books and Supplies $700 - $1500

Personal Expenses $2200 or more

Transportation Varies

Total Cost for One Year: $16,800 – 23,200



(Ontario Student Assistance Program)

 You must be accepted into a university before you can apply for OSAP

 There will be an OSAP workshop held in April – listen to the announcements for details


Financial Assistance Continued…


 Plan to attend a workshop on scholarships and

bursaries in the library on:

• Wed, Sept. 30th (Period 3)

• Thurs, Oct 1nd (Period 4)

• Thurs, Oct. 29nd @ 7 pm – both students


University Applications

See the Bulletin Board Across from Guidance for a Summary

Applications are done online at www.ouac.ca

Application to three Universities or three

programs is $140

(maximum is two programs at any one school)

Each University or program thereafter

is $47

University Application due date is:


 A confidential PIN # is required to apply to universities in Ontario.

 PIN #’s will be distributed to Grade 12s in

mid-November. (Please do not have your parents call Guidance to inquire about PIN

distribution; we will have them to you ASAP.)  Application Help Sessions are available

December 15th , 16th, 17th (both lunches)

 You need your credit card information to complete your application (deadline is

January 13th); plan to attend the Help Sessions! 


After Eastview

 You will each be given a resource booklet entitled

After Eastview ”.

 Please DO NOT lose this booklet.

It contains month by month directions on what you

should be doing to get ready for your

post-secondary life After Eastview.

 It also lists important dates for University/College



 Beginning next week you will receive a

Guidance appointment slip to invite you to your one-on-one graduation review with your guidance counselor.

 Please try and have some research done and bring any questions you may have.

 This important meeting will help ensure you are on track to meet your graduation goals.


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Please stack the chairs

before you leave…


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