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ytkaczyk@gcanv.com a b c


Academic year: 2021

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First name: Last name:

1. Which of these is a web browser?

 Microsoft Outlook

 Google.com

 Microsoft Word

 www.typingweb.com

2. Which of these is an email program (also known as an email client)?

 Microsoft Outlook

 Google.com

 Microsoft Word

 www.typingweb.com

3. What is a blog?

 A web site developed collaboratively by a community of users, allowing any user to add and edit content.

 A web site on which an individual or group of users record opinions, information, etc. on a regular basis.

 A text message that may contain files, images, or other attachments sent through a network to a specified individual or group of individuals.

4. Given the email address below:

ytkaczyk@gcanv.com a b c

Which part is the domain name?

 ytkaczyk

 the @ sign

 gcanv.com Which part is the alias?

 ytkaczyk

 the @ sign

 gcanv.com

Which part is the separator?

 ytkaczyk

 the @ sign

 gcanv.com


Which part is the user?

 ytkaczyk

 the @ sign

 gcanv.com

5. Which of these is a good goal for typing pace (in words per minute)?

 8 wpm

 100 wpm

 40 wpm

6. Which of these is important when you type (check 4 that apply)?

 Slouch as much as you can to be one with the chair

 Look at the screen if reading from the screen or composing, or look at your paper you typing from a printed text

 Hand position

 Look around to prevent ninja attacks

 Keep feet flat on the ground

 Sit with a straight back

 Look at the keyboard

 Feet up on the desk

7. Once you are proficient with keyboarding, should you:

 Type faster than you write

 Write faster than you type

8. What is the proper name for the middle row of the keyboard?

 The center row

 The asdf row

 The home row

 The easy row

9. Which of these keyboard shortcuts do you use to save a document?

 Control + S

 Control + C

 Control + Alt + Delete

 Alt + Tab

10. When practicing good keyboarding, if you look at your hands from the top, your hands should:

 Be still. Your fingers travel to the keys, coming back to the home row after each key

 Move to reach the keys and help your fingers so that they do not get tired


11. Which of these keyboard shortcuts do you use to copy text or other items from a program?

 Control + S

 Control + C

 Control + Alt + Delete

 Alt + Tab

12. Which of these keyboard shortcuts do you use to switch among open programs?

 Control + S

 Control + C

 Control + Alt + Delete

 Alt + Tab

13. Which of these keyboard shortcuts do you use to paste text or other items into a program?

 Control + S

 Control + C

 Control + P

 Control + V

14. Where on a keyboard is the function row (the F row)?

 On the left

 On the right

 At the bottom

 At the top

15. What does pressing F1 usually do?

 Turn on the computer

 Save a document to the F drive

 Display some help concerning the activated application

 Make the noise of a race car because the creators of Windows loved Formula 1 (F1) racing

 Switch off the computer

16. When using Google to search online, what would the search define:computer give you?

 Defines the computer network you are on

 Tells you what type of computer you are using

 Gives definitions of the word computer from the web

 None of the above

17. What is you login for Google Apps (Email, Google Docs, etc.)?


18. Which of these is a web browser (select all that apply)?

 Google Chrome

 Yahoo! Web Dominator

 Internet Explorer

 Bing

19. Would these four searches give the same or different results in an internet browser?

[who] [the who] [a who] [dr who]

 The same results

 Different results

20. Would these two searches give the same or different results in an internet browser?

[George Washington] [george washington]

 The same results

 Different results

21. Would these two searches give the same or different results in an internet browser?

[my “precious image”] [“my precious” image]

 The same results

 Different results

22. Your web browser window is in Full Screen mode (completely

maximized on your screen, no bar at the top and no address bar) and you want to access a new site, what should you do (check all that apply)?

 Press F5

 Press Esc

 Unplug the computer and plug it back in, hoping that the browser window will be normal when you restart

 Press F11

23. Would these two searches give the same or different results in a web browser?

[sky blue] [blue sky]

 The same results

 Different results


24. You are writing a research paper and need to use some pictures and text from the internet. What should you do when you use these results? (Check all that apply)

 Copy and paste the text and images into the document and call it a day. Nobody will ever know you got that stuff online.

 Look for the copyright. If necessary, contact the author to make sure you can use it.

 Quote the author and sources/sites of where you obtain the information.

 Not worry if the content is copyrighted because everything that is posted online is public domain.

 I am just a kid – why should I care about that stuff?

25. What is you login for typingweb.com?

 gca.<first name initial><last name> e.g. gca.ytkaczyk

26. Select the best solution for the problem


You need to write a class assignment with two classmates. The work is to be performed from home. All three of you have internet access and all three of you have the necessary accounts created. The class assignment is a paper that contains only text (no graphics/photos). You need to deliver the assignment as a print out. The assignment is a competition within the class and no other student should be able to read it.


The best solution to work collaboratively and create a printable document is to:

 Use the class blog, where one student writes a post and the others add comments. Then print the blog post.

 Use Google Drive to create a Document, share it with your classmates, and print it when you have finished.

 Use the class wiki, where one student create a page and the other two can edit it. Then print the wiki page.

 Use Microsoft Word to create a document and email it among each other multiple times.

Then print the document.


27. You want to access the Control + A shortcut. Put the following actions in the correct order (write 1,2,3,4 next to the items)

– 3 - Release A

– 1 - Press Ctrl and keep it pressed – 4 - Release Ctrl

– 2 - Press A

28. Select the best solution for the problem


You need to write a class assignment on your own during the Christmas vacation. During that time you will be going to a cruise to Hawaii with your parents. You will have your laptop with you. Internet connection on the cruise ship costs $50.00 per minute. The class assignment is an essay that contains only text (no graphics/photos) and doesn’t necessitate any research. You estimate the task will take you 10 hours.


The affordable way to complete your assignment is to:

 Create a blog post on the class blog, then print the blog post.

 Create a Document on Google Drive and edit the document using Google Chrome, then print the document.

 Use Microsoft Word, then print the document.

29. Select the devices that are input devices (check all that apply)

 Scanner

 Screen

 Keyboard

 Mouse

 Projector

 Printer

 Game controller


30. Select the devices that are output devices (check all that apply)

 Scanner

 Screen

 Keyboard

 Mouse

 Projector

 Printer

 Game controller

31. The following picture is from Wikipedia:

What describes best this feature of Wikipedia?

 It is a web search engine that tries to compete with Google. The search queries return pages from any site in the internet.

 Clicking on the magnifier zooms in, which makes it easier to read the text from far away.

 It contains a search engine. The search queries only return pages from the Wikipedia site.


32. Describe how to solve the following problem


Access the calculator application without using the mouse.

Solution (there might be more steps here than what you need):

 Press Windows Key

 Type “Calculator”

 Press Enter

 _________________________________________

 _________________________________________

 _________________________________________

 _________________________________________

33. If you wanted to find out the current time in New York, what would you type in a Google search engine?

 Time in New York


34. If you wanted to find examples of PowerPoint files on US geography, what would you type in a Google search engine? (The file extension for PowerPoint is pptx)

 us geography filetype:pptx

35. When using search results on the internet, you should

 Ensure that the content is valid, and evaluate the site and author for accuracy, authority, objectivity, currency, coverage

 Trust anything you read because any content present on the internet has been reviewed by domain experts and is therefore guaranteed to be correct

36. Fill in ten alpha characters (i.e. letters) on the blank keyboard (no function keys and no numbers)

 + 1 point for each correct key

 -1 point for each incorrect key



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