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Crash Risk Reduction at Signalized Intersections Using Longitudinal Data


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Crash Risk Reduction at Signalized

Intersections Using Longitudinal Data

Burkey, Mark L. and Obeng, Kofi

North Carolina AT State University


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Crash Risk Reduction at Signalized Intersections

Using Longitudinal Data

Mark L. Burkey, Ph.D.

Kofi Obeng, Ph.D.

Co-Principal Investigators

Urban Transit Institute

Transportation Institute

North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University

B402 Craig Hall 1601 East Market Street

Greensboro, NC 27411

Telephone: (336) 334-7745 Fax: (336) 334-7093 Internet Home Page: http://www.ncat.edu/~traninst

Prepared for:

U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Special Programs Administration

Washington, DC 20590



The contents of this report reflect the views of the authors who are responsible for the facts and the

accuracy of the information presented herein. This document is distributed under the sponsorship of the

Department of Transportation, University Research Institute Program, in the interest of information


1. Report No.


2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient’s Catalog No.

5. Report DateDecember 2004 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE


LONGITUDINAL DATA 6. Performing Organization Code

7. Author(s) MARK L. BURKEY, PH.D., KOFI OBENG, PH.D. 8. Performing Organization Report No. 10. Work Unit No.

9. Performing Organization Name and Address Urban Transit Institute The Transportation Institute NC A&T State University Greensboro, NC 27411

11. Contract or Grant No. DTRS93-G-0018

13. Type of Report and Period Covered

Final January 2004-December 2004 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address

US Department of Transportation

Research and Special Programs Administration 400 7th Street, SW

Washington, DC 20590 14. Sponsoring Agency Code

15. Supplementary Notes

16. Abstract

This study extends the previous work of Burkey and Obeng (2004) that examined the impact of red light cameras on the type and severity of crashes at signalized intersections in Greensboro, NC. The extension takes the following form. First, we extend the data to cover 57 months, and to include demographics, technology variables, the condition of a driver at the time of the crash, vehicle characteristics, land use and visual obstruction. Second, instead of examining the impact of red light cameras, we focus on identifying the

determinants of crash severity, two-vehicle crashes, and property damage costs. The major findings are that the safety impacts of seatbelt use outweigh the impacts of airbags deploying because the latter tends to increase evident injuries and property damage costs, while the former reduces these injuries. We also find that head-on collisions and under rides increase evident injuries. For two-vehicle crashes, we find that the risk of severe injuries increases in pickup-pickup crashes and SUV-pickup crashes, while the risk of possible injuries increases in car-truck crashes. For property damage costs, we found the condition of the driver at the time of the crash (i.e., illness, impaired, medical condition, driver falling asleep, driver apparently normal) to be important determinants in increasing these costs. The types of accidents that we found to increase property damage costs are running into a fixed object and under rides. Finally, we found that property damage costs of crashes are low where the land uses are commercial and institutional suggesting that the accidents that occur in these areas are minor.

17. Key Words

Longitudinal Data Accidents


18. Distribution Statement

19. Security Classif. (of this report) UNCLASSIFIED

20. Security Classif. (of this page) UNCLASSIFIED

21. No. of Pages 48



Executive Summary ... 1

Introduction ... 2

Literature Review... 3

Data... 7

Analysis of Crash-Level Severity ... 13

Determinants of Injuries in Two-Vehicle Crashes... 23

Land Use and Visibility Effects and Accident Rates ... 30

Determinants of Property Damage Costs ... 33

Conclusion... 40

References ... 44

Appendix ... 48

LIST OF TABLES 1. Comprehensive Costs of Crashes ... 5

2. Descriptive Statistics... 11

3. Binomial Probit: Fatality and Incapacitating Injuries... 16

4. Binomial Probit Model of Evident Injury ... 20

5. Descriptive Statistics of Data for Two-Vehicle Crashes... 25

6. Two-Vehicle Accidents ... 29

7. Land Use and Visibility Variables... 31

8. Poisson Regression Model of Total Crashes... 32

9. Property Damage Costs... 36




This study extends the previous work of Burkey and Obeng (2004) that examined the impact

of red light cameras on the type and severity of crashes at signalized intersections in

Greensboro, NC. The extension takes the following form. First, we extend the data to cover

57 months and to include demographics, technology variables, the condition of a driver at

the time of the crash, vehicle characteristics, land use, and visual obstruction. Second,

instead of examining the impact of red light cameras, we focus on identifying the

determinants of crash severity, two-vehicle crashes, and property damage costs. The major

findings are that the safety impacts of seatbelt use outweigh the impacts of airbags

deploying because the latter tends to increase evident injuries and property damage costs,

while the former reduces these injuries. We also find that head-on collisions and under rides

increase evident injuries. For two-vehicle crashes, we find that the risk of severe injuries

increases in pickup-pickup crashes and SUV-pickup crashes, while the risk of possible

injuries increases in car-truck crashes. For property damage costs, we found the condition of

the driver at the time of the crash (i.e., illness, impaired, medical condition, driver falling

asleep, driver apparently normal) to be important determinants in increasing these costs. The

types of accidents that we found to increase property damage costs are running into a fixed

object and under rides. Different types of vehicles sustain different property damage costs in

crashes. In increasing order, these property damage costs are $799.35, $844.47, $949.31,

$1,016.37, and $1,084.35 for vans, pickups, light trucks, sports utility vehicles, and

passenger cars respectively. Finally, we found that property damage costs of crashes are low

where the land uses are commercial and institutional suggesting that the accidents that occur



Problem Statement: Nearly half of all accidents in the U.S. occur at or near intersections.

Consequently, many specific studies have been conducted that investigate how various

aspects of intersections relate to safety and accident rates. One such aspect is automated

enforcement of traffic signals using cameras, i.e., red light cameras, which is a major new

initiative used by many urban areas to reduce red light running and improve safety. At this

point, the conclusion that red light cameras (RLCs) reduce accidents is based on sparse and

primarily anecdotal evidence. McFadden and McGee (1999) concluded that, while

reductions in violations, cost savings, and public acceptances are all benefits from their use,

“Additional crash data are needed to validate and quantify the RLCs automated enforcement

programs implication on crashes” (p. 27). Further, a recent review of studies on red light

cameras by McGee and Eccles (2003) raises questions about the results of the studies. This

is because these authors found that many of the studies were not well-designed, lacking

well-selected control groups, and used little data.

Burkey and Obeng (2004) tried to resolve some of the problems with the earlier

studies by using a large data set for Greensboro, North Carolina, with some degree of

success. Working with the traffic-engineering department of the City of Greensboro and the

North Carolina Department of Transportation, these researchers collected and analyzed a

large data set on intersection accidents that include red light cameras as a variable. In their

final data were 7,581 accidents that occurred at 302 signalized intersections over 45 months.

Some of the data were on traffic counts (average daily volume), the presence of red light

cameras, all red time, amber time, right turn signal, left turn signals, pedestrian crossing

signal, number of lanes, left and right turn lanes, medians, and sidewalks. Others were types

of accidents (e.g., rear-end collisions, front to side impacts), severity of accidents (e.g.,

fatality), types of vehicles involved, snowfall and precipitation, when the accidents occurred,

and when a red light camera was placed at each intersection. These authors found that red

light cameras did not appear to reduce accidents at intersections, but were associated with

higher rates of accidents.

Objective: The present study extends the work of Burkey and Obeng (2004) in three main



demographic information about drivers, the predominant land use at intersections, possible

visibility problems at intersections that contributed to a crash, the conditions of vehicles’

drivers at the time of accidents, and vehicle information (e.g., type of vehicle, estimated

travel speed at impact, seat belt usage, airbag deployment). An additional, though minor,

focus of this project is the efficacy of red light cameras by including appropriate new

variables in the analysis. Thirdly, this study expands the analysis to investigate not only the

determinants of accident rates, but also the determinants of accident severity given that an

accident has occurred. This is done in three ways. First, a property damage cost model is

developed to identify the predictors of damage cost produced in an accident. Second, a

severity model is developed to identify the predictors of severe accidents (e.g. fatal, severe

injury, or property damage only). Lastly, the study employs a recently developed technique

to analyze the determinants of injury severity in two-vehicle crashes. This new technique is

bivariate Poisson, which allows various types of injuries to be simultaneously estimated and

correlated with one another.

Organization: The rest of the report is divided into seven sections. In Section 2, we present a

review of the relevant literature that bears on this study, followed by a description of the

data in Section 3, and an analysis of crash severity in Section 4. Section 5 deals with the

determinants of injuries in two-vehicle crashes, Section 6 deals with land use and visibility

effects on crashes, and Sections 7 and 8 deal with the determinants of property damage costs

and conclusions, respectively.


Of the 6,394,000 automobile crashes in the U.S. in the year 2000, about 44% occurred at

intersections or were classified as “intersection-related.” Of these, 47% occurred at

intersections with traffic signals (NHTSA, Traffic Safety Facts 2000). The nature of

intersections poses a special set of dangers for vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists. For

vehicles, intersections are likely to involve dangerous “angle” crashes where little protection

is given to drivers and occupants, and rear-end collisions where whiplash injuries are

common. Approximately 22% of fatalities and 46% of injuries to pedestrians occur at


The Advocates for Highway Safety (2001) suggest nine main ways to improve


1) Changes to or installation of appropriate static traffic control devices

2) Installing traffic signals

3) Proper timing of traffic signals

4) Installing dedicated turning lanes

5) Removing sight distance restrictions

6) Use of roundabouts

7) Use of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

8) Automated enforcement of red light running

9) Better signing such as larger, brighter stop, yield, and speed limit information

Within these nine suggestions are components that deal with structural changes, law

enforcement, and conveying information to drivers. The standard protocol of most modern

traffic-safety campaigns focuses on the “Three E’s”: Engineering, Enforcement, and


Tarawneh et al. (2001) found that an education campaign significantly increased

drivers’ understanding of traffic laws associated with red-light running. However, the

Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) (2001) criticizes the role of education in

increasing safety and believes that engineering and enforcement efforts are much more

important. Many times enforcement efforts are done on a high intensity but discontinuous

basis (often called a “blitz” approach). These efforts can significantly affect safety, but are

too costly to be used continuously. However, a low level of targeted enforcement can have

large benefits. In Australia, several areas have been using Random Road Watch programs.

These programs randomly monitor areas of roadway for two-hour periods using marked

patrol cars. The intensity of the effort is chosen at a level that can be sustained over the long

run and has been found to reduce accidents significantly, particularly fatal crashes (down

31%) (Newstead et al., 2001).

When analyzing strategies for safety improvements on roadways, one must first

establish that a given strategy will produce the desired results. Occasionally, the goals of a

safety program are measured in terms of compliance with the law. This is often the case with

seatbelt programs, speed-reduction programs, and child-safety-seat programs. However, the

underlying goal should never be ignored, which is to reduce crashes and the resulting

fatalities, injuries, and property damage.



quantifying the benefits is so that reasonably accurate studies of efficiency can be made.

Except on social or political grounds, a strategy is of no practical value if its costs exceed

the benefits gained, or if a strategy with similar benefits can be implemented with lower

costs. The most obvious benefits to a safety program are reductions in fatalities, injuries, and

property damage. The most common method of classifying injuries and accidents is the

KABCO method, which categorizes accidents and injuries as:

K: Killed

A: Incapacitating or Disabling Injury B: Not Incapacitating, but Evident, Injury C: Possible Injury,

O: No Injury, Property Damage Only (PDO)

It must be understood that accident classification and estimates of property damage amounts

are somewhat subjective and normally determined by a police officer at the scene. In the

present study, we use the KABCO system as reported in our accident data. To compare

severity between different types of accidents, it is sometimes convenient to attach a dollar

value to each type of accident or injury. In October 1994, the FHWA issued a list of

“Comprehensive Cost Estimates,” listed in Table 1. These values were updated to 2002


dollars by the investigators of this project.1

Table 1: Comprehensive Costs of Crashes

Severity Description FHWA (1994) FHWA (2002) NCDOT 2001

K Fatal $2,600,000 $2,979,600 $3,300,000

A Incapacitating 180,000 206,280 200,000

B Evident 36,000 41,256 57,000

C Possible 19,000 21,774 27,000

PDO Property Damage Only 2,000 2,292 3,900

Also listed in Table 1 are “Standardized Crash Cost Estimates for North Carolina,”

issued in December 2001, by the NCDOT (Troy, 2001). The values determined in this report

are termed “comprehensive,” in that they include estimates of medical, work loss, employer

costs, traffic delay, property damage, and changes in quality of life. Though these cost

estimates were issued in 2001, they are measured in terms of year 2000 dollars. In addition



to accident reductions, other possible benefits or costs of implementing safety programs are

changes in delays at intersections, resulting in effective increases or reductions in road

capacity. These changes affect travel times for roadway users and they should be counted

properly in benefit/cost ratios. While reducing speed limits may increase safety but reduce

capacity, there are safety efforts that have also been shown to increase capacity. For

example, efficiently programming traffic control devices in a network can yield benefits in

reduced delays and reduced fuel use, as well as increased safety (Skabardonis, 2001).

Another important consideration is that very few safety improvement projects are

undertaken randomly, as would be required for an unbiased estimate of the effects. Most

often, safety efforts are directed toward intersections or roadways that have the highest

accident rates in a given time period. Ceteris paribus, an intersection with an unusually high

accident rate in one period is likely to have a lower (more average) rate in the next. This

phenomenon is sometimes called the “regression to the mean effect.” Thus, the effects of a

safety program targeted in this way may be overstated. Kulmala (1994) found that accidents

declined approximately 20% due to regression to the mean effects, independent of any

safety measures implemented. If ignored, regression to the mean effects can easily mislead

researchers to inappropriately attribute crash reductions to an ineffective safety program.

In addition, the quality of the data used in safety studies must be ascertained. One

often overlooked aspect of accident data is censoring. One must realize that not all accidents

are reported and state laws differ on reporting requirements. In North Carolina, the

crash-reporting threshold is currently $1,000. That is, if a police officer is called to the scene of an

accident, the officer is not required to make a report of the details of the accident unless he

or she estimates that the damage is in excess of $1,000 or if there is injury. Therefore, many

accidents are never entered into a crash database and this may affect the results of accident

studies if ignored. The research related to this subject has been sparse. Zegeer et al. (1998)

studied the differences in various types of accidents that would be reported under three

different types of reporting thresholds: traditional (value), tow away, and injury. They found

that using higher thresholds (tow away versus traditional, for example) tends to seriously

underreport certain types of crashes. One would expect that the traditional thresholds lead to



In this study, we analyze four main questions:

1) What crash-level factors can help explain injury severity?

2) What crash-level factors can help explain property damage levels?

3) What vehicle-level and driver characteristics determine injury severity levels in

two-vehicle crashes?

4) What roles do land use and visibility problems play in determining accident

rates at intersections?

In the next section, we describe the data set used for this report.



The focus of this research is the City of Greensboro, North Carolina. With the cooperation

of the Greensboro Department of Transportation (GDOT), and NCDOT, we collected most

of the data on accidents and the characteristics of intersections with stoplights in the city.

The data include demographic information, driver condition, land use, vehicle use, and

economic variables that were obtained from the Safety Information Management and

Support Section of North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). This section of

the NCDOT is responsible for acquiring and compiling accident data from police reports,

and entering them into computerized databases called the “Traffic Engineering Accident

Analysis System” (TEAAS). The data are primarily contained in three types of files. The

Occupants file contains information on those in the vehicles at the time of the crash. The

Event-Level data contains one record for each accident, including location, number of

vehicles involved, numbers of injuries, and other data. Lastly, the Unit-Level data contains

one record for each vehicle involved in each accident. Each record details the type of

vehicle, damage estimates, injury levels, indications of use of alcohol, drugs or seatbelts,

and many other variables. We used the Event-Level data and organized them based upon the

routes where the accidents occurred, and matched them with intersections. Additionally, we

combined this information with the Unit-Level data. Thus, the data is organized by each

vehicle involved in an accident at a signalized intersection. Specific details of this data


Independent variables

1. Signalized intersection characteristics: Previous studies shed light on those

intersection characteristics that explain the probability of an accident occurring.

These characteristics include the length of amber time, red time, number of lanes,

pedestrian signals, medians, and no turn on red signals. For example, Burkey and

Obeng (2004) found that these variables are differently associated with various

types and severities of accidents. We include data on these variables in the present


2. Traffic and road characteristics: The probability of an accident occurring is very

much related to both traffic and road characteristics. Traffic volume, for example,

has been used in analyses of highway safety/fatalities (Michener and Tighe, 1992),

as have traffic volume per lane (Milton and Mannering, 1998) and posted speed

limits (McCarthy, 1994). Furthermore, Keeler (1994) found differences in the signs

of speed limits on rural and urban roads, which he attributes to offsetting behavior

and the ease of evading speed limits in rural areas. In addition to these variables, our

data include the estimated speed of each vehicle in the accident, the speed of each

vehicle at the time of impact, and the condition of the road (whether wet or dry).

3. Land use characteristics: The type of land use at an intersection could affect crashes

and therefore highway safety. Commercial and retail activities are major traffic

generators and increase the exposures of drivers to accidents, especially accidents

involving turning vehicles. Similarly, entrances to residential areas are major

accident points. To capture these land use effects, our model includes binary

variables for the following land uses: residential, institutional, commercial, and


4. Driver characteristics: Numerous studies shed light on the effect of driver

characteristics on accidents. While previous studies on health and safety found

income (Peltzman 1975, Keeler 1994) and the proportion of young people (Cook

and Tauchen, 1982) as relevant in explaining highway accidents, recent studies

focus on the physical condition of the driver as a major contributor of crashes. This

is because it has been found that drivers under the influence of drugs and alcohol or

who become ill while driving are involved in some of the most fatal highway



(corrective lenses, daylight driving, 45-miles-per-hour driving, no interstate

driving), and driver impairment (alcohol and/or drugs suspected).

5. Technology variables: The probability of an accident occurring and its severity

depend upon the technological features of the intersection such as the presence of a

red light camera. In addition, they depend upon the technological features of the

vehicles and whether or not those features deployed at the time of accidents. For

example, ABS brakes are known to reduce stopping distances and could reduce

accidents in the absence of offsetting behaviors by drivers. However, while airbags

and shoulder belts may reduce injuries, they do not reduce accidents. The effects of

these technological variables are examined in this research. These technological

variables include shoulder and lap-belt use, only lap-belt use, only shoulder-belt use,

airbag deployed/not deployed, airbag deployed on side, and airbag deployed front

and side. Also, we include the presence of a red light camera at an intersection in the


6. Vehicle type: The severity and damage from highway crashes depend upon the types

of vehicles involved. More severe accidents and property damage occur when

accidents involve passenger cars and heavier vehicles such as trucks, sports utility

vehicles, and vans. In accidents involving passenger cars and sports utility vehicles,

for example, it is possible for over/under rides to occur and result in fatalities. In

related research, Bedard et al. (2002) studied the impact of driver impairment,

speed, vehicle deformity, airbag deployment, and vehicle weight on driver fatalities.

They used odds ratios and logistic regression to explain factors that increase the

likelihood of a driver fatality. Kockelman and Kweon (2001) used ordered probit

models to investigate the severity of injuries in different types of vehicles. They

found that light trucks and SUVs are more dangerous in single-vehicle accidents. In

addition, they found that these vehicles are safer for the occupants involved in a

multi-vehicle crash, but are more dangerous for occupants of other vehicles. Acierno

et al. (2004) studied the impact that differing vehicle types can have on the type and

severity of injuries. For example, when a passenger vehicle is hit by a LTV (Light

Truck Vehicle2), the risk of injuries is higher. When hit in the side, head and upper

thorax injuries are common, and the risk of death is 27-48 times greater than if the

vehicle was hit by a passenger car. When hit head-on, injuries to lower extremities



are common in addition to upper-body injuries, and are 3-4 times more likely to be

fatal (compared to an accident with a passenger car). To account for the effects of

different types of vehicles, our data identifies the types of vehicles involved in each

accident. Specifically, the data identifies the following types of vehicles: passenger

cars, light trucks, single unit trucks, vans, sports utility vehicles, and others.

7. Environmental variables: Weather conditions affect the probability of a crash

occurring and severity of crashes. Rainfall, for example, increases stopping

distances and the probability of an accident occurring. Heavy crosswinds, snowfall,

and sleet also affect crashes. In our previous study (Burkey and Obeng 2004), we

found both rainfall and snowfall have significant effects on crashes. However,

regarding snowfall it was found that its relationship with crashes at intersections is

negative, which we attributed to business and school closures in Greensboro during

snowfall that removes traffic from streets and highways. This finding suggests that

the effect of snowfall on crashes may depend upon location and frequency of

snowfalls. The environmental variables included in this study are those related to

weather (snow, rain, sleet, fog, cloudy, clear), and others that may obstruct vision

(sunlight, trees, buildings, and vehicles).

Dependent variables

Consistent with the objectives of this study, the dependent variables are the severity of

accidents and the cost of accidents. For severity, we distinguish between four types of

crashes. They are those that cause fatalities, incapacitating injuries, evident but not

incapacitating injuries, and possible injuries. A separate model is developed to explain each

of the four types of severe accidents. For the cost of accidents, we use two dependent

variables. The first is the estimate of property damage cost in the police accident reports.

This property damage cost is approximate. However, under the assumption that errors in this

cost are independent of the explanatory variables, we can use it in our equations. Police

officers are required to file a complete accident report providing damage estimates if the

property damage is at least $1,000 or if an injury occurred. Our data show many property



Table 2: Descriptive Statistics

Variable Mean Std.Dev. Minimum Maximum Cases

Estimated damage $ 2259.3314 2144.1438 0.0000 19000.0000 16993 Crashes with damage 0.9535 0.2106 0.0000 1.0000 17116 Severity

Fatalities 0.0010 0.0315 0.0000 1.0000 17116 Incapacitating 0.0045 0.0728 0.0000 3.0000 17116 Evident injury 0.0511 0.2465 0.0000 4.0000 17116 Possible injury 0.2952 0.6138 0.0000 11.0000 17116 Intersection/Traffic characteristics

Speed estimate 20.0807 15.7065 0.0000 100.0000 16986 Log(daily volume) 10.4050 0.4323 8.8209 11.1452 17110 Average amber time 4.1236 0.2216 3.0000 5.0500 17110 Driver condition/characteristics

Apparently normal 0.5566 0.4968 0.0000 1.0000 17110 Ill 0.3200 0.4665 0.0000 1.0000 17110 Impaired 0.0163 0.1267 0.0000 1.0000 17110 Medical condition 0.2180 0.1460 0.0000 1.0000 17110 Asleep 0.0416 0.1997 0.0000 1.0000 17110 Female 0.4722 0.4992 0.0000 1.0000 17110 Type of vehicle collision

Rear end slow/stopped 0.3398 0.4737 0.0000 1.0000 17116 Left turn same 0.0983 0.2978 0.0000 1.0000 17116 Left-turn different 0.0315 0.1748 0.0000 1.0000 17116 Sideswipe same direc. 0.0601 0.2377 0.0000 1.0000 17116 Sideswipe opp. direc. 0.0091 0.0950 0.0000 1.0000 17116 Fixed object 0.0072 0.0845 0.0000 1.0000 17116 Head-on 0.0151 0.1219 0.0000 1.0000 17116 Rear turning 0.0123 0.1101 0.0000 1.0000 17116 Ran off road right 0.0098 0.0983 0.0000 1.0000 17116 Right turn different 0.0075 0.0862 0.0000 1.0000 17116 Right turn same 0.0106 0.1026 0.0000 1.0000 17116 Backup 0.0097 0.0980 0.0000 1.0000 17116 Other vehicle colli. 0.0283 0.1659 0.0000 1.0000 17116 Vehicle characteristics

Passenger car 0.6683 0.4709 0.0000 1.0000 17110 Pickup 0.0984 0.2979 0.0000 1.0000 17110 Van 0.0440 0.2050 0.0000 1.0000 17110 SUV 0.0968 0.2957 0.0000 1.0000 17110 Light truck 0.0303 0.1715 0.0000 1.0000 17110 Land use

Residential 0.2127 0.4092 0.0000 1.0000 17116 Commercial 0.7537 0.4309 0.0000 1.0000 17110 Industrial 0.0048 0.0691 0.0000 1.0000 17116 Institutional 0.0191 0.13672 0.0000 1.0000 17110 Technology variables

Shoulder/lap 0.8933 0.3088 0.0000 1.0000 17116 RLCPRES 0.1577 0.3645 0.0000 1.0000 17110 Airbag 0.6654 0.4719 0.0000 1.0000 17110 Deployed front 0.0721 0.2586 0.0000 1.0000 17110 Deployed side 0.0064 0.0799 0.0000 1.0000 17110 Others


Descriptive statistics

The descriptive statistics in Table 2 provide some information about the data. These

statistics show that those involved in the crashes were mostly men (52.78%) and appeared

normal (55.66%). However, a sizable percentage (21.80%) had medical conditions and

32.00% were ill. Those impaired by drugs and/or alcohol accounted for only 1.63% of the

crashes and a driver falling asleep behind the wheel accounted for 4.16% of the crashes.

An observation from the table is that 75.37% of the crashes occurred where the

predominant land use is commercial and 21.27% occurred where the predominant land use

is residential. Very few crashes occurred near where the major land use is industrial or

institutional. This distribution of where the crashes occurred could reflect prior

determination by traffic engineers concerning where to locate traffic lights. Since

commercial land uses generate a lot of vehicular traffic, it is common to locate traffic lights

near them. The same can be said of residential land use, though to a lesser extent.

A further observation is that 95.35% of the crashes involved property damage

costing $2,259.33 on the average, and 29.52% of the crashes involved possible injuries. The

data also show that very few accidents were fatal (0.10%), incapacitating (0.45%), or

involved evident injury (5.11%). In short, most of these crashes were minor. One reason for

this may be the low average estimated traveling speed of 20.08 miles per hour for the

vehicles in the crashes and 66.54% of these vehicles having airbags. Also, it may be because

89.33% of the vehicle occupants wore seatbelts. Furthermore, in 7.21% of the vehicles, the

airbags in the front passenger compartment deployed possibly reducing injuries to the driver

and front-seat occupants, while in 0.64% the side airbags deployed. This latter percentage

could indicate the most severe crashes. In fact, since this percentage is very close to that for

fatalities it is possible that both percentages show the same type of crash.

Due to the preponderance of passenger cars in traffic streams, we would expect that

most of the crashes would involve passenger cars. Indeed, this is the case as the data reveals.

The data shows that though various types of vehicles were involved in crashes, most

(66.83%) were passenger cars, 9.84% were pickups, 9.68% were sports utility vehicles,

4.4% were vans, and 3.3% were light trucks. The rest, 5.8% included single unit trucks,

tractor-trailers, taxicabs, motorcycles, and school buses, etc.

Because the focus of the study is on vehicular crashes, the data does not show



show that 33.98% of the intersection crashes involved running into the back of a slowed or

stopped vehicle, 9.83% involved vehicles making a left in the same roadway, 6.01%

involved sideswiping a vehicle in the same direction, while 3.15% involved vehicles turning

left on different roadways. Each of the other entries in the table shows a percentage that is

less than three percent.


The data was analyzed using various statistical methods including correlation to establish

relationships among the independent variables. This is particularly important to identify

linear dependencies among the variables that could seriously affect the reliability of the

estimated coefficients. Appendix A shows the correlations between the independent

variables. Clearly, most of these correlations are very low suggesting that linear

dependencies would not be a problem in using these variables in the equations to be

estimated. However, close observation reveals a sizable positive correlation between red

light cameras and traffic volume. Since higher traffic volumes are generally associated with

minor accidents because speed tends to be low, we should expect some relationship between

red light cameras and minor accidents. In the next section, we will examine if this

relationship indeed exists when other confounding variables are accounted for. Interestingly,

there is a negative correlation between female drivers and the reporting of an accident being

related to falling asleep or a medical condition.


This section analyzes factors that can predict the most severe injury sustained by all

involved in a crash. Milton and Mannering (1998) argue that since most accident frequency

data are over-dispersed, the appropriate model to use is the negative binomial model.

However, in this section we categorize individual accidents by severity and perform analysis

to determine the factors that explain the severity category. For example, the occurrence of a

fatal accident or an accident involving property damage is recorded as one and

non-occurrence as a zero. Because these non-occurrences are the dependent variables in our

equations, negative binomial models are inappropriate. Because the dependent variable is

dichotomous, we use probit and logit equations to estimate an equation for each type of


In addition, there are very few fatal crashes in the data; therefore, they are combined

with those that result in incapacitating injuries and one equation estimated for them. In all,

two equations are estimated for crash severity and they are: 1) a probit model for fatal and

incapacitating crashes, and 2) a probit model for evident injury. These equations are of the


) 1 (


X Y=

Where Y is the dependent variable, X is a subset of the independent variables in Table 2 and

β is a vector of the coefficients to be estimated. These independent variables are the

characteristics of signalized intersections, traffic and road characteristics, land use

characteristics, driver characteristics, technology, and environmental variables.


Fatal and incapacitating injuries

Table 3 shows the maximum likelihood estimates of the coefficients of the equation for the

combined fatal and incapacitating injuries from vehicle crashes. The fit statistics show that

the model fits the data relatively well. At the 0.5 threshold level (i.e., predict that fatalities

and incapacitating injuries equal to one if the fitted probability of these injuries occurring is

greater than 0.5), 99.67% of the actual ones and zeroes in the dependent variable are

correctly predicted. However, it is worth noting that with this threshold, the model correctly

predicts the zeroes better than it predicts the ones. For example, while it correctly predicts

99.565% of the zeroes, it incorrectly predicts 98.61% of the ones. These results show that

the data is quite unbalanced with many zeroes. In fact, our data has 72 crashes involving

fatal or incapacitating injuries (i.e., probability = 0.0055) coded as ones compared to 16,263

crashes coded as zeroes that did not result in these injuries. These levels of prediction

notwithstanding, the results provide useful information to explain crashes that result in fatal

and incapacitating injuries.

The effect of technology variables on fatal and incapacitating injuries: From the

coefficients in Table 3, some information can be gleaned about the effect of technology

variables on crashes that result in fatalities and incapacitating injuries. These technology

variables are the presence of airbags in the vehicles involved in the crashes, front airbag



confirms the commonly accepted notion that airbags reduce fatalities and incapacitating

injuries. On the other hand, when we examine the coefficients of airbag deployment, the

opposite results are obtained. Here, the coefficients of both the front and side airbags

deploying are positive and statistically significant at the 0.0000 and 0.0371 levels

respectively. These positive coefficients suggest that when the front and side airbags deploy

in crashes, they could result in incapacitating injuries and possibly fatalities.

The relative contributions of the technology variables to incapacitating injuries and

fatalities from intersection crashes are obtained by examining their marginal effects. These

marginal effects are presented below. Clearly, they show that the marginal effect of the side

airbag deploying versus not deploying is not statistically significant. On the other hand, the

marginal effects of the front airbag deploying and there being an airbag in a vehicle involved

in a crash at an intersection are statistically significant. The sizes of these marginal effects

show that when a front airbag deploys it may increase the probability of injuries and

fatalities occurring more than the reduction in this probability when there is an airbag in a


Table 3: Binomial Probit: Fatality and Incapacitating Injuries

Weighting variable None

Number of observations 16335 Iterations completed 10 Log likelihood function -363.1880 Restricted log likelihood -462.3978 Chi squared 198.4197 Degrees of freedom 11 Prob[ChiSqd > value] = .0000000

Variable Coefficient Standard Error b/St.Er. P[|Z|>z] Mean of X Constant -4.6425 0.7427 -6.251 0.0000

Occupants -0.1114 0.0798 -1.396 0.1627 1.3895 Amber time (seconds) 0.4233 0.1756 2.410 0.0160 4.1235 Speed estimate -0.0027 0.0003 -10.659 0.0000 14.9971 (Speed estimate)2 0.0003 0.0000 7.183 0.0000 630.1699

Apparently normal 0.2033 0.1027 1.979 0.0479 0.5573 Rear-end slow/stopped -0.3460 0.1310 -2.641 0.0083 0.3508 Head-on collision 0.6055 0.2071 2.924 0.0035 0.0140 Passenger car 0.1848 0.1146 1.613 0.1068 0.6683 Airbag -0.3443 0.1110 -3.103 0.0019 0.6664 Airbag deployed front 0.5935 0.1386 4.282 0.0000 0.0618 Airbag deployed side 0.6917 0.3317 2.085 0.0371 0.0053 Fit Measures for Binomial Choice Model

Probit model for variable FTL Proportions P0= .9956 P1= .0044 N = 16335 N0= 16263 N1= 72 LogL = -363.18796 LogL0 = -462.3978 Estrella = 1-(L/L0)^(-2L0/n) = 0.0136 Efron McFadden Ben./Lerman .05280 .21456 .99173 Cramer Veall/Zim. Rsqrd_ML .05830 .22398 .01207 Information Akaike I.C. Schwarz I.C. Criteria .04594 842.78870 Frequencies of actual & predicted outcomes Predicted outcome has maximum probability. Threshold value for predicting Y=1 = .5000 Predicted

Actual 0 1 | Total 0 16263 0 | 16263 1 71 1 | 72 Total 16334 1 | 16335

Analysis of Binary Choice Model Predictions Based on Threshold = .5000 Prediction Success

Sensitivity = actual 1s correctly predicted 1.389% Specificity = actual 0s correctly predicted 100.000% Positive predictive value = predicted 1s that were actual 1s 100.000% Negative predictive value = predicted 0s that were actual 0s 99.565% Correct prediction = actual 1s and 0s correctly predicted 99.565% Prediction Failure



Mean Standard. Error t-value Probability

Airbag present in vehicle

-0.0022 0.0008 -2.631 0.0085

Front airbag deployed

0.0071 0.0030 2.409 0.0160

Side airbag deployed 0.0105 0.0104 1.015 0.3103

Types of accidents vs. fatal and incapacitating injuries: Types of accidents also have

significant effects on fatalities and incapacitating injuries. Two types of crashes are

examined here. They are running into the back of a slowed or stopped vehicle, and head-on

collision. Both types of crashes have opposite and statistically significant effects on fatal and

incapacitating injuries. Running into the back of a slowed or stopped vehicle at an

intersection is negatively associated with suffering incapacitating injuries and fatalities,

showing that these crashes are generally not serious. On the other hand, a head-on collision

is a very serious crash and it is positively associated with fatalities and incapacitating

injuries. Examining the marginal effects of these types of crashes, we observe that when an

intersection crash involves running into the back of a slowed or stopped vehicle, its marginal

effect on the probability of fatality and incapacitating injuries occurring is negative

(-0.0016) and statistically significant (0.0034). Contrariwise, when the crash involves a

head-on collisihead-on, its marginal effect (0.0080) is not statistically significant (0.1304).

Driver condition vs. fatal and incapacitating injuries: Driver condition at the time of a

crash also affects fatality and incapacitating injuries. We noted this in the data section; here

we consider it explicitly in modeling fatal and incapacitating injuries. While the data

provides a variety of information about driver condition, only one is considered in Table 3

and this is if the driver involved in the crash appeared normal. The log-likelihood estimation

did not converge to a solution when other descriptors of driver condition were included in

the model. The results of the estimation in Table 3 show that those involved in crashes that

involved fatalities and incapacitating injuries appeared normal. The estimated coefficient of

this driver condition and its associated probability are respectively 0.2033 and 0.0479. And,

its marginal effect of 0.0011 with a level of significance of 0.0464 shows that apparently


that leads to fatalities and incapacitating injuries. This suggests that such crashes may be due

to drivers who do not appear normal or who may have some medical problems.

Intersection and traffic characteristics vs. fatal and incapacitating injuries: Four variables

are used to capture the effects of intersection and traffic characteristics on crashes that result

in fatalities and injuries. They are the type of vehicle involved in the crash (represented by

passenger car), the estimated speed of the vehicle in the crash, the square of this estimated

speed, and amber time setting. The results show that the coefficient of passenger car, though

positive, is not statistically significant. Its probability of 0.1068 is outside the commonly

acceptable range, i.e., p < 0.10. Thus, we cannot say that when passenger cars are involved

in crashes at signalized intersections they would be associated with more fatalities and

incapacitating injuries than other vehicles. When also we examine the amber time settings at

signalized intersection, it can be said that they appear to be associated with high levels of

crashes that result in fatalities and incapacitating injuries. Here, we observe that the

coefficient of amber time is 0.4233 with a probability of 0.0160, which is statistically

significant. However, the marginal effect of amber time is 0.0022 (probability = 0.0185) and

shows that increasing it by one second would increase by 0.22% the probability of a crash

occurring that involves fatalities and incapacitating injuries.

The effect of estimated travel speed on crashes involving fatalities and incapacitating

injuries is examined with two variables, one linear and the other quadratic. The results show

that both variables have coefficients that are opposite in signs and that are highly significant

(probability < 0.0000). While the linear speed term has a negative coefficient, the quadratic

term has a positive coefficient. These coefficients imply that as estimated travel speed

increases there would be an initial reduction in crashes resulting in fatalities and

incapacitating injuries. This could occur if it increases traffic flow and reduces stop-and-go

operations. However, at some point an increase in speed would increase the probability of

crashes resulting in fatalities and incapacitating injuries.

Evident injury

Table 4 shows the maximum likelihood estimate of crashes that involved evident injury.

Here, we removed from the data all crashes that involved fatal, incapacitating, and possible



0.0000. We also observe that at the 5% threshold level the model predicts 99.87% of the

actual zeroes and 9.233% of the actual ones, which reflects the unbalanced nature of the

data. Specifically, the data contains 4.92% of crashes that resulted in evident injuries.

Combined, at this threshold level, the model correctly predicts 95.411% of the actual ones

and zeroes.

The effect of technology variables on evident injury: The technology variables considered in

this equation include the presence of red light cameras at intersections, drivers’ use of

shoulder and lap belts, and use of only lap belt at the time of the crash. Others are the

presence of an airbag in a vehicle involved in a crash, front airbag deployed, and side

airbags deployed. Obviousl,y from the table the presence of a red light camera at an

intersection is not related to crashes that result in evident injuries. This is quite surprising

since red light cameras are touted for reducing crashes at intersections, particularly severe

crashes that cause injuries. However, it is consistent with what Burkey and Obeng (2004)

found in their study of red light cameras using a subset of data included in this study.

The relationship between the presence of airbags in vehicles and evident injury is

negative and statistically significant and similar to what we found between crashes that

result in fatal and incapacitating injuries and airbags. The coefficient of the presence of an

airbag in a vehicle is -0.3932 and it is significant at the 0.0000 level. Therefore, the

probability of crashes occurring at signalized intersections that result in evident injuries

could reduce if the vehicles had airbags. However, when the airbags deploy they do not have

the same negative effect on evident injuries as the presence of an airbag in a vehicle.

Whether the airbag deploys in front or on the side, its effect is to increase the probability of

an evident injury occurring. This is quite clear from the coefficients of 1.5974 (probability =

0.0000) and 1.3766 (probability = 0.0000) for side and front airbags deploying respectively.

The marginal effects of the presence of an airbag in a vehicle, and front and side airbags

deploying also are statistically significant and are shown below. These marginal effects

show that when either the front or the side airbag deploys the probability of evident injury

occurring is far larger than the decrease in the probability of an evident injury occurring in a


Table 4 – Binomial Probit Model of Evident Injury

Log likelihood function -1950.749

Restricted log likelihood -2547.606 Chi squared 1193.714 Prob[ChiSqd > value] = .0000000

Variable Coefficient Standard Error b/St.Er. P[|Z|>z] Mean of X| Constant -0.5411 0.5854 -0.924 0.3554

Red light camera 0.0492 0.0685 0.718 0.4727 0.1568 Log( daily traffic volume) -0.0985 0.0561 -1.755 0.0793 10.4067 No visual obstruction 0.4742 0.0939 5.052 0.0000 0.9098 Rear-end slow/stopped -0.5898 0.5922 -9.960 0.0000 0.3354 Head-on collision 0.2887 0.1368 2.110 0.0348 0.0133 Side swipe same direction -0.6681 0.1251 -5.343 0.0000 0.0738 Backup -1.3336 0.6535 -2.041 0.0413 0.0119 Passenger car 0.0653 0.0551 1.185 0.2362 0.6414 Pickup 0.1051 0.0808 1.300 0.1937 0.1076 Straight truck -0.7676 0.4301 -1.785 0.0743 0.0112 Shoulder/lap belt -0.6925 0.0680 -10.190 0.0000 0.8883 Shoulder belt only -0.6686 0.1681 -3.977 0.0001 0.0193 Airbag deployed side 1.5974 0.1799 8.879 0.0000 0.0042 Airbag deployed front 1.3766 0.0656 20.991 0.0000 0.0473 Airbag -0.3921 0.0479 -8.186 0.0000 0.6604 Occupants 0.0640 0.0203 3.155 0.0016 1.3218 Speed estimate -0.0033 0.0003 -11.845 0.0000 15.8964 (Speed estimate)2 0.0002 0.0000 7.438 0.0000 629.4370

Under ride 0.2889 0.1369 2.110 0.0349 0.0225 Residential land use 0.0834 0.0520 1.604 0.1088 0.2087 Fit Measures for Binomial Choice Model

Proportions P0= .950801 P1= 0.0492 N = 12988 N0= 12349 N1= 639 LogL = -1950.74869 LogL0 = -2547.6057 Estrella = 1-(L/L0)^(-2L0/n) = .09942 Efron McFadden Ben./Lerman 0.1749 0.2343 0.9229 Cramer Veall/Zim. Rsqrd_ML 0.1754 0.2987 0.0878 Information Akaike I.C. Schwarz I.C. Criteria 0.3036 4100.4048 Threshold value for predicting Y=1 = .5000 Predicted

Actual 0 1 Total 0 12333 16 12349 1 580 59 639 Total 12913 75 12988

Analysis of Binary Choice Model Predictions Based on Threshold = .5000 Prediction Success

Sensitivity = actual 1s correctly predicted 9.233% Specificity = actual 0s correctly predicted 99.870% Positive predictive value = predicted 1s that were actual 1s 78.667% Negative predictive value = predicted 0s that were actual 0s 95.508% Correct prediction = actual 1s and 0s correctly predicted 95.411% Prediction Failure





Shoulder and lap -0.0695 0.0102 -6.844 0.0000 Shoulder belt only -0.0217 0.0027 -8.147 0.0000 Airbag deployed front 0.2392 0.0198 12.096 0.0000 Airbag deployed side 0.3339 0.0667 5.010 0.0000

Airbag -0.0027 0.0037 -7.251 0.0000

Two other technology variables whose relationships with evident injury we

examined are shoulder and lap belts. When used together, these belts have negative

relationships with there being evident injuries in crashes at intersections. The coefficient of

using lap and shoulder belts together is -0.6925 with a probability of 0.0000. Similarly,

when shoulder belts are used alone they reduce the probability of evident injuries occurring

in crashes at signalized intersections. The coefficient of using shoulder belts alone is -0.6686

with a probability of 0.0001. Although these coefficients are very close, their marginal

effects in the above table show that the injury reduction effect of using shoulder and lap

belts together is more than three times the effect of using a shoulder belt alone. To be exact,

when shoulder and lap belts are used the probability of sustaining evident injury in a crash

reduces by 6.95% (probability = 0.0000), compared to a reduction of 2.17% (probability =

0.0000) in sustaining evident injury in an accident at an intersection.

Combining these results we consider a typical automobile user, a driver wearing a

combined shoulder and lap belt and driving a vehicle equipped with front and side airbags

that deploy during a crash at a signalized intersection. The marginal effects of the

technology variables show that such a typical automobile driver would have a 50.09%

chance of sustaining an evident injury. If the same driver used only the shoulder belt, the

probability of him/her sustaining evident injury becomes 54.87%. If the vehicle did not have

a side airbag the probability of an evident injury occurring would reduce to 16.70%.

Types of accidents vs. evident injuries: Evident injuries may also be due to the types of

crashes that occur. Though our data contain many types of crashes, we focus only on those

for which we obtained statistically significant coefficients. Three types of accidents

qualified to be included in the model of evident injury and two had negative and statistically

significant coefficients. These two are crashing into the back of a slowed or stopped vehicle

and backing up, and their respective coefficients are -0.6681 (0.0000) and –1.3336 (0.0413),


intersection resulting in evident injury is smaller when it involves running into the back of a

slowed or stopped vehicle, or when the crash results from a vehicle backing up. These

results are also borne out when we examine the marginal effects of these types of crashes.

Such an examination leads to the table below, which shows that the reduction in the

probability of evident injury is larger than occurs from side swiping a vehicle that is moving

in the same direction.



Back of slowed/stopped vehicle -0.0302 0.0027 -11.356 0.0000

Head on collision 0.0225 0.0136 1.660 0.0969

Side swipe vehicle in same direction -0.0235 0.0024 -9.651 0.0000

While both types of crashes are negatively related to evident injury, Table 4 and

above table show that head on collisions are positively associated with sustaining an injury.

The coefficient of head on collision is 0.2887 and it is significant at the probability level of

0.0348. However, the probability of the marginal effect of head on collision is very weak,

leading us to surmise that there is not strong evidence to suggest that head on crashes at

signalized intersections are not strongly related to evident injury. This may be because these

types of crashes seldom occur particularly in an environment where raised medians are used

at signalized intersections to separate traffic flowing in opposite directions.

Type of vehicle versus evident injury: To examine the impact of the type of vehicle involved

in a crash on evident injury we included three types of vehicles in the model. They are

passenger cars, pickups, and straight trucks. Both passenger cars and pickups have positive

coefficients in the model, but these coefficients are not statistically significant. This shows

that we cannot be confident that evident injury would be observed when these two types of

vehicles are involved in crashes. Contrary to these results we find that the coefficient of a

straight truck is -0.7676 and its level of significance of 0.0743 is very weak, just as is its

marginal effect. Specifically, the marginal effect of a straight truck is 0.0068 with a level of

significance of 0.2288. Together these results show that type of vehicle does not have a

statistically significant effect on crashes at a signalized intersection that result in evident



Traffic volume and speed vs. evident injury: Table 4 also shows the effects of traffic volume

and speed on the probability of evident injuries occurring in crashes at signalized

intersections. The coefficient of traffic volume is –0.0985 with a significance level of

0.0793, which shows that its relationship with evident injuries is very weak. However, when

we examine the effect of estimated speed the vehicle was traveling when the accident

occurred, its linear and quadratic terms are highly statistically significant. The coefficient of

the linear and quadratic terms are –0.0033 (0.0000) and 0.0002 (0.0000) respectively, where

the terms in parentheses are the probabilities. As we have argued in previous discussions,

the negative coefficient of the linear term shows that the probability of evident injury

occurring is low when estimated speed is high, while the coefficient of the quadratic term

shows that beyond some point an increase in estimated speed would be associated with an

increase in the probability of evident injury occurring.

Type of land use and evident injury: The effect of land use on evident injury is also in Table

4. Here, the considered land use is residential and it is found that it does not have a

statistically significant effect on evident injury. Though its coefficient is positive, its level of

significance of 0.1088 shows this coefficient is not different from a zero. Thus, crashes

involving evident injury are found everywhere and not confined to specific places or where

some predominant land uses occur.

Other factors vs. evident injury: Besides the above results, crashes that involve under rides

result in evident injury. The coefficient of this variable is 0.2889 and its level of significance

is 0.0349. Similarly, when a crash is a result of no visual obstruction it results in evident

injuries. The coefficient of no visual obstruction is 0.4742 with a probability of 0.0000. It

follows that crashes at intersections that result in evident injuries cannot be attributed to

visual obstructions.


The discussions in the previous section were concerned with fatalities and incapacitating

injuries, and evident injuries. In those discussions, we considered all types of crashes and

did not distinguish between single car and multiple car crashes. In this section, we consider

the most common type of crashes at signalized intersections, crashes involving two vehicles.


of severity using the KABCO method. The fatalities and severe injuries (Type A) occurred

so rarely in the data set that they were combined with evident injuries and non-disabling

injuries (Type B) into a category called ‘Severe.” Possible injuries (Type C) were examined

for comparison. This process yielded 6,188 events with 12,376 vehicles involved containing

17,922 occupants. The proportions of persons who had severe and possible injuries are 4.9%

and 29.4% respectively. Of the types of accidents recorded, 39.4% involved angle crashes,

14.8% left-turning vehicles, 1.6% head-on collisions, 32.9% rear-ending a slow or stopped

vehicle and 2.0% right-turning vehicles. About 54% of the crashes involved male drivers,

98% of the drivers wore seatbelts during the crash, and 1.9% of the drivers were impaired.

For 8.1% of the crashes, air bags deployed, and 5% involved visibility obstruction. Table 5

presents descriptive statistics for the explanatory variables in the study of two vehicle

crashes. Using this data we analyzed the factors that influence the number of severe (K, A,

B) and possible (C) injuries that occur in two-vehicle crashes. These factors include the

characteristics of the vehicle containing the occupants who suffered injuries as well as the

characteristics of the other vehicle involved in the crash. Of key interest here are the

estimated speeds of both vehicles at impact and the types of vehicles involved.

To focus on the most common occurrences with a relatively simple model, we

restricted attention to accidents involving cars, pickups, SUVs, minivans, and “single unit

trucks.” These single unit trucks include many types of delivery trucks that have two axles.

Examining all of the possible combinations of these vehicle types would require 20 different

pairings to be examined. To reduce this to 12 categories, pickups and minivans were

combined into one category because of their similar weights.

The model

Again, recall that the number of injuries of each type is a count variable. So, we employ

Poisson regression models to analyze two-vehicle crashes. However, it would be improper

to ignore the fact that the number of severe injuries and the number of minor injuries

occurring in the same vehicle are related. A method that considers this relationship is

therefore needed. Some authors have used Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR) type

model tailored for count data in analyzing this relationship (King, 1989; Winkelmann,

2000). A relatively new approach is the bivariate Poisson constructed using a



Table 5: Descriptive Statistics of Data for Two-Vehicle Crashes

Description Variable Mean Std. Dev.

Number of Occupants ocpnt 1.448 0.841

Damage estimate dmgest 2251.449 2006.815

Speed at impact spatimp 15.705 12.722

Categorical Variables: Proportion

Severe injuries severe 0.049

Possible (C)-injuries cinj 0.294

Road surface condition (wet) wet3 0.200

Angle crash type angle 0.394

Left turning crash type leftturn 0.148

Headon collision headon 0.016

Rear end crash type rear 0.329

Right turning crash type rturn 0.020

Gender male 0.540

Seatbelt use seatbelt 0.982

Airbag deployment airbag 0.081

Visibility obstruction visob 0.049

Impairment impair 0.019

Proportion of number of cars

involved car 0.703

Number of pickups involved pickup 0.107

Number of SUVs involved suv 0.101

Number of light-trucks involved ligtrk 0.032

Number of trucks involved truck 0.057

Under ride uride 0.022

To understand this technique let X1, X2, and X3 be independent Poisson random

variables. We can construct conceptual models in the standard (log-link) way, modeling the

expected values of the Xi as X Bi i, {1, 2,3}

i e i

λ = ∈ . Then, both {X= X1 + X3, Y= X1 + X3}

follow a bivariate Poisson distribution. The joint probability density function of this

distribution is

min( , ) 3

1 2

1 2 3 0

1 2

( , ) exp( ( )) !

! ! k x y x y k x y

P X x Y y k

k k x y

λ λ λ

λ λ λ

λ λ = ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞⎛ ⎞ = = = − + + ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠

This formulation is convenient because it explicitly allows for a relationship between X and

Y, namely, cov (X, Y) = λ3. If this covariance is zero, the estimation reduces to the product


(1997)). It has been shown that a misspecification of a binomial Poisson as a double Poisson

model will cause the model’s parameters to be overestimated (Karlis & Ntzoufras, 2003).

Application of this equation requires estimating three equations jointly, i.e., two

“independent” equations for severe (fatal and incapacitating injuries) and evident injuries,

and a covariance equation showing the interrelatedness of these two equations.3 The two

“independent” equations explaining severe and possible injuries in the first vehicle in a

two-vehicle crash use three types of explanatory variables. First, is a set of indicator variables to

account for the types of vehicles in two-vehicle accident. There were twelve possible

accident types (e.g., the first vehicle is a car and the second vehicle is SUV), and we created

interaction variables for them and used a car-car accident as the reference category,

therefore omitting it from the estimation. These interaction variables measure the relative

impact of a collision in comparison to riding in a car and being in an accident where the

other vehicle is also a car. For reference, there were 3,090 car-car accidents (7,180 vehicles)

involving 304 severe injuries and 1,941 C injuries for the 8,914 occupants of the vehicles.

This implies mean risk rates of 0.0341 and 0.2177 per occupant. The coefficients of the

interaction variables should be understood in relation to these values. The third equation,

which constructs the covariance between the two types of injury severity, contains the

estimated speed of both vehicles at impact and the natural logarithm of the number of

occupants is used as the exposure variable.

Diagnostics and Goodness of Fit

The most common problem facing Poisson models is over-dispersion. Since the Poisson is a

single parameter distribution, such that the mean is equal to the variance, one must check for

a violation of this assumption. Over-dispersion is particularly problematic because if the

variance is much larger than the mean type one errors can result because of underestimated

standard errors. In the two-vehicle crashes, the means and variances are very close for each

of the two dependent variables. From our data, the mean of the severe injuries is 0.049, and

the variance of the residuals is 0.056. For the possible injuries variable the mean is 0.294,

and the variance of the residuals is 0.355. These small amounts of over-dispersion will not

affect the results in this paper because the bivariate Poisson’s standard errors are estimated

via a bootstrap method. The standard errors reported here were generated with 200


Table 1: Comprehensive Costs of Crashes
Table 2: Descriptive Statistics
Table 3: Binomial Probit: Fatality and Incapacitating Injuries
Table 4 – Binomial Probit Model of Evident Injury


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