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St. Louis, Missouri

(Submitted \lav 14; revision accepted for pub1icatiii October 1, 1963.)

PRESENT ADDRESS: Capt. l)ale E. Bennett, MC., 7272 U.S.A.F. Hospital, Box 4107, A.P.O. 231, New York, New York.




N SPITE OF the abundant literature 011 the

subject, there remain many unresolved

problems regarding the natural history and management of neonatal obstructive jaun-dice. Differentiation between hiliary atresia

and neonatal hepatitis, and criteria for sur-gical intervention are sources of

consider-able controversy. It was felt, therefore, that a clinicopathologic study of a large group of

cases, drawn entirely from surgical mate-rial, might place these controversies in a more meaningful perspective.


All liver biopsies from St. Louis Cliil-dren’s Hospital on patients less than 3 years

of age were reviewed. Only those cases

showing histologic evidence of bile stasis

were included in the studs’. Neoplasms,

granulomatous diseases , hemolytic disease,

metabolic diseases, and the like were cx-cluded because they were not germane to the problems. This left a total of 57 cases

suitable for the study (Table I).

Pertinent laboratory and clinical data

were abstracted from all patients’ records. The microscopic features of each biopsy

were recorded without knowledge of the

clinical course. Multiple hematoxylin and

eosin stained sections and one Masson

tn-chrome stained section were studied in each case. Other appropriate special stains were

prepared when indicated. Autopsy mate-rial (6 cases) was included only if a previous

surgical specimen was available. In the

event another surgical procedure or autopsy was performed at some other institution, these slides were obtained for review.

The major criteria for regarding a case

as biliary atresia were the operative and

cholangiographic findings. The subsequent clinical course was also taken into

consider-ation. Thus, unless the patient has died, or has evidence of persistent hepatobiliary

disease, or had a corrective surgical proce-dure, the diagnosis of hiliary atresia was regarded as untenable, in spite of the din-ical impression at the time of surgical


With the exception of one case of chole-dochal cyst and one of intrahepatic atresia,

the remaining cases are grouped under the heading of “neonatal hepatitis syndrome.” Most of the cases in this group have the

characteristics of giant-cell hepatitis. In

order to qualify as giant-cell hepatitis, the following criteria had to he fulfilled: (1)

presence of giant-cell transformation of

parenchyrnal cells; (2) disorganization of

hepatic architecture; (3) absence of atresia

at laparotomy, or clinical recovery

follow-ing biopsy only; and (4) absence of

dem-onstrable blood incompatibility or other disorder capable of producing neonatal


In addition to the 16 cases of giant-cell hepatitis, there are 7 cases that do not fiil-fill all the foregoing criteria. Furthermore, their clinical course has proven them not to

be examples of atresia. These are tabulated

as “obstructive jaundice, etiology unknown.”

For purposes of discussion, these cases are grouped with those of giant-cell hepatitis under the heading of the “neonatal

hepa-titis syndrome.”

Follow-up information is complete in all

the 32 cases of extrahepatic atresia and in






Cause .vu

mber of Cases

Exploration and biopsy

Extrahepatic atresia

Intrahepatic atresia Choledochal cyst

Giant cell hepatitis

Obstructive jaundice, et iology unknown



1 5

Needle biopsy only

Giant cell hepatitis

Obstructive jaundice, etiology unknown

Total 57


Extrahepatic Atresia

The gross patterns of atresia in this series (Table II) were very similar to those

de-scribed in the tu in which com-plete atresia of the bile ducts is stated to be the most common malformation. Four cases (12%) were restricted to all or part of

the common bile duct and were, therefore,

theoretically correctable lesions. This is by far the most frequent type of correctable





Extent of Atrena Nsslnbfr



Complete atresia 13

Complete atresia, except gall bladder

present 6

Absent right and left and common

lie-patic ducts 7

Absent right and left hepatic ducts 1 Absent gall bladder, cystic duct, and

both hepatic ducts 1

Total 28 (88%)


Isolated atresia of all or part of

cotit-mon bile duct 4

Total 4 (12%)

The microscopic features have been de-scribed in detail by several authors.36 There

is, however, considerable disagreement

upon important points, such as the presence

or absence of giant-cell transformation, S

and the architectural pattern of the liver

early in the disease.’

The most striking feature in our cases was prominent bile stasis. In every

in-stance there was moderate to marked par-enchymal bile and numerous bile thrombi

in canaliculi. These changes were extensive

both periportally and centrally. Prolifera-tion of small bile ducts was another

char-acteristic. In only 4 cases was this change not demonstrable. In addition, there was

usually a dilatation of intrahepatic bile

ducts with inspissation. The one change

pathognomonic of extrahepatic obstruction was the presence of bile infarcts or lakes.

These are peniportal foci of degenerating or necrotic liver cells which are intensely bile

stained and may have a center of

precipi-tated bile pigment (Fig. 1). Four biopsies


12) contained one or more bile lakes or

infarcts. Hepatic fibrosis was present in all

but two of these livers. The fibrosis was portal and peniportal, as is seen with cx-trahepatic obstruction from any cause. The degree of fibrosis bore little relation to the age of the patient. Syncytial multinucleated giant cells were seen in 41% of the cases. The giant cells did not differ morphologi-cally from those of giant-cell hepatitis (Fig.

2). Extramedullary hematopoiesis, paren-chymal iron, portal inflammation, and ne-crosis were inconstant features, and when present, were usually of only slight degree.

Giant-Cell Hepatitis

Giant-cell hepatitis was first described by

Craig and Landing in 1952.10 There have

been many discussions of the microscopic

picture since that time,8’ #{176} but little can

be added to the original description.

In our cases, microscopically, the most striking features were disorganization of


Fic. 1. This is a periportal bile lake from a case of extrahepatic atresia. This change is pathognomonic of extrahepatic obstruction (x 280).

many were replaced by syncytial giant cells, each surrounded by a net of reticu-lum. These giant cells contained from 2 to over 30 uniform nuclei. The arrangement

of the nuclei was either haphazard or on-ented around the periphery or a central clear area. The bile pigment was clumped or scattered diffusely through the cyto-plasm. Giant-cell transformation was most often only partial, and in almost one-third

of the cases only scattered small foci were present. Another frequent finding in

giant-cell hepatitis was so-called tubular or acinar

transformation of the parenchyma. This is an alteration in which the liver cords form a multicellular tubular structure with a central bile-filled lumen. The cells forming the tubule are obviously of parenchymal rather than ductular origin. Bile stasis was

a prominent feature in all cases, but bile duct dilatation and inspissation were much less prominent than in extrahepatic ob-struction. Bile infarcts or lakes were never seen. In contrast to the cases with atresia,

where small bile duct proliferation was a

characteristic feature, over half of these livers showed a decrease in number of bile ducts in the portal tracts. Not only were

ducts decreased, but they also were hypo-plastic with collapsed lumens lined by

flat-tened epithelium (Fig. 3). Extramedullary

hematopoiesis was usually present and often

prominent. There was a good correlation

between degree of hemosiderin deposition and hematopoiesis and the age of the pa-tient, both in giant-cell hepatitis and in

atresia. Patients over 4 months of age rarely demonstrated more than a minimal degree of either abnormality. In 10 of the 16 cases


62%) there was no fibrosis, and only one

patient had cirrhosis at the time of

opera-tion. The fibrosis that occurred was

pre-dominantly intralobular, and portal tracts showed little or no widening. Regeneration

was usually minimal, even in cases of long


Morphologic findings are presented in


Extrahepatic Atresia Giant-Cell hepatitis

0 Slight Mod. Marked Total 0 Slight Mod. Marked Total

Giant cells

Bile thrombi

Parenchynial bile stasis

Bile-duct proliferation Bile-duct dilatation Bile-duct inspissation Fibrosis Extramedullary hemato-poiesis Iron Necrosis 59 0 0 16 34 34 9 66 55 87 25 12 6 19 9 9 9 9 6 9 41 28 28 31 31 31 16 14 6 6 48 50 51 16 28 53 9 23 0 41 100 10() 84 66 66 91 34 45 13 0 0 0 75 88 81 62 25 38 (i’i 31 31 12 6 0 6 6 25 8 19 25 31 ‘31 6 6 6 6 25 15 19 44 38 56 12 6 6 25 38 0 100 100 100 25 H 19 38 75 62 38 TABLE III



There are certain morphologic features that will permit distinction between extra-hepatic atresia and giant-cell hepatitis in well over 90% of the cases. We agree with

Silverberg et al.13 that there are rare cases

which will defy exact interpretation.

Giant-cell transformation is in no way

specific for neonatal hepatitis. While sev-eral recent studies deny the presence of giant cells in biliary atresia,7’ most writers have described giant-cell transformation in


Fic. 3. Marked giant-cell transformation of parenchymal cells and prominent hematopoiesis are present in this biopsy from a case of giant-cell hepatitis (x 340).

Ill) to two-thirds of cases.92 These cells

occur also in congenital syplnlis,14

erythro-blastosis fetalis,T and cytomegalic inclusion

disease.13 An instance of giant cell change

in what may have been herpes simplex

hepatitis is also recorded.14 %Vhile

multi-nucleated giant cells have been seen in adult disease, including viral hepatitis1 and

para-aminosalicylic acid (PAS)

hypersensi-tivity,17 these cells only rarely

morphologi-cally resemble those seen in the neonatal

period. Only two of our cases of atresia

manifested marked giant-cell change.

How-ever, nearly one-half had a few foci of

transformation. The preseiice of almost complete giant-cell change is very strong evidence of hepatitis, but Silverberg et al.

and Stowens describe complete transfor-mation in proven cases of atresia. We have seen one similar case in consultation. The

appearance of the ducts in the portal tracts

is an extremely valuable aid in differential

diagnoses. Virtually every case of

extra-hepatic atresia has some degree of ductal

proliferation and most have ductal

dilata-tion and inspissation. When these are

marked they constitute strong evidence for

atresia. The fact that significant

prolifera-tion can be seen as early as 3-4 weeks of

age enhances its diagnostic value.19 In

giant-cell hepatitis, on the other hand,

prolifera-tion of bile ducts is present in only

one-fourth of cases, and then is of minimal

degree unless complicated by severe portal

fibrosis. More characteristically the bile

ducts are hypoplastic and collapsed. In

our opinion this is one of the most useful points in differentiating giant-cell hepatitis

from extrahepatic atresia.

Bile lakes or infarcts are diagnostic of

extrahepatic obstruction. Unfortunately,

this pathognomonic feature is found in only 12% of the cases.





giant-cell hepatitis is usually intralobular.

In biliary atresia major architectural

altera-lions of the liver cords appear relatively

late in the disease, at the time fibrosis

be-comes prominent and regenerative nodules appear. In giant-cell hepatitis, however, trabecular disorganization bears little rela-tion to age, and except for cases progress-ing to cirrhosis, the maximal distortion oc-curs early in life. As a matter of fact, Sme-tana and Johnson claim that all giant-cell transformation occurs in utero, and others have described marked giant-cell change in

infants dying at less than 3 days of 221

Therefore, a relatively normal architectural

pattern in infants less than 2 months of age favors a diagnosis of atnesia over giant-cell hepatitis.

Our studies do not support Stowens’ con-tention3 that the walls of hepatic arteries are thicker in biliary atresia than in other neonatal liver diseases.

We have mentioned that many of the changes described are not uniformly dis-tributed throughout the liver. Figures 4

and 5, which are areas from the same

bi-opsy, illustrate how this lack of uniformity

might lead to misinterpretation. Needle bi-opsies are especially likely to produce

sam-pling errors.

Interpretation of frozen sections on liver biopsies can at times be extremely difficult,

even with perfect sections obtained on a cryostat. It is relatively easy to mistake ductal hypoplasia for the rare case of true intrahepatic atresia, and for this reason frozen section is unreliable in assessing the

status of the intrahepatic ducts. The early case of atresia, or the case of giant-cell hepatitis with only focal disruption of the architectural pattern can also prove

diffi-cult. The cholangiographic findings should determine the surgeon’s course, and when such a study can be performed, frozen sec-Lion is of little value. However, when a cholangiogram cannot be performed, due to the absence of a gall bladder or a readily

injectable duct, the interpretation of the

hepatic frozen section should dictate whether to risk a prolonged and meticulous

dissection of the porta hepatis to search

for a ductal structure. The danger of mis-taking the collapsed extrahepatic ducts of neonatal hepatitis for completely atretic

ones is very real, and dissection can

read-ily damage these delicate ducts.


The time of onset of icterus in extra-hepatic atresia and giant cell hepatitis was tabulated (Table IV) and the distribution in both groups was almost identical.

Jaun-diee at birth was not unusual in either group. At the other extreme the onset of jaundice was after one month of age in 9

cases of atresia. Poor parental observation was almost certainly the major factor lead-ing to the apparent late onset of jaundice,

but two patients were seen in Well-Baby Clinic at age 3 weeks and were not noted to be icteric. It has been well demonstrated

by Davidson et al.22 that the threshold for clinically evident jaundice varies tremen-dously from patient to patient. Two of the patients with giant-cell hepatitis had the

onset of apparent jaundice at age 3 months and 6 months. Assuming the history is

Extrahepatic biliary Neonatal hepatitis Atresia (S cases) Syndrome (3 cases)

Onset of jaundice (%) (%)

birth 19 19

1-7 days 31 51

8-14 days 9 0

15-8 days 1 58

over 8 days 28 1

Clinical fluctuation of jaundice 31 51


Ceph. Floe. abnormal 58 45

Alk. Phos. elevated 100 75

SGOT elevated 86 (7 cases) 100 (6 cases)

Urine urobil. positive 0 4

Stool urobil. positive 30 59

Stool bile

strong positive 0 Q4

trace positive 10 15

Bilirubin (value before operation)

lessthan5mgm. % 0 0

5-lomgm.% 41 45

10-is mgm.% 50 59

over 15 mgm.% 9 16

Number with serial bilirubins 11 cases 14 cases

Rising S 0

Steady or fluctuating 5 5


Fig. 4 & 5. (Top,


135) This is almost complete giant-cell transformation, as well as marked hypoplasia of bile ducts. (Bottom, X 135) In this area there is bile-duct proliferation, portal fibrosis, and only rare giant cells. These photographs are from different areas of the same biopsy in a case of biliary atresia,


reasonably well documented, onset of

jaundice after 6 weeks of age would rule out extrahepatic atresia, and the diagnosis would be highly unlikely with an onset after one month of age.

Clinical impressions of waxing and wan-ing of icterus were of equal frequency in both atresia and giant-cell hepatitis. From

this data it is evident that clinical

informa-lion was of little value in differentiating

between these two conditions.


The laboratory data are presented in Table IV. Laboratory tests have been re-garded by many as of little value in differ-ential diagnosis of obstructive neonatal

913 23, 24 The most extreme

expres-sion of this view is that of Silverberg et

who place no reliance on these tests. In support of this view, in our series the

cephalin flocculation, prothrombin time, al-kaline phosphatase, serum bilirubin, serum transaminases, and total serum proteins with A/G ratio showed similar alterations in both atresia and neonatal hepatitis. We

cannot evaluate the radioactive rose bengal test or the serum leucine aminopeptidase, as neither test has been employed at St.

Louis Children’s Hospital in these cases. However, Silverberg et al.13 maintain that the rose bengal test lacks diagnostic spe-cificity, and a recent report by Miller and Weintrub25 indicates that the leucine

amino-peptidase probably is of little value in

dis-tinguishing between biliary obstruction and

hepatic parenchymal disease.

We agree with Norris and Hays,2c Krovetz,28 and Hsia and Gellis2#{176}that serial serum bilirubin levels are of definite value. To obtain worthwhile data, determinations should be made over at least a 4-week pe-nod. Values obtained in the first two weeks of life should not be used since physiologic

jaundice may be misleading. In this series, 11 cases of atresia and 14 of neonatal hepa-titis had serial bilirubin determinations over at least a 2-week period (Table IV). While fluctuating levels were not uncommon in either atresia or neonatal hepatitis, a

con-sistently downward trend in total bilirubin

is distinctly uncommon in biliary atresia,

except as a terminal phenomenon, and is strong evidence for neonatal hepatitis.

A positive test for urobilinogen in the

urine or a strongly positive test for bile in

the stool or duodenal drainage is extremely rare in atresia. Contamination of the stool

by bile-rich urine accounts for the occa-sional strongly positive test for stool bile.


The major reason for distinguishing be-tween atresia and the neonatal hepatitis syndrome is the selection of patients for exploratory laparotomy. The majority of

writers favor early operation, by 4-8 weeks

of age.1132’#{176}4 However, Kiesewetter

et a!. favor waiting until at least 2 months

of age,2 Krovetz until 3 months,3 and

Han-ris et (ii. until 4 months of age.

The number of cases of extrahepatic bili-any atresia that are theoretically correctable

is low, and the number living and vell

fol-lowing definitive surgery is much smaller

(Table V). The proponents of early

opera-tion (4-8 weeks) claim that this low cure rate is due to cirrhosis and irreversible liver damage developing before operation is

performed.13 30. :n They stress that operation

should be carried out as soon as possible after the age of 1 month.

In this series there was little correlation

between age of the patient and amount of

fibrosis in the liver (Fig. 6). Although there

was a trend toward increasing fibrosis with

age, fibrosis was seldom a prominent

fea-tune in patients under 6 months of age.

This is in agreement with the observations

of Christy and Boley,3#{176} Craig et a!., and

Cameron and Hou.’9

True cirrhosis, implying the presence of regenerative nodules in addition to fibrosis,

was present in only one of 14 livers

hiop-sied prior to 3 months of age. \Vhile a rare

case of cirrhosis has occurred prior to that

age4’#{176}’3’ this data supports the contentions

of Craig et al. and Stowens’ that cirrhosis

develops late in biliary atresia. As a matter of fact, iii extrahepatic obstruction due to

any cause, cirrhosis, portal hypertension,


-1uthor lear. of.


‘‘u mber of ( ases


( orrectabie

. .

Lunng and H ell*

Gerrish36 Gross’ Moore3#{176} Koop’7 Redo’8f Myers4 (‘lat,vortliyhl Norris26 Selniug3’ Silverberg#{176} Krovetz28 Bennett 1951 1953 1953 1954 1954 I956 1956 1957 1958 196(1 1960 1963 25 146 31 39 25 4(1 16 54 10 I20 28 32 1(4%) 28 (18%) 8 (26%) 4(10%) 8 (32%) 9 (22%) 2(12%) 11(20%) 5 (50%) 12(10%) 2(7%) 4(12%) 12(8%) 1(3%) 2(5%) 1(4%) 4(10%) I (6%) 2(4%) I (10%) 0 (0%) 1 (3%)

* These are niaxiniutu figures. Since the j)(ri(l of follow-up is short in IiiiIiy series, the actual “cures are

proti-ably less tlnin those listed.

t (ases 6 III1(l 7 have l)een omitted OS tiot representing extrahepatic atresia.

.. . C

I... B #{149}$#{149}#{149} #{149} #{149}

4+ (I) C,) 0 U 2 0 1 (2 0 0 earlier.

developments.i Furthermore, it has been

shown that regeneration can replace

con-siderable amounts of fibrous tissue when

the obstruction is relieved.41 42 Krovetz has

presented data indicating the prognosis is

better when corrective surgery is carried

out between 2-4 months of age than when

carried out at an earlier or a later date.

Since there is little evidence that tile

de-gree of fibrosis and hepatic damage prior

to 3 months of age is a major factor in the

low survival rate, what are the reasons for

the disparity between the number of the-oretically correctable lesions and the cure

rate? The major factor is the significant

morbidity and mortality following biliary

tract surgery in infants, irrespective of the

age at operation. A review of the case

his-tories of our five patients with correctable

lesions will illustrate that recurrent

obstruc-tion and ascending infections are serious

complications of biliary surgery in infants

at any age.


Case I: L. H. (50-2286)

This patient was operated on at age 8%

weeks. The distal common duct was atretic

and a choledochoduodenostomy was

per-formed. He did well until 16 months of age when jaundice reappeared. At 19 months he was re-explored and the anastomosis was found to be obliterated and no patent bile ducts could be identified. In spite of

no further therapy he survived until age 10,

but was stated to be “in serious condition.”

A third operation was performed elsewhere

in 1960, but more details are not available.

He is at present living and well at age 12


. .0. . . S



I 2 3 4 5 6 9 2 24



Case 2: D. H. (55-538)

This patient was explored at age 9 months and an injection study showed com-plete atresia of the common duct. A

chole-cystogastrostomy was performed. Liver

bi-opsy was unusual in the complete absence

of fibrosis at age 9 months. He died at age

2 from gastrointestinal hemorrhage

second-ary to liver disease. Autopsy was not per-formed.

Case 3: M. A. (57-8231)

At exploration at age 10 weeks, cholan-giogram showed complete atresia of the

common bile duct, and a cholecystoduoden-ostomy was performed. Five weeks later,

because of icterus and signs of intestinal obstruction, she was re-explored, intestinal adhesions lyzed, and the anastomosis re-vised. She died 20 days later and autopsy

revealed fibrous obliteration of all ducts and a suppurative cholangitis with multiple hepatic abscesses.

Case 4: D. S. (58-6471)

Exploration at age 6% weeks revealed a large choledochal cyst. It was drained

cx-ternally and 2 months later was anasto-mosed to the jejunum. She did well until age 2 years when obstruction reoccurred. Re-exploration at age 25 months revealed a

stricture at the anastomotic site and liver biopsy showed severe biliary cirrhosis. The anastomosis was revised. At age 4 years she was admitted to another hospital for massive gastrointestinal bleeding, presum-ably secondary to varices.

Case 5: W. T. (59-9352)

Exploration was performed at age 10% weeks and cholangiogram revealed an

atresia of the distal common duct. A chole-dochoduodenostomy was performed. The patient is living and without jaundice 39 months postoperatively, but the liver is firm and 3 cm below the costa! margin. The alkaline phophatase is elevated.

Thus, none of the 5 patients in this series with theoretically correctable biliary atresia

had a successful and uncomplicated course

after surgery.

There are several reasons for the over-all poor prognosis of patients with biliary

atresia. First, the vast majority of the pa-tients will die because their lesions are un-correctable surgically. Secondly, there will be a high incidence of postoperative

mor-bidity and mortality in the small group of patients (12% in our series) who have theo-retically correctable lesions. Finally, biliary atresia is complicated by other congenital

anomalies in 10-25% of the cases, and these are often lethal #{176}

Perhaps the strongest argument against

early operation (4-8 weeks), is that an

in-creasing number of patients with nonsurgi-cal jaundice (neonatal hepatitis) will be subjected to a relatively dangerous and poorly tolerated procedure. There is ample support for this concept in the literature. Gellis et al., for example, reported 16 pa-tients with neonatal hepatitis who were explored. At the time of the report in 1954

7 of these were dead and 3 were living with persistent jaundice and cirrhosis. Thirteen other patients, similar in all respects, were

not explored, and only one of these had

died and one was living with jaundice and cirrhosis at that time.43 Shorter et al.,8

Kiesewetter et al.,23 Clatworthy and Mc-Donald,24 and Norris and Hays26 reported a total of 35 patients with neonatal hepa-titis who were explored. Of these, 17 were known dead and 9 others had severe per-sistent liver disease at the time of reporting.

In the present series more patients with hepatitis died as a result of surgical inter-vention than were cured because of opera-tive correction of an extrahepatic atresia.

Of the 14 patients with neonatal hepatitis syndrome who were explored and on whom follow-up information is available, 7 are

known dead and the remainder are alive without evidence of liver disease from one

to more than 10 years postoperatively. Of the dead, 2 are unequivocal results of op-erative procedures (Cases 1 and 5).

Post-operative fistulae and obstruction in Cases


mor-Case Patient. Surg. (No.)

Age at .


Operative . .


. .

Diagnosts Age at

Death Cause of Death

1 K.T. 45553 16 wk Normal hiliary


Giant cell hepatitis

17 wk Wound dehiscence and

evis-ceration with death from peritonitis 10 days postop.

2 M.H. 5-4239 4 wk Normal biliary


Giant cell hepatitis

20 mo Hepatic disease and pneu-monia

3 D.B. 53-1308 6 wk Normal bile

ducts, absent gall bladder

Giant cell hepatitis

8 mo Hepatic failure

4 PT. 56-8083 17 wk Normal bile

ducts, absent gall bladder

Giant cell


13 mo Hepatic failure Biliary fistula developed postop.

5 C.L. 57-524 34 yr Normal biliary


Giant cell hepatitis

34 yr Died 24 hours postop. (Au-topsy failed to reveal iiii-mediate cause of death)

6 T.F. 61-7917 16 mo Normal biliary


Giant cell hepatitis

19 mo Pneumonia. At autopsy liver had returned to normal

histology, and liver

func-tion was normal prior to


7 R.L. 57-1832 4 yr Normal biliary


Neonatal hepatitis


6 yr Hepatic failure. Developed cholecystoileal fistula and

scarred off ducts. Two later operations required.

bidity contributing to death. Two other

pa-tients (Cases 2 and 3) developed fatal he-patic failure after discharge, but the rela-lion to the operative procedure is not clear (see Table VI).

It is agreed that much of the morbidity and mortality following surgery in cases of neonatal hepatitis has been due to the

pro-longed and extensive dissections carried out. Initial operative cholangiography and liver biopsy, as advocated by Swenson and Fisher,44 should decrease these hazards. This technique has been utilized in only 4

patients at St. Louis Children’s Hospital, and the small number of cases and the brief follow-ups prevent a meaningful

com-parison of morbidity and mortality with our earlier patients who had extensive and lengthy dissections. In these few patients

at our institution who had only cholangiog-raphy and liver biopsy, anesthesia time

ranged from 2) to 2% hours. Gellis et al.3

stress the dangers of prolonged anesthesia in these patients. The trauma of anesthesia and a 2-hour operation might severely affect the already damaged liver, with

ne-croses of liver cells leading to hepatic fail-nrc or postnecrotic cirrhosis. Until more definitive data are available, there should

be reservations about the innocuous nature of the limited exploration as advocated by Swenson and Fisher.44

The exact incidence of neonatal hepatitis is unknown and is difficult if not impossible

to determine. However, it is almost cer-tainly higher than the incidence,



autopsy cases 013, 22. 24 Krovetz

be-lieves neonatal hepatitis to be more

fre-quent than biliary atresia.25 My review of all charts at St. Louis Children’s Hospital of patients with obstructive jaundice at age 1 month revealed an approximately equal

incidence of extrahepatic atresia and of “neonatal hepatitis syndrome.” Evidence

of clearing of jaundice or of bile in stools spared many of the latter group from opera-tion. It is the opinion of the author that

early operation will be accompanied by an increase in the percentage incidence of neo-natal hepatitis among patients with neo-natal obstructive jaundice coming to

sur-gery, while judicious delay will permit

many cases of neonatal hepatitis to be

diag-nosed clinically from falling levels of serum bilirubin.

The percentage of surgically correctable

lesions among patients with neonatal ob-structive jaundice is very low. Since there is evidence to suggest that utilization of only surgical material tends to

underesti-mate the incidence of neonatal hepatitis,35

it is probable that the 9% figure (5/57 cases) derived from our surgical material is too high. Swenson and Fisher have found only 2-3% correctable lesions among their


Most of this very small group with theo-retically correctable lesions will die

irre-spective of age at operation. On the basis of review of the cases at St. Louis

Chil-dren’s Hospital and study of the series of

other investigators, it is the opinion of the author that a conservative policy is mdi-cated to minimize the number of patients with neonatal hepatitis subjected to explo-ration. There is evidence that a delay until three months of age will permit many cases of hepatitis to be diagnosed. Such a delay will have little if any adverse affect on the rare correctable atresia.


All cases of neonatal obstructive jaundice at St. Louis Children’s Hospital were re-viewed. The total of 57 included 32 cases

of extrahepatic biliary atresia and 16

bi-opsy-proven cases of giant-cell hepatitis. As

a result, the author has reached the follow-ing conclusions:

Giant-cell hepatitis can be distinguished from extrahepatic atresia in almost all cases

by study of a liver biopsy. The important morphologic criteria include the presence in atresia of bile duct proliferation and of intraductal bile stasis, and the absence of significant hepatic architectural

disor--- ganization early in the course of the

dis-ease. Clinical data and most laboratory tests

are of little use in distinguishing between

atresia and neonatal hepatitis. Serial

hili-rubin determinations are useful, as falling levels over a period of weeks is strong cvi-dence for hepatitis. At laparotorny cholan-giography is the most valuable diagnostic tool, with frozen section of value when

radiographic studies cannot be made.

Biliary atresia carries an extremely poor

prognosis, for few patients have a

cor-rectable lesion (12% in this series).

Further-more, the mortality and morbidity of biliary tract surgery in infants is high, irrespective of the age of the patient at operation. This poor prognosis is not due to delay in opera-tion, since cirrhosis and hepatic insuffici-ency develop relatively late in hiliarv

atresia. Delay of operation until age three

months vill adversely affect only a very

rare patient with atresia.

Neonatal hepatitis is a frequent cause of

neonatal obstructive jaundice. Exploratory laparotomy in these patients has a high

morbidity and mortality, especially when a prolonged ductal dissection is performed.

Early operation (4-8 weeks) will result in

more cases of hepatitis being subjected to a hazardous procedure. There is evidence to indicate that if operation is delayed until

3 months of age, many of these patients

will show evidence of resolution of their

disease, especially a serial fall in bilirubin, and need not be explored.

It is the final conclusion of the author that the management of obstructive jaun-dice in this age group should be

conserva-tive, and that operation should not be



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I wish to express my appreciation to Dr. Lauren

V. Ackerman, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, for his encouragement and

advice,and to Dr. John Porterfield, University of

Missouri School of Medicine for his invaluable



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