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Assessment of desertification hazard, risk and development of management plans


Academic year: 2020

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Desert 22-1 (2017) 51-67


Assessment of desertification hazard, risk and development of

management plans

S.A. Arami


, M. Ownagh



Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran

Received: 30 January 2016; Received in revised form: 16 February 2017; Accepted: 30 February 2017


About 80 percent of Iran is arid and semi-arid and about 35 percent of this area is susceptible to desertification hazard. Therefore desertification assessment and identification of the most important criteria for the assessment of risk and a basis for development of management plans is essential. This research was conducted in the semi-arid region of Agh-Band in the Golestan province, Iran with an area of 3062.5 km2 aiming at preparation of the

desertification hazard and risk maps and development of various management plans to control the desertification. In this study, the IMDPA model and geomorphologic facies were used to evaluate the desertification hazard. The work units (geomorphologic facies) were defined based on geology and land use maps, satellite images and field surveys. The risk map was developed with a combination of desertification hazard intensity and hazard elements and degree of vulnerability maps using the total risk equation. Desertification management plan was developed based on four management strategies including: no plan, maintains the status quo, avoid the risk and implement the control measures. The results indicated that soil and vegetation criteria with magnitudes of 2.67 and 2.54 fall into sever desertification category (III) and other criteria are within medium class (II). The average value of degree of desertification in the study area was 2.03 (class II).

Keywords: Desertification hazard; Geomorphologic facies; Risk; Management plan; Agh-Band; Golestan

1. Introduction

Nowadays, risk has a widespread and multi-dimensional meaning which depends on safety, economic, social and environmental issues. Various meanings which are due to different application of different decision- making authorities have caused an indefinite definition of this word. One of the problems encountered is the technical definition of risk and extension of its application in different sciences. The best definition for the risk may be the correlation between parameter (element) and hazard (Messnerand Meyer, 2005). Desertification in arid, semi-arid, and dry sub-humid regions, is a global environmental problem (Yang et al.,

2005). Desertification sensitivity can be defined,


Corresponding author. Tel.: +98 939 4714502 Fax: +98 17 32424155

E-mail address: arami1854@gmail.com


Arami & Ownagh / Desert 22-1 (2017) 51-67 52

damages as well as providing and developing various managerial plans for a semi-arid area named Agh-band. Evaluating the contribution of the most important criteria (soil, vegetation, etc.) involved in desertification is another objective of this study. A performed study by Yang et al. (2005) showed that there are two

major problems facing the assessment of degradation in China including uncertainty of baseline assessments and indictor systems and the misuse of remotely sensed data sources. Ownegh (2009) developed a desertification risk management plan for Gorgan plain on the basis of physiographic units by including five key parameters (salinity, waterlogging, water erosion, wind erosion, and degradation of vegetation cover) based on AHP and subjective model. He also classified the risk of desertification in this region into four classes, and by applying different scenarios provided a managerial plan. From the major advantages of the model adopted in this study, the quick process of evaluation and the inclusion of expert judgments under the lack of reliable field and laboratory data sources could be mentioned. Bouabid et al. (2010) assessed desertification in

Morocco's Souss river basin by means of MEDALUS with some modifications. Four main indicators including soil, vegetation, climate and management were used for the preparation of desertification sensitivity map. As given by the results, a large part of the area (72%) is highly vulnerable to desertification. The southern part of the state has a critical and fragile condition with weather as the crucial parameter which is per se exacerbated by the physical and human factors. Gad and Lotfi (2008) used remote sensing and GIS for mapping susceptible areas for desertification in Egypt and they understand that the Nile valley’s soil quality is low and also showed that 86.1% of Egypt’s soil is in the low quality class and is sensitive to erosion. Hosseini et al. (2012)

studied desertification hazard using modified MEDALUS model in Niatak region of Sistan and indicated that of the whole studied region (comprising 4819.6 acres), 55% are located in medium desertification intensity class, 26.34% are positioned in severe desertification intensity class, and 18.64% are placed in vary severe desertification intensity class. All things considered, it appears that desertification is complex in nature and many factors are involved in this phenomenon. In spite of the facts that different methods have been used to assess the risk of desertification in different regions of the world, no single method has been identified for the assessment of desertification

risk and damages and thus no management agenda thus far has been proposed. Therefore, in a systematic and sustainable attempt to reach a management plan for dealing with the risk of desertification in desert areas along a steep gradient from the foothills to the playa, preparing the maps of desertification risk and damage based on an appropriate model (IMDPAa) is inevitable. The model provides a procedure of weighted layers with GIS applications. Moreover, it insures accuracy, speed of assessing and mapping (Geeson et al.,

2010). In this study, the simultaneous implementation of three stages of risk and damage assessment as well as development of the desert management plan is of high applicability as the consecutive circles of information chain in the comprehensive land management and management of environmental risks. this study assessed desertification risk by applying the general equation R = H. E. V. Ownegh (2009) in Ziarat watershed in Gorgan, Kenlong et al. (2007) in Yangjya, Yangf Zhyg

province of China, Remondo et al. (2008) in Bajudba (northern Spain), Enrique et al. (2008)

in Kuantamo, Cuba also used this equation to estimate damage. Roads, residential areas, springs, facilities, rangeland lands and agricultural lands were selected as elements at risk in this study. Ownegh (2009) in Ziarat watershed selected roads, electricity networks, residential areas, tourist complexes and water resources. Zezere et al. (2008) in north of

Lisbon, Portugal have selected roads and buildings and Enrique et al. (2008) in Kvantamv

Cuba have selected houses, schools, cemeteries and roads as in hazard elements. Desertification in semi-arid region of Agh-band is in its active state because of the special climate, edaphic and geomorphologic characteristics of the area. Hence, it is inevitable to assess the desertification risk and status based on the criteria and indices of utmost influence in the form of the IMDPA model in order to wisely develop a mitigating while harnessing managerial plan in line with national action plan (NAP) for desertification control.

2. Materials and Methods

This phase of the research involved collecting information from relevant agencies, acquiring maps, defining work units, risk mapping by means of the IMDPA model, preparing risk and damage maps and finally developing an



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2.1. S

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2.3. D

In this status desert provin

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study area lies northern latitud

Mapping geo

his study, to tification and in accordance orphological f ntains and pedi


s study, for th s of deser

tification ma nce of Iran,

Table 1.

gement plan t

s within 37o 7 de and 54o 24



o evaluate to provide ri with the purp facies has bee iments.

n hazard

he purpose of i rtification a aps in Agh-b IMDPA mo

Classification of Class Slight and ne Modera Sever Very Sev

Arami & Own

o deal with t

7' 37” to 37o 3 4' 03” to 54o 4

1. Location of th

al facies (wo

the hazard isk manageme pose of researc en separated in

investigating t and providi band, Golest odel was use

f desertification c s

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nagh / Desert 2


37' 40'

07 km te se Fi G

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of ent ch, nto

the ing tan ed.

IM de cr se ge w ec de se de in ve (T

classes in IMDPA v

22-1 (2017)

51-7” eastern lon m2 in Golestan

rms of geom ections of mou

ig. 1 shows t olestan provin

lestan province o

MDPA is the esertification riteria for thre emi-humid dry eology and g

ater, erosion conomic con evelopment. eparately con esertification c As can be se nto four classe

ery severe b Table 1).

A model (Arami, 2 value range

0 – 1.5 1.6 – 2.5 2.6 – 3.5 3.6 - 4


ngitude with a n province, Ira morphology, is

untainous, foo the location o nce.

f Iran

latest tool fo in Iran by ta ee climates of

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total area of 3 an. The provin s divided into othills and low of the study a

or the assessm aking accoun f dry, semi-ar criteria are: cl gy, soil, vege agriculture, an and ind he parameters d evaluated


erion map is d moderate, seve e assigned w




3062.5 nce, in o three wlands.

area in

ment of nt of 9 rid and limate, etation, socio– dustrial

s was as a


Arami & Ownagh / Desert 22-1 (2017) 51-67 54

Fig. 2. Structural diagram of IMDPA model (assessed criteria and indices) (Ahmadi, 2006)

2.4. Assessment of Desertification Risk

Total Risk is estimated by the desertification risk equation as R = H.E.V (Ammann, 2016). Where, R is risk, H large hazard, E elements at stake and V vulnerability of the elements. Elements at risk studied in this research include buildings, roads, rangelands, residential areas and infrastructure.

2.5. Map of the elements at risk

Land use, topography and the inventory of elements at risk (agriculture, rangelands, villages, facilities, roads and springs) facilitate the identification and delineation of these elements in each unit of hazard classes (Ownegh, 2009).

Table 2. Classes of elements at risk in the semi-arid region of Agh-band (Ownegh, 2009)

No Element Class Qualitative Class Number of Elements

1 I Very Low ≤2

2 II Low 3

3 III Medium 4

4 IV High 5

5 V Very High 6



of technology economicSocio- Erosion Groundwater Agriculture Vegetation cover Soil Geology Climate

Water erosion Wind erosion

Dr ou ght Ar id ity in dex Th e a m ou nt of an nu al rainf all Th e utiliza tion o f veg eta tion co ver C over c ond ition R ene wi ng C ove ra ge Elect ric al con du ctivi ty Dra in age Ut iliz at io n typ e of w or k un it T he sen si tiv ity o f sto ne Sl op e T he us e of in pu ts a nd m ac hi ne ry P rod uc ts yi el d Crop pin g patte rn EC Amou nt of ch lor ine SAR T he nu mb er of d ays with dus t sto rm Veget at io n cov er per cent Th e adven t of ero sion fac ie s Ow ne rs hi p T yp

e of u

tilization an d yield Fo rm ations and

trust to exe


Arami & Ownagh / Desert 22-1 (2017) 51-67 55

2.6. Elements Vulnerability Map

After determination of classes (Table 2) and identification of the elements in each unit of hazard map, elements vulnerability classes were

determined by using table 3 (Nazari Nejad, 2010) and based on the related hazard intensity classes, expert judgments and Conditions of the study area. Elements at the higher classes are subjected to higher level of vulnerability.

Table 3. Classification Standards and vulnerability level of elements at hazard (Nazari Nejad, 2010) Vulnerability Class Qualitative Classes Vulnerability Value

I Very Low < 7

II Low 7 - 15

III Moderate 15 - 35

IV High 35 – 45

V Very High > 45

2.7. Risk Assessment

To calculate the risk value from the aforementioned equation R = H. E. V, numerical value of risk elements, vulnerability of the elements and risk severity are multiplied in order to demonstrate the priorities of different work units and management plans to combat desertification (Table 4) (Nazari Nejad, 2010).

2.8. Prioritization of desertification management plans

Based on management classes, prioritization of management plans to deal with the crisis of desertification was carried out in semi-arid region of Agh-band (Table 5).

Table 4. Classification Standards and risk value

Risk Class Qualitative Classes Risk Value

I Very Low 0-10

II Low 10-25

III Moderate 25-40

IV High >40

Table 5. Guidelines for the setting priorities for management plans Risk

Class Management Plan Recommended Plans

Management Plan Classification

I No Plan No specific management plan is recommended 0

II Maintaining Status quo Prevention of land use change and destruction of vegetation or controlling grazing I

III Risk Avoidance II-b: planting crops tolerant to salinity II-a: spaces at risk not to be occupied II

IV Controlling measures

III-a: enrichment of grasslands, increasing vegetation, especially crops tolerant to salinity and

drought III

III-b: the mechanical operation of constructing Open Drains

3. Results

3.1. Work units (geomorphological facies)

3 study area was divided into 3 units, 5 types and 40 geomorphological facies (work unit) (Fig. 4 and 5 and Table 6). The scale all maps are 1/100000.

3.2. The hazard of desertification in the study area


56 Arami & Own

Fig. 3. Flowcha

nagh / Desert 2

art of the researc

22-1 (2017)

51-ch methodology



(1-1-1) Mountain

(2-1-2) Hills with ril

(1-1-3) Highly salin

(1-2-3) Sand dunes

(1-3-3) River Gorga

(10-1-3) Alluvial de

(10-3-3) Aryadasht

(11-1-3) Saline outc

(11-3-3) Old terrace

(12-1-3)Saline and

(12-3-3)Aq Tappeh

(13-1-3) Rills with g

F al facies

l-furrow erosion

ne and waterlogged


anrood’s old meande

epositions of Atrrak

t alluvial deposits wit


es of Bishek-teppeh

highly waterlogged

h alluvial deposits wit

gully morphology

Fig. 4. Work-Unit


h slight salinity

and alluvial deposits

(with small eroded w

h medium salinity

Arami & Own

t map of Agh-ban


wind dunes) (1

(5 (1













nagh / Desert 2

nd area, Golestan

15-1-3)Marginal salin

5-1-3)Saline and wat 14-1-3)inter-rill Saline

16-1-3)Rill erosion

17-1-3)Rill and furrow

18-1-3)Marsh lands

19-1-3)Degraded field

4-1-2)Highly Hilly with

2-1-3)Clay pan

2-3-3)River Gorganro

20-1-3)Saline and ab

21-1-3)Gully erosion


3-1-2)Hills with gullie

3-1-3)Atrak Flood Sp

22-1 (2017)

51-province (geomo

ne and waterlogged a

erlogged e surfaces

w erosion


h sheet-rill erosion

ood’s inter-meanders





orphological facie













(9-3-3 areas



3)Regular pediments

2)Few hills with rill-sh

3)Saline with small fo

3)Piedmont Plains

-3)Marginal saline an

3)River and alluvial p

3)Local Fans

3)Plateaus and uppe

3)Water breadths

3)Bank erosion

3)Agricultural fields

3)Relatively high land

3)Saline with gully mo

3)Aryadasht alluvial d 57

heet erosion

ossil hills

nd waterlogged ares


r terraces

ds, water dividing ridg


deposits with medium ges


Arami & Ownagh / Desert 22-1 (2017) 51-67 58

Table 6. Distribution of geomorphological units of semiarid region of Agh-band

frequency Percent Area (ha) Facies Type Unit 1 0.26 808.1 Mountain Relatively high mountains (0.26 %) Mountain

(0.26 %)

1 5.92

18128.55 Hills with rill-furrow erosion

Loess Hills (12.57 %) Loess Hills

(12.57 %)

1 2.90

8892.9 Highly Hilly with sheet-rill erosion

1 2.23

6825.85 Hills with gullies

1 1.52

4650.6 Few hills with rill-sheet erosion

2 2.60

7978.9 Highly saline and waterlogged




s New


d Plain (

34. 49 % ) K ha zari co ve re d p edim ent (87. 17 % ) 3 0.45 1374.98 Clay pan 1 0.11 349.88 Atrak Flood Spreading

1 0.70

2160.21 Saline with small fossil hills

3 3.15

9652.35 Marginal saline and waterlogged ares

2 1.04 3197.09 Local Fans 11 1.66 5092.58 water breadths 3 1.85 5652.23 Agricultural fields 1 1.03 3143.3 Saline with gully morphology

1 2.48

7603.02 Alluvial depositions of Atrrak

1 1.35 4149.06 Saline outcrops 1 0.86 2638.14 Saline and highly waterlogged (with small eroded

wind dunes)

2 4.34

13295.1 Rills with gully morphology

7 3.25

9940.73 inter-rill Saline surfaces

1 7.08

21687.03 Saline and waterlogged

2 0.61 1864.7 Rill erosion 3 0.78 2386.69 Rill and furrow erosion

4 0.46 1389.07 Marsh lands 1 0.29 880.4 Degraded fields 4 0.44 1350.47 Saline and abandoned

3 1.52 4662.35 Gully erosion 1 0.09 264.19 Kalmasen 15 2.58 7894.49 Coastal fossil dunes

Sand dunes (2.58 %)

1 0.21

636.97 River Gorganrood’s old meanders

Gorg an roo d’s N ew F lood Plain (50. 1 % ) 1 0.39 1181.7 River Gorganrood’s inter-meanders

1 0.30 934.54 Regular pediments 1 9.97 30584.06 Piedmont Plains 4 16.00 49016.52

River and alluvial plains

1 0.70

2132.53 Plateaus and upper terraces

2 2.01 6153.47 Bank erosion 1 0.78 2396.2 Relatively high lands, water dividing ridges

(between Atrak and Gorganrood Basins)

3 5.21

15952.05 Aryadasht alluvial deposits with medium salinity

1 2.46

7584.71 Aryadasht alluvial deposits with slight salinity

3 8.47

25946.22 Old terraces of Bishek-teppeh and alluvial deposits

1 1.97

6022.6 Aq Tappeh alluvial deposits with medium salinity

1 1.60

4888.13 Marginal saline and waterlogged areas

99 100

306250.08 Total

Fig. 5. Frequency distribution of geomorphological work-units in the study area 0.26 12.57 87.17 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Mountain Loess Hills Khazari covered







Fig. 7. Desert

Fig. 9. Desert

Fig. 11. Deser

tification sensitivi clima

tification sensitivi vegetation

rtification sensitiv erosi

ity map of Agh-b ate criterion

ity map of Agh-b n cover criterion

vity map of Agh-b ion criterion

Arami & Own

band region based

band region based

band region based

nagh / Desert 2

Fig. d on

Fig. d on

Fig. 1 d on

22-1 (2017)

51-6. Desertification

8. Desertification

10. Desertification


n sensitivity map geology crite

n sensitivity map agriculture crit

n sensitivity map socio-economic c

of Agh-band regi erion

of Agh-band regi terion

p of Agh-band reg criterion


ion based on

ion based on



Fig. 13. Deser

3.3. A desert


Criter of im soil ( socio-climat groun

rtification sensitiv groundw

Analysis of tification in A


ria of desertifi mportance inclu

2.54), develo -economic ( te (1.72), eros ndwater (1.6) (

vity map of Agh-b water criterion

Fig. 14. Deserti

criteria and gh-band area

on criteria

ication in the ude: vegetatio opment of tec

(2.21), agric sion (1.7), geo (Figs. 15 and

Arami & Own

band region based

ification sensitivi

d indicators a

region, in ord on cover (2.6 chnology (2.4 culture (2.0 ology (1.65) a


nagh / Desert 2

Fig. 1 d on

ity map of Agh-ba


der 7), 2), 8), and


A A de A 1. IM as re ar ne m (T

22-1 (2017)

51-12. Desertification develo

and region based

3.2. The sever

According to ArcGIS deskto

esertification Agh-band in G

95. In the cur MDPA model ssigned as th egion.

In terms of rea fell into egligible dese moderate and

Table 7).


n sensitivity map opment of techno

d on soil criterion

rity of desertif

calculations op 9.3 softw intensity in s Golestan prov

rrent classific l, desertificat he average st

f frequency, 3 o the desert ertification cla 17.80% into

p of Agh-band reg ology criterion


made usin ware, the val semi-arid reg vince was me ation scheme tion class (II tatus to the

31.32% of th tification slig ass, 50.88% in the severe c

gion based on

ng the lue of gion of easured

of the I) was



Ac found

3.4. R

In ord firstly eleme of vu consid desert classe

Table 7. Freque Class cod


ccording to th d that:

1.72 1.6 2.

Fig. 16. T

Risk Assessmen

der to map th y attempted t ents at risk and ulnerability o

deration of th tification risk es based on th

Fig. 15. The an

ncy distribution o Haza L Mo s Total

e following fo

54 1.65 2.08 2.21 2.67

The final Map of d


he desertificat to identify a d then by app f each eleme he hazard int

classes were e general risk 0 0.51 1.52 2.53 3.54









Arami & Own

nalysis of the wei

of desertification ard class Low oderate


ormula it can

8 2.42 1.7 2.03

desertification int

tion risk, it w and classify t lying the degr ent and by t ensity map, t assigned in fo

equation. 1.6 1.65

0 5 5 2 5 3 5 4

nagh / Desert 2

ghted average of

hazard classes in Weight range

0-1.5 1.6-2.5 2.6-3.5

be Ev av m re 2. in

tensity in the sem

was the ree the the our


Fi of de in in 1.7 1.72 2.


22-1 (2017)

51-f deserti51-fication in

n Agh -band regio Area(ha) e

95925.92 155811.5

54512.5 302800

valuations ta verage of qua model’s criteri

egion of Agh 67 and intens ntensifying des

mi-arid region of A

4.1. Map of th

ig. 17 and 18 f classes o esertification n terms of the n the east and s

.08 2.21 2.42

del Criterias


n Agh-band area


Frequen )

3 2

5 59

1 5

aken place antitative valu ia showed th h-band, vegeta

se class (III) i sertification.

Agh-band based o

he desertificat

illustrates fre f componen in the study a e number of e

south-east. 2 2.54 2.67

ncy percent 31.32 50.88 17.80 100

on the we ues of the IM at in the sem ation criterion is the main fa


tion elements

equency distri nts at hazar area. Sensitive elements are l


eighted MDPA mi-arid n with actor in

at risk




The e of the degre major with

The vulnerabi

expert judgme e elements at r e of vulnerab r industrial fa

a high deg



ility of elemen

ent scores wer risk in order t bility. The st acilities and i gree of sens

Arami & Own

17. Desertificatio

Fig. 18. The classe

nts at risk

re used for ea to determine t tudy area lac irrigation can sitivity. Road

nagh / Desert 2

on risk elements m

es of elements at

ach the cks als ds,

ra im ar an su Q

22-1 (2017)

51-map in Agh-band

desertification ri

angelands and mportant than rea are impor nd communi urrounding cit abus, Minood


d area


d residential p the listed elem rtant for the p ication of v ties such as dasht and Mar

properties are ments. Roads passage of ve villagers wit

Gorgan, Gon ravetappe.



Using value turnin

Risk of deser

g the general was calculate ng points of

Fig. 19. Vuln


equation (R = ed and classifi f the cumula

Arami & Own

nerability of elem

= H. E. V), ri fied based on t ative frequen

Fig. 20. Desertif

nagh / Desert 2

ments at risk to de

isk the ncy

cu hi sh w

fication risk map

22-1 (2017)

51-esertification in A

urves of pixel igh and very howed that ul was occurred at

of the study area


Agh-band area

ls in 4 classe y high (Fig. ltimately, 30. t high and ver


es of low, me . 20). The .03% of the ry high class.



Arami & Ownagh / Desert 22-1 (2017) 51-67 64

3.5. Policies and managerial plans for desertification risk

Management plans and solutions were devised on the basis of the risk classes in four activities to achieve sustainable development and to mitigate environmental conditions. Then the map of management plan was prepared accordingly (Table 8) (Ownegh, 2009).

3.6. The proposed management plans

3.6.1. Taking no plans

Areas that are included within this management plan embrace 14.43% of the total area including 5266.8 ha of agricultural fields, 33147.83 ha of rangelands, 7.7 km of main road, 10.23 km of rural blacktop and dirt road. For this reason, in these areas no particular program other than adapting to the traditional methods is recommended.

Table 8. The priority of desertification management plans

Management plan Risk class Vulnerability class Elements class hazard class Work unit cod

Non class I I I I (1-1-1) IIb II IV III II (1-1-2) I II III II II (2-1-2) I II III II II (3-1-2) Non class I III II I (4-1-2) I I III I III (1-1-3) Non class I I I III (2-1-3) I II III II II (3-1-3) Non class I I I II (4-1-3) Non class IV V III III (5-1-3) Non class I I I II (6-1-3) IIb II IV III II (8-1-3) Non class I I I III (9-1-3) I II III II II (10-1-3) I I III I III (11-1-3) Non class I I I III (12-1-3) IIIb IV V IV II (13-1-3) IIa II III III II (14-1-3) IIIb IV V III III (15-1-3) Non class I III I II (16-1-3) IIb II IV III II (17-1-3) Non class I I I III (18-1-3) Non class I I I II (19-1-3) IIIa III V II III (20-1-3) I II III II II (21-1-3) I II III II II (22-1-3) I II III III II (1-2-3) Non class I III I II (1-3-3) Non class I III I II (2-3-3) Non class I III I II (3-3-3) IIa II III V I (4-3-3) I II III IV I (5-3-3) I II III IV I (6-3-3) IIa II IV III II (7-3-3) IIb II IV III II (8-3-3) IIIa III IV IV II (9-3-3) I II III IV I (10-3-3) IIIb IV V IV II (11-3-3) IIb II IV III II (12-3-3) IIIb IV V IV II (13-3-3)

Table 9. Distribution of management activities in the study area

Management plan Management class Area (ha) Area ( percent)

No Plan Non class 44193.57 14.43

Maintaining Status quo I 110667.7 36.14

Hazard Avoidance II IIa 36934.84 IIb: 34129.04 12.06 11.14

Controlling measures III IIIb: 60072.19 IIIa: 20252.6 19.62 6.61


3.6.2. Maint for pa agricu facilit roads, blackt Impor Teppe Qami of des maint neces degra 3.6.3.

a: T agricu spring 12.17 paved villag are: D which Mana in th resista space b: Th lands, Maintain the

taining the st arts of the are ultural lands, ty, 16 wells an

, 19.81 km ru top and dir rtant villages eh, Chaparg

sh covering 3 sertification in taining the s sary measures dation of vege

Hazard avoid

This class e ultural lands, gs and wells km of rura d and graveled ges and Kalal Dykcheh, Sarli

h account for agement and hese areas is ant plants an

s at hazard. his class has

, 22825.17 ha

Fig. 21. M

e status quo I

tatus quo wa ea comprised

34124.12 ha nd springs, 53 ural dirt road,

rt roads and s here are ghoeime, Te 36.14% of tota

n these areas status quo a s to prevent l etation covers

dance II

encloses 327 2640.76 ha of , 43.45 km l dirt road, d road and 4 f

eh Town. Im i Makhtoom a r 12.6 percent prevention of accomplishe nd prevention

9139.39 ha a of rangeland

Arami & Own

Management plan

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Arami & Ownagh / Desert 22-1 (2017) 51-67 66

roads and drainage. Poor and deflected drainage leads to the reduction of the depth of the aquifer and waterlogging and due to the low quality of water, the evaporation of salty water and leaving alkaline soils behind the region will encounter a further qualitative and quantitative lack of vegetation in the region.

4. Discussion and Conclusion

Considering a three-step assessment process including hazard and risk assessment as well as developing management plans in semi-arid areas is of high practicality for the comprehensive management of land and environmental hazards management. Therefore, in this study, desertification risk and hazard was assessed in a semi-arid region (Agh-band, Golestan province) with a total area of 3062.5 km2 followed by the development of management plan.

The geomorphological investigation is the basis for other studies on the subject of renewable natural resources, and since the field of natural resources studies is vast and various sciences are included in it such as, botany, climatology, geology, hydrology, ecology, geology, etc. it is necessary for all other studies to be built on a similar basis that meets all of the basic requirements. This similar basis is the working unit map which is undeniably important to control and coordinate all efforts in investigating natural resources and desertification and developing managerial plans (Rezaei Rad, 2008). Building on the facts provided, desertification studies are no exception to other natural resources studies. Similarly, because of different standards used in the process and the need to evaluate each of these factors, the necessity of a comparable ground for all studies is felt more than ever that. Here, if facies can be defined according to the influential factors and can be adopted as the foundation, desertification studies will be led to a common goal and also errors caused by the lack of coordination between different standards will be avoided (Rezaei Rad, 2008). In this study, 9 criteria including climate, geology and geomorphology, vegetation, agriculture, erosion (water and wind), socioeconomic, groundwater, soil, urban and industrial development and technology were assessed to evaluate the desertification status of the semi-arid region of Agh-band by means of the IMDPA model. According to assessments made, between the criteria of desertification in the study area, the effect of vegetation is quite dominant; as a weighted average of 2.67 denotes a severe


Arami & Ownagh / Desert 22-1 (2017) 51-67 67

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Fig. 1. Location of thhe study area, Gollestan province of Iran
Fig. 2. Structural diagram of IMDPA model (assessed criteria and indices) (Ahmadi, 2006)
Fig. 3. Flowchaart of   the researcch methodology
Fig. 4. Work-UnitF


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