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Regulatory Risk Framework


Academic year: 2021

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Regulatory Risk Framework

The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) regulates • Risk-based regulation means that risks to the non-individuals and organisations delivering legal services achievement of regulatory objectives are assessed in line with the regulatory objectives outlined in the in terms of their likelihood and the impact of any Legal Services Act (LSA). The SRA regulates in the harm they cause to desired outcomes, before action public interest and in the interests of the consumers is taken. This approach ensures that regulatory of legal services. activities and resources are prioritised and applied

proportionately. The SRA is an outcomes-focused, risk-based regulator.

The SRA’s Regulatory Risk Framework outlines how

• Outcomes-focused regulation means that our goal we operate and oversee risk-based regulation through

is to ensure that those we regulate deliver the right our risk management process, risk governance and outcomes for the public, in line with the intent of the the organisational culture required to embed a

regulatory objectives. risk-based approach.

Our Regulatory Risk Index sets out the risks that we manage under this framework.

Risk management process overview

Before acting, we We asses risks consistently and We continually evaluate our identify risks based on share these assessments across effectiveness by monitoring

a central risk index the SRA to aid understanding changing outcomes

We learn and adapt our tolerance, We monitor risk levels We control unacceptable resourcing levels and approach against our tolerance to risk levels through

to controlling risks direct control activities regulatory tools



1. Our regulatory approach


2. The regulatory risk management process


3. Risk identification


4. Risk assessment


5. Monitoring


6. Controls


7. Evaluation


8. Embedding risk management



caus e har m to tangib le expr essi on o f

1. Our regulatory approach

The ultimate goal of our regulatory activity is to work We seek to do this in a manner that is transparent, towards the following objectives set out in the LSA1: accountable, proportionate, consistent and targeted

at cases in which action is needed, in line with the RO1 protecting and promoting the public interest principles of better regulation.

RO2 supporting the constitutional principle of In working towards these objectives, the SRA has the rule of law adopted an outcomes-focused, risk-based approach

to regulation. That is, we deliver outcomes-focused RO3 improving access to justice

regulation through a risk-based approach. RO4 protecting and promoting the interests

of consumers

RO5 promoting competition in the provision of services

RO6 encouraging an independent, strong, diverse and effective legal profession RO7 increasing public understanding of the

citizen’s legal rights and duties

RO8 promoting and maintaining adherence The diagram below shows at a high level how these to the professional principles concepts relate.



Risk fRamewORk



manage risk to achieve outcomes


These requirements shape our approach to every

Outcomes-focused regulation

area of regulatory activity, for example authorising The outcomes-focused approach to regulation means individuals joining the profession, supervising firms, that our goal is to ensure that legal services providers enforcement activities and the setting of policies deliver positive outcomes for consumers of legal and standards.

services and the public, in line with the intent of the

Risk-based regulation enables us to consistently and LSA regulatory objectives. This is in contrast to our

proportionately direct resource by targeting resource historical rules-based approach: we no longer focus on

at those areas which pose an unacceptable threat prescribing how those we regulate provide services,

to the outcomes we have identified in relation to the but instead focus on the outcomes for the public and

regulatory objectives. consumers that result from their activities.

Our regulatory risk appetite describes our attitude The SRA defines desired regulatory outcomes by

towards risk, including those which we tolerate or identifying what we expect to observe when the

find acceptable and the level at which risks become market operates in line with the intent of the regulatory

unacceptable. Some areas that may historically have objectives. This process provides us with a practical

attracted attention under the SRA’s prescriptive articulation of the characteristics or results that we

rules-based approach may now be within our appetite should be seeking to achieve through our regulation.

for regulatory risk, allowing us to divert resources to By adopting an outcomes-focused approach, we focus on more serious matters, and move from being are able to encourage innovation within the market, reactive to being proactive in approach.

regulating a broader range of business structures

We do not seek to eliminate risk completely, but who bring new approaches to the provision of legal

to make the best use of our limited resources to services, as well as providing greater freedom to those

proactively reduce the risks posed to an acceptable we already regulate.

level. We also take an explicitly non-zero failure As an outcomes-focused regulator we evaluate the approach to regulation, meaning that we do not seek impact of our regulatory activity on firms, consumers of to prevent every harm from occurring, choosing legal services and the public and adapt our approach to instead to allow greater flexibility for the market to continuously improve our delivery. operate freely as far as risks remain within tolerable

levels. In the course of letting the market operate

Risk-based regulation

freely, risks will crystallise that fall both within and outside our tolerance and we will respond accordingly. Day-to-day regulatory activities are guided by a

risk-based approach to regulation, focusing attention and

Regulatory activity consists of both proactive and activity upon issues, firms and potential risks that

reactive controls that can be applied according to the pose the greatest threat to the objectives. In order to

nature, severity and immediacy of the risk or issue achieve this, we need:

posed. Our legal powers and regulatory tools include, but are not limited to:

• a clear view on what the risks are to the objectives

and our exposure to them; controls on how a firm or individual practises;

• to be able to demonstrate where our most

issuing a warning about future conduct; significant risks lie, what mitigation activities we are

• closing a firm with immediate effect or imposing taking to address them, and that these actions are

a disciplinary sanction, such as a fine; both proportionate and effective;

• informing the market about undesirable

• clear governance arrangements in place ensuring

trends and risks; that risks are escalated as appropriate and that

there is accountability for the effective management adapting regulatory policy to minimise recurrence

of risk. of an issue;

• setting qualification standards and ongoing competency requirements.


The risk-based approach enables us to be flexible and adaptive to ongoing changes within the market. As new risks to objectives are identified, we learn more about them and adjust our priorities to direct resources where they are most needed.

It should be noted that the SRA makes a distinction between operational and regulatory risk. Operational risks generated by the SRA’s activities, including our activities to control regulatory risks, are identified and assessed separately to the regulatory risks caused by the market that we regulate and other external factors. This framework describes our approach to the latter, although the risk management approach and behaviours can also be applied to these operational risks.



















2. The regulatory risk

management process

The SRA Regulatory Risk Framework focuses upon Risks are typically considered at an individual, firm individual, firm and thematic risks to ensure that regulated or industry level. In some cases, risks may already individuals and organisations achieve the proper have manifested, meaning that we actually assess and standards expected by consumers and the public. respond to the consequences of the issue rather than

to potential harm posed by a risk. A risk is considered to be the combination of

impact (the potential harm that could be caused) A key advantage to taking a risk-based approach to and probability (the likelihood of a particular regulation is that it enables us to become much more event occurring). proactive, identifying and tackling risks before adverse

events occur, rather than acting retrospectively once In the SRA context, impact and probability are harm has arisen.

combined to give a measure of the overall risk posed

to regulatory objectives. This assessment is then used The following diagram gives an overview of the SRA’s to prioritise and select our response. process for managing regulatory risk.

Risk management process

Before acting, we We asses risks consistently and We continually evaluate our identify risks based on share these assessments across effectiveness by monitoring

a central risk index the SRA to aid understanding changing outcomes

We learn and adapt our tolerance, We monitor risk levels We control unacceptable resourcing levels and approach against our tolerance to risk levels through

to controlling risks direct control activities regulatory tools

The risk management process is dynamic, with a constant feedback loop in place ensuring that we learn and adapt our approach to improve our control of risks, delivering better outcomes.


3. Risk identification

Identification of risk is the starting point for any The Regulatory Risk Index groups risks into the regulatory activity, from triage of incoming reports following six categories:

or determination of applications through to policy

Firm viability and structure

development or regulatory process design. Identifying

Risks arising from firm instability due to risks to regulatory objectives involves drawing upon

events relating to its financial viability and/or a wide range of sources, including reports we receive

structural composition about those we regulate, intelligence-gathering while

supervising firms, contacting consumers directly and

Fraud and dishonesty

monitoring markets and the economy.

Risk that firm or individual becomes involved in fraud In order to ensure wider consistency in the way in or dishonesty

which risks are identified, the SRA has identified a

Firm operational risks

set of risks to the regulatory objectives which are

contained in our Regulatory Risk Index. Risk arising from the inadequacy of firm’s policies, processes, people or systems

The Regulatory Risk Index is fundamental to the

Competence, fitness and propriety

risk management process. It provides a structure

that enables us to prioritise and organise incoming Risk that individuals lack skills, knowledge or information in a consistent manner, whilst building a behaviours, fitness or propriety

comprehensive picture of our risk exposures across

Market risks

all areas of activity. The publication of our risk index

makes transparent the areas of regulatory concern Risks arising from or affecting the operation of the and provides a common language to promote clear legal services market

dialogue with those we regulate around risks.

External risks

These risks cover potential harm caused by the

Risk arising from wider factors beyond the scope of activities of individuals and firms as well as external

the legal services market, such as economic, political factors such as macro-economic changes or lack of

or legal changes consumer awareness. The Risk Index is not designed

to be exhaustive and will evolve as new risks emerge. A copy of the Index can be found in Appendix 1.


4. Risk assessment

Consistent assessment throughout the organisation,

firms and individuals

and across the broad spectrum of risks that we

Risk assessment will be used to inform decisions handle, is essential to ensure that action is targeted

about individuals, for example their entry to the proportionately at controlling the risks that pose most

profession or the nomination as role holders such threat. Assessment takes into account both risks

as compliance officers, and in response to that have crystallised as issues and those that pose

conduct issues. potential harm.

Firms may be assessed according to: SRA risk assessments take into account a broad

range of information and are performed at several

• their regulatory footprint or potential to impact different levels:

upon objectives

• incoming reports or notification from the regulated

• the severity of a particular risk if it were to manifest community, consumers and other agencies

• the likelihood of a particular risk arising in that firm • individuals or firms

For example, a firm’s footprint takes into account

• market-wide or sector-specific risks

attributes such as firm turnover, client money held,

Regulatory reports and notifications

number of fee earners and type of work undertaken.

These attributes have been identified as being relevant The SRA has dedicated teams who manage the to the firm’s potential to impact upon the regulatory receipt and assessment of reports made to the

objectives. Indicators used to gauge the likelihood organisation in relation to regulated individuals and

of risks arising within a particular firm might make firms. These reports can, for example, relate to such

use of attributes such as geographical location, things as escalations from other regulatory agencies

ratios of partners to supervised staff, past regulatory or reports from consumers and others who have

findings against individuals now working in the firm, concerns about legal service providers.

or applications for waivers from particular regulatory requirements.

All incoming reports are risk-assessed to inform prioritisation and action. This assessment takes

Risk indicators are drawn from a range of information into account the number of consumers affected,

and are identified and weighted with the use of vulnerability, financial impact and public confidence as

statistical analysis. The SRA’s risk analysis also makes well as factors relating to the credibility of the source,

use of qualitative information which provides us with strength of evidence and severity of the risk itself.

a fuller picture across the spectrum of regulatory risk and provides important context for the interpretation We also receive notifications such as changes to firm

and application of statistical results. management or roles held by individuals.

These assessments are used to inform our monitoring All relevant information gathered by the SRA is

and control activities, including the supervisory recorded and available to inform further assessments


Market-wide and sector-specific risks

Changes to the risk assessment model

The SRA uses a process of risk aggregation to The SRA’s risk assessment model has been combine regulatory reports and information received constructed to be very flexible. The model contains across the organisation with firm and individual parameters that can be set by senior management to assessments, to gauge our overall exposure to reflect their risk appetite and tolerances, as well as

specific regulatory risks. new or emerging risks.

Market risks provide a view on the Regulatory Risk The accuracy of risk assessment within the model is Index from a market level, whilst sector-specific risks dependent upon the quality and adequacy of available assess risk within particular market sectors such as regulatory information. We recognise the time and conveyancing or will-writing. Examples of risks that cost associated with the provision of data to the SRA we would consider at market level include financial and therefore regularly assess the relevance of our difficulties, insufficient diversity within the profession regulatory information to ensure that we are being and risks arising from technological developments. proportionate in imposing information requirements Market-wide and sector-specific risks are regularly on those we regulate, whilst securing sufficient data to reviewed within the SRA’s internal governance and are inform accurate and timely risk assessment. Ultimately used to prioritise regulatory activity, direct resource information gathered allows us to focus regulatory and develop policy. attention and activities where they are most needed. Market-wide and sector-specific risks, often referred The SRA’s Risk Centre undertakes an annual exercise to as ‘thematic risks’ are also used to inform the to review and adjust the model to ensure its ongoing market about the SRA’s areas of concern through integrity and completeness, but will make adjustments a Risk Outlook (see section 7). in between these periods on an exceptional basis.

5. Monitoring

Risk monitoring takes place across the SRA to ensure that risks are constantly reassessed in line with tolerance and escalated as appropriate. Monitoring is done through regular reviews at individual, firm and thematic risk levels, in line with the governance outlined in section 7.

Risk tolerances provide limits against which risks can be compared to understand whether they remain acceptable. Tolerances provide thresholds against which action can be taken consistently across the SRA.


6. Controls

Risk identification and assessment provides the of regulatory tools and powers at its disposal in basis on which the SRA can mitigate those risks that order to manage these risks. These include setting pose greatest harm to regulatory objectives. Risk standards, issuing warnings, formal decisions to fine control is the process by which regulatory tools and or reprimand, applying conditions to an individual’s interventions are applied to manage issues, reduce practising certificate or indirect controls, such as risks or exploit opportunities. influencing market practice and consumer awareness

through the use of education or communications to a The choice and application of regulatory tool broad target audience.

is dependent upon the risks posed. Efficient,

proportionate and effective management of risks

Objective decision-making

relies upon a clear understanding of the risks

and governance

themselves, and a consistent approach to application

As a recognised regulator, the SRA has formal and evaluation of controls. The SRA’s operations all

decision-making governance arrangements that set use the same Regulatory Risk Index in developing and

out the decisions that can be made, by whom and overseeing their processes to ensure that controls

in what situations. The decision-making process consistently identify, assess and manage risks and

and supporting governance ensure a proportionate over time we can learn from the effectiveness of

approach and appropriate oversight in evaluating and particular control approaches on different risks.

managing risks. Our regulatory response in any given situation is

In some cases, formal decisions require referral to an tailored to deliver particular outcomes by targeting

adjudicator, ensuring objectivity in approach. unacceptable risks. The SRA has a broad range


7. Evaluation

The SRA continually evaluates the effectiveness of the Risk reporting provides governance forums with a risk framework and how well it is operating in practice view of:

to ensure desired outcomes are achieved and to

• current risk exposures against tolerance identify potential improvements.

• escalated risks or events which are Responsibilities for risk need to be clear, with effective

outside tolerance risk governance forums providing assurance to

internal and external stakeholders.

• controls (regulatory activity) currently in place against each risk

There is an established non-executive Regulatory Risk Committee which advises the SRA Board on

• trends and forecasts of risk events or risk levels the delivery of risk-based and outcomes-focused

regulation in authorisation, supervision and

effectiveness of control activity in reducing enforcement activity, as well as advising the Board on

risk levels over time firm-based regulatory activity and the management of

regulatory risks. insight into the achievement of outcomes

There are also executive risk governance groups with We also publish risk information externally to provide strategic and tactical oversight roles who provide those we regulate and other stakeholders with

assurance. information on risk exposures and the effectiveness

of risk management activities. This includes our Risk Tailored risk reporting is provided to each of these

Outlook, which is an annual publication that sets out groups to facilitate their decision-making and

the SRA’s assessment of the most significant risks to oversight of risk activities.

regulatory objectives in the legal services market. The document also provides an overview of the economic Risk reporting helps governance forums to ensure

and environmental conditions that we believe that there is a proportionate response to any new

regulated firms and consumers are currently operating or emerging risks, understand any risk exposures

in. This will be made publicly available for the benefit outside tolerance and adjust tolerance levels in line

with changing priorities and outcomes observed. of those we regulate and other external stakeholders.








Developmen t drivers: Capability an d capacity IT enhancem ent Embedding a nt ic ip at e e nd-to -end m o n it o r/ m ea su re P ro ce ss fo cu s ind ivi d u al / s ilo fo cu s fu lly in te g ra te d

8. Embedding risk management

The SRA has developed a model that sets out the realistic targets for improvement, and produce action key steps and capabilities that it is developing on the plans for developing or enhancing our embedding path to full OFR implementation. This model is used process.

to assess the current level of OFR capability, identify

intuitive Responsive Optimised General awareness Dynamic

• Risk and outcomes Building

drive all activity consensus established

• Focus on continuos • All stakeholders fragmented


awareness recognise,

emerging understand and • System facilities

• Functional risk

support approach risk versus outcome


foundation implemented analysis and including firms • Risk tools available

response • Organisation wide but not embedded • Shifts in focus

understanding of • Regulatory delivery

• Ad-hoc Awareness of — risk viewed

risk tolerance and is assured

implementation OFR objectives positively

treatment • Key risk behaviours

• Limited awareness Developing risk • Key risk behaviours

evidenced within

of risk and outcomes awareness embedded

market • Risk averse Risk perceived • General awareness

of risks & outcomes as process






The OFR Maturity Model identifies This model is designed to be behaviours that will serve to five levels of organisational a simple means of targeting embed the effective operation maturity, described in terms development activity and charting of the risk framework within its of the following attributes: progress towards greater OFR internal operations. When enacted,

maturity, rather than being these behaviours will ensure good

• risk awareness prescriptive or constraining. It risk awareness and a positive provides a clear internal view risk culture.

• risk oversight and governance

of the organisation’s current

• risk appetite and tolerances The SRA’s Risk Centre works with

approach to OFR, as well as

other functional areas within the

• risk analysis, reporting a definition of the intended

SRA to embed risk behaviours

and outlook destination.

through a programme of internal

• regulatory controls As well as taking steps to communications and engagement. understand the organisation’s

• decision-making

progression towards

outcomes-• information governance

focused maturity, the SRA



appendix 1.

Regulatory Risk Index

December 2012

The following table provides a catalogue of risks to they are identified. These risks are embedded within the achievement of regulatory objectives in the Legal our reporting and all regulatory activities are aligned Services Act 2007, identified by the SRA. to this central index.

The Index is intended to be a living document which To see the most up to date version of the SRA’s risk provides a common language and structure for risk index, please visit www.sra.org.uk.

information that will flex to incorporate new risks as

Risk category Risk level 1 Financial difficulty

Risk that a firm experiences difficulty in meeting ongoing financial liabilities.

Firm viability and structure

Fraud and dishonesty

Group contagion

Risk that liabilities, losses or events affecting one part of a group (involving a corporate structure or common branding) affect a regulated legal firm within the group.

Geographical/jurisdictional conflicts

Risks posed by territories within which firm operates or is linked. Inappropriate firm structure

Risk that a firm is structured in a fashion that is non-compliant with regulatory or statutory requirements.

Lack of independence

Risk that a firm’s decision making is influenced by structural or commercial concerns. Structural instability

Risk that a firm's structure is destabilised by events or contains fundamental weaknesses. Bogus firm or individual

Risk that an unregulated person(s) (unrelated to an authorised firm) hold themselves out as an authorised firm or individual.

Bribery and corruption

Risk that firm or individual commits, facilitates or is otherwise involved in bribery or other corrupt practices.

Criminal association

Risk that firm or individual is involved with criminal organisation/group. Dishonest misuse of client money or assets

Risk that firm or individual dishonestly misuses money from one client’s account for the benefit of another account or dishonestly misappropriates client money or assets.

Dishonest misuse of non-client money or assets

Risk that firm or individual dishonestly misuses the office account or misappropriates non-client money or assets for their own or another’s benefit.

Intentional misleading

Risk that firm or individual acts in a way that is intentionally deceptive. Money laundering


Risk category Risk level 1

Acting outside regulatory permissions

Risk that firm or individual fails to obtain or acts outside appropriate regulatory permissions.

Firm operational


Breach of confidentiality

Risk that firm fails to properly protect information in their possession. Conflict of interests

Risk that a firm acts in a conflict of interests. Disorderly closure

Risk that a firm fails to close in a proper and orderly manner.

Failure to co-operate or comply with notification and information requirements

Risk that firm or individual fails to co-operate or comply with the notification and information requirements of relevant regulators or ombudsmen.

Failure to meet duties to 3rd parties or the court

Risk that firm fails to comply with duties owed to third parties or to the Courts. Inadequate complaints handling

Risk that firm fails to properly deal with consumer complaints. Inadequate systems and controls

Risk that firm’s systems and controls are inadequate. Misleading or inappropriate publicity

Risk that firm is publicised in a way which is inappropriate or misleading. Poor standard of service

Risk that firm fails to provide a proper standard of service to consumers. Supply chain risks

Risk that firm is critically dependent on the actions of a third party supplier or provider.

Competence, fitness and propriety


Risk that firm or individual discriminates on a prohibited ground against consumers or employees. Failure to act with integrity or ethics

Risk that firm or individual acts in a way that demonstrates a lack of integrity or ethics. Lack of legal competence

Risk that firm or individual lacks necessary legal competence. Lack of financial competence

Risk that firm or individual lacks necessary competence in financial matters. Lack of management competence

Risk that firm or individual lacks the competence needed for management of the firm or of staff.

Market risks

Changing regulatory landscape

Risks arising from the development of the regulatory framework for legal service providers. Competitive constraints

Risk that market is not operating freely. Failure to meet consumer demand

Risk that the legal services market does not or cannot meet consumer demand. Lack of consumer awareness of rights and duties

Risk that consumers are not sufficiently aware of their legal rights and duties. Lack of adequate training provision

Risks arising from a lack of adequate legal services training provision. Lack of diverse and representative profession

Risks arising from failure to reflect diversity of consumers within legal services providers. Lack of public interest provision

Risk that firms become profit-driven to the detriment of the wider public interest.

External risks

Economic risk

Risk that economic changes impact on the legal market or legal service providers. Legal risk

Risk that legal or regulatory changes impact adversely on the legal market or legal services providers. Political risk

Risk that changes in the political landscape locally, nationally or internationally impact adversely on the legal market or legal service providers.

Poor perception of legal services

Risk that public perception of legal services is adversely affected. Public emergencies

Risk that the provision of legal services by firms or the market as a whole is impacted by external public emergencies.

Social / cultural risk

Risk that social / cultural changes impact adversely on the legal market or legal service providers. Technological risk



The Regulatory Risk Framework is available in alternative formats.


Please contact 0370 606 2555

December 2012


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