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The Influence of the Proximity of a Solid Wall on the Consistency of Viscous and Plastic Materials


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A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Schofield, R. K. and Blair, G. W. S. 1930. The Influence of the Proximity

of a Solid Wall on the Consistency of Viscous and Plastic Materials.

Journal of Physical Chemistry (1952). 34 (2), pp. 248-262.

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In attemptingto derivean expressionfor the rate of flow ofa viscousor

plastic material through a straight narrow tube of uniform cross-section under a pressure gradient, it is usually assumed:

(1) thateachparticle of thematerialmoves withconstant velocityin a

straight line parallel to the axis.

(2) thatthereisno slip at the wall of the tube.

(3) thatthevelocitygradient at anypointdependsonlyon the shearing

stressat thatpoint.

Usingtheseassumptions, it isshownbelowthat, no matter how complex

the relationship between velocity gradient and shearing stress (so long as

theformerisfixed when thelatterisfixed), the volume extruded in unit time

will depend, for a givenstress at the wall of the tube, upon the cube of the radius. While thisistrue forfluids, and is alsotrue or nearlytrue for


paste„ of soil and otherminerals, it islound not to begenerally true of such pastes when examined over an extended range of concentration.

Dis-crepancieswouldoccur if condition (1)were invalidatedowing toturbulence;

butreasons are givenforconsidering it unlikely that turbulenceisresponsible

for the effect, It is foundthat the mean velocity, instead of being

propor-tional to the radius,isdivisible into two parts,one proportionalto it andthe other independent of it, Thesecond term apparentlyrepresents a velocity

imparted to the bulk of the materialby an excessivevelocitygradient near

the wall of the tube, suggestingthat the proximityof a solidwall influences the consistency of these materials and causes a breakdown of condition (3). On subtracting the secondterm, the contribution made to themean velocity

bythe flowing of thebulkofthematerialispresumablyleft,from which

con-sistency constants relating to the material in bulk can be obtained inde-pendent of the dimensions of the tube.


If condition (1) of the introduction be granted, so that the particles are

not accelerated,thestress, W, at the wall ofa tube of length L and radius R

to whichapressuredifference Pisappliedis


while the stress, S,at a

pointT within the tube anddistantrfrom theaxisisPr/aL. Consequently

r can be expressedin terms of Sthus:

r =


S. (1)


Soil Physics Department, RothamstedExperimental Station, Harpenden, England

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If v bethevelocityat T,we maywrite inaccordance with condition (3)




Substitutingthe value ofr givenbyequation (i),andintegrating

v =



if,in accordancewith (2) v = o when S = W. The flow dV, betweenr



dr = 27rdr.v. Substituting forr andv from equations (i) and

(ii) andintegrating,





From thisitisclearthat, forany givenmaterial,V/ttR3shoulddependonlyon

W if the three conditions are fulfilled.

By making specific assumptions about the form of f (S), V/ttR3 can be evaluated. Thus using the Maxwell assumptionthat

f (S) = MS

where µ (the


isthe reciprocal of the viscosity, equation (iii) reduces to Poiseuille’s equation in theform




mW. 4

In the same way the expression based on the Bingham1 assumption can

be deduced. Here it is supposed that thematerial does not flow unless a

stress exceeding a critical value, SQ, be applied to it and that, at stresses higherthan S0, the velocitygradient equals µ (S —

S„). Againµ is a

con-stant having the dimensions ofareciprocalviscosity, andisusually called the

mobility. Whensucha materialisforcedthrougha tube,a central cylinder

of radius RS0/W, within whichthe stressis less than So, moves as a solid plug, andonlythematerialoutsidethis cylinderflows. WhenWislessthan

So, no flow occurs, andV = o. In substituting in equation


to obtain

the value of V whenWexceedsS0,it must berememberedthat, sincef(S) is discontinuous, being zero from o to SQand µ (S —

S0)fromS0to W, the

in-tegrations must becarriedout intwo stages. Thishasthe effect ofsplitting

V into two terms, thus

y rs. r w z-w z-w


8 M(S-So)dS.dS





The first is the contribution of the plug, the second is that of the flowing

material between it and the wall. Thisreduces to V



equation1 deduced by Buckingham,2 and independently by Reiner.3 The graph connectingV/ttR3 andW correspondingto thisequationistangential to the W axis atW = S0. It is


exceedingSc,butat higher values approximates to astraightlineof equation V


This linemakesan intercepton the Waxisequalto 4/3.S0, and,likethe

cor-responding graph of the Poiseuille equation, hasa slopeof 1/4. µ. The true

curve is steeplyasymptoticto the


straight line, the discrepancy in

V beinglessthan1% whenWexceeds 2.2 timestheinterceptofthe



If the parabolicrelation

f(S) =

µ Sn

of the Ostwaldtype4 be assumed, equation


reduces to


3 n


3 . µ .WQ

which is equivalent to the equations given by Farrow, Lowe and Neale,5 and PorterandRao.6 The constant µ hasdimensions which depend on the exponent n. The graph in this case starts from the origin, and is curved

throughout its length. The curvature is never very strong, but it decreases

only slowly with increasing W. Experiments.

The modified Bingham plastometer used in this work has already been described.7 The paste to be investigated is made by mixing the soil, clay

or other mineralwith waterinto asmoothpaste,whichisthen forcedthrough

a one hundred mesh-per-inch sieve to remove any coarse particles. The

paste is then diluted to the required concentration, and sucked into the plastometer bulbs which, for the high-stress work here described, have a

capacity of 100 c.c. each. The material is forced alternately from one bulb

into the otherthroughone of a seriesof standardised tubes, the level in the bulbs being keptapproximately thesame by


the whole system about a pivot. For thismore accurate workwith larger bulbs it becomes necessary to correct the pressures for the resistance offered by the bulbs themselves. Forthispurpose the bulbsare connected directly with one another, and the

pressurescorrespondingto aseriesof volume-flowsare measured. By


Buckingham’s equation contains an additionalterm whichis negligibly small when

W exceeds S. and whichisreferred to below.


Buckingham:J.Am. Chem.Soc.,Test.Mat.,1921, 1154. 3Reiner:Kolloid-Z.,39, 80 (1926), etc.

4Wo. Ostwald (and others): Kolloid-Z.,36, 99,

157, 248 (Zsigmondy Festschrift) 252

(1928);38,261(1926);41,56, 112 (1927). (Thistypeof equationwas,ofcourse, not origi-nated by Ostwald,buthe hasmademuchuse ofit.)

1Farrow, Lowe and Neale: J.Textile Inst., 19,T 18 (1926). 6PorterandRao:Trans. FaradaySoc., 23,

311 (1927).

7G.W. ScottBlairand E. M. Crowther:J.


cal intrapolation the correction, Pb, corresponding to eachvolume-flow can

be estimated. As no appreciable increase in resistance is caused by

intro-ducing a fewmillimeters of narrow tubingbetween the bulbs, it may safely

be concluded


no kinetic energy correctionisnecessarywiththese

meas-urements. The tubes hadbeencarefullyselectedwith a view to uniformity

ofboreand were standardised by weighing thequantity of mercury required

to fill them. A series of constant pressures are applied by means of

com-pressed air, the pressure being measuredon awater or mercury manometer

according to its magnitude. The air displaced by the clay is allowed to escape through an air-capillary of suitable dimensions. The pressure dif-ference (negligible in comparison with the applied pressure) ismeasured on an alcohol manometer at an angle of one in ten (the flow-meter), and is

directly proportional to the volume of flow ofpaste persecond. The mois-ture content of the paste isdetermined byheating a sample for one hour in

an oven at a temperature of i6o°C. The concentration, K, is expressed as

the number of grams ofdrymatter per ioogpaste. Volume concentrations

are calculatedon thebasisofa constant specificgravity forthe dry material of 2.7.

Incarrying out thiswork effortshave been madetouse as widearangeof

radii as possible. Although it is hoped in the future to increase this still

further, difficulties will firsthavetobeovercome. Thus theuse of very wide

capillaries involves large volumes of material and consequently big bulb correction (always difficult to determine accurately). Moreover the

in-creased lengththat must be given to the tube necessarily entailsa sacrifice of uniformity in thebore. Thus beyond certainlimits, thelossin accuracy rendersfurtherincrease in radius ofno advantage. With very narrow tubes

so coarse a systemas asoil-paste behaveserratically.

In Table I are given, as an example, the complete datafor a sample of Broadbalk Field subsoil similarto that of which the clay-fraction has been used in the previous work.

Table I

Plastometric datafor Broadbalksubsoilpaste (33.5gdrysoilper 100 gpaste).

Cap. II. R =

0.093 cm. L = 12.

P a V

8.0 3.0 2.0

9.0 4.2 2.7

10.0 4.4 3.0

II-O 5-2 3-5

12.0 5-7 3-7

13.0 6.7 4.6

14.0 7.0 4.8


Pb S V.

I .I 3-5 75

I -3 3-9 1.05

1 4 4-4 1.10

i-5 49 I -3°

i-5 5-4 1.42

1.8 5-7 1.68

1.8 6.2 1-75



Cap.III. R = 0

.073 cm. L = 12.10 cm.

P a V Pb S V.

14.0 2.8 1.9 1.0 5-2 i-i3

16.0 3-7 2-5 I -3 5·9 1.49

20.0 4.2 2.9 1-4 7·4 i-73

22.0 5-i 3-5 1-4 8.2 2.08

24.0 5-7 3-9 i-5 9.0 2.32

26.0 6.1 4.2 1.6 9-7 2.50

28.0 6.8 4.6 1.8 . 4 2-74

O 7-3 5'° 1.8 I I .2 2.97

Cap. 7 R = 0.059 cm L = 10 60.cm

P a V Pb s V.

15.0 i-5 1.0 0.7 5-3 0-93

20.0 2.4 1.6 I .0 1.48

25.0 3-2 2.0 I .I 8.g 1.98

0>Ob 4.0 2.6 I -3 I I

.I 2.50

35-o 4-8 3-i i-4 12.5 3 00

Cap. IV. R = 0

.048 cm. L = 12.25 cm.

P a V Pb s V.

16.0 °-5 34 0.6 3-9 47

24.0 1-°S .72 0.7 6.0 99

28.0 1-3 .88 0 7 7-o 1.22

32.0 1.6 1.09 0.8 8.0 1

38.0 i-95 i-33 0.8 9-5 1.85

40.0 2.0 1.36 0.8 10.0 1.88

42.0 2.1 i-43 0.8 i°-5 1.98

44.0 2.25 i-53 1.0 II .0 2.12

Cap. V. R = 0.040 L = 12.30 cm.

P a* V Pb s V.

20.0 o-3 .06 0.6 4.2 .40

25-o o-5 .10 0.6 5 3 .66

3°·° 0.7 T3 0.6 6.4 93

35 ° 0.85 .16 0.6 7 4 1-i3

40.0 1-°5 .20 0.6 8-5 1-35

45·0 1.2 •23 0.6 9-6 1.60

Bulbsalonewithout capillary.

(A water manometer was used,but P isgiven convertedintocm. Mercury).

P 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

a *0.2 0 2.0 6.0 8.0

3' O.4 0 1.4 4.I 5-4


(V/a = .19)·

P is pressureincm. mercury,

a isflowmeter reading (V/a = 0.68).

V isvolume flowincm5/secs.

Pb is pressure due to bulbsincm. mercury.

S isstressindynes/mm.2 (calculated from P—Pb).


It is well known that the data obtained with such an apparatus when

plottedon a V/ttR3— Wbasisfall into two

groups. In one, which may

con-venientlybecalledtypeA the pointsfora singletube lie,



experimental error,on astraightline passingthroughthe origin. Intheother





V/lTR3 I

/ ·tPAOujs O.H5lcm. 0.093$cm I

a 0766c mfROUG»£N£D


---0.0593cm. O.OAÜO cm.







y/7r/%3 SO/L·fN=5?.OX) AO










-09-5TRE55 (x/J


-0 9-0.7.


KA OUN {K=372%)





10 14 2 i 10

Fig. 1

Legendsincorporated infourcorners ofeachquarterof drawing.

(type B) thisis not the case. Our own measurements not only confirmthis fact butshow thateach group must be further subdivided accordingas the

curve obtainedisor is not independent of R. Thereare thusfourpossibilities, an instanceofeachwhichisgiven in Fig. 1.

With the water-glycerinemixture (type


a singlestraightline through



(type A2) Here thebestline thoughpassingthrough theoriginhas alarger

slopethe smallerthe radius. Thus the disconcertingfactishererevealedthat

a straightUnethroughtheoriginobtained witha singletubeisnot by itselfa

proofthat Poiseuille’s lawisbeingobeyed.

ThethickpasteofBroadbalkFieldsurface soil gives points which,though

more erraticthanthoseforwater-glycerine,showno regulartrendwithchange

of radius. Nevertheless they cannot berepresented as falUng on a straight

linethroughtheorigin (type


Thebehaviour of thick soilpastes has al-readybeendescribedindetail in the earlierpaper,1 whereitis shownthatthe curves can be interpreted inthe light of the Bingham postulate. New and

more accurate measurements over a wider concentration range has shown

thata sUghtspreading noticeablein some of theearlier data andattributed

to experimental error cannot be so explained. In thinner pastes of soils,

clays andsimple mineralssuchasbarytes and gypsum the spreading isvery marked. A kaolin paste of moderate consistency is given as an example

(type B2). Here as withtype A2 V/ttR3 fora given value of Wincreases as


An alternative way is to regard type B2 as the general case: the other three beingspecialand simpler cases. Such a viewraisesthe question as to

whetherallthese systemsare susceptible to thesame treatment,andcan

there-fore be represented bya single though complex, equation. Already in the

interpretationof curves oftheBi type,two distinctschoolsofthoughthave developed, one of whichbasesitstreatment on Bingham’s postulate and the

otheron the Ostwald postulate. Thisisnot theplaceto enter intoa general

discussionoftherelative advantages of the two methods,sufficeitto saythat

allthe soil and mineralpastesinvestigated inthis laboratoryare more

amen-ableto the first method; and that although there undoubtedly are systems

suchas benzene-rubber andpastesof atleast some starches that give curves

ofashapenot accountedfor bythe simple Bingham postulate,itis neverthe-less true that much of the data which is represented as conforming to a

relationship of the Ostwaldtype can aswellbecited in support of the simple linear relationship. (Vide Herschel and Bulkley,2 Porst and Moskowitz,3 Scott Blair,4 Ostwald5).

Hatschek6 hascriticised the practice ofextrapolatingflow-curves bymeans

of straight lines, and considersthat, failing a discontinuous change from a

curvedtoastraight portion,thechoiceof theportiontoberegardedasstraight

is arbitrary and a matter of scale. According to the Bingham treatment thesestraightlinesare asymptotes to which the true flow-curve approximates more and more closelyasthestress increases. It is clearingeneralthat the

error involved in drawinganasymptotetoanexperimentalcurve dependson the

1G.W.ScottBlairandE.M. Crowther:J.

Phys. Chem.,33,321 (1929). 8Herscheland

Bulkley: Ind. Eng. Chem., 16,927 (1924) etc.; Proc. Am. Soc. Teat. Mat., 26, 621 (1926).

3Porst andMoskowitz: J.Ind.

Eng. Chem.,14, 49(1922).

4ScottBlair: Kolloid-Z.,



47, 176 (1329).



steepnessof approach. It wouldcertainlybedifficult to drawthe asymptote toarectangular hyperbola givenonlyaportionof the curve;butthe criticism

losesits force where the curve is of the Buckingham-Reiner type. In this

case, already noted, the discrepancy in Vis less than 1% for values of W

greater than2.2 timesthe intercept. Abovethis


the difference between

the true curve and the


straightline should be outside thelimits of experimentalerror. This isborne out in practice with soil and clay pastes,



linearextrapolationappearsjustified withthesematerials. Discussion.

These experiments yield the result that for many viscous suspensions (typeA)as wellas plasticpastes(typeB),V/ttR3doesnotdependonlyon W. As thevariation oftheformer quantitysometimes approachestwofold for a

twofold variation of radius, the effectisevidently quiteoutsidethelimitsof

ordinaryexperimental error. Moreover thefact that the apparatusgives a

very satisfactory verification of Poiseuille’s lawfortrue fluids indicates


it works satisfactorily. The effect has every appearance of being genuine. The next stepthereforeisto seekitscause. Thismust lieina breakdown of

one or more of the three conditions set out in the introduction. These will

beconsideredin turn.

A breakdown of the condition that the particles move with a constant

velocityparallel to theaxiswouldoccur ifthe flowwere turbulent. Although no complete theoryof turbulent flowhas yet been advanced,it is generally consideredthat itspresence ismarkedbyafallingoffintheslopeofthe

flow-curve as the stress isincreased. Such a falling off does occur at veryhigh

stresses,particularly withthemore dilutesuspensions;butthecurves obtained

with a view to elucidating the effect underdiscussion were not followed far enoughfor this to happen, andas can beseen fromtheexamplesgiven,show

no signs of curvature over the range examined. It mightbe urged


the closeapproximationtolinearity arisesfrom a chancecancellationof opposite curvations, inamanner similartothatsuggested toexplain the“Laminarast’’

or linear portion of the flow-curves obtained by Ostwald and Auerbach.1 Asagainst this, it should bepointed out thatmany hundreds of flow-curves

for clay and soil pastes have now been accumulated in thislaboratory, and notone reliablecurve has beenobtained which cannotbe


represented by

a straight line at sufficiently high stresses. It seems inconceivable that an

exact cancellation of two unconnected tendencies should occur in all these

cases. It is more reasonable to interpret the straightness as an indication


thesematerialsare obeying both condition(1)and the Bingham postulate

andtoendeavourtodeducean equation of the Buckingham-Reinertypebased

on a modificationof conditions (2) and (3).

Until the results to be expected when flow is turbulent have been more


worked out, it is impossible to exclude it altogether from the possible

causes contributingtothe effect. All


can besaidat presentisthatthere

1Oatwald andAuerbach:Kolloid-Z.,


isno positiveevidencethatturbulenceis presentin theseexperiments. This

statement applieswithequalforceto the‘structure’ typeofturbulence postu-lated by Ostwaldasto themore general type.

On plotting the mean velocity V/ttR2 rather than V/ttR3 against W, a

regularity becomes apparent. A typical set of curves plotted in this way

fromthe data in the tableisshownin Fig. 2. Sinceaccordingto the

Bucking-ham-Reiner equation (see above) the points should lie above the


straightline bymore than1% at valuesofWlessthan2.2 timestheintercept

these have been omitted, andonlythose for stresses above 4.4 dynes/mm2 have been used for locating the


straight lines. As these have a

common intercept their slopes would be proportional to R were V/ttR3


straightline can in all cases be drawnthrough the points, but for typesA2 and B2 thisdoesnot, when extrapolated, pass through the origin, but gives

a positive intercept on the slope axis. Curves connecting and R which

may convenientlybe spoken of as derivedcurves are given in Fig. 3for the

foursetsofcurves of Fig. 1. Thederivedcurve obtained from Fig.2together

withones forpastesof barytes andgypsumare given in Fig.4. If turbulence

0 .05 .10 .15

Fig. 3 Derivedcurves

were the sole cause of the effect, the disturbance would presumablybemost

marked in the widesttube. In theseconditions themean velocity foragiven

stress on the wall should be more nearlyproportional to the radius with the smaller tubes than with the wider ones. In other words the derived curve

should approximate more closely to a straight line through the origin the

smallerthe radius. It will beseen thatthecurves in Figs.3and4takenas a

whole donot support thisidea.


on the other hand, the derived curves are in reality straight lines (as shown), the factthatsome givean interceptmightbeinterpretedasindicating

that conditions (1) and (3)are fulfilled, but that in such cases there isa slip



the radiusandone independent ofit. It seems more probable howeverthat

thesecondcomponent instead of representingan actual slipatthewall should beregardedas a velocity imparted to thebulk of the material by excessive flowing of the material in the immediate


of the wall. Provided


the thickness of the region in which thisexcessive flow takes place is both

independent of the radiusand alsosmall in comparisonwith


the effecton

Fio.4 Derived Curves

themean velocitywouldbethesame asthatofaslip at the wall itself. There

would however be a difference in tubes so narrow that the radius is of the

same order of magnitudeasthe thickness of the region ofexcessiveflow,as in

thiscase the derivedcurve wouldbendround towards the origin.

Thefirst component of themean velocity,sinceit isproportionalto Ris presumably due to the flow of the material in bulk, and therefore equal to


calculated from equation (iii) using the appropriate value for f(S).

In cases wherethe Bingham postulate is applicable to the material in bulk

thefirst component will be that given by the Buckingham-Reiner equation andthe slope of the derivedcurve will equal \µ. Thesecond component of

mean velocity is equal,according to the constructions in Figs. 2 and 3, to


thecommon interceptoftheflowcurves (Fig.2)on theWaxis (which accord-ing to the Buckaccord-ingham-Reiner equation should equal 4/3 So)

The existence of a very


layer of fluid of the consistency of water, separating the paste fromthe wallhas beenassumedbyBuckingham to

ac-countforthe small movement whichoccurs at stressesso low thatthe bulk

of the material does not flow. Thisview, slightly modified, was adopted in

the earlier paper,where it was shown experimentallythat thisflowisrelated to thestressthus:

V/irR2 = v =

(W—A) (vii)

A beingaconstantstressbelow whichno movement occurs,ethe thickness

of the layer and its mobility. It mightat firstappearthatthesecond

com-ponent of the velocityis thesame as theabove. This, however, can hardly

bethecase since 0 isfound to havea magnitudesome 100 times



c .

Forthis reason thesecondcomponent, unliketheBuckinghamterm, cannot

beneglected at highstresseswhenthematerialisflowing. Assumingavalue of equal to the


of water in bulk, the thickness e is of the order io~5cm. The corresponding thickness calculatedfrom 0isof the orderio_3cm Asthemobilityofthe modified layer cannotbegreaterthanthatof water in

bulkandisprobably less,thislatterisa minimumestimate.

Experimentswithtubes, the walls of which hadbeenetchedwithfluoride alsorevealan essential difference betweenthe two phenomena. It was found

(loe. cit.) thatetchinggreatlyinterfereswiththe motion at very lowstresses and renders equation (vii) inapplicable. No corresponding influence on 0 isobserved. Thusit willbe seen from Figs. 1 and3,thatthe points obtained

withthe etchedtubefallinto finewiththosefor the smooth tubes. Afurther distinctionis apparent in the behaviour of pastes madefromsoils


have previously beenair-dried. Movement at low stress isinhibited whereas no

similarinterferenceisfound at highstresses. It would appear thereforethat,

wherethe derived curve doesnot passthroughthe origin, there exsitsin the immediate neighbourhood of the wall of the tubearegion in which the viscous or plastic propertiesofamaterial flowing through itare modified. Whena

lami-natedmaterialsuchas aclaypasteflowsthroughatube particlesnear thewall

willtend to align themselves in the direction of flow, andbeunableto rotate under the influence of theviscous couple actinginthem. In thebulkof the

material the particles will rotate sufficiently to prevent any alignment. If

indeed there be any such an orientation near thewall it might give rise to

an increase in


as the wall is approached and thus to a deviation

from equation(iii)suchasisactuallyobserved. Onthe otherhandattemptsto eliminate the 0 term bytheuse of materials whichare believed tobedevoid of

laminarstructure hasso farprovedunsuccessful. Onlytrue fluidsshowboth

no term and no rigidity. An alternativeexplanation wouldinvolvean in-creased concentration of the suspended material towards the centre of the tuberelativeto the regionnear the wall, the relativelymore dilute material

having a greater mobility. In order to test thisidea a sample of clay


the sideofwhicha hole had beendrilled. This hole was very small so that

the exuding of material through it would scarcelyinterfere with the flow in the tube. Althougha large variation in concentration would have to be

as-sumed to account for the value of <r0 observed, no appreciable difference

n concentration was found between the exudedmaterialandtherest. Weare not, therefore,inaposition to offera detailed physical explanation

of the effect observed. Yet theview thatthe properties of the materialare

modified inthe neighbourhood of thewallissupportedbyanotherfact which has beenrepeatedly observed, but which has hitherto received no

explana-tion. It will be seen that in Fig. 2 ofthe previous paper (p. 326) the ratio

of the extrapolated intercept on the pressure axis in the V-P curve, to the

pressure at which flow at thewall juststarts, is somewhat greaterthan the 4/3 necessitated by the Buckingham-Reiner equation. This discrepancy

may wellbe dueto a decreasedvalue of S0in the neighbourhood of the wall.

The Determination ofConsistency Constants.

Methods for determining absolute consistency constants have hitherto

been basedon the supposition that, provided the motion is not turbulent,

V/ttR3dependsonlyon Wand the nature andconcentration of thematerial. Wherethisisnot true (TypesA2 and B2) the methods requiremodification

whether the constants are definedwith referenceto the curves obtained by

plottingV/7rR3 against W (Buckingham-Reiner equation)or byplotting the logarithms of these quantities (Farrow, Lowe and Neale equation). In such cases,itisimpossible to defineaviscous constant forthe materialfrom

meas-urements made with a single capillary, since there would be a progressive

changein its value withradiuswere the usual method adopted. An instance

is given in Fig. 5 wherethe viscosity as given(1) by the Poiseuille-Bingham

method for wide and narrow capillaries respectively and (2) fromtheslope of the derived curve is plotted against the concentration. The latter

construction has the advantage of giving a single constant independent of

radius, which,ifthe considerations advancedaboveare correctisameasure of

theviscousproperties of thebulkofthematerial.

Moreover, theshapeof the viscosity-concentration curve as givenbythe second construction is such as would beexpected if the deviation from

lin-earity were due simply to a decrease in the extent of hydrationof the par-ticles. This shape is not reproduced in the curves derived from the single capillaries. Thecurve fromthe smallest capillary hasan upward curvature

of the typefrequentlyobtainedforconcentration curves for hydrophylic

ma-terials with a simple Ostwald viscometer.

It is at least apparent that measurement of the viscosity of suspensions cannot be considered to be reliable unless made with at least two tubes of reasonably differingradii.

The method at present used in this laboratoryfor determining the

con-sistency constantsforsoiland claypastes isasfollows:

The data for a series of four or five different capillaries having a total


the values of P having previously been corrected for the resistance of the bulbs. The beststraightlinesare then drawn throughthe pointsin sucha

waythat theyconvergeon thestressaxis. The pointat whichthese extra-polationsconverge is takenas the


C.1 Theslope

( )

of each curve

is then measured (i.e. the rise in V/ttR2 per unit increase in stress) and a











VTSr/iTh ftact/on





6 1 1 , 1



i X










0O/S£) * Co/cuAafoa'froms·

ctfrtc&y /rc'o/oecr/


mArrftco/7'#ry - O,0933cm.) i+o*cm.)




* Q



A * *

1 <

7rot. concn. 1*/ooxr/(£7o-/-7K) ¿961

Fig. 5

is plotted separately against R. The slope of the derived curve

(dR/d )

divided by 4 is taken as the viscous constant


(pseudo-viscosity =


and theintercept ofthe extrapolatedcurve on the <raxisas 0, ameasure of thewall effect.

Fig. 5 shows an interesting relationship for a clay fraction between 0

and concentration, the value of cr0 passing through a maximum at a low

1Thisis, ofcourse,the“limit of


concentration and disappearing for pure water andalsoat high concentrations wherethe high


limitsa furtherextensionof the concentration range. Accurate measurements of at low concentrations are not easy, and the values are liable to a


large error, buttherecan beno doubtas to the generalshape of the curve. It is of interest


the maximum of thecurve

occurs atabout thesame concentration as


at which



its appearance.

Since the dimensions of 0 are somewhat inconvenient, an alternative

method is to extrapolate the derived curves


further onto the negative

radiusaxis. In thiswaya hyperthetical length (R„)isobtained which must beaddedtoeachradius before the equationstatingtheproportionalityofthe slope of the V/ttR2:


curves to (viscosity X radius) can be applied.

In other words R3(R


R0) takes the place of the R4 in the equations of Poiseuille or Buckingham-Reiner when written so as to give V directly in

terms ofP.

Our thanks are due to Dr. B. A. Keen for his interest and criticisms

throughout theprogress ofthis work.



inconsidering the flow ofa plasticmaterial through anarrow tube, it be assumed that the velocity gradient at any point depends only on the stressat


point, it necessarily followsthatthemean velocity fora given

stressat the wall of the tube shouldbe directly proportional to the radius

of the tube. Although


soilpastes conform closely to thisrequirement,

thinner pasteswhethertheyshow


or not give markeddiscrepancies. Thesediscrepanciescan beaccountedfor byassumingthat inthe immediate

proximityof the walla modificationof the plastic properties occurs, which

impartsan additional velocity to the bulk of the material. By first


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