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S.SURESH KUMAR, Jay Shriram Group of Institutions




Assistant Professor, Jay Shriram Group of

Institutions, Tirupur



Associate Professor, Jay Shriram Group of

Institutions, Tirupur,



Seeing that new data and updates are continuously arriving, the results of data mining applications

turn out to be stale and obsolete over time. Incremental processing is a talented move towards to refreshing

mining results. It utilizes previously saved states to avoid the expense of re-computation from scratch. Suggest



MapReduce, a work of fiction incremental processing extension to MapReduce, the mostly used structure for

mining data. Compared with the state-of-the-art work on Incoop, i


MapReduce performs key-value pair level

incremental processing somewhat than task level re-computation, supports not only one-step computation but

also more sophisticated iterative computation, which is widely used in data mining applications, and

incorporates a set of tale techniques to reduce I/O overhead for accessing preserved fine-grain computation

states. Evaluate i2MapReduce using a one-step algorithm and four iterative algorithms with diverse

computation description.


Big Data, MapReduce, Incremental, and Datamining.


In this work, the MapReduce framework offers

techniques for convenient, distributed processing of

data by enabling a simple coding model that reduces the

burden of implementing a complex logic or

infrastructure for parallelization, data transfer, fault

tolerance and scheduling. An important property of the

workloads processed by MapReduce applications is that

they are often incremental by nature; i.e., MapReduce

jobs often run repeatedly with small changes in their

input. For example, search engines will periodically

crawl the Web and perform various computations on

this input, such as computing a Web index or the

PageRank metric, often with very small modifications.

This growing nature of data suggests that

performing large-scale computations incrementally can

improve efficiency dramatically. Broadly speaking

there are two methods to reach such efficient

incremental updates. The first method would be to

devise systems that provide the programmer with

facilities to save and use state across successive runs so

that only computations that are affected by the changes

to the input would need to be executed. This is precisely

the strategy taken by major Internet companies who

developed systems like Percolator or CBP. However

this method, requires adopting a new programming

model and a new Application Programming Interface

(API) that differs from the one used by MapReduce.

These new APIs also require the coder to devise a way


algorithmic and software complexity. Research in the

algorithms community on algorithms for dynamically or

dynamic data show that such algorithms can be very

complex even for problems that are relatively

straightforward in the non-incremental case. The second

method would be to develop systems that can reuse the

results of prior computation transparently. This method

would shift the complexity of incremental processing

from the programmer to the processing system,

essentially keeping the spirit of high-level models such

as MapReduce. A few methods have taken this

approach, e.g., DryadInc, and Nectar, in the context of

the Dryad system by providing techniques for task-level

or LINQ expression-level memorization.

Fig. 1 Architecture diagram

The design of Incoop contains the following

new methods that we incorporated into the Hadoop

MapReduce framework, and which showed to be

instrumental in achieving efficient incremental


Incremental HDFS. Instead of relying on HDFS to store the input to MapReduce jobs, we devise a file

system called Inc-HDFS that provides mechanisms to

identify similarities in the input data of consecutive job

runs. The idea is to divide the input into chunks whose

boundaries depend on the file contents so that small

changes to input don’t change all chunk boundaries.

Therefore partitions the input in a way that maximizes

the opportunities for reusing results from previous

computations, while preserving compatibility with

HDFS, by providing the same interface and semantics.

Contraction phase. We introduce methods for controlling the granularity of tasks so that large tasks

can be divided into smaller subtasks that can be re-used

even when the large tasks cannot. This is particularly

challenging in Reduce tasks, whose granularity depends

solely on their input. Our solution is to introduce a new

Contraction phase that leverages Combiner functions,

normally used to reduce network traffic by anticipating

a small part of the processing done by Reducer tasks, to

control the granularity of the Reduce tasks.

Memoization-aware scheduler. To increase effectiveness of memoization, we suggest an

affinity-based scheduler that uses a work stealing algorithm to

reduce the amount of data movement across machines.

Our new scheduler strikes a balance between exploiting

the locality of previously computed results and

executing tasks on any available machine to prevent

straggling effects.

Use cases. We employ Incoop to demonstrate two important use cases of incremental processing:

incremental log processing, where we use Incoop to

build a framework to incrementally process logs as

more entries are added to them; and incremental query

processing, where we layer the Pig framework on top of

Incoop to enable relational query processing on


When we design and implement an

incremental computation framework, many factors

including algorithm accuracy, run time, and space

overhead need to be taken into consideration. This

paper puts focus on the transplantation of parallel

algorithms based on MapReduce model and

compatibility of nonincremental and incremental

processing. A parallel programming framework is

presented, which aims to be compatible with the

original MapReduce APIs so that programmers do not

need to rewrite the algorithms. It makes the following


Incremental MapReduce framework. It supports incremental data input, incremental data processing,

intermediate state preservation, incremental map and

reduce functions. The input manager can dynamically

discover new inputs and then submit jobs to the master


Dynamic resource allocation based on the state. The state provides an important reference for resource

request and allocation of the next execution. State

information includes prior processing results,

intermediate results, execution time, and the number of

reduce tasks. Input data, acting as the observation, will

change the current state into a new state after the job


Friendly APIs for applications. Method submitJob() in Class JobClient is overloaded. Users only need to

follow the method parameters to submit their jobs

without modifying their algorithms or application

programs. Furthermore, for continuous inputs, users can

get updated outputs in time.


The Page Rank algorithm computes ranking

scores of web pages based on the web graph structure

for supporting web search. The web graph structure is

constantly evolving web pages and hyper-links are

created, deleted, and updated. As the underlying web

graph evolves, the PageRank ranking results gradually

become stale, potentially lowering the quality of web

search. It is desirable to refresh the PageRank

computation regularly. Incremental processing is a

promising approach to refreshing mining results. Given

the size of the input big data, it is often very expensive

to rerun the entire computation from scratch.

Incremental processing exploits the fact that the input

data of two subsequent computations A and B are

similar. Only a very small fraction of the input data has

changed. The idea is to save states in computation A,

use A’s states in computation B, and perform

re-computation only for states that are affected by the

changed input data.

A number of existing studies have followed

this principle and designed new programming models to

support incremental processing. The new programming

models are drastically different from MapReduce,

requiring programmers to completely re-implement

their algorithms.

Incoop extends MapReduce to support

incremental processing. It has two main limitations.

First, Incoop supports only task-level incremental

processing. It saves and reuses states at the granularity

of individual Map and Reduce tasks. Each task typically

processes a large number of key-value pairs. If Incoop

detects any data changes in the input of a task, it will

rerun the entire task. While this approach easily

leverages existing MapReduce features for state

savings, it may incur a large amount of redundant

computation if only a small fraction of kv-pairs have

changed in a task. Second, Incoop supports only

one-step computation, while important mining algorithms,

such as PageRank, require iterative computation.

Incoop would treat each iteration as a separate

MapReduce job. A small number of input data changes


intermediate states after a number of iterations,

resulting in expensive global re-computation


The computation is broken down into a

sequence of supersteps. In each superstep, a Compute

function is invoked on each vertex. It communicates

with other vertices by sending and receiving messages

and performs computation for the current vertex. This

method can efficiently support a large number of

iterative graph algorithms. It provides a group wise

processing operator Translate that takes state as an

explicit input to support incremental analysis. But it

adopts a new programming model that is very different

from MapReduce. Several research studies support

incremental processing by task-level re-computation,

but they require users to manipulate the states on their

own. In contrast, i2MapReduce exploits a fine-grain

kv-pair level re-computation that are more advantageous.

Incremental processing for iterative

application, Proposes a timely dataflow paradigm that

allows state full computation and arbitrary nested

iterations. To support incremental iterative

computation, programmers have to completely rewrite

their MapReduce programs. Extend the widely used

MapReduce model for incremental iterative

computation. Previous Map-Reduce programs can be

slightly changed to run on i2MapReduce for

incremental processing.

A. Limitations of MapReduce

MapReduce programming model is popular

due to its simplicity and high efficiency. In MapReduce

framework, when a job is submitted, the related input is

portioned into fixed size pieces called blocks which are

located in different data nodes. A job creates multiple

splits according to the number of blocks and each split

is processed independently as the input of a separate

map task. A map task in a worker node runs the

user-defined map function for each record in the split and

writes its output to the local disk. When there are

multiple reducers, the map task divides their outputs

and each partition is for one reduce task. Reduce tasks

will write their outputs to the distributed file system.

Despite its powerful automatic parallelization with

strong fault-tolerance, the original MapReduce exhibits

the following limitations.

Stateless. When map and reduce tasks finish, they write their outputs to a local disk or a distributed file system,

and then inform the scheduler. When a job completed,

related intermediate outputs will be deleted by a

cleanup mechanism. When new data or input arrives, a

new job needs to be created to process it. This is just

like HTTP, a stateless protocol, which provides no

means of storing a user’s data between requests. To

some extend, we can also say that MapReduce model is


Stage independent. A MapReduce job can be divided into two stages: map stage and reduce stage. Each stage

will not interrupt the other’s execution. In the map

stage, each computing thread executes the map method

according to the input split allocated to it, and writes the

output to the local node. In the reduce stage, each

reduce thread fetches input from designate nodes,

executes the reduce method, and writes the output to the

specified file system. All map tasks and reduce tasks

execute their codes without disturbing each other.

Singe-step. Map tasks and reduce tasks will execute only once orderly for a job. Map tasks may finish at

different times, and reduce tasks start copying their

outputs as soon as all map tasks complete successfully.

B. Extension of MapReduce

Because of the limitations listed above,


computation. They feature different input patterns,

separate or coupled control approaches between state

and dataflow, compatible or new added interfaces.

Batch parallel processing refers to those that provide

high efficient large scale parallel computation with one

batch input and produce one output such as Google

MapReduce, Hadoop and Dyrad/DryadLINQ.

Incremental algorithms, more complicated than the

original algorithms, can improve the runtime by

modifying algorithms. Its input includes newly added

data and the latest running result. Continuous bulk

processing is another kind of solution to support

incremental processing by providing new primitives for

developers to design delicate dataflow oriented

applications. It takes the secondary results of the prior

executions as a part of explicit input. CBP of Yahoo

and Percolator of Google both provide such incremental

computation frameworks.

Incremental computation based on

MapReduce, making full use of MapReduce

programming model, supports incremental processing

by modifying the kernel implementation of map and

reduces stages. Because HDFS does not support

appends currently, some approaches also modify the

distributed file system to support incremental data

discovery and intermediate result storage.

IncMR is an improved method for large-scale

incremental data processing. The framework, inherits

the simplicity of the original MapReduce model. It

doesn’t modify HDFS and still uses the same APIs of

MapReduce. All algorithms or programs can complete

incremental data processing without any modification.

Compatibility. Original MapReduce interfaces are retained to avoid incompatibility with the existing

implementation of applications. New interfaces are

added by overloading methods. HDFS is still used

without modification.

Transparency. Users don’t need to know how their incremental data are processed. All state data including

their storage paths are transparent to users.

Reduced resource usage. Computing resource request and allocation are determined by the historical state

information and current added data size. Dynamic

scheduling decision is useful for minimizing the

overhead. Several important modules are added in

IncMR framework. The input manager is used to find

the newly added data automatically. According to the

execution delay configuration or input size threshold, it

determines if a new data processing will be started. Job

scheduler, different from traditional job scheduler

which determines the number of tasks to run only

according to the configuration file defined in advance,

takes the state into consideration when choosing nodes

for reduce tasks. A state manager store all needed

information for incremental jobs and provides decision

support for job scheduler. Output manager is

responsible for the storage and update of all outputs.

C. Locality control and optimization

Job scheduler is responsible for creating map

tasks and reduce tasks. The main overhead of IncMR

lies in the storage and transmission of many

intermediate results. In the shuffle phase, the

framework fetches the relevant partition of the output of

all the mappers to each reduce task node via HTTP. The

shuffle and sort phases occur simultaneously; while

mapoutputs are being fetched they are merged. Locality

control is always used for optimization of job and task


Naive locality control. When there is only one reduce task and it is always located in the same node, the

reduce task can fetch cached state from the local node


from other nodes. Basically, it is the simplest to control

the data flow when there is only one reduce task.

Complex locality control. If the number of reduce tasks is more than 1 and is not changed, job scheduler

will try to allocate reduce tasks to the nodes that have

performed reduce tasks recently because they have

cached related state. What’s more, the fetched prior

results are also sorted. This locality control will save

plenty of time for data transferring. If the number of

reduce tasks or the position of reduce task is changed,

state fetching and data repartition operations can’t be


Iterative MapReduce. Iterative computing widely exists in data mining, text processing, graph processing,

and other data intensive and computing-intensive

applications. MapReduce programming paradigm is

designed initially for single step execution. Its high

efficiency and simplicity attract a lot of enthusiasm of

applying it in iterative environment and algorithms.

HaLoop, a runtime based on Hadoop, supports iterative

data analysis applications especially for large-scale

data. By caching the related invariant data and reducers’

local outputs for one job, it can execute recursively.

Twister is a lightweight MapReduce runtime. It uses

publish/subscribe messaging infrastructure for

communication and supports iterative task execution. In

order to provide solutions for applications such as data

mining or social network analysis with relational data,

iMapReduce is designed to support automatically

processing iterative tasks by reusing the prior task

processors and eliminating the shuffle load of the static

data. Additionally, iterative computing is an

indispensable part in incremental processing. We also

apply related iterative computing methods in our

IncMR framework.

Continuous MapReduce. Ad-hoc data processing is a critical paradigm for wide-scale data processing

especially for unstructured data. Reference implements

an ad-hoc data processing abstraction in a distributed

stream processor based on MapReduce programming

model to support continuous inputs. MapReduce Online

adopts pipelining technique within a job and between

jobs, supports single-job and multi-job online

aggregation, and also provides database continuous

queries over data streams. Reference combines

MapReduce programming model with the continuous

query model characterized by Cut-Rewind to process

dynamic stream data chunk. CMR, continuous

MapReduce, is an architecture for continuous and

large-scale data analysis. Continuous processing is a special

case of incremental processing. Although the input is

continuous, the processing is discrete. Time interval or

delay is an important factor to be considered. IncMR

presented in this paper supports continuous processing.

Applications based on MapReduce. When programming in MapReduce framework, all we should

do is to prepare the input data, implement the mapper,

the reducer, and optionally, the combiner and the

partitioner. The execution is handled transparently by

the framework in clusters ranging from a single node to

thousands of nodes with the data-set ranging from

gigabytes to petabytes and different data structures

including rational database, text, graph, video and

audio. Through a simple interface with two functions,

map and reduce, MapReduce model facilitates parallel

implementation of many real-world tasks such as data

processing for search engines and machine learning.

MapReduce is now popularly used in scientific

computing fields too. When the new input arrives, it is a

challenge for applications to continuously deal with it

based on the original MapReduce. This paper addresses



We Propose i2MapReduce, an extension to

MapReduce that supports fine-grain incremental

processing for both one step and iterative computation.

Compared to previous solutions, i2MapReduce

incorporates the following three novel features:

Fine-grain incremental processing using


Incoop, i2MapReduce supports kv-pair level

fine-grain incremental processing in order to minimize

the amount of re-computation as much as possible.

Model the kv-pair level data flow and data dependence

in a MapReduce computation as a bipartite graph,

called MRBGraph. A MRBG-Store is designed to

preserve the fine-grain states in the MRBGraph and

support efficient queries to retrieve fine-grain states for

incremental processing.

General-purpose iterative computation

With modest extension to MapReduce API,

previous work proposed iMapReduce to efficiently

support iterative computation on the MapReduce

platform. It targets types of iterative computation where

there is a one-to-one/all-to-one correspondence from

Reduce output to Map input. In comparison, our current

method provides general-purpose support, including not

only one-to-one, but also one-to-many, many-to-one,

and many-to-many correspondence. Enhance the Map

API to allow users to easily express loop-invariant

structure data, and propose a Project API function to

express the correspondence from Reduce to Map. While

users need to slightly change their algorithms in order

to take full advantage of i2MapReduce, such

modification is modest compared to the effort to

re-implement algorithms on a completely different

programming paradigm.

Incremental processing for iterative computation.

Incremental iterative processing is

substantially more challenging than incremental

one-step processing because even a small number of updates

may propagate to affect a large portion of secondary

states after a number of iterations. To address this

problem, propose to reuse the converged state from the

previous computation and employ a change propagation

control (CPC) mechanism. We also enhance the

MRBG-Store to better support the access patterns in

incremental iterative processing. i2MapReduce is the

first MapReduce-based solution that efficiently supports

incremental iterative computation.



 Query Algorithm in MRBG-Store

 PageRank in MapReduce

 Kmeans in MapReduce

 GIM-V (Generalized Iterated Matrix-Vector multiplication) in MapReduce


We have described i2MapReduce, a

MapReduce-based framework for incremental big data

processing. i2MapReduce combines a fine-grain

incremental engine, a general-purpose iterative model,

and a set of effective techniques for incremental

iterative computation. Real-machine experiments show

that i2MapReduce can significantly reduce the run time

for refreshing big data mining results compared to

re-computation on both plain and iterative MapReduce.

In Future evaluate MapReduce computation

using a one-step algorithm and within four iterative

algorithms with diverse computation characteristics.

Experimental applications results show significant

performance improvements MapReduce performing



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Fig. 1 Architecture diagram


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