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European Monetary Union



... common monetary policy in 1999 undoubtedly represented a major policy regime shift for the member countries of the European Monetary Union ...the European Central Bank (ECB), and of how ...


Housing Prices and Macroeconomic Factors: Prospects within the European Monetary Union

Housing Prices and Macroeconomic Factors: Prospects within the European Monetary Union

... the European Monetary Union (EMU) became a ...the European Union (EU) decided to lock their currencies ...the European Central Bank has emerged as the single monetary ...


Inflation convergence and divergence within the European Monetary Union

Inflation convergence and divergence within the European Monetary Union

... We study the convergence properties of in ation rates among the countries of the European Monetary Union over the period 1980-2004. Given the Maastricht agreements and the adoption of the single cur- ...


Current Account Imbalances in the European Monetary Union

Current Account Imbalances in the European Monetary Union

... This Paper examines the determinants of current account (CA) positions with a fo- cus on the European Monetary Union (EMU), that is arguably the most economi- cally important currency union of ...


A Stylized model of European Monetary Union for Analysing coordination games for Monetary and Macroprudential Policy

A Stylized model of European Monetary Union for Analysing coordination games for Monetary and Macroprudential Policy

... incorporates European monetary union, it is (mainly) an estimated model, it incorporates a financial accelerator rather than collateral constraints as its financial friction, and that optimal simple ...


Fiscal Transfers and Structural Reforms in the European Monetary Union

Fiscal Transfers and Structural Reforms in the European Monetary Union

... national monetary policies transferred to the supranational level, fiscal policies have become an important tool to adjust for country specific shocks in the European Monetary Union (EMU) (EC ...


Ordoliberalism, European Monetary Union and State Power

Ordoliberalism, European Monetary Union and State Power

... giant European organisation’ (Röpke, 1998: 243, ...of European monetary union, reject political union because it does not diminish ...political union or a federation of ...


"The Franco-German monetary partnership and the future of European Monetary Union"

"The Franco-German monetary partnership and the future of European Monetary Union"

... Single European Act of 1986, and continue to converge its macroeconomic policies more in line with the German political-economic ...regional monetary independence in the face of the declining value of the ...


"European monetary union: limits to growth or bifurcation point"

"European monetary union: limits to growth or bifurcation point"

... EU monetary union establishment with regard to historical experience of European countries involving previous attempts of currency integration between separate ...neglecting monetary ...


The European Central Bank and the eurosystem: An analysis of the missing central monetary institution in European Monetary Union

The European Central Bank and the eurosystem: An analysis of the missing central monetary institution in European Monetary Union

... the European Central Bank (ECB) and twelve National Central Banks (NCBs) forming the European Monetary Union ...on European documents and the balance sheet of the ECB reveals, however, ...


Quo vadis, Euroland? European Monetary Union between Crisis and Reform

Quo vadis, Euroland? European Monetary Union between Crisis and Reform

... currency union, however, the exchange rate is fixed, and there is no reason why borrowers in different countries whose credit risks are similar should be charged different nominal interest ...the European ...


Switzerland and Euroland: European Monetary Union, Monetary Stability and Financial Stability

Switzerland and Euroland: European Monetary Union, Monetary Stability and Financial Stability

... and would play a role today even if the European Monetary Union did not exist. For example, in Switzerland, there is a significant public awareness of the exchange rate as a key price variable. This ...


How Do Monetary and Fiscal Policy Interact in the European Monetary Union?

How Do Monetary and Fiscal Policy Interact in the European Monetary Union?

... of monetary and fiscal ...common monetary policy. Does the common monetary policy have the same effect in each of the countries, and the same implications for fiscal policy? Or, does it affect high ...


Market preserving fiscal federalism in the European Monetary Union

Market preserving fiscal federalism in the European Monetary Union

... This EMU architecture in principle left the challenge of countering asymmetric shocks and of dealing with a potential crisis to the national authorities. McKinnon (1995) warned that in particular EU countries with a ...


"Legal Framework of the European Monetary System and the European Monetary Union"

"Legal Framework of the European Monetary System and the European Monetary Union"

... international monetary relations since 1971, after the collapse of the Bretton Woods par-value ...Community monetary relations and to create a zone of monetary stability in Europe which would enable ...


The process towards the European Monetary Union with special
emphasis on the introduction of the European currency in case of

The process towards the European Monetary Union with special emphasis on the introduction of the European currency in case of Cyprus

... expected monetary developments from 2007 to 2010, as a consequence of the proper implemented fiscal and structural reforms included in the National Lisbon ...


Control of Inflation on the Road of the Accession to European Monetary Union. The Case of Albania

Control of Inflation on the Road of the Accession to European Monetary Union. The Case of Albania

... the monetary policy of the BoA which primary aim is to achieve and maintain price stability and maintain low but positive inflation rates for long period of ...BoA’s monetary policy is entertained in ...


Inflation Differentials and Business Cycle Fluctuations in the European Monetary Union

Inflation Differentials and Business Cycle Fluctuations in the European Monetary Union

... currency union dummies, that “countries that are members of a common cur- rency union tend to have more highly synchronized business cycles; the correlation is perhaps ...currency union members than ...


Rethinking fiscal policy : lessons from the european monetary union

Rethinking fiscal policy : lessons from the european monetary union

... This paper gives an account of the ongoing discussion, with a particular emphasis on fiscal policy, which the New Consensus had eliminated from the policy maker’s toolbox. I will first see (Section 2) how the current ...


Challenges for Monetary Policy in the Enlarged European Monetary Union

Challenges for Monetary Policy in the Enlarged European Monetary Union

... of monetary policy in Eurozone is far more complex than in the US, taking into account heterogeneity of economies of EMU members states in relation to other optimum currency ...active monetary policy on ...


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