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Induction of Labor

Induction of labor compared to expectant management in term nulliparas with a latent phase of labor of more than 8 hours: a randomized trial

Induction of labor compared to expectant management in term nulliparas with a latent phase of labor of more than 8 hours: a randomized trial

... of labor (persistent contractions after overnight hospitalization > 8 h), cervical dilation ≤ 3 cm, intact membranes and reassuring cardiotocogram were ...immediate induction of labor (with ...


Role of transvaginal ultrasonographic cervical assessment in predicting the outcome of induction of labor

Role of transvaginal ultrasonographic cervical assessment in predicting the outcome of induction of labor

... successful induction of labor was 2 for modified bishop score (sensitivity ...for induction of labor and total bishop score ranged from 0 to ...successful induction of labor ...


Oral versus vaginal misoprostol for induction of labor

Oral versus vaginal misoprostol for induction of labor

... active labor without any interventions and there are negligible risks of maternal and fetal ...term, induction of labor with Foley’s catheter is similar to induction of labor with ...


A comparison of misoprostol vaginal insert and misoprostol vaginal tablets for induction of labor in nulliparous women: a retrospective cohort study

A comparison of misoprostol vaginal insert and misoprostol vaginal tablets for induction of labor in nulliparous women: a retrospective cohort study

... for labor induc- tion were compared between the two groups using Stu- dent’s t-test for continuous variables and chi-square test for dichotomous ...successful induction of labor using MVI or MVT ...


Induction Of Labor Among Singleton Pregnancies In Six Palestinian Governmental Hospitals: A Population-Based Cohort Study

<p>Induction Of Labor Among Singleton Pregnancies In Six Palestinian Governmental Hospitals: A Population-Based Cohort Study</p>

... consensus regarding pre-labor rupture of membranes (PROM) 1,2,5 and intrauterine fetal growth restriction as evidence-based indications for induction of labor. 1,2,5 Although not supported by the ...


Combined Rupture of Vaginal Vault and Unscarred Uterus and Neonatal Death Following Induction of Labor with Misoprostol

Combined Rupture of Vaginal Vault and Unscarred Uterus and Neonatal Death Following Induction of Labor with Misoprostol

... Introduction: Rupture of unscarred uterus (primary uterine rupture) is a rare peripartum complication often associated with catastrophic maternal and neonatal outcomes. Case presentation: A 27-year-old primigravid lady, ...


Woman centered care: Women's experiences and perceptions of induction of labor for uncomplicated post term pregnancy: A systematic review of qualitative evidence

Woman centered care: Women's experiences and perceptions of induction of labor for uncomplicated post term pregnancy: A systematic review of qualitative evidence

... The increase in medical interventions has resulted in woman-centered care becoming a core component of policy development in some countries like Australia and the United Kingdom (Australian Health Ministers Conference, ...


Efficacy of 25 mcg sublingual versus vaginal misoprostol for induction of labor

Efficacy of 25 mcg sublingual versus vaginal misoprostol for induction of labor

... Background: Currently, to decrease the incidence of contractility disturbances and neonatal complications, 25 mcg of vaginal misoprostol is recommended for induction of labor. American College of Obstetrics ...


A novel misoprostol delivery system for induction of labor: clinical utility and patient considerations

A novel misoprostol delivery system for induction of labor: clinical utility and patient considerations

... undergoing induction of labor continues to increase, it is important to improve and develop more effective and rapid induction ...of induction of labor can be a challenge, so methods ...


Induction of Labor Using Native (OXYTIP) in Comparison to Foreign Oxytocin (SYNTOCINON).

Induction of Labor Using Native (OXYTIP) in Comparison to Foreign Oxytocin (SYNTOCINON).

... opinions, induction of labor was indicated for these women because their cervix did not conform to medical parameters and was not appropriate for childbirth without ...


Sublingual versus vaginal use of Misoprostol for induction of labor

Sublingual versus vaginal use of Misoprostol for induction of labor

... of induction with minimal failure of induction (Although it was inconclusive due to small sample ...in induction of ...for induction of ...




... successful labor. Sometime the failed induction was dependent on drug doses and cervical dilatation ...spontaneous labor [87]. Compared to spontaneous onset of delivery, induction of ...


Preventive induction of labor for non-urgent indications at term and maternal and neonatal outcomes

Preventive induction of labor for non-urgent indications at term and maternal and neonatal outcomes

... preventive induction of labor at a certain gestational age with women who had similar characteristics and conditions but were managed expectantly, ...of labor, prelabor cesarean (elective or repeat), ...


Effect of delayed misoprostol dosing interval for induction of labor: a retrospective study

Effect of delayed misoprostol dosing interval for induction of labor: a retrospective study

... We present preliminary evidence that adherence to every 4 hour dosing of vaginal misoprostol leads to an increased rate of vaginal delivery within 24 h, and that delayed doses result in need for more doses of misopros- ...


Prognostic Factors of Induction of Labor with Misoprostol at CHUD/B in Parakou, Benin in 2016

Prognostic Factors of Induction of Labor with Misoprostol at CHUD/B in Parakou, Benin in 2016

... before induction of labor when the cervix is ...the induction of labor in the gynecology and obstetrics department of CHUD/B, it is appropriate to take stock of this ...the induction on ...


Incidence of cesarean delivery after induction of labor with intravenous oxytocin drip among women undergoing induction of labor at Dessie referral hospital, Northeast Ethiopia, 2017

Incidence of cesarean delivery after induction of labor with intravenous oxytocin drip among women undergoing induction of labor at Dessie referral hospital, Northeast Ethiopia, 2017

... at labor with uterine scars, delivering at advanced ages, or demanding surgical ...interventions, induction of labor appears to have contributed to current trends in Cesarean section ...


Efficacy and safety of oral mifepristone for cervical priming and induction of labor in term pregnancy

Efficacy and safety of oral mifepristone for cervical priming and induction of labor in term pregnancy

... Table 5 show efficacy and safety of drug regimen. Need for induction of labor was more in control group as 61 women were induced with other method in control group whereas 29 women in case group. 69 out of ...


Pharmaceutical versus mechanical induction of labor

Pharmaceutical versus mechanical induction of labor

... Labor induction is one of the most common obstetric interventions carried out in obstetric ...needs induction. To date, many methods are available for labor induction with the ...


Twin gestation: Is induction of labor possible in highly selected cases?

Twin gestation: Is induction of labor possible in highly selected cases?

... into labor spontaneously. Mater- nal and fetal outcomes, duration of labor, the preva- lence of caesarean section were compared in the two ...of labor in the two groups (6 hrs versus 9, 75 hrs; P ≤ ...


Induction of labor and postpartum blood loss

Induction of labor and postpartum blood loss

... of labor, type of anesthesia during labor, uterus atony, retention of placenta or placental tis- sue, placental abruption, morbidly adherent placenta (placenta accreta, increta, and percreta), admission to ...


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