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legal origin

Law, finance, economic growth and welfare: why does legal origin matter?

Law, finance, economic growth and welfare: why does legal origin matter?

... Portuguese legal origin dummies by simple OLS and further test for joint ...three legal origins is due to data constraints and in line with recent literature (Agbor, ...for legal origin ...


Legal Origin and Social Solidarity: The Continued Relevance of Durkheim to Comparative Institutional Analysis

Legal Origin and Social Solidarity: The Continued Relevance of Durkheim to Comparative Institutional Analysis

... that legal tradition would play a key role in explaining both the extent of decommodification and level of social cohesion, hence it is the correct country classification to be applied to this ...of legal ...


Legal origin, creditor protection and bank lending around the world

Legal origin, creditor protection and bank lending around the world

... Scandinavian legal origin as first defined by LLSV 1998. Legal Formalism is the number of days needed to enforce a contract; higher values indicate less efficient judicial ...


Legal origin, creditor protection and bank lending: Evidence from emerging markets

Legal origin, creditor protection and bank lending: Evidence from emerging markets

... Socialist legal origin as first defined by La Porta et al. 1998. Legal Formalism is the number of days needed to recover a debt equal to half of the country’s GDP per ...


Foreign Aid, Legal Origin, Economic Growth and Africa’s Least Developed Countries

Foreign Aid, Legal Origin, Economic Growth and Africa’s Least Developed Countries

... Anecdotal evidence from micro-level project impact evaluationsand findings in empirical studies - that large amounts of aid flows to a country can yield growth enhancing effects – are in line with the observed positive ...


Law, Finance and Investment: does legal origin matter?

Law, Finance and Investment: does legal origin matter?

... if legal origin explains investment dynamics through other mechanisms than financial ...that legal origins explain investment only through the financial ...


The changing effect of legal origin on death tolls in natural disasters from 1960 to 2008

The changing effect of legal origin on death tolls in natural disasters from 1960 to 2008

... (2003), legal traditions are thought to be endogenous to their ...the legal origin of a colony, obtained via colonisation, is largely a coincidental ...


Tribalism and Government Effectiveness

Tribalism and Government Effectiveness

... (2010); legal origins and geographical location to account for recent debates in the literature on the quality of institutions ...literature, legal origin is captured by distinguishing between the ...


Financial development, corporate governance and cost of equity capital

Financial development, corporate governance and cost of equity capital

... We compute summary statistics of firm-level corporate governance scores and report results by country, year and industry grouping in Table 3. The lowest mean scores are obtained by Portugal (0.328) and the highest by ...


Shareholder protection, income inequality and social health : a proposed research agenda

Shareholder protection, income inequality and social health : a proposed research agenda

... country and La Porta et al.’s variable ‘Rule of law’ which indicates their assessment of the law and order tradition in the country. In this sense under 5 child mortality, the comparison of income between the richest and ...


Culture, geography, institutions and cross border bank lending and risk taking

Culture, geography, institutions and cross border bank lending and risk taking

... We find mixed results for shared culture. Our only direct measure of shared culture (common spoken language) is insignificant in all the estimations. However, when we add indirect measures of shared culture we obtain ...


Political equality and quality of government

Political equality and quality of government

... Variable Quality of government Political equality Democracy Economic inequality English legal origin French legal origin German legal origin Socialist legal origin Former colony Protesta[r] ...


Global trajectories, dynamics, and tendencies of business software piracy: benchmarking IPRs harmonization

Global trajectories, dynamics, and tendencies of business software piracy: benchmarking IPRs harmonization

... on legal origins, income-levels and, regional proximity are employed contrary to an exclusive (but non arbitrary) 5 usage of only legal origin as the segmentation criterion in the formal literature; ...


Varieties of CSR : institutions and socially responsible behaviour

Varieties of CSR : institutions and socially responsible behaviour

... socialist legal origin system did not have impact on voluntary CSR ...socialist legal origin’ or ‘transitional’ are not very helpful in looking at countries within the ...in legal ...


A Brief Discussion on Legal Risks of Beijing Winter Olympics

A Brief Discussion on Legal Risks of Beijing Winter Olympics

... the legal text addresses only one aspect of the protection of the Olympic sym- bols, and in many other areas it is not enough to meet the needs of Beijing’s preparations for the 2022 Winter ...of legal risk ...


Euthanasia: Legal analysis

Euthanasia: Legal analysis

... Public interest has been spurred by media attention devoted to Drs. Kevorkian, Quill, ArunaShanbaug, and others, as well as legal decision, state referenda, and the growing availability of life-extending medical ...


Legal rights of sikkimese women

Legal rights of sikkimese women

... India as a country has witnessed a tumultuous change in post-colonial period by strengthening its position in every frontiers of human societal pursuits. However, women at large have not been able to find an equal ...


Will There Be Fallout from Clementi? The Global Repercussions for the Legal Profession after the UK Legal Services Act 2007. Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series. Vol. 8, No. 6 April 2008

Will There Be Fallout from Clementi? The Global Repercussions for the Legal Profession after the UK Legal Services Act 2007. Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series. Vol. 8, No. 6 April 2008

... This paper explores the genesis of the Act and its consequences actual and anticipated. I argue that the present trend of the legal profession is moving away from traditional conceptions of professionalism to a ...


The zoned ore deposits of the Zeehan mineral field

The zoned ore deposits of the Zeehan mineral field

... Sulphides from Acid Igneous Rocks Hydrogen sulphide of Volcanic Origin Sulphur dioxide of Volcanic Origin.. Native sulphur of Volcanic Origin.[r] ...


Police Genre: Interruption and its Classification as a Sign of Asymmetry in Police Interview/Interrogation

Police Genre: Interruption and its Classification as a Sign of Asymmetry in Police Interview/Interrogation

... in legal communicative situations ...and legal language which is language about law). Legal language is a variety of language appropriate to different legal occasions and legal ...


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