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Medical Education

The Possibilities of using Simulators in Medical Education

The Possibilities of using Simulators in Medical Education

... of education, as well as actively used in medical education [19, ...basic medical skills without harming the patients [21, ...certain medical practices according to standards on models ...


Medical Education in Ireland : A New Direction, Report of the Working Group on Undergraduate Medical Education and Training

Medical Education in Ireland : A New Direction, Report of the Working Group on Undergraduate Medical Education and Training

... a medical graduate is based on the traditional model of medical education whereby the early years of the programme are dominated by large group lectures and practicals and the latter years are based ...


Utilization of Medical Education research studies: A survey among participants in Iranian National Conference on Medical Education

Utilization of Medical Education research studies: A survey among participants in Iranian National Conference on Medical Education

... medical education by calculating content valid- ity ratio(CVR), content validity index(CVI) of each item. The reliability of the questionnaire was assessed and confirmed through Chronbach’s Alpha ...


Measuring stress in medical education: validation of the Korean version of the higher education stress inventory with medical students

Measuring stress in medical education: validation of the Korean version of the higher education stress inventory with medical students

... students will also be important because a high satis- faction with overall learning environment, which encom- passes aspects of the “low commitment” factor, was independently associated with resiliency and recovery from ...


Undergraduate medical education in emergency medical care: A nationwide survey at German medical schools

Undergraduate medical education in emergency medical care: A nationwide survey at German medical schools

... in medical profes- sional life, there is the perception that every physician has to be able to handle critical emergency situations regard- less of the location, severity of the emergency or the indi- vidual's ...


Building capacity for medical education research in family medicine: the Program for Innovation in Medical Education (PIME)

Building capacity for medical education research in family medicine: the Program for Innovation in Medical Education (PIME)

... PhD medical education researcher who provides meth- odological skills that enhance the quality of ...of medical education research and collaborate with educators in the pursuit of their ideas ...


Internationalization of medical education in Iran: A way towards implementation of the plans of development and innovation in medical education

Internationalization of medical education in Iran: A way towards implementation of the plans of development and innovation in medical education

... of Medical Education was drafted in ...of Medical Education was designed with the aim of identifying available potentials in all the universities of medical sciences, encouraging the ...


Addressing the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education Competencies: An Opportunity to Impact Medical Education and Patient Care

Addressing the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education Competencies: An Opportunity to Impact Medical Education and Patient Care

... with medical education in this ...in medical education during difficult financial times, we see the compe- tencies representing a glass half-full ...our medical schools and training ...




... A licensure granted by CAA signifies that robust plans are in place for resources, policies, administration, documentation and financial stability. Program accreditation is the next step where CAA invites a team of ...


Expanding Medical Education in Georgia

Expanding Medical Education in Georgia

... • Tripp Umbach recommends a minimum investment by the State of Georgia of $10 million in 2008 to develop an initial medical education facility and to recruit a regional dean and key f[r] ...


Text Messaging in Medical Education

Text Messaging in Medical Education

... of medical knowledge with open-ended questions posed to trigger residency- wide discussions on themed ...cal education, trainees interact with other trainees, faculty, staff, patients, and families ...


Department of medical education; A personal history

Department of medical education; A personal history

... in Medical Education, return to Shiraz, start a Medical Education Department and direct the WHO Regional Medical Teacher Training Center for the Easter ...


Medical Education and Decision-Support Systems

Medical Education and Decision-Support Systems

... Both resident and attending physician should be expert in using electronic resources, not only because they are fast becoming ubiquitous, but because they improve care quality and resident education. It is for ...




... As can be seen from the above presented results of the first five items, it is clear that all participants reacted positively about the role and importance of English language for medical students. Indeed, the ...


Basic sciences curriculum in medical education

Basic sciences curriculum in medical education

... of medical education is to enable the graduate to transfer sets of what has been learnt to wider contexts and to the contexts of challenges of medical practice ...traditional medical schools, ...


Medical education: an Italian contribution to the discussion on global health education

Medical education: an Italian contribution to the discussion on global health education

... health education” and “medical ...Italian Medical Association and The Permanent Conference of the Presidents of Degree Courses in Medicine was conducted, as they provided a mainstream, external per- ...


Emerging Subspecialties in Neurology: Medical education

Emerging Subspecialties in Neurology: Medical education

... for medical students, serving as both near-peer and role ...a medical student’s fund of knowledge is acquired from resident ...of education is often at odds with the limited formal educational ...


12 Distributed Education and Distance Learning in Postgraduate Medical Education

12 Distributed Education and Distance Learning in Postgraduate Medical Education

... family medical residents must spend a minimum of 8 weeks in a rural family practice as part of their core family medicine experience” ...of medical students entering MD programs in Canada (and, therefore, ...


Technology-assisted education in graduate medical education: a review of the literature

Technology-assisted education in graduate medical education: a review of the literature

... Graduate Medical Education ...assisted education research may allow educators across specialties to learn from each ...technology-assisted education need to master the skills of laparoscopic ...


medical education in review

medical education in review

... in medical education and becomes more ...Few medical mastery learning studies have achieved downstream results at the T2 (better patient care practices) and T3 (better patient outcomes) ...


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