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Pacific Island Countries

An educational program for mental health nurses and community health workers from Pacific Island countries: results from a pilot study

An educational program for mental health nurses and community health workers from Pacific Island countries: results from a pilot study

... This research indicates that the education program developed and delivered to the 18 participants from Pacific island countries was beneficial. Participants reported the education program had a ...


Livestock disease surveillance and biosecurity priorities in the Pacific Island countries and territories

Livestock disease surveillance and biosecurity priorities in the Pacific Island countries and territories

... the Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTs) zoonotic diseases such as leptospirosis, scabies, bovine tuberculosis and brucellosis are endemic (Brioudes, Warner, Hedlefs, & Gummow, 2014; ...


Some Empirical Evidence on the Demand for Money in the Pacific Island Countries

Some Empirical Evidence on the Demand for Money in the Pacific Island Countries

... of Pacific Island Countries (PICs) economic data in many areas, there are few islands in which economic data and in particular, the money stock and income are provided by their central ...


Estimating aid growth equations: the case of Pacific Island countries

Estimating aid growth equations: the case of Pacific Island countries

... This paper has briefly reviewed the literature on the aid -growth relationship with respect to the Pacific Island countries. This review showed that all the empirical works on the PICs have closed ...


Estimating aid growth equations: the case of Pacific Island countries

Estimating aid growth equations: the case of Pacific Island countries

... This paper has briefly reviewed the literature on the aid -growth relationship with respect to the Pacific Island countries. This review showed that all the empirical works on the PICs have closely ...


Vulnerability of Tropical Pacific Fisheries and Aquaculture to Climate Change: summary for Pacific Island Countries and Territories

Vulnerability of Tropical Pacific Fisheries and Aquaculture to Climate Change: summary for Pacific Island Countries and Territories

... many Pacific Island countries and territories demands new approaches to the sustainable use of natural resources for economic, human and social ...of Pacific Island Fisheries’ by the ...


Oil Price and Economic Growth in Small Pacific Island Countries

Oil Price and Economic Growth in Small Pacific Island Countries

... 14 Pacific island countries (PICs), only Papua New Guinea (PNG) is a producer and net exporter of oil and refined fossil ...and Pacific [2], Asian Development Bank ...


Fragile Paradise: Health Impacts of Climate Change in Pacific Island Countries

Fragile Paradise: Health Impacts of Climate Change in Pacific Island Countries

... Abstract: Background: The health impacts of climate change are an issue of growing concern in the Pacific region. Prior to 2010, no formal, structured, evidence-based approach had been used to identify the most ...


Economics of Households in Pacific Island Countries: A Case Study of Vanuatu and Tuvalu

Economics of Households in Pacific Island Countries: A Case Study of Vanuatu and Tuvalu

... The island of Tuvalu lies in the Western South Pacific, its coordinates are 176 - 180 degrees east and 5 - 11degerees south ...Vaitupu Island. For further education the students travel to other ...


Addressing Land Issues in Disaster Risk Management in the Pacific Island Countries

Addressing Land Issues in Disaster Risk Management in the Pacific Island Countries

... in Pacific island countries (PICs) in terms of the linkage between disaster response and land issues, as well as highlighting lessons for improved DRM and longer- term adaptation to a changing ...the ...


Corporate governance and board performance: empirical evidence from Pacific Island countries

Corporate governance and board performance: empirical evidence from Pacific Island countries

... Achieving adequate economic growth is crucially important for the improvement of standards of living and the livelihoods of people in the Pacific island countries (PICs). A successful business sector ...


Influenza surveillance in the Pacific Island countries and territories during the 2009 pandemic: an observational study

Influenza surveillance in the Pacific Island countries and territories during the 2009 pandemic: an observational study

... Historically, Pacific island countries and territories (PICTs) have been more severely affected by influenza pandemics than any other part of the ...four Pacific island nations were ...


Labour market institutions in small Pacific island countries: Main guidelines for labour market reforms

Labour market institutions in small Pacific island countries: Main guidelines for labour market reforms

... these countries may be a great source of costs and inefficiencies if job mobility and skills enhancing is not part of medium-term labour market ...small Pacific island countries expanding the ...


Aid effectiveness in the South Pacific island countries : a study case of Vanuatu

Aid effectiveness in the South Pacific island countries : a study case of Vanuatu

... With the emergence of timber exports through middlemen acting on behalf of Malaysian and Korean companies, with concomitant environmental concerns arising out of indiscriminate logging by land owning communities, cocoa ...


Vulnerability of Tropical Pacific Fisheries and Aquaculture to Climate Change: summary for Pacific Island Countries and Territories

Vulnerability of Tropical Pacific Fisheries and Aquaculture to Climate Change: summary for Pacific Island Countries and Territories

... 11. Lough JM, Meehl GA and Salinger MJ (2011) Observed and projected changes in surface climate of the tropical Pacific. In: JD Bell, JE Johnson and AJ Hobday (eds) Vulnerability of Tropical Pacific ...


Corporate governance and board performance: empirical evidence from Pacific Island countries

Corporate governance and board performance: empirical evidence from Pacific Island countries

... In PICs, corporate governance has attracted attention for very similar reasons. The lack of good corporate governance has led to the inability and failure of state-owned enterprises (SoEs) to generate profit, which has ...


Processed foods available in the Pacific Islands

Processed foods available in the Pacific Islands

... 21 Pacific Island countries share trading and shipping links, and in particular certain countries are ‘hubs’ for ...with countries within the region, or countries with which ...


Extreme Weather and Climate Events and Their Impacts on Island Countries in the Western Pacific: Cyclones, Floods and Droughts

Extreme Weather and Climate Events and Their Impacts on Island Countries in the Western Pacific: Cyclones, Floods and Droughts

... other Pacific Island Countries, with rainfall averages being in a range between 200 and 400 mm each month of the year (Figure 8, right ...West Pacific Warm Pool, where thunderstorm activity ...


Counting Oceanians of Non-European, Non-Asian Descent (ONENA) in the South Pacific to make them count in global health

Counting Oceanians of Non-European, Non-Asian Descent (ONENA) in the South Pacific to make them count in global health

... the Pacific Island Countries and Territories (including Australia) and the US State of Hawaii, privileging local official statistical or censual ...27 countries and territories, populated in ...


The implications of male circumcision practices for women in Papua New Guinea, including for HIV prevention

The implications of male circumcision practices for women in Papua New Guinea, including for HIV prevention

... 166 programme was implemented in workplaces in the Pacific Island countries of Fiji and Solomon Islands. Early evaluations of this programme were mixed, but the programme changed the way participants ...


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