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social capital

Social Capital

Social Capital

... OECD social capital studies typically are based on richer data sets than those available for developing countries, these studies often suffer from serious ...for social capital, which makes ...


Social Capital and the Labour Market

Social Capital and the Labour Market

... bonding social capital of the family may act as a tool for job search actions, thereby mitigating labour precariousness, and, at the macro level, as a factor hampering the economic performance and ...


Language as social capital 1

Language as social capital 1

... and capital formations of a given economy serve to remind us of the nature of life in a given language community, and vice ...physical capital is an important clue for the validity of the view that language ...


The spatial dimension of social capital

The spatial dimension of social capital

... The spatial dimension of social capital Rutten, Roel and Westlund, Hans and Boekema, Frans Tilburg University, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, Tilburg University.[r] ...


measures of social capital and trust

measures of social capital and trust

... Trust and trustworthiness are important components of social capital and much attention has been devoted to the problems of their correct evaluation. Attitudinal survey questions as reported in the EVS – ...


Measuring social capital with a myograph

Measuring social capital with a myograph

... of Social Capital obtained from the questionnaire), we find that monetary incentives explain the level of subjects’ EMG only in the subsample characterized by low SC, while, for subjects with ...


Democracy and social capital in Greece

Democracy and social capital in Greece

... of social capital in Greece is linked to dominant role of the rent-seeking behavior of small and strongly-tied interest groups that inhibit the reform process in several public policy ...of social ...


Community efficacy and social capital

Community efficacy and social capital

... of social policy interventions, and social, education and health service delivery; how to intervene in communities effectively and how to work with communities through community participation and community ...


Social capital and organisational resilience

Social capital and organisational resilience

... into bids without necessarily winning a contract and without getting any feedback. If a contractor is repeatedly being out bid, Network Rail may offer guidance in areas where they need to improve their costing to become ...


The Policy Implications of Social Capital

The Policy Implications of Social Capital

... term social capital describes important social processes and relationships – informal social support networks, friendship, neighbourhood generosity, interpersonal trust and volunteering ...


Social Capital in a Nordic Context

Social Capital in a Nordic Context

... existing social capital and raising new social (and human) capital as strategic concepts for promoting eco- nomic renewal and sustainable welfare ...extensive social capital. We ...


Social capital and sports clubs

Social capital and sports clubs

... Together, these three clubs allowed me to study the development of social capital in socio- organisational contexts which differed in formality, size, type of sport and member diversity. The cricket club ...


Decentralization and Social Capital in Indonesia

Decentralization and Social Capital in Indonesia

... well-known capital, labor, and technology—also hold important role in economic growth (Whiteley, ...that social capital refers to features of social organization, such as trust, norms, and ...


The role of human capital, social capital, and psychological capital in micro-entrepreneurship in China

The role of human capital, social capital, and psychological capital in micro-entrepreneurship in China

... main social capital predictor of first sales was entrepreneur’s participation in a business networking group, implying a weak tie, though this was not ...while social support networks tended to be ...


Social Capital and Diversification of Cooperatives

Social Capital and Diversification of Cooperatives

... of social capital. First, despite growing research interest in social capital of cooperatives, previous research usually focuses on specific facets or components of social ...


Inequality, Fairness and Social Capital

Inequality, Fairness and Social Capital

... Importantly, we find that the decline in trust and trustworthiness is mostly driven by the less well-off. Thus, we find no evidence for the hypothesis that the behavior of the successful is mainly responsible for the ...


Social Capital: Rethinking Change What A Theory of Social Capital Reveals About Democratic Stability

Social Capital: Rethinking Change What A Theory of Social Capital Reveals About Democratic Stability

... bonding social capital, which is rather exclusionary and can serve to reinforce homogeneity and similar viewpoints at the expense of minority views and different ...and social life ...


Social capital and health: a return to social and sociological traditions

Social capital and health: a return to social and sociological traditions

... Social capital as a concept which is related to social contextand as a new element besides other factors like environmental, Genetic and individual factors has attracted interests of professional and ...


Resilience and Social Capital in The Hague

Resilience and Social Capital in The Hague

... of social capital, one may argue that especially vulnerable people with hardly any social capital are highly depending on a government (Duit, ...whereby social structures are disrupted. ...


Social Capital of Urban Settlement

Social Capital of Urban Settlement

... on social capital that hold together the community of settlement where people live ...of social capital, urban settlement, and ...of social capital of settlement available. The ...


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