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Type 1 diabetes mellitus

Evaluation of subclinical neuropathy in type 1 diabetes mellitus

Evaluation of subclinical neuropathy in type 1 diabetes mellitus

... We are conducting a study on EVALUATION OF SUBCLINICAL NEUROPATHY IN TYPE 1 DIABETES MELLITUS in the Department of Physiology, KMC, Chennai. The purpose of this study is to diagnose ...


Serum uric acid in type 1 diabetes mellitus

Serum uric acid in type 1 diabetes mellitus

... with diabetes mellitus point towards a close relationship between serum levels of acute-phase reactants like uric acid and diabetes ...to type 1 diabetes litus patients has been ...


Disaster Preparedness in Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Disaster Preparedness in Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

... daily needs. Physicians faced a difficult time with the unavailability of patients’ medical records and relied on pa- tients’ memories and histories (and possibly on guesswork) to provide medical care. The added risks of ...


Effect of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus On Children

Effect of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus On Children

... Immune-mediated diabetes is the most common form of type 1 diabetes and is generally referred to as type 1 diabetes ...pediatric type-1 diabetes ...


Insight into hypoglycemia in pediatric type 1 diabetes mellitus

Insight into hypoglycemia in pediatric type 1 diabetes mellitus

... Hypoglycemia is a common complication of insulin treatment in type 1 diabetes mellitus [1]. A safe blood glucose concentration varies with many factors, includ- ing rate of fall of ...


Celiac disease in type 1 diabetes mellitus

Celiac disease in type 1 diabetes mellitus

... The most severe CD-related symptoms are generally related to gastrointestinal malabsorption and include mal- nutrition, failure to thrive, diarrhea, anorexia, constipation, vomiting, abdominal distension, and pain. These ...


Retinal malperfusion in albuminuric Type 1 diabetes mellitus patients without clinical signs of diabetic retinopathy: a prospective pilot study

Retinal malperfusion in albuminuric Type 1 diabetes mellitus patients without clinical signs of diabetic retinopathy: a prospective pilot study

... 15. Rajaab HA, Baker NL, Hunt KJ, Klein R, Cleary PA, Lachin J, Virella G, Lopes- Virella MF, DCCT/EDIC Group of Investigators. The predictive role of mark- ers of inflammation and endothelial dysfunction on the course ...


Thyroid Disorders in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Thyroid Disorders in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

... Generally thyroid autoimmunity is more common in females than in males, this holds good for T1D also as per many cross-sectional as well as prospective studies. But there are studies which showed equal prevalence in ...


The effects of metformin in type 1 diabetes mellitus

The effects of metformin in type 1 diabetes mellitus

... by type 1 diabetes causes the development of double diabetes and poorer glycemic control [5, 6, 9, ...in type 1 diabetes [18, 20, 21, ...peptide-negative diabetes ...


The epidemiology and pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes mellitus in Africa

The epidemiology and pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes mellitus in Africa

... There are very limited epidemiological, immunological and genetic data available for the African type 1 diabetes population, especially in southern Africa. Over the past 30 years, there have been ...


Hearing Loss in Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Hearing Loss in Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

... receiving diabetes care in the private sector was ...with type 1 diabetes is US$310 (range US$45- ...on diabetes care were 59%, 32%, 18% and 12% in low, middle, upper-middle and upper ...


Stature at Time of Diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Stature at Time of Diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

... meta-analysis should definitively end such confu- sion, but with 2 caveats. First, some of the height differences in earlier reports might conceivably be attributable to secular trends. Publication bias—the alleged ...


Etiopathogenesis of type 1 diabetes mellitus: prognostic factors for the evolution of residual β cell function

Etiopathogenesis of type 1 diabetes mellitus: prognostic factors for the evolution of residual β cell function

... of type 1A diabetes has increased dramati- cally in many countries during the past four decades; it is likely that some factors in the environment are ...of type 1 A diabetes, such as ...


Current progress in stem cell therapy for type 1 diabetes mellitus

Current progress in stem cell therapy for type 1 diabetes mellitus

... skin fibroblasts of patients with T1DM (T1DM-specific iPSCs, DiPSCs). These DiPSCs resembled ESCs in the global gene expression profile and were capable of differ- entiating into pancreatic cell lineages, paving the path ...


Autoimmune Markers in Young Malaysian Patients with Type I Diabetes Mellitus

Autoimmune Markers in Young Malaysian Patients with Type I Diabetes Mellitus

... Autoimmune Markers in Young Malaysian Patients with Type I Diabetes Mellitus ORIGINAL ARTICLE Autoimmune Markers in Young Malaysian Patients With Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus W M Wan Nazaimoont, K Nor Azm[.] ...


Characteristics of diabetic foot ulcers in Western Sydney, Australia

Characteristics of diabetic foot ulcers in Western Sydney, Australia

... with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (Type 1 DM) and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (Type 2 DM) with foot ulcers at initial visit attending our outpatient Foot ...


Risk factors for osteoporosis in Japan: is it associated with Helicobacter pylori?

Risk factors for osteoporosis in Japan: is&nbsp;it&nbsp;associated with <em>Helicobacter pylori</em>?

... disease, type 1 diabetes mellitus, hypo/hyperthyroidism, a hypo/ hyperparathyroid disorder, rheumatoid arthritis (including other collagen disease), and a premenopausal ...


Macular choroidal thickness in pregnant women with type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes mellitus measured by spectral-domain optical coherence tomography

Macular choroidal thickness in pregnant women with type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes mellitus measured by spectral-domain optical coherence tomography

... Group 1 consisted of 27 non-diabetic pregnant women (control group); Group 2 consisted of 15 pregnant women with GDM; Group 3 consisted of 16 pregnant women with type 2 diabetes mellitus ...


Dietary gluten and the development of celiac disease and type 1 diabetes

Dietary gluten and the development of celiac disease and type 1 diabetes

... and type 1 diabetes mellitus ...at diabetes diagnosis in all subjects and again within 2 and 5 years after diagnosis, even in the absence of ...


Association of mean platelet volume with incident type 2 diabetes mellitus risk: the Dongfeng–Tongji cohort study

Association of mean platelet volume with incident type 2 diabetes mellitus risk: the Dongfeng–Tongji cohort study

... and type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) found that platelet activation did not precede the devel- opment of microvascular complications in T1DM ...


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