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visual analogue scale

Visual analogue scale for sino-nasal symptoms severity correlates with sino-nasal outcome test 22: paving the way for a simple outcome tool of CRS burden

Visual analogue scale for sino-nasal symptoms severity correlates with sino-nasal outcome test 22: paving the way for a simple outcome tool of CRS burden

... Visual analogue scale (VAS) is a psychometric meas- urement instrument widely used in the Rhinology field and beyond to subjectively quantify patients’ symptoms ...


The Correlation Between SNOT-22 and Visual Analogue Scale in the Assessment of Symptom Severity in Chronic Rhinosinusitis

The Correlation Between SNOT-22 and Visual Analogue Scale in the Assessment of Symptom Severity in Chronic Rhinosinusitis

... point scale (0-5) and has been used to grade ...the visual analogue scale questionnaire ...response scale usually represented by a horizontal line, 10cm in length, anchored by word ...


Effect of mulligan taping on quadriceps strength, knee pain and function in knee osteoarthritis using visual analogue scale and koos

Effect of mulligan taping on quadriceps strength, knee pain and function in knee osteoarthritis using visual analogue scale and koos

... Methods: study design: Prospective experimental study design. 62 participants were included in the study after taking their informed consent. Participants were divided into 2 groups of 31 each using computer rated ...


Visual analogue scale (VAS) as a monitoring tool for daily changes in asthma symptoms in adolescents: a prospective study

Visual analogue scale (VAS) as a monitoring tool for daily changes in asthma symptoms in adolescents: a prospective study

... Structured daily diaries often consist of multiple items assessing various symptoms and asthma related impair- ments, which can be burdensome to children and ado- lescents, resulting in poor adherence. This calls for an ...


To find out the effects of scapular taping on pain reduction by using Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) in shoulder impingement syndrome

To find out the effects of scapular taping on pain reduction by using Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) in shoulder impingement syndrome

... with Visual Analogue Scale ...pain scale to describe their pain over the last 24 hours and separate Visual Analogue Scale to determine their current ...that Visual ...


A comparison of a patient rated visual analogue scale with the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale for social anxiety  disorder: A cross sectional study

A comparison of a patient rated visual analogue scale with the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale for social anxiety disorder: A cross sectional study

... Anxiety Scale (LSAS), used to assess the severity of social anxiety disorder (SAD), requires considerable effort and time to ...a visual analogue scale (VAS) could be linear with the LSAS and ...


Experiencing Pain during Scaling and Root Planing: A Clinical Study Using Visual Analogue Scale

Experiencing Pain during Scaling and Root Planing: A Clinical Study Using Visual Analogue Scale

... pre-calibrated scale provided in the questionnaire. This color coded 100mm Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) was divided into 10 equal segregates from 0 to 10, with colors ranging from light blue to ...


Evaluation of gastrointestinal symptoms in different patient groups using the visual analogue scale for irritable bowel syndrome (VAS-IBS)

Evaluation of gastrointestinal symptoms in different patient groups using the visual analogue scale for irritable bowel syndrome (VAS-IBS)

... Patients with IBS may have varying degrees of the dis- ease. Those who seek care are considered sicker than those who do not, with a higher proportion of abnormal personality patterns, greater illness behaviour and lower ...


Development and psychometric testing of the Visual Analogue Scale for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (VAS-IBS)

Development and psychometric testing of the Visual Analogue Scale for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (VAS-IBS)

... The visual ana- logue scale (VAS) was chosen for each of the ...graded scale contains words, one can not be sure that the true feeling of the respondent has been captured, since a respondent's view ...


Unilateral laminectomy for bilateral decompression improves low back pain while standing equally on both sides in patients with lumbar canal stenosis: analysis using a detailed visual analogue scale

Unilateral laminectomy for bilateral decompression improves low back pain while standing equally on both sides in patients with lumbar canal stenosis: analysis using a detailed visual analogue scale

... detailed visual analog scale (VAS) scores to evaluate the characteristics and bilateral changes of LBP and lower extremity ...detailed visual analogue scale (VAS; 100 mm) score of LBP ...


Is there a case for using Visual Analogue Scale valuations in Cost-Utility Analysis?

Is there a case for using Visual Analogue Scale valuations in Cost-Utility Analysis?

... rating scale, category scale and visual analogue scale are often used in the literature ...category scale when it is used as a measurement instrument comparable to a Likert ...


Helicobacter Pylori Associated Chronic Gastritis and
Application of Visual Analogue Scale for the Grading of
the Histological Parameters in Nepal

Helicobacter Pylori Associated Chronic Gastritis and Application of Visual Analogue Scale for the Grading of the Histological Parameters in Nepal

... Endoscopic gastric biopsies- two from antral region were taken from greater and lesser curvature, and two more biopsies were obtained from the additional sites of abnormalities like fundus, body, cardia, and so on by the ...


Prosodic modulation in the babble of cochlear implanted and normally hearing infants: a perceptual study using a visual analogue scale

Prosodic modulation in the babble of cochlear implanted and normally hearing infants: a perceptual study using a visual analogue scale

... The analyses also controlled for the influence of possible maturation effects on prosodic modulation in canonical babbling. The analyses showed that an infant’s experience with babbling did not boost prosodic modulation, ...


Do visual analogue scale (VAS) derived standard gamble (SG) utilities agree with Health Utilities Index utilities? A comparison of patient and community preferences for health status in rheumatoid arthritis patients

Do visual analogue scale (VAS) derived standard gamble (SG) utilities agree with Health Utilities Index utilities? A comparison of patient and community preferences for health status in rheumatoid arthritis patients

... In indirect measures, the respondent provides informa- tion regarding their health status by completing a multi- attribute health status classification system questionnaire such as the Health Utilities Index Mark 2 ...


Visual analogue scales in stroke: what can they tell us about health-related quality of life?

Visual analogue scales in stroke: what can they tell us about health-related quality of life?

... a visual analogue scale (VAS) which typically comprises a 100 mm long line anchored at the ends with opposing states of a construct (eg, best possible and worst possible ...


Visual analogue scales in stroke: what can they tell us about health-related quality of life?

Visual analogue scales in stroke: what can they tell us about health-related quality of life?

... a visual analogue scale (VAS) which typically comprises a 100 mm long line anchored at the ends with opposing states of a construct (eg, best possible and worst possible ...


The PedsQL™ Present Functioning Visual Analogue Scales: preliminary reliability and validity

The PedsQL™ Present Functioning Visual Analogue Scales: preliminary reliability and validity

... Patient-reported outcomes (PROs) are self-report instru- ments that directly measure the patient's perceptions of the impact of disease and treatment as clinical trial end- points, and include multi-item health-related ...


Lack of interchangeability between visual analogue and verbal rating pain scales: a cross sectional description of pain etiology groups

Lack of interchangeability between visual analogue and verbal rating pain scales: a cross sectional description of pain etiology groups

... continuous visual analogue scale, VAS, and discrete categorical scales like the verbal rating scale, VRS, and the numerical rating scale, ...pain scale are interchangeable with ...


The Visual Analogue WOMAC 3 0 scale   internal validity and responsiveness of the VAS version

The Visual Analogue WOMAC 3 0 scale internal validity and responsiveness of the VAS version

... Likert scale or VAS, and the result- ing differential deviation from the interval scale ...the scale because it seems more responsive than a Likert ...a visual analogue scale (in ...


Population Pharmacokinetic  Pharmacodynamic Modeling of Caffeine  Using Visual Analogue Scales

Population Pharmacokinetic Pharmacodynamic Modeling of Caffeine Using Visual Analogue Scales

... on visual analogue scale (VAS) responses in healthy, moderate caffeine-consuming volunteers through the use of population pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PK-PD) ...analog scale, has been ...


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