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Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods ISSN: 2251-6204

Vol. 8, Issue 3, March2018

Page 82


Figure 1. D. Conley’s model of career readiness

We would like to point out that «Key knowledge of content» comprises not only professional knowledge but also knowledge of what career opportunities exist in this area and also a perceived value of this knowledge.

«Key skills and teaching techniques» incorporate two categories of knowledge: a student’s knowledge of the way how to organize his own learning and specific methods, for example, time management.

«Key knowledge and skills advancement» are privileged very frequently and not equally accessible to students: for example, the representatives of the family dynasties –for instance, from renowned families of doctors, militaries, teachers – are more informed about career opportunities in the chosen field.

The author also lists skills (soft skills) that enable one to build the strategy of one’s own career; he defines self‐management as an important category that incorporates specific features of behavior and attitudes which allow a graduate to take responsibility for his actions and to become more active. The so-called «meta-strategies» contribute to the movement in the direction of self-management and they provide involvement in a wider context of activity and environment as well as effective goal-setting (Bolotova et. al, 2015; Ivleva et. al, 2014; Kalinina et. al, 2016; Ivleva et. al, 2016; Masalimova et. al, 2016; Mitin, 2016; Ovsyanik et. al, 2016; Salakhova et. al, 2017; Vasyakin et. al, 2017).

It is important to note that D. Conley (2012) believes fair to consider the measure of responsibility of a higher education institution itself for shaping up its graduates’ career readiness. What is meant here is the supplementation of formal education with courses that develop skills of career goal setting and strategic planning. From here the concept of «success» is treated as the completion of main courses with a corresponding certificate and further career movement to new results.

A positive moment, in our view, is the attempt of adapting a number of foreign theories on the Russian sample. In particular, the objective of adapting A. Hirschi and D. Lage’s (2007) model was set in research undertaken by N.B. Lisovskaya (2014) with co-authors nominated in the «Psychological Gazette». This six-phase model of career decision making, to the authors’ mind, enables one to carry out an instant diagnostics of career decision stages and their psychological content (Salakhova et. al, 2016; Vasyakin et. al, 2015; Mitin, 2014; Masalimova et. al, 2014; Lipatova et. al, 2015; Kalinina et. al, 2017; Bolotova et. al, 2013).


Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods ISSN: 2251-6204

Vol. 8, Issue 3, March2018

Page 83

Thus the variation of approaches helps to identify the major views on the problem of a cognitive component of the career readiness: assessment mechanisms and mechanisms of decision making; active goal setting; world view components and self-consciousness of the subject of activity. The integration of overseas experience in the field of applied methods of studying and developing the graduates’ career readiness is a new tendency.


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Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods ISSN: 2251-6204

Vol. 8, Issue 3, March2018

Page 87

University As Center Of Regional Social-Economic And Scientific-Innovative

In document More... Volume 8, Issue 3 (3-2018) (Page 81-87)