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Payments “Submitted”

to the Bank yet?

Status Description / Meaning

Incomplete No Payment has not been submitted and is still in “Draft” mode. This status will also apply to payments that have failed validation during “Bulk Import”

Awaiting FX No Applies to cross-currency payments where FX has not been assigned during payment creation, instead “Assign FX Later” was chosen. Payments with this status will require FX type to be assigned before they can be submitted for authorisation.

Complete No Payment has been created and submitted for further actions such as Authorisation or Batching.

Batched No Payments have been batched are are pending for authorisation. Alternatively, the batch can be edited.

Partially Signed No Individual payment / Batched payment have been authorised by one or more authorisers. However they have not been fully authorised as yet.

Rejected by Approver

No Individual payments have been rejected by one of the approvers. The reason for rejection will be available in the detailed view.

Batch Rejected by Approver

No Payment batches have been rejected by one of the approvers. The reason for rejection will be available in the detailed view.

Unauthorised No Payments have been un-authorised by the authoriser.

Fully Signed No All authorisers have successfully authorised the Payment / Batch and is pending to be Sent to the Bank.

Sent to bank Yes Payments have been Sent to Bank for further processing

Received Yes Payments have been received by the Bank for further processing upon Authorisation.

Received After Cut off Time

Yes Payments that have been “Sent to Bank” have been received after cut-off time and will be processed on the next working date.

Holiday Yes Payments have been received on a Bank Holiday and will be automatically processed on the next working date.

Future Date Yes Payments that have been sent to the bank are future dated. These payments will be processed on the value date of the payment.

Under Processing

Yes Payments sent to the bank have been successfully received and are being processed.

Processed Yes Payments sent to the bank has been successfully processed and the has been sent out to the Beneficiary

Rejected Yes Payments have been rejected by Standard

Chartered. This could be due to various reasons, as available in the detailed view.

Debit Successful Yes The debit for the payment that has been sent to the bank has been made. The credit leg will be subsequently triggered.

Debit Rejected Yes The debit leg for a payment has been rejected. This could be due to various reasons such as “Insufficient Funds”, etc and the detailed view will have more information on the rejection reason.

Credit Rejected Yes The payment to the beneficiary has been rejected by the beneficiary bank. This could be due to reasons like “Invalid Account”, etc. Reason for rejection will be available in the detailed view.

Credit Returned Yes The payment to the beneficiary has been returned by Standard Chartered Bank. This could be due to invalid beneficiary information to process the credit leg of the payment.

Credit Successful

Yes The credit to the beneficiary’s account has been successful.

Stopped Yes Payments that have been submitted to the bank for processing have been “Stopped” successfully and have not been processed further.


Yes Applicable for “Local Bank Cheque” and

“International Bank Cheque”, the Cheque has been prepared by the Bank and Debit to the account is in progress. The cheque will be subsequently available for Pickup or delivered to the beneficiary based on the option chosen during initiation.

Cheque Cancelled

Yes A corporate cheque issued to a beneficiary has been cancelled and will be void when presented.

Cheque Reversed

Yes A Local Bank Cheque or an International Bank Cheque has been reversed upon request. The amount initially debited has been reversed and funded back to the debit account.

Cheque Cleared Yes Cheque issued to the beneficiary has been presented by the beneficiary and successfully cleared.

Cheque Unclaimed

Yes Applicable for Cheques only, the Beneficiary has not picked up the Cheque and available for further action such as Cancel Cheque, etc.

Stale Yes Applicable for Cheques only, this indicates the number of cheques that are stale (i.e.) not valid anymore when presented.

Failure period of the instrument (the number of days is based on the country) has not been successfully reversed.

Stale Reversal Successful

Yes A Stale cheque (i.e.) not presented within the validity period of the instrument (the number of days is based on the country) has been successfully reversed and the debit account has been funded.


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No part of this document may be reproduced in any form, electronically stored or transmitted or otherwise disseminated without the express prior written approval of SC Group. Copyright © 2013 SC Group. All rights reserved. All copyrights subsisting and arising out of this document belongs to SC Group and may not be copied, distributed, amended, modified, adapted or translated in any way without the prior written consent of SC Group

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