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In the context of multidimensional software pipelining, vector lifetimes with complex shapes present unusual challenges to register allocation. This arti- cle presents a systematic solution to address these challenges. The essential problems of lifetime normalization and representation were addressed to pre- cisely abstract the lifetimes. The conservative and aggressive distances were proposed to guide bin-packing and circumference minimization free of conflict with multiple fit strategies. The method subsumes the classical register alloca- tion for software pipelined single loops as a special case. Experiments indicate that the first fit strategy aided by aggressive distance effectively minimizes register usage with insignificant compile time.

The software pipelining technique and its register allocation has its strength and limitations. The case study in Section 9 has suggested several limiting fac- tors inherent in the loops. Some of them should be overcome by combining SSP with hierarchical reduction. We also need to improve the register alloca- tion approach with spilling and splitting. Then the performance of SSP requires

extensive evaluation. Combining SSP with high-level loop transformations like tiling and with hardware pipeline design like FPGA-based reconfigurable com- puting such that all levels of parallelism are exploited are important future directions. Finally, we are currently extending SSP to many core architec- tures to exploit both thread-level and instruction-level parallelism. With the paradigm shift from uniprocessors to many-core architectures, we envision the combination of software pipelining and multithreading as an inevitable trend.


APPENDIX A: FORMAL DEFINITIONS FOR LIFETIME REPRESENTATION From Appendix A.1 to A.5, we introduce lifetime representation for the loop and kernel models in Figures 5(a) and 5(b), wherel1= l2 = · · · = ln. Then in

Appendix A.6, we extend the lifetime representation for the more general loop nest and kernel model in Figures 20(a) and 20(b), wherel1,l2,. . ., and lnare

not necessarily equal. In both cases, the kernel has a single II ofT cycles. We do not need to study the multi-II case because it can be treated as the single-II case as discussed in Section 6.4.

For a variable, the core and derived parameters are defined from the refer- ences setREFS. For convenience, we refer to the elements in a reference ref astime(ref ), type(ref ) ( USE or DEF), omega(ref ), and level(ref ), respectively. Also letlatency(ref ) be the latency of the operation that contains the reference (as an operand).

A.1 SingleStart, SingleEnd, Omega, and Alpha

singleStart= mintime(r),∀r ∈ REFSs.t. t ype(r) = DEF

singleEnd= maxtime(r)+ latency(r) + omega(r) ∗ T, ∀r ∈ REFS omega= maxomega(r),∀r ∈ REFS

SingleStart and singleEnd are equivalent to the start and end time used in traditional register allocation for single loops [Rau et al. 1992], described in Section 2.2. In definingsingleEnd, not only uses but also definitions must be considered. In case a variable is defined but not used, the end time of that variable should be the completion time of the last definition.

In a healthy program, only a reference at the outermost loop level, which is software pipelined, can have a nonzeroomega. The loop nest in Figure 3(a) is a typical example. Also,omega of a definition is always 0.

Alpha depends on the code outside the loop nest and cannot be computed from the references. We assume it has already been given by an earlier phase of the compiler.

A.2 Start and End

Given a loop level i ∈ [1, n], if level i has no definition in REFS, we set (start[i], end [i]) = (+∞, −∞). Otherwise, let the definition be d ∈ REFS,


start[i]= time(d)

end[i]= max(time(d) + latency(d),

time(u)+ latency(u) + loopbackOffset(d, u), ∀u ∈ USES(d)), whereUSES(d) is the set of all possible uses of d , that is, all the uses that can be reached byd in the control flow graph, loopBackOffset(d , u) is an extra offset whend reaches a use u along a back edge of a loop.

In terms of dataflow analysis, a point x in the control flow graph reaches another point y if there is a path from x to y without any definition of the vari- able under consideration between them. The control flow graph in this article is the graph for the original loop nest (before software pipelining) defined in Figure 5(a), which containsn back edges, one for each loop.

LoopbackOffset(x, y) is the offset if point x reaches point y along a back edge of a loop, either the outermost loop or any of the inner loops. It is defined as

loopBackOffset(x, y)= ⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩

omega( y)∗ T ifxreaches yvia the back edge of the outermost loop.

max(Sj∗ T) ifxreaches yvia the back edge of

any inner loopLj(2≤ j ≤ n).

0 otherwise.

For the second case, wherex reaches y via the back edge of an inner loop Lj,

since the inner loop runs sequentially, the offset due to this loop is Sj ∗ T. For

example, in Figure 11(d), operationc defines TNx; this definition reaches two uses, one is a source operand of operationb, and the other is a source operand of operationc. Take the latter use, for instance. The definition can reach it along the back edge of either loopL2(via path 2) or loopL3(via path 3), and therefore,

the offset equalsmax(S2∗ T, S3∗ T) = S2∗ T.

A.3 NextStart

Given a loop leveli∈ [1, n], let x be a point at this level. If level i has a definition d ∈ REFS, let x = d. Otherwise, let x be the starting point of loop Li, that is,

x is at the first cycle of the first stage of Li. Then

nextStart[i]= ⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩

min{ time(d )+ loopbackOffset(x, d ),

∀d ∈ NEXTDEFS(x)}

IfNEXTDEFS(x) is not empty +∞ Otherwise

whereNEXTDEFS(x) is the set of all possible next definitions of the variable in the same iteration as pointx. The back edge of the outermost loop should not be followed in calculating this set. Otherwise, the set may contain a definition from the next iteration. Formally,

NEXTDEFS(x)= { y| y ∈ REFS and type( y) = DEFandx can reach y

A.4 FirstStretch and LastStretch

Take the first ILES as a point of reference. Letx≥ 0 be the iteration index of a stretched interval at loop leveli. The interval is stretched if it is defined before the first cycle of the first ILES but its last use reaches or goes beyond that cycle and is not within the first group of iterations. For example, in Figure 4, the interval of TN2 defined by operationb3spans across the first ILES, and the use

c3,0is in the second group. Formally, the conditions are:

start[i]+ x ∗ T < ln∗ T,

end[i]+ x ∗ T > ln∗ T,

x+ omega ≥ Snwheni= 1,

x ≥ Snwheni> 1,

andx ≥ 0.

Letfirst and last be the smallest and largest solutions of x to the prior inequal- ities. That is,

first= min ∀i∈[1,n]max 0,Sn− span, ln−  end [i]− 1 T  last= max ∀i∈[1,n] ln−  start[i]+ 1 T  ,

wherespan= omega if i = 1, or span = 0 otherwise.

Note that whenn = 1 or first > last, there is no stretched interval at all. Thus we define

(firstStretch, lastStretch)= 

(+∞, −∞) if n = 1or first > last (first, last) otherwise.

A.5 Top and Bottom

Again take the first ILES as a point of reference. If outermostIntervalOnly is true, the segment is made of only stretched intervals, if any. Otherwise, there areSnscalar lifetimes from the first group of iterations, followed by the

stretched intervals, if any. For example, in Figure 6, TN1 has only a stretched interval in the first ILES, while TN2 has Sn = 3 scalar lifetimes and two

stretched intervals. Therefore,

(top, bottom)= 

(firstStretch, lastStretch+ 1) if outermostIntervalOnly (0,max(Sn,lastStretch+ 1)) otherwise,

Note that ifoutermostIntervalOnly is true, and no interval is stretched (i.e., (firstStretch, lastStretch)=(+∞, −∞)), the ILES would have no interval in it. In this case, according to the formulas, (top, bottom) would be (+∞, −∞), as expected.

A.6 Extensions

This section describes in more detail the parameters under the more general loop nest and kernel model in Figure 20(a) and 20(b).

A.6.1 Core Parameters. Since a loop level is allowed to have two intervals, start, end , and next Start are extended to be 2-dimensional arrays. For the interval defined atPosA (PosB) at loop level i and the hole following it, it is de- scribed by start[PosA][i], end[PosA][i], and nextStart[PosA][i] ( start[PosB][i], end[PosB][i], and nextStart[PosB][i]). The meaning of these parameters are exactly the same as the start[i], end[i], and nextStart[i] introduced in Ap- pendix A.2 and A.3 except that the interval starts at the specific position. When i= n, we set start[PosA][i], end[PosA][i], and nextStart[PosA][i] to be the same asstart[PosB][i], end[PosB][i], and nextStart[PosB][i], respectively.

One difficulty is the issue time of the definition for computingstart[P osB][i]. If i < n, this definition is after the loops Ln, Ln−1,. . . , and Li+1, and thus

its issue time is dependent on the total execution time of these loops which may be unknown at compile time. Similar problems exist forend [P osB][i] and next Start[P osB][i].

Fortunately, it is not necessary to calculate the absolute issue time; a rela- tive time is sufficient for our method. Note that the purpose for representing an interval IA of a vector lifetime A is for computing INTL[ A, B] where it is

interleaved with the corresponding interval IBof a vector lifetime B. Look at

the formulas (10) and (11). What we need is only some relative differences, for example,end (IA)− nextStart(IB). Since bothIAandIBare from the same po-

sition of the same loop level, it is sufficient to keep the differences if an issue time is expressed relative to the same reference point.

For this reason, we choose to imagine that each of the loops before the inter- val,Ln,Ln−1,. . . , and Li+1, has one iteration (i.e.,Nn = Nn−1= . . . = Ni+1= 1).

And therefore, the issue time of the definition of the interval is just the 1-D schedule time of it. Similarly, the issue time of any use of the definition of the interval or the issue time of any definition following the interval is also the 1-D schedule time except that there may be loop-back offsets as described before.

A.6.2 Derived Parameters. Derived parameters have two more elements to describe the extended intervals:firstExtend and lastExtend. There are also minor changes in other parameters described in the following.

Stretching happens during the filling of an iteration, and thus only for the intervals defined atP os A. For the formulas in Appendix A.4, we need to change start[i] and end[i] to start[PosA][i] and end[PosA][i], respectively.

In contrast, extended intervals appear during the draining of an iteration, and thus only for the intervals defined at PosB. Now we show how to calcu- latefirstExtend and lastExtend. As before, we take the first ILES as reference. Imagine that before the first iteration (iteration 0), there can be other itera- tions with negative indexes. Let x < 0 be the iteration index of an extended interval at loop level i. The interval is extended if its definition is before the first ILES, but its last use reaches to or beyond the first cycle of that segment. More formally,

start[P osB][i]+ x ∗ T < ln∗ T

end[P osB][i]+ x ∗ T > ln∗ T

As the direct solutions to these inequalities, let firstEx= min ∀i(1≤i≤n) ln−  end [P osB][i]− 1 T  lastEx= max ∀i(1≤i≤n)min −1, ln−  start[P osB][i]+ 1 T  .

Note that whenn= 1 or firstEx > lastEx, there is no extended interval at all. Therefore we define:

(firstExtend, lastExtend)= 

(+∞, −∞) ifn= 1or firstEx > lastEx (firstEx, lastEx) otherwise.

Next, thetop and bottom of the first ILES may be changed in the new situa- tion. LetoldTop and oldBottom be the top and bottom defined in Appendix A.5, which consider the stretched intervals only. Then for the current situation, we need to further consider the extended intervals as well:

top= min(oldTop, firstExtend)


The control registers,LC and EC, must be initialized correctly. A wrong set- ting can make the loop L 1 run infinitely because the operation br.ctop L 1 before the epilog might never have the right condition to fall through to the epilog.

LC and EC are first initialized at the beginning of the schedule. We assert thatLC and EC must have already been 0 before the epilog. In order to drain the remaining operation instances, we reinitializeEC such that after the epilog is finished, bothLC and EC are 0 again. We show how to find the correct initial values of the two registers in both cases.

First, we discuss how to initialize LC and EC at the beginning of the schedule. Take Figure 33 as an example. Note the operationbr.ctop L 1before the epilog. It is executed after an ILES. If this is the last ILES, then right before this branch operation,LC should be 0 and EC should be 1. In this condition, after the branch, both LC and EC become 0, and the branch falls through to the epilog. We assert the conditions before and after this branch for clarity.

From the conditions, we can derive the initial setting of the loop control registers. There are totallyN1number of iterations. Therefore,LC is initialized


LC= N1− 1.

Assume EC has an initial value of x. We consider how the (LC, EC) pair changes. Onebr.ctop changes it to (LC−1, EC) when LC is not 0, or (LC, EC−1) otherwise. Therefore, the pair changes in the whole process from (N1− 1, x) to

(0,x), after N1− 1 number of br.ctop operations; then from (0, x) to (0, 0) after

ofbr.ctop operations that have been executed is: N1− 1 + x.

On the other hand, we have ln − Sn number of br.ctop operations in the

prolog, andN1

Sn number of OLPs, with each OLP taking Sn number ofbr.ctop

operations including the one after the corresponding ILES. Therefore, the total number ofbr.ctop operations that have been executed before the epilog can also be stated as: ln− Sn+  N1 Sn  ∗ Sn.

From the equality, we can easily find thatEC should be initialized to x= ln− ((N1− 1) mod Sn).

This formula generalizes the one in our previous publication [Rong et al. 2004] where the assumption was l1 = l2 = · · · = ln, while here they are not

necessarily equal.

Now let us consider the initialization for the epilog. Before the initialization, bothLC and EC are 0. Since there is no new iteration, LC should continue to be 0, whileEC should enable the remaining stages to drain. In general, there arel1− fn+ 1 number of partial kernels in the epilog. After each of the partial

kernels, we need abr.ctop operation to rotate registers. Therefore, EC should be initialized to

l1− fn+ 1.


We are grateful to the anonymous reviewers, and to Chan Sun, Ross Towle, Shuxin Yang, Jose Nelson Amaral, R. Govindarajan, Jean C. Beyler, and Michel Strasser for their valuable comments.


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