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Chapter 6 Basic Operation

6.1 Operation of the IPU

6.1.2 Control menu

The layout of the Control menu is as follows:

[Explorer] Click to display the Sample Explorer.

[Browser] Click to display the Data Browser.

Toolbar (changeable) Buttons are displayed according to the displayed function of the window.

While performing each function, clicking the [Close] button displayed on the right edge closes each function screen displayed on in the window.

Window (view) Area for performing various types of processes and operations.

By default, the Menu screen is displayed. Click the desired icon to execute its function. (➤P.6-7 "6.1.3 List of menu items")

You can change the icons to be displayed in the Menu screen. Click the [Settings] button on the toolbar to select the icons to be displayed.

Icons that are hidden in the menu screen are also hidden on the toolbar.

Control menu Displays the status of each device connected to the IPU.

In addition, you can perform operations on each device, such as analysis and maintenance.

Analyzer area Displays information about the analyzers.

Sampler area Displays information about the sampler.

RU area Displayed when the RU-20 is connected.

Printer area Displays information about the printer.

Host computer area Displays information about the host computer.

Host computer area Sampler area

Analyzer area RU area

Printer area

● Analyzer area

The following items are displayed in the analyzer area:

Analyzer information Displays the name of the analyzer and its settings. The meaning of each icon is as follows:

: This is displayed when the X-barM function is ON.

: This is displayed when the blood aspiration sensor is ON.

: This is displayed when [Cap Open] is ON.

Help button This is displayed when there is an error.

Click to display the Help dialog box.

Change Analysis Mode button This is displayed when performing manual analysis.

Click to select an analysis mode.

Manual Analysis button This is displayed when performing manual analysis.

Click to define the settings for the sample.

The displayed icon depends on the [Cap Open] setting.

: This is displayed when [Cap Open] is OFF.

: Blinks when [Cap Open] is ON.

Sampler Analysis button This is displayed when performing sampler analysis.

Click to define the settings for the sample.

In addition, if you click during sample analysis, a dialog box for aborting the sample analysis is displayed (SA-10 only).

Analyzer menu button Click to run various types of maintenance functions.

Clicking this button opens and closes the Analyzer menu.

(➤P.6-7 "6.1.3 List of menu items") Reagent remaining volume


Displays visually how much reagent is remaining. The colors indicate the color of each reagent's package. The reagents are, from left to right in the figure below: DCL, SULFOLYSER, WNR, WDF, DFL, RET, PLT, WPC. The thick bars indicate dilution/hemolytic agent, and thin bars indicate dye.

Click the reagent level display to open the reagent replacement dialog.

Help button

Error message Displays the highest priority error among all current errors. The displayed error is categorized as one of the following error types:

Orange background / black text: Caution Red background / white text: Warning

Non-urgent information such as notices appear in normal background / white text.

Device status Indicates the status of the analyzer. The meaning of each displayed color is the same as the Status indicator LED on the device.

(➤P.4-1 "Chapter 4: 4.1 Analyzer")

Sample information Displays the information about the sample to be analyzed.

Sample number:Displays the sample number. If [>] appears at the beginning of the sample number, this indicates that the next sample can be aspirated. If the sample number is not read, or if it has not been entered manually, a message is displayed to prompt the input of the number.

Analysis mode: The selected analysis mode is displayed from the following:

WB: Whole blood, LW: Low WBC, PD: Pre-Dilution, BF: Body Fluid, HPC: HPC, hsA: hsA

Discrete: Displays the selected discrete test. This is not displayed when the analysis mode is BF/HPC.


Clicking other places in the screen while the dialog box is displayed will minimize the dialog box, as shown below. Because the dialog box is still internally open in this state, you may not be able to perform other operations.

Sample number Discrete Analysis mode

Minimized dialog

● Sampler area

The following items are displayed in the sampler area:

* The error message does not appear when the sampler (SA-01) is used.

● RU area

The following items are displayed in the RU area:

Device status Indicates the status of the sampler. The meaning of each displayed color is the same as the Status indicator LED on the device.

(➤P.4-6 "Chapter 4: 4.4 Sampler section")

Error message* Displays the highest priority error among all current errors. The displayed error is categorized as one of the following error types:

Orange background / black text: Caution Red background / white text: Warning

RU menu button Opens and closes the RU help dialog.

When an error occurs on the RU-20, a help icon appears in the button part.

For details on the RU help dialog, see Chapter 14.

(➤P.14-1 "Chapter 14: 14.1.1 Help dialog box") Reagent remaining volume


Displays visually how much reagent is remaining in the RU-20.

RU status Indicates the status of the RU-20. The meaning of each displayed color is as follows:

Green: Ready

Flashing green: Starting up / Maintenance in progress / Reagent preparation in progress / Automatic operation (draining / RO water refilling) / Shutting down Orange: Warning

● Printer area

The following items are displayed in the printer area:

* Displays the printer connection status in the IPU settings. Lights green when the printer power is OFF, and also when the printer driver is not installed.

● Host computer area

The following items are displayed in the host computer area:

Printer menu button Opens and closes the printer's menu.

Printing can be stopped from the printer menu.

Number of print jobs Shows the number of jobs spooled to the printer.

Printer status Displays the status of connection with the printer.

The meaning of each displayed color is as follows:

Not lit: No connection setting Green: Connected*

Red: Error in progress

Host menu button Opens and closes the host computer's menu.

The items displayed in this menu are synchronized with the setting in [Host Computer]. For details, see "Administrator's Guide". (➤Administrator's Guide, "Chapter 4: 4.3.4 Connection settings")

Host setting Displays the name of the connected host computer.

Host status Displays the status of connection with the host computer.

The meaning of each displayed color is as follows:

Not lit: No connection setting Green: Connected

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